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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Government Offices of Sweden
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden
Statement by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

"Before I begin this statement I would like to take the opportunity to have a moment of silence for the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, and all those whom tragically lost his life in a cowardly attack which saw to the inferno engulfing the United States Capitol Building only a few weeks ago - this blaze was not only at huge cost to such a significant front-runner in international politics, a substantial loss to the international community which has now lost a strong, professional leader but also the lost of a son, brother, father and husband to his family. Me and my government would like to express our acknowledgement for the sacrifice and service shown by the countless politicians present for the State of the Union Address but also for the thoughtless and selfless acts of first responders from law enforcement, fire and medical services whom, whilst many ran away, were running towards the horror before them to secure and preserve life during one of the most traumatic events to happen to modern democracy for decades. May our hearts and the hearts of Sweden be forever in your blessing - may you rest in peace knowing that you have truly served your flag, your country and your people discharging the duties of your office.

I have just chaired a meeting of the government's National Security Council where we discussed, in detail, the appalling events of Washington DC and how we, in Sweden, can prevent seeing a similar callous attack on our own home soil. I want to update you with the latest information from that meeting.

In a world of starling change, the first duty of the government remains: the security of our country. Sweden today is both more secure and more vulnerable than in most of her history. More secure, in that sense that we are one the most technologically advanced nations on the planet and have up to now seen some of the lowest levels of a conventional threat of attack on our mainland by a hostile power. But we remain vulnerable, because we are one of the most open, trusting societies, in a world that is more networked and closed than ever before. Governments worldwide have seen resolution upon resolution, act upon act, restriction upon restriction not only on those on the inside of their borders but also growing increasing untrusting of those on the outside - making diplomacy, trade and bilateral relations some of the most difficult tasks faced by the government to date. Gone are the days of the conventional warfare, with our predecessors grappled with the continuous and brutal uncertainty - danger from the exterior provider that was clear and present from superpowers and terrorist organisations on either side of the globe. Today we face a different and more complex range of threats for a huge number of different sources. Our security is vulnerable to the most unpredictable foreign governments making use of terror, unconventional attack and large scale accidents and hazards to cause grave damage to our country - as we have seen on countless occasions worldwide.

Threats emanate from foreign powers but also from non state entities: terrorists, home-grown or overseas; insurgents; or criminals. We have been fortunate up to now. But we strive for change.

Our ability to meet these current future threats depends crucially on ensuring we have services in the right place, at the right time. Our national security depends on our ability to actively monitor, assess and tackle emerging threats and issues effectively and without red-tape. At the heart of the Swedish Government sits the Swedish Intelligence and Security Community, an agency that has previously seen itself split in two as Swedish Military Intelligence and the Swedish Security Service. The amalgamation of the two was with the anticipation to see a focus on intelligence in both a foreign and domestic setting but we are still to see the benefits of the community, consistent failings internally have meant we are seeing ageing equipment, inadequate capabilities, lack of funding and bureaucracy complicit to the unsurprising collapse of the organisation in place to ensure our national security. For this reason, I announce the establishment of the National Security Office, with this we are investing heavily in ensuring that this department not only has sufficient funding to rebuild from the ground up but also to see to appropriate deployment internationally to reinforce the interests of Sweden's interests abroad.

Recently we saw forty four diplomatic staff imprisoned in Argentine labour camps where they were forced to work against their will, starved to the point their bodies trembled with weakness and tormented with mental stimulants with the pure intent to tear their mental health to sheds and abuse them for their vulnerability. We failed each and every one of these public workers. We failed each and everyone of their families. That is frankly not acceptable and puts a lump in my throat when I consider that this kind of inhumane treatment of human beings acting on behalf of my government happened on my watch as a direct result of my foreign policy. That is changing. Effective immediately the Department of Foreign Affairs will begin a review of each and every diplomatic mission globally, both at home and abroad, to ensure that dignitaries posted within and outside our borders have the adequate levels of security and protection to perform their job role without fear; our priority is clear; deployment of the appropriate levels of unarmed security personnel from within the reformed National Security Office internationally to reinforce Swedish interests. We will not see a repeat of what happened in Argentina and most definitely will not sit here and allow the passive-aggressive control of our diplomatic missions. These official organisations are in position to perform essential functions of our state to offer assistance to our citizens abroad. Unfortunately the role of these missions are in-part governed by the Global Assembly and we will work closely with our Ambassadors and representatives within such office to make the changes we need to ensure our national security in the future.

