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[Holy See] Message to the King of Poland


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
[dcoument]Unto: King Stanislaus Grabowski, Head of the Polish State
From: Eduardo Cardinal Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See
RE: Papal Funeral of JP II

Your Majesty;

It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that His Holiness John Paul II, has been called home by his Father. As His Holiness was from Poland, it is only fitting that a special place be set aside for you and your delegation. As such I am writing to inform you that there are 20 seats in the left apse, which is reserved for foreign delegations, to the immediate right of the area designated for the US Delegation. This will put your 20 seat area right in the middle of the front row of the apse. I thank you to RSVP with your delegation members, and if you will be needing all 20 seats or if more or less is needed, so that we can arrange the seating accordingly.

Yours In our shared grief,
Eduardo Cardinal Somalo
Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
Cardinal Priest of Santissimo Nome di Gesù
Last edited:


GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Eduardo Cardinal Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See Ender

Subject: Funeral

CC: King Stanislaus Grabowski

Security: Encrypted and Secured by POSP

Your Eminence,

We are shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of his Holiness John Paul II. Both as an esteemed member of Poland as well as the Holy Father of the Catholic Church. We appreciate being included in this time of grieving and will agree to send a delegation to attend. Unfortunately, his Majesty the King is currently attending a meeting outside of the nation and will be unable to attend. I have reached out to several key members of our government as well as the Catholic Church to gather a comprehensive list of those who will be accompanying myself. And this is the list of twenty.

Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek​
Ludgarda Buzek, Wife of Jerzy Buzek​
Antoni Macierewicz, Minister of National Defense​
Hanna Macierewicz, Wife of Antoni Macierewicz​
Bronisław Mróz, Ambassador to the Holy See​
Adrianna Tyma Mróz, Wife of Bronislaw Mróz​
Cardinal Marian Jaworski​
Cardinal Adam Kozłowiecki​
Cardinal-Priest Józef Glemp​
Cardinal Andrzej Maria Deskur​
Cardinal Franciszek Macharski​
5 Security Personnel​
4 Personal Aides​
I do hope this list is acceptable to you and we would to to again express our greatest sympathies.

With my Deepest Sympathy
Jerzy Buzek
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Poland

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