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[Holy See] A late night call To the US President.


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023

The Camerlengo returned to his office and pulled a business card from his Rolodex. The card had been left him after the assistance of the US Presdident during the Funeral of the Pole. He carefully dialled the numbers for the direct line to the Presidential Office, and waited till a secretary answered his call.

“Hello, yes, this is Eduardo Cardinal Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See, I’d like to speak with your President. It is a matter of some urgency.” The Camerlengo said in Italian accented English.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

President Gore was asleep with his wife in the Residence portion of the White House Complex. Most of the United States and most of the President's staff was asleep that time of night, except for the President's chief of staff, Duncan Nicholas. Duncan was working late in his office. He was focusing on the next state of the union speech that the President would be giving, as well as the recent troubles that the United States was facing. There were a number of things that were on the mind of the President, as well as his staff, including: the military power of the United States, the country's ability to defend itself, the state of the middle class in America, and the state of infrastructure in major American cities. Duncan signed his name on a document and then jolted back a bit when the landline on his desk rang.

"This is Nicholas," he said, and the yawned.
"I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, Mister Nicholas. The.. Camerlengo of the Holy See is calling, for President Gore? Should I put him through?" a female voice asked.
"Put him through," Duncan said, and then yawned again.

A few seconds went by as the two were connected through a secure line.
"Your Eminence, this is Duncan Nicholas, the President's chief of staff. I am happy to take your call, but I am sure you understand that the hour is very late here... President Gore is asleep at the moment," he said, and then couldn't help but yawn again. "Is this matter something that I could assist you with?" he asked.

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The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The Camerlengo listened to the hold music and the clicks as he was connected to someone, the voice on the other side of the line was not the President, but he was just happy he found someone.

“Ahh yes, Mister Nicholas, my apologies. In my haste and need I seem to have forgotten the time difference. I find myself in a unique situation and require a favour from the President. As I am in need of one of your citizens here at the Vatican, in a rather short time frame. And I am unsure how to find him.” The Camerlengo apologies and explained, politely ignoring the yawn he heard on the other end of the connection.

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Is this something that can wait until the morning?" Duncan asked as he checked his watch. It was two in the morning in Washington D.C. he sighed. "Maybe I could take a message for President Gore? He should be up in five or six hours... I know that he had a long night," Duncan said as he yawned again, but this time he covered the receiver in order to prevent the Camerlengo from hearing. Duncan was half asleep himself. He was planning to sleep in the West Wing that night, because he had an early morning the next day.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The Camerlengo sighed on his end of he phone. The young man on the other end certainly wasn’t a good catholic as he seems to treat this like his call was a courtesy call.

“Forgive me my son, but I feel that you are inadequate of handling this matter, and I called to speak to the President as I feel his the only man in the whole of the World to handle the problem I am confronted with at the moment. And from your nonchalance I can tell that you are certainly not the right man to handle this problem. As well given that we are in the middle of our Il Conclavo at the moment, I am sure you can tell how important this call is. Though perhaps you can’t, as your elections take place while you still have some one in your highest office. As such if you could be so kind, I have to insist that you put me through to your President. As I am sure he will not mind the interruption.” The Camerlengo said with a slight edge of impatience in his Italian Accent.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Duncan was Methodist, so he was indeed not a good Catholic.

"I meant no offense in what I said, Your Eminence. It has been a very long day...." he said, as he resisted the urge to audibly sigh again. "Please stay on the line... this may take ten or so minutes, I will wake the President," he said. If the Camerlengo had no issue with this, Duncan would immediately get up and inform the Secret Service that he was going to the Residence to wake up the President.

Duncan walked directly from the West Wing into the Residence. As he did so he straightened his tie and did his best to flatten out the wrinkled parts of his jacket. Once Duncan was inside of the Residence he picked up the telephone outside of the President's chambers and called the President's room on a secure line. It rang, and rang, and rang, and there was no answer. He tried again abut the result was the same. Duncan sighed.

He walked past the two Secret Service agents standing at the President's door and knocked, softly at first, and then harder and harder. "Mister President," Duncan said again and again and again.

Finally he heard an angry and confused, "WHAT?!"

Duncan stopped. "Can I come in?" he asked.

"Come in!" the voice shouted back in a less harsh tone.

Duncan opened the door to the President and First Lady's private quarters. He didn't look directly at the bed and instead more towards the wall as he walked in. The President kept his lamp off and instead used the light from the hallway to glare at Duncan.

"The Russians better be bombing Alaska," the President said as Tipper Gore turned her back to the two of them and pressed a pillow over the side of her head.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Mister President.... I know you had a long night. The Camerlengo of the Holy See is insisting that he speaks with you immediately. He insists that the matter is urgent," Duncan said as he stood in the doorway to the President's bedroom.

Al Gore slowly got out of bed and slipped on a silk robe with the seal of his office on it. He ran his fingers through his hair to ensure that it was at least flowing in the right direction and walked towards Duncan. "I'll take him in my private study..." Gore said to his chief of staff as he patted him on the shoulder as a half-apology for yelling at him.

The President walked into his study in the Residence, which wasn't that far from his bedroom, and waited for a redlight to appear on his landline. He picked it up and answered on the secure landline, "This is President Gore," he said. The President sounded tired, but he also sounded serious.

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The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The Camerlengo was in silent prayer when the President came back on the line. The smile that came to his face when he heard the elder statesman’s voice was audible when he responded.

“Thank you for taking my call Mister President, I assure you if I knew of what else to do I wouldn’t have woken you. I shall be as brief as possible. If you recall once the Sistine Chapel is sealed, it is not to be open until one of two things happen, a Cardinal is near death, or a Pope is Elected. Well I was summoned to the doors of the Sistine Chapel this morning and was surprised to find out that it was for neither of those two reasons. I am sure you can understand how unorthodox this is, and that it has never happened in the history of the Church. Well the Great Elector had one request of me, he wanted me to get a Commodore Edward Carmichael US Navy Retired. He is apparently from what little the Great Elector shared with me the youngest man to hold the title, and the only one in recent memory. But I have no idea where to look for him, and as you are the Commander in Chief, I figured you could order him here with little fanfare and as quickly as possible.” The Camerlengo tried to explain as best he could, given the unique situation and his own lack of information.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

President Gore was a Baptist, so he did not have a detailed understanding of the Roman Catholic Church, nor how it worked. He did have a briefing on how a new Pope would be elected, following the death of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, but it was all a bit fuzzy at two in the morning. The President was still half asleep, but he was doing his best to remain focused and as respectful as possible.

"Your Eminence, I... I don't know who Edward Carmichael is. I'm sure you understand that our Navy has thousands of people in it, and more thousands that have retired from it... It will take some time to find this individual. But even if I did know who he is, I need to remind you that in the United States, our citizens have a right to privacy. I cannot, as the President, demand that they contact foreign governments - that is nowhere within my constitutional powers. I'm sure..." he said as he rubbed his face a bit, trying to remain as professional as possible, "I'm sure you can appreciate that, as a Baptist, I don't fully understand the intricacies of the Roman Catholic Church. But, I have the utmost respect for your church, as a fellow Christian. If you want me to summon Edward Carmichael, I need a bit more of a specific reason," he said, as he quietly wondered to himself why the acting-head of the Catholic Church found it necessary to call him at this hour.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
From the Camerlengo’s end of the line only a soft murmuring could be heard as he softly prayed in Latin for the strength and guidance necessary to face this delicate and unique situation. After a moment he opened his eyes and spoke with resolve.

“I appreciate that Mister President and I assure you I wouldn’t have called you directly if this was not a matter of some urgency. As you know at this time I am but a placeholder, my job is to ensure that the Holy Mother Church survives this time of strife. We have already reached 4… no 5 failed ballots, and it is starting to strain the church. I can see its effects as I look out of my window and each billow of black smoke bleeds off more of the faithful from Saint Peter’s Square, and as I am sure you understand this is a problem across the whole of Christendom. One that I am left to bear at this critical junction of Church History. One of the things the Catholic Church and the United States share in common is a love of orthodoxy, at least as it applies to the rules that govern our actions as government officials. Thus it was somewhat startling for me to be summoned to the doors of the Sistine Chapel this morning. I don’t know what I need to tell you to make you realize how critical this request is, but I shall try and put it as succinctly as possible. Unless this Commodore Carmichael is also a medical doctor, then there is but one reason the Great Elector, who is a Doctor of Canon Law and our leading expert on Papal Election Law, would breach the sanctity of our Laws so blatantly… I can’t assure you such, but it is possible that there is something miraculous happening in that room right now, and that this Commodore Carmichael could very well be our next Pope. Otherwise there is no reason to breach Conclave. And with the church in the state she is now, after the unexpected death of so powerful a figure as the Pole, I am sure you can see how getting this election resolved by the most expedient method possible, is the only correct course of action.” The Camerlengo explained as calmly as possible, but it was the first time he put the possibility into words, and somehow it felt right, it felt real.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

The silence from the President's end of the line was deafening. After what felt like half a minute or nothing but static from the secure line, Gore said, "Your Eminence, I will get you Edward Carmichael," he said as he wrote down the name, as well as his supposed military rank.

"Once we have him here in Washington, I will call you back," he said. With that, the phone call was ended. The President got up and opened the door to his study. Two Secret Service agents, as well as Duncan Nicholas, were standing outside.

"I'm going get dressed... Wake up the Vice President and get him here," Gore ordered. Vice President was the de facto Catholic and Orthodox expert in the White House, and Gore trusted him utterly. "Get the FBI Director as well, and get someone in the Navy to confirm that this Carmichael character actually served."


Two Marines standing outside of the Situation Room stood at attention and then opened the doors to the space as President Gore walked into, dressed in a dark suit and tie. Everyone in the room, including the Vice President, Secretary of State, Director of the FBI, the Secretary of the Defense, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Commander of the Office of Naval Intelligence, stood up as the President walked in.

"Please.. keep your seats," Gore said as he walked over to the head of the table and sat down, followed by everyone else.
"Gentlemen, I'm sure you've been briefed by now... Admiral, we'll start with you. Have you found a record of Carmichael's service, and do we know where he is now?" the President asked.

Rear Admiral Andrew Studeman was the Commander of the Office of Naval Operations. He was wearing his full-dress uniform. "Yes sir, Mister President. Edward Carmichael was a Commodore in the United States Navy. He was honorably discharged and now teaches Military History at the New York Military Academy, which is a private military preparatory boarding school north of New York City. He lives at a small home in Cornwall-on-Hudson and he isn't married," he said.

Gore checked his watch. It was now a little past 3:30 in the morning in D.C. and was of course that same time in New York. "Does anyone know the chances of this leaking before we can get him here?" the President asked.

"Mister President," Vice President Sinclair said as he leaned forward and folded his hands, "Normally, I would feel confident that this could be kept a secret within the walls of the Vatican. But, this is the first time that a man who wasn't a Cardinal has been potentially elected to the papacy... and he's the first American. If word doesn't spread out of the Vatican first, it'll spread out of here."

"So we have a potential newly-elected head of state somewhere in New York, with no protection... Who are we sending to get him?" Gore asked.

Jackson Fitzgerald, the Secretary of State, cleared his throat and then said, "Mister President, contained within the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service is the Mobile Security Division, which specializes in operations like this. They are in-route to Cornwall-on-Hudson right now along with some agents from Naval Intelligence and the FBI. They'll be landing outside of his house in ten minutes. We have been trying to call the landline to his home, but there's no answer. Considering it's three in the morning, I think that's understandable... The current plan is to take him directly here to the White House, unless you would prefer that we bring him somewhere else?" he asked.

"No, I think that's perfect. Let the Vatican's ambassador know that we'll bring him there once we get him to the White House.


Three Blackhawk helicopters flew up the Hudson River and into the town of Cornwall-on-Hudson. The Mobile Security Division pilots flew over a dozen or so homes. One of the helicopters circled back to a street with now streetlights, powerlines, or obstructions nearby and landed on the road. Four of the officers made a perimeter around the helicopter while six other people ran to the front door of a home. Four of them were MSD officers in full tactical gear, armed with assault rifles, while one of the others was a special agent with the FBI, and the last person was an agent with the Office of Naval Intelligence. Special Agent Doyle proceeded to ring the doorbell several times as Agent Pierce from Naval Intelligence banged on the door. After five minutes of this, the door opened. A confused, 39 year old man in blue jeans and a dark blue sweater that said "NAVY" in large gold lettering was looking back at them.

Pierce nodded when he verified that the picture appeared to be the same man.
"Sir!" Pierce shouted over the sound of the helicopter blades, "I'm Agent Pierce with the Office of Naval Intelligence! Are you Commodore Edward Carmichael, U.S. Navy retired?" he shouted at him. The man was, understandably, in shock so Agent Pierce repeated the question. The man nodded his head, "Yeah, that's me!... Am I under arrest?" Carmichael shouted back.

"No sir! We need to take you to the Washington, it's an emergency! I can explain on the way! Please come with us!" Pierce responded.

"Can I grab my wallet?" Carmichael shouted back as they started moving towards the helicopter.

"You wont need it!" Pierce responded. One of the MSD officers closed the door to Pierce's home. The team went into the Blackhawk and took back off into the air and rejoined the formation of three. Once the helicopter was off of the ground, Carmichael would overhear one of the pilots radio in, "Halo is secure."

The Blackhawks had enough fuel to make it to the White House, and then go to Andrews Air Force Base to refuel.

Carmichael was wearing blue jeans, a U.S. Navy sweatshirt, and running shoes. Agent Pierce would explain to Carmichael on the way that Secretary of State had deployed them in order to bring him to the White House. If Carmichael pressed on what the meaning of all of this was, Pierce would say, "A foreign government needs to speak with you immediately. It's a matter of international importance," and leave it at that.


The Blackhawks would request to enter D.C. airspace and then turn southwest. The helicopter carrying Carmichael would request clearance to land. Carmichael would likely be baffled to see that they were landing on the South Lawn of the White House. Once the helicopter was on the ground, Agent Pierce and Special Agent Doyle jumped out of the helicopter. They were joined on the ground by a half dozen agents from the Secret Service who had been waiting on the South Lawn. While they were not running towards the White House, the Agents that were surrounding Carmichael made sure they were all walking at a brisk pace. Once inside, one of the Secret Service Agents held his wrist up to his mouth and said, "Be advised, Halo just entered Crown. ETA two minutes to Castle."

Some of the Secret Service Agents jogged ahead of Carmichael, Doyle, and Pierce to block anyone from walking into the hallways that they were going down. No one said much of anything as they walked from the Residence to the West Wing. Two U.S. Marine Sentries were in their full dress uniforms, standing on either side of the entrance to the West Wing. Both of them snapped to attention and saluted as Carmichael and the agents walked by. Once the group made it into the office of the President's Secretary, a Secret Service Agent cleared his throat and whispered to Pierce and Doyle, "Phoenix and Beacon will be here in one minute. Take him in."

Pierce walked ahead of Doyle, who was standing beside Carmichael, and opened a door. Doyle and Carmichael walked into the Oval Office. It probably only took Carmichael a few seconds to notice, and like it would be for any American, it was an incredible experience. Doyle had to gently push Carmichael so that they took a few more steps into the room.

Before much of anything could be said, another door in the room opened. Benjamin Valentine Sinclair, the Vice President of the United States who so happened to be Catholic, walked in. "Is this him?" Sinclair asked. He was an unmistakably tall man with white hair. He was wearing a dark blue suit. On his suit jacket was a small light blue lapel pen in the shape of a horizontal rectangle with five gold stars on it - it represented the Vice President's Medal of Honor which he had earned while serving in the Air Force in the Korean War.

"Yes sir, this is him," Doyle said.

"Thank you, I'll take it from here," Sinclair said. Doyle and Pierce both left the Oval Office, leaving Sinclair and Carmichael in the room alone.

"Are you Roman Catholic?" Sinclair asked once they were alone.

The Vice President was relieved when Carmichael responded, "Yes sir..."

Just then, one of the doors to the Oval Office opened again. President Gore entered. He was wearing a black suit and dark tie, with an American flag lapel pin on his jacket.

"Commodore Carmichael?" Gore asked as he approached the Vice President and Carmichael. "I'm Al Gore, this is Vice President Benjamin Sinclair. I'm sure you're wondering why you're here... Please take a seat," the President said as they walked over to the sofas that were placed in the front of the Oval Office, near the fireplace.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here... especially at this hour and on such short notice," he said and then sighed. The President realized that their guest hadn't been offered anything, so he got up and poured all three of them a glass of water. He handed his to Carmichael.

"I... I don't know how to tell you this gently, so I'm just going to tell you. Early this morning I was called by the acting Head of State of the Vatican, the Camerlengo. He.. he informed me that you may have just been elected as the next Pope of the Roman Catholic Church... I'm not Catholic, and I don't entirely understand how this system works, but from my understanding the Conclave was broken specifically to have you brought to the Vatican... Again, we are absolutely sure that they are looking for you," he said.

"What we would like to do, if you're ready, is taking you to the Vatican's Embassy here in Washington. I'm sure you don't want to go dressed how you are now, so I brought down one of my suites for you to throw on.. we're about the same height and build. I figured that you would want to look a bit more... professional. I'm apologize that the men we sent to get you couldn't afford you the same courtesy... Are you alright?" the President asked.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Edward had an early evening as his only class that day was an exam where he had the students reenact several key battles of the American Revolutionary War. He couldn’t help but chuckle about it as he poured himself a brandy and lit a cigar, because the boy who was playing the British faction was the one who had come out on top. He finished his cigar and brandy and headed to bed. He was in the middle of a rather absorbing dream; he was brought instantly to consciousness by the sound of a helicopter. He watched as troops were deployed along his street and couldn’t figure out why such a mixed grab back of personnel would be on his street. But he came to the instant conclusion that it was none of his concern, and went to relieve his aching bladder. While he was midstream his doorbell rang, he ignored it to finish what he was doing but whoever was at the bell was quite insistent. So once he had relieved his pressing needs, he threw on a NAVY sweatshirt and pair of jeans, and made his way down and opened the door, to be greeted by a rather pushy agent who ushered him away from his home so quickly that he was at a loss as to what could possibly be happening. But being a retired Naval officer and most importantly a patriot he was willing to go wherever these men needed him to be. He was quiet the entire trip in the helicopter, as not 5 minutes into the flight he was able to ascertain that they were headed to DC. After a few moments he was surprised to figure out that the helicopter was headed towards the White House, the most restricted airspace in all the United States, and then was even more surprised as the helicopter landed not on the Presidential Helipad but on the South Lawn itself. He had visited the White House once before under the Presidency of another president when he’d been awarded his title of Commodore, which was no longer used, in gratitude for his exemplary service to the United States. So he was familiar with the inside of the White House, but he still felt his heart flutter like a school boy on his first visit when he was ushered into the Oval Office. Again people flowed around him as if in a dream, asking him strange questions that he never had the time to completely answer, then as if by magic everyone stood and the President himself came into the room. Like all Presidents the man looked as if he had just stepped out of a Tailor and Hair Salon, despite it being so early in the morning. The man was polite and cordial with him, as he took command of the room. He seemed to be off on some impossible tangent about the Holy See and the current conclave. He shook his head when he was finally given the chance to respond.

“I’m sorry Mister President, but this must be some kind of horrible prank that has somehow been perpetrated. There is no way that Conclave was broken for me or anyone else, it flies in the face of a thousand years of tradition. Besides I am certainly not a Cardinal, and in all truthfulness I was washed out of seminary in my 5th year, before my diaconate. So I can’t possibly serve as Pope. I am sorry but this can’t possibly be right.” Carmicheal explained to the President a bit dumbfounded by the whole situation. Technically yes as he was ordained to each of the Minor Orders he was a part of the Priesthood, but John Paul II had abolished inspirational election, so as he wasn’t a Cardinal there was no way he could be elected Pope. But if it was true…



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

President Gore wasn't sure how to respond to Carmichael, so he looked to his close friend. Vice President Sinclair took a sip of his water, and then said, "Commodore, what we know for sure is that the Conclave was broken, and that they specifically asked for you. You are the only Edward Carmichael who achieved the rank of Commodore in the Navy, at least the only one that is still alive... We're not sure why else they would do this to summon you, and I'm not sure that anyone outside of the Conclave knows either. I think it may help to clear things up if you go to the Apostolic Nunciature here in D.C. We have informed the Apostolic Nuncio that you will be arriving this morning..." he said as he checked his watch. "Some time in the next hour..." he said.
President Gore sat back on the sofa and rested his hands on his legs. "That being said, you are an American and you are free to leave - we brought you here because there is a chance, a strong chance, you have just been elected as the Head of State of another country, among other things... But, if it means anything coming from me or the Vice President, I urge you to go to the Vatican's Embassy and see what they have to say."
A butler entered the Oval Office after a few knocks with one of the President's black suits on a wooden Dillard's hangar. Included with the suit was a belt, a pair of dress shoes, and a gold-colored tie. If the Commodore decided to take it, he would of course be provided a private room that wasn't the Oval Office to change in.


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Carmichael lapsed into a moment of silence as he bowed his head, if they broke Conclave.. it was possible wasn’t it. The moment turned into two and then three…. Then he looked up, his eyes possessed of a self assurance.

“Mister President, if they broke Conclave then it is my responsibility to get there as soon as humanly possible. I think I’ll forgo going to the nunciature, but would like to prevail upon your good graces again to ask you a favour. I would like to request an immediate flight to Rome. Anything the Nuncio could tell me would be known by the Camerlengo, and if I went there it would just delay the church at this most trying of times. If such a thing is possible of course. And I would like to thank you personally for the suit, it was most kind of you.”



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
President Gore pulled a passport out of the breast pocket of his jacket, as well as a cream-colored envelope. He handed both of them to Carmichael.
"I had the State Department issue you a diplomatic passport. It is valid for the next thirty days and will get you into both Italy and the Vatican. We're going to send some Diplomatic Security Service agents with you for your flight, it would be irresponsible to send you alone. We've already booked you a government-chartered flight that leaves in an hour from Andrews Air Force Base... If you need anything, contact the American Embassy to the Vatican. From there you can get in touch with the State Department," the President said. Inside of the envelope were some documents that verified his status as a diplomatic agent of the United States - this would make it easier for him to travel.
The President, and then the Vice President, stood up. "He can get dressed in my office," Sinclair said. "This way Commodore." Before leaving, the President offered to shake the Commodore's hand and said, "Godspeed."
Vice President Sinclair brought him to his office in the West Wing after the butler handed Carmichael the President's suit. He unlocked the door to the office and walked him inside. Sinclair left him to change and once he was ready, he would escort him to the outside of the White House. They would take the Vice President's motorcade to Andrews. Sinclair would engage in some chitchat with the Commodore, but both of the men were probably tired because of the early morning they had been through so far. Once they made it to Andrews, and it was time for them to part ways, Sinclair shook Carmichael's hand.
"If you have been elected Pope, allow me to be the first person to congratulate you... I hope that you pray for the President and I," he said with absolute sincereity. The Vice President's grip was strong. He and Carmichael had some things in common - the Vice President served in the military and was even an instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy.
A government chartered flight would take the Commodore from Andrews Air Force Base to Rome, after it was cleared with the Italian government. The aircraft had its pre-flight checks done and was piloted by civil, professional, aviators and a flight crew. The only passengers onboard were Carmichael and the DSS Agents. Once in Rome, the American Ambassador to the Vatican would be waiting at the airport and would take the Commodore and the DSS Agents to the Vatican, at which point, his protection and escort would be turned over to the Swiss Guard.


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Carmichael took the suit and dressed in the vice president's office. The whole time in silent prayer, could this really be happening? And if so he was the luckiest or the unluckiest Pope ever as he had far more time to reflect on his election then most got. He had never before thought about what he would do if he was elected Pope, he suspected most people didn’t. It was such a remote impossibility that it would never cross the mind of most people. But here he was facing the possibility of being the most powerful man in all of Christendom. There were things he would like to change, but how plausible those things would be is hard to say without all the information. If this was true though he was likely to find out soon.

At Andrews he firmly shook the Vice President’s hand and said.

“You will most assuredly be in my prayers. For I am still an American born and raised, and becoming Pope wouldn’t change that. As well, let me say that should you or the President ever need anything, and I mean anything, I will happily render onto you if I can. It’s the least I could do for all you’ve done for me this night.” He then embraced the man and entered the plane. The slept for a large portion of the trip and the rest of it he was in silent prayer. When the plane touches down in Rome, he is greeted by plain clothed Swiss guardsmen, who snap to attention.

“Commodore, I am Oberstlieutnant Luis Bracher, Vice Commandant of the Swiss Guard, and the Camerlengo requested that I escort you to Castel Sant’Angelo, and from there guide you through the Passetto to the heart of the Vatican itself, so as to avoid any undue attention from the public.” The man then turned to the DSS Agents who were with them and says,

“Thank you for bringing him this far, but we shall take it from here.”

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