Additionally the National Security Council has overseen the development of a proper National Security Strategy, for the first time in this country's history. To be useful, we need to ensure that the politicians that work to keep this country operations, productive and flourishing receive the appropriate protections required to operate on a day-to-day basis. Sweden's effort to grow has seen us at the forefront of national security risks in-which we have consistently seen a raise in all three threat levels of the Swedish Terror Threat Advisory. Of course, in an age of uncertainly the unexpected will happen, and we must be prepared to react to that by making our institutions and infrastructure as resilient as we possibly can. We are going to place much more emphasis on spotting emerging risks and dealing with them before they develop into the loss of life or serious injury. To do that, we need to draw together, and use, all the instruments of national power, so that the sum of the Swedish effort is much bigger than it's compenent parts. Our diplomats must thoroughly understand the local situation on the ground so they can influence it; our development professionals must be fully involved in deploying our world-class agencies and military branches to help improve security not only at home but abroad. Our intelligence agencies have their crucial part to play in detecting threats and preventing them from turning into carnage on our streets, as we have unfortunately seen across the Atlantic. We must see a echoed seamless cooperation between Sweden and her allies, friends and partners globally on all matters, not just those that benefit the few.

With this in mind, I announce the decision my our government to reinforce the strict and stringent checks outlined by the Allemannsrett Area Agreement, ratified by our representatives within the Nordic Council some time ago but up to now remaining a loose chain in our foreign policy. That is to change with immediate effect. With the exception of foreign diplomats at the discretion of the Department of Home Affairs, we will be enforcing the Allemannsrett Area to the letter. Across the spectrum it was clear that the government had a duty to deliver and part of that delivery was the proper control of immigration. That does not mean that the Swedish are at odds with how proud we are of the diversity within our borders, our nation is built upon the collaboration of communities and we will not be seen to pull up the drawbridge - but we will be enforcing adequate controls to ensure the prosperity of our home. This will in turn see the proper release of uncontrolled pressure on public services.

Sweden is a front-runner is economic development - we remain the wealthiest nation on the globe by a substantial margin, followed by only by the United Kingdom. This is following the Swedish economy experiencing the fastest rate of growth in recorded history, buoyed by a strong world economy and ample global trade. Our government has been our in force since it's appointment in 1995 and we have seen many economic trials through the years, yet forecasters have consistently predicted healthy growth which following report from the Department of Finance we expect to continue through 1997, 8 and 9. Our investment portfolio is substantial, our reserves are rich and our international cooperation remains fluid. The outlook on such substantial fortune up to now have seen negligent expenditure in areas where me and my government have failed to see the true value of domestic investment. For that, in conjunction with the National Economic Council, we have overturned current values with the view to see to a colourful and prospective future. Many people - including the National Economic Council - foresaw that our government would see some disconnection following consistent squander. But it was another matter altogether to earmark change. Change that cannot come at a more essential point in time. The sub sequential cushions which have built up by our neglect to areas of importance, including national security, will now be properly dissipated. Money will land in the right pots, at the right time, to ensure we are investing in essential services.

The international community has a part to play too. The future of our country depends on the strength of organisations such as the Nordic Council and the Global Assembly... but the assembly of nations around the world, united with the determination to avoid the re-visitation of our dark pasts of war and travesty, are in place to apply plaster to the wounds of the past and dwell in the future of prosperity. The Global Assembly is in place to ensure international peace, not the dictate and manage domestic Swedish law and put our national security at risk. I vow, to you all, that you should be in no doubt that the race for the rebuilding of our nation will be met with hurdles, many of which put in place by the Global Assembly... but we have the power, with the character as a Nordic nation, our strength as a strong independent nation and our patriotism to fight for change, to put the wrongs right. I will be meeting with representatives from the Department of Foreign Affairs later this afternoon to see how we can make change to resolutions that directly impede the national security of our country - I do not want to see this government in a position where we have no choice but to fight against the aggressive dictatorship of a huge global conglomerate of nations when we have the ability to make change for the better.

I leave you with a short sentiment; for too long we have neglected national security in search for global status and that changes today.

Let's change Sweden. One step at a time.

Thank you."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs
Statement by Secretary Margot Wallström
"The Kingdom of Sweden has long been represented in what we see as a critical organisation, the Global Assembly, we have seen a wide range of disputes, conflicts, resolutions and discussions take place in the chambers which made realtime effective decisions for the betterment of the globe. Our involvement in these chambers has seen the outcome of some of the most influential and diplomatically challenging situations seen to many of our governments including that of the Resolution on Antarctica which saw the lawful distribution of over fourteen million kilometres squared; to put that into context that's the distribution of a continent almost as large as Russia. Lawfully. Fairly. Diplomatically. Working with tens of countries in order to develop this comprehensive treaty.

Nonetheless, there are times where the Kingdom of Sweden and that of many friends, allies and partners worldwide do not agree with the outcomes of the chambers and a number of years ago we made our position on the Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition, or STOP as it is better known, very clear. We as a nation will not be subject to the extreme and absurd amount of intrusion permitted by this agreement and as such, to this date almost five years later, our ratification of the Strategic Arms Register is still not present. I have previously announced that this ratification will never take place under the resolutions current state and to this date I stand by that sentiment. The Kingdom of Sweden stands by fourteen basic principles; the right to life, freedom from torture and inhumane or degrading treatment, freedom from slavery and forced labour, right to liberty and security, right to a fair trial, no punishment without law, respect for private and family life, home and correspondence, freedom of thought, belief and religion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association, right to marry and start a family and protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms. Fundamental human rights.

The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition does not prevent our enemies from mass producing weapons of mass destruction to be used against us. The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition does not provide adequate protections against these enemies despite nations forfeiting the right to possess equal and fair amounts of equipment to combat this threat. The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition does not bind non-Global Assembly member states to our agreements. The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition does not allow a government the basic right to protect our own citizens with proportionate force against a threat. The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition does not respect privacy. The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition does not respect national security. The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition does not afford a nation with the trust and responsibilities expected as a member of the Global Assembly.

The Resolution for Strategic Ordnance Prohibition goes against the very foundation of our governments, the ability to serve our communities with the necessary protections to uphold their fundamental human rights.

This is why Sweden continues to refuse to sign the Strategic Arms Register and it is our right to do so.

Now, over the past few years we have progressively had a continuation of pressure applies from various parties to encourage our support of the resolution. I personally have been in talks with the then Italian government, the Secretary General of the Global Assembly and many other signatory states and I have repeated our position time and time again. The resolution is unlawful.

Despite the application of pressure over the years, this has not progressed to the use of defence industry and capitalism to blackmail and bully governments into global ideals within foreign policy that I have witnessed over this past month. This is a gross, unprofessional and unforgivable abuse of democracy for your own gain. I will make one thing absolutely clear that whilst Sweden is small in size, we are not small in belief, we will not tolerate the weaponising of your subjective political prowess to terrify us into the signing of international resolutions and in fact it is my view and the view of Stockholm that you are a real threat to the continuation of democracy as we see it today. These are not isolated practices, these are business tactics used by huge organisations and governments, including that of the United States of America.

As such, following consultation with the Executive Office of the Prime Minister, the Home Affairs Council, the Department of Defence, the Department of Justice and the Ambassador for Sweden to the Global Assembly we will be taking action against any nation that seeks to destroy peace for political or financial gain.

Thank you."​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden
Statement by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

"Only a couple of days ago I have received confirmation from the Ambassador for Sweden to South Africa that a declaration of war has been announced between the Republic of South Africa and our great Kingdom of Sweden. The announcement, made by the State President, offers little to the way of explanation, justification and sense however it is now more than ever that we take the stand for democracy and refuse to accept dangerous irrationality in modern politics.

The ratified Global Assembly Resolution on Antarctica brought together member states and non-member states on a global scale to bring peace to the Southern Hemisphere and the ongoing conflict that involved Antarctica. This agreement recognised Swedish sovereign territory and was ratified by a substantial majority in the Global Assembly chambers to prevent further loss of life, conflict and war. This agreement specifically outlines an avenue for those with diplomatic interest of territory and, in fact, names the Prince Edward Islands by name.

This diplomatic avenue has not been taken by South Africa and to date we have received no correspondence prior to this unwelcome declaration of war.

It is clear from the South African announcement that there is no option for diplomacy. Their government is irrational, unpredictable and vicious; all dangerous traits unwelcome in modern diplomacy. Sweden stands for the representation of democracy, justice, human rights, equality, rule of law, respect, tolerance and liberty - we will not allow these core values to be in any way damaged and we would not expect the international community to sit and watch it happen either.

I have no choice but to tell you that Sweden is in a state of war with South Africa.

This announcement will see the immediate cessation of our diplomatic mission in South Africa to ensure the safety of our staff abroad and we will immediately begin consultation with our friends, allies and partners to seek assistance with the return of nationals abroad. I advise anyone seeking to flee the country to contact the Bureau for African Affairs either by telephone or email immediately. In addition, following consultation with the National Security Council this morning I have authorised the deployment of necessary military assets to secure our overseas territory abroad.

Let me make one thing very clear-... Sweden will not roll over for a racist bully. Not now. Not ever.

Thank you."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Education
Statement by Secretary Ibrahim Baylan
"A trend has risen from a cold dark place in human morals and ethics; we are beginning to see a cold streak of evil flood through our public education institutions worldwide. From data collated from international news and media station we have seen a death count of almost inconceivable proportions as a result of the vicious Colorado school shooting in the United States of America and the more recent reported bomb explosion at a school in Warsaw, Poland. These two locations are no mistaken points of contact by their attackers - they're strategic with the pure intention to cause devastation to their peers, families and their country. These locations are the hubs of our future generations where those present are too often unable to defend themselves in a location they should, arguably, be at their safest.

We cannot standby to see this happen, not now, not ever, and we must unite globally to tackle this scary surge in education-focussed attacks.

Whether caused by terrorists, mental health, extremism or other ill-intentioned acts. An attack on an educational facility is cowardly and causes irreparable damage to so many. So allow me to address the questions on your minds... how am I going to protect your children? how can I guarantee the safety of your children whilst they're at school? why should you send your children to schools in Sweden? One thing is for certain. Sweden has some of the best education institutions in the world and as part of that I intend to use the full power of not only this department but also my seat in government to ensure that we do not see a similar tragedy take place in our own borders. I have consulted with the Department of Home Affairs to ensure we can work closely with the National Police Service to increase patrols in and around local schools nation-wide. Coupled with this emergency powers have been introduced enabling the police to complete searches of anyone within one hundred meters of a school and possession of any weapon within this area will be arrestable with suspicion on reasonable grounds, unless an excuse beyond all reasonable doubt can be provided.

I will not stand here as the Secretary of Education after seeing two attacks in such close succession in the world and tell you that Sweden is going to roll over and allow this to happen.

For those that need it, we will be providing helpful advice for the safety of your children in a national letter sent to every household registered at a public school - and we will work closely with private facilities to ensure a similar course of conduct is completed. The safety of our future generation must be a priority and I very much intend to ensure our schools remain a safe place for education."​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden
Statement by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

"Good Morning,

In the early hours of yesterday morning, following a telephone conversation with the former State President of South Africa P. W. Botha, we carried out an operation which has seen to the collapse of the incumbent South African government who chose to surrender their power to Stockholm. This is a man responsible for the last remaining examples of oppressive governance on our modern globe, which has seen to the death of thousands of black and ethnic minority groups before and after his apartheid regime.

Two months ago Sweden and South Africa entered a state of war. To recollect this correctly you'll know that the justification for this war went against every single Global Assembly member state, including non-member states who signed the Resolution on Antarctica seeing to the end of conflict in this region. The resolution clearly detailed, in almost step-by-step fashion, the options available to historical territorial land claimants for approach to the sovereign for return of this land. This is a resolution held dear to not only my heart but also the hearts of hundreds of families throughout Sweden and the world - we lost one hundred and twenty personnel during the conflict in Antarctica and many of those still lay beneath the oceans surface. This is something I was not prepared to revisit.

South Africa did not approach Sweden to resolve this diplomatically or peacefully.

I directed, in coordination with the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters and the National Security Office, to make the resolution of this state of war against South Africa an absolute priority; by whatever means necessary whilst respecting the boundaries of international law and preventing further loss of life, limb or property. This mission was a success. We now have Swedish Army, Navy and Air Force personnel from various specialisations working together to begin the initial stages of bringing law and order to South Africa; in line with a framework of dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and human rights that we have all grown up throughout our lives to cherish.

I should be absolutely clear that these are rights that are not defined by your skin colour, but by the mere fact that you're a human being and deserved to be treated equally.

Former State President P. W. Botha, according to local community intelligence sources, does not appear to be in South Africa any longer and fled during the Swedish occupation. A true coward. I plead with the international community that this man is not only a racist, an abuser of high office but also a war criminal. All and any intelligence regarding this man and his subsequent capture should be forwarded to the National Security Office immediately. He is a danger to society as we know it, and it's about time he was brought to justice.

Nonetheless in the coming hours I will see to the appointment of former Ambassador for Sweden to South Africa to the Office of the Governor-General of South Africa who will oversee the appointment of a newly established government for South Africa. The Swedish Armed Forces in conjunction with allies, friends and partners will see to the restoration of a civilian police force and justice system prior to the investment, from Stockholm, into a stable Armed Forces for the state.

This action may come as a shock but this is the first step to positive change. Change that's long overdue for South Africa. I am sure there are many questions circulating your mind and Press Secretary Noak Johansson from my Office of Communications will be happy to answer all and any of these.

Sweden is no longer at war. This marks the end of the threat to our kingdom."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs
Statement by Assistant Secretary Towe Gustavsson
"This is a brief statement on behalf of the Bureau for American Affairs whom, in the early hours of this morning, have been made aware via a public United States Department of State announcement that flights from the United States of America to Sweden will cease on the first week of August 1999. Citizens within the US are being prioritised by the Federal Aviation Administration in conjunction with the Transportation Security Administration to ensure their safe passage returning to Sweden.

At this stage there is no indication from the Department of State that there be any cessation of diplomatic missions and I encourage any Swedish national abroad unable to return home that they seek advice from consular services in place throughout the United States. In an emergency please contact the Department of Foreign Affairs emergency line as soon as practicable.

American nationals have been advised by the Department of State to leave Sweden as soon as possible. I must stress that this is not necessary and flights from Sweden to the United States will not cease, and will continue as per their normal timetable - however from the specified date we will be unable to shuttle passengers from the United States back to Sweden. US consular services remain open and available for foreign visitors, should you need advice at any point in your stay. Anticipating an influx of passengers into ports throughout Sweden we will be designating a fast-track lane for those in possession of US issued travel documentation wanting to leave Sweden in order to facilitate safe transition through departure procedures.

This announcement from the US Department of State has come as a shock. It was made without consultation with the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs and we are working closely with agencies within Sweden to ensure our response to this ensures the security and safety of everyone involved. In the coming days we will work closely within the Bureau for American Affairs and our diplomatic mission to the United States to understand the rationale behind this decision and mitigate any further undue delay to the freedom of passage afforded to every international citizen."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs
Statement by Secretary Margot Wallström
"I would like to take an opportunity to make a brief statement in relation to the rapidly evolving situation in the Middle East and the Global Assembly, our stance, and how this will effect Sweden as well as our allies, friends and partners worldwide.

First and foremost I would like to make it abundantly clear that the Kingdom of Sweden continues to support the Global Assembly Secretariat in the pursuit of an international forum in-which nations irrespective of their wealth, size, population or geography can have an equal voice. Contained in their statement to the chamber recently was the second occasion that a representative of Turkey has attempted to overthrow that staple of international politics - and I have no doubt in the coming days or weeks they will attempt to sweep the faux pas under the carpet by using the age-old excuse of a 'rogue ambassador'. Well like me make one thing absolutely clear - we will not tolerate the decimation of the Global Assembly and no amount of intimidation, rallying or establishment of auxiliary bodies will bully the voices of the globe into the ground.

Confidence is the food of a wise man, but the liqueur of the fool.

A statement that rings true with the Turkish who for the second time have made sacrilegious claims in relation to the Middle East Conflict. Well we have had enough. The Kingdom of Sweden remains firmly with the coalition of nations forming support for the Israeli government, a close partner of Sweden who we will continue to support to the best of our ability to dampen these absurd attacks by the Turkish government. I cannot be clearer - the borders in the Middle East will remain the same - the governments will remain in situ and above all else Turkey will remain confined to its own borders irrespective of how many statements they made to the world threatening violence. Sweden will not be intimidated... and we will respond where necessary to defend our allies, friends, partners and national interests.

I'd also like to echo the sentiments of the United States Secretary of State who earlier today stated, and I quote: 'both America and Sweden are civilized states capable of diplomacy, and I can assure our international friends that the United States will not be manipulated into a war in order to save face'. I could not have worded it better myself. I too want to make it clear that whilst we have our difference in opinion, we remain in the modern age and have not sought violence as a way to resolve these differences - we remain in constructive talks with the United States regarding the situation in South Africa but above all else we will stand hand-in-hand with the United States in their action to prevent a war in the Middle East - and Sweden will, where required, provide the fullest extent of our Armed Forces to support any ongoing US missions abroad in relation to this conflict.

Discretion is the better part of valour.

Nonetheless my department have had no choice but to make some fundamental changes to international travel arrangements in light of the escalation. Effective immediately we will be issuing a travel ban to both Turkey and Israel for civilian travel originating from Sweden. A number of indicators have been appended to both nations. I encourage any Swedish national abroad in either of those countries to return home immediately. Our diplomatic missions remain open and running at a normal capacity; we will continue to support those that want to return home, to do so, and wherever possible to visit your nearest mission or contact the Department of Foreign Affairs for advice.

Thank you."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs
Statement by Assistant Secretary Lucia Björklund
"I would like to make a brief statement on behalf of the Bureau of European Affairs...

Following extensive consultation with the Executive Office of the Prime Minister, the National Security Council, the Diplomatic Mission to Turkey, and our friends, allies and partners, the decision has been made to begin the suspension our diplomatic mission in Turkey effective immediately. Following the earlier statement by Secretary Wallström it has become abundantly clear that the Republic of Turkey has no intention of abiding by international law nor' do they respect the core human rights and values Sweden builds it's existence upon - this is fundamentally incompatible with the risk of retaining our mission abroad; a risk we cannot and will not justify.

In light of this announcement I must request that all Swedish nationals abroad head to your nearest mission immediately for advise and support on your repatriation. Our emergency Bureau of European Affairs contact line has been opened for those in need and we will remain committed to ensuring safe passage home and we are working closely with the Department of Defence and Department of Home Affairs.

Thank you."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs
Statement by Director Charlotta Bergqvist
"Following an extensive review of the ongoing tension in the Middle East and the efforts of Sweden, her allies, friends and partners the Prime Minister has instructed the establishment of the Office of Global Coordination which will take responsibility for the governance of essential health, safety and security of Swedish nationals and diplomatic missions abroad. This will allow the five standing bureaus to continue their work focussing on a business as usual basis, serving as an essential line of contact between Stockholm and our hosts. As part of our initial establishment we have conducted a detailed analysis of the current threat posed to missions abroad, particularly in the Middle East and as such some essential changes have been made.

Diplomatic missions within the nations of Israel, Congo and Saudi Arabia will be closed in the next fourteen days. The mission in Turkey will also remain closed. This will be completed in conjunction with a 'do not travel' directive being appended as part of the Department of Foreign Affairs International Travel Advisory.

These changes have been made as our analysis has identified a credible threat and risk of harm to those currently residing or visiting these nations as part of the ongoing conflict. The decision to close diplomatic missions is not taken lightly and our advise is clear: Swedish nationals in any of the aforementioned countries should return home immediately, whilst commercial means are still available. The Office of Global Coordination will be available via the emergency crisis line twenty-four hours a day to offer support and legal guidance to those in need. If you decide to remain, you should remain vigilant throughout , keep your departure plans under constant review and ensure your travel documents are up to date. You should monitor the media and this travel advice regularly and subscribe to email alerts."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Defence
Statement by Director-General Carita Ekström
"I have a brief statement to make in relation to ongoing efforts, internally, by the His Majesty’s Government of Sweden in an effort to draw an immediate conclusion to the ongoing war in the Middle East.

The Defence Business Administration working under the Department of Defence (DD-DBA) has been drawn to begin sanctions against the Republic of Turkey and her allies in an attempt to bring an end to limitless production of military equipment for the war effort. As such, with immediate effect, we will be issuing conditional orders to halt the distribution of defence materiel from organisations wholly owned or with majority Swedish ownership. This will not be limited to Swedish-built final products. It will include parts, goods, systems, sensors and any other product of military-grade which is used or forms part of foreign-built products.

We hope that these efforts will bring an end to a vicious war."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Office of the Govenor-General of South Africa
Statement by Governor-General Håkan Juholt
"Over the past year Africa, as a continent, has seen systematic and unprecedented change to territorial borders, economic stability, political stance and governmental focus which without doubt has changed the face of the continent for years to come. South Africa has seen almost identical change in itself. The globe watched as an oppressive apartheid regime collapsed into a pile of rubble; a once feared and decorated leader fleeing with his tail between his legs as the strength of the Swedish Armed Forces washed upon the shores and began to make repairs to the fundamentally racist damages to our beloved homeland. Hope. An objective eye to real change. Essential change.

My office in conjunction with the National Security Council, headed by the Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden, have been monitoring the ongoing public character assassination between nations on this continent. I have to say, it breaks my heart. This continent has seen economic change that is at astronomical rates, levelling the playing field from the once billions of dollars that were sucked into nations across the globe, leaving us bone-dry and desperate. This continent has seen military investment which has not only put Africa on map but has also ensured that the people of this forgotten about continent has a shield of protection over their heads, across their waters and in their neighbourhoods. This continent has seen an essential shift in the political spectrum which will change the face of our future for generations.

I plead for all African nations to work together, in a peaceful demonstration of our might, in order to resolve any issues between one another. We must show the world that our continent, despite our differences, can stand as one and match the historical strength of the likes of Asia, Europe and America; we are not a second rate continent of impoverished nations. Africa is strong... and will remain strong. I will commit every resource of my office to facilitate this peaceful exchange in any capacity required.

In the words of Prime Minister Löfven... Let's change Africa. One step at a time."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs
Statement by Secretary Margot Wallström
"Good Afternoon,

In the past few hours I have been involved in extensive crisis talks in relation to the ongoing public disorder that has enveloped in Paris, France; the nations capital. These talks have included advisors from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Home Affairs and the National Security Office working in a variety of capacities in order to develop an appropriate and informed response to primarily ensure the safety and security of Swedish nationals abroad - as well as that of our friends, allies and partners. The conclusion of these talks have resulted in a number of changes which will take effect immediately:

Firstly, the diplomatic missions of Sweden in France will remain open and fully operational. It has long been a commitment of Sweden that the closure of these missions should be a last resort in any event of similar magnitude or worse. These facilities provide an essential service to those travelling abroad which we will remain committed to providing. Secondly, following conversation with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs the security level of these sites has been upgraded which will permit us to lawfully deploy additional service services to these sites to ensure the safety of those visiting them. This deployment will include uniformed armed officers. Do not be alarmed.

We will also be providing consular services to US nationals whom are able to provide lawfully issued travel documentation and a valid passport. We will facilitate travel to Sweden should you desire to leave the country for the US Embassy in Sweden to arrange further support. This commitment is likely to extend to additional countries as talks continue and we will update you via the appropriate avenues.

I have also instructed the Office of Global Coordination to update the International Travel Advisory to include a 'reconsider the need to travel' notice appended to France.

If you or someone you know are effected by this crisis please visit or contact the embassy or consulate in France immediately.

Thank you."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Office of the Governor-General of South Africa
Statement by Governor-General Håkan Juholt
"Good Evening,

I'd just like to take the opportunity to give an update on the real progress being made in South Africa and how my office, in conjunction with the various other government agencies and department is involved in its development, see the future South Africa being moulded. It is also key that I take the opportunity to address comments made by President Fox of Mexico in-which I believe the pot of rumours has started to be stirred once again; a dangerous prospect. I am here to be honest. This process has had its challenges. The people of South Africa however are entitled to real change, fundamental human rights, opportunity and the guarantee of safety and security for their families. These objectives are not aided by propaganda. In fact, our work is only hindered by vicious rumour.

Allow me to provide some brief backstory to how exactly the Kingdom of Sweden found itself in this position. Tension began following a resounding success within the Global Assembly and the subsequent passing of the Resolution of Antarctica - the first resolution in the history of the organisation to include a non-member state signatory - supported by an overwhelming majority in the chamber. This resolution saw to the fair distribution of Antarctic territory and assurance of future negotiation of division after bitter tension. To be clear, men and women had already lost their lives within this dispute and this resolution was key to ensuring it did not continue on the same strand. Despite this, the incumbent apartheid government in South Africa denounced global efforts, ignoring internationally recognised territory and declared war against Sweden. Various diplomatic avenues were explored and attempted without success; the South African government were headstrong in their objective to threaten sovereign territory and this eventually resulted in a deployment to secure these interests. In time our forces found themselves taking preemptive positive action to cease a rapidly escalating situation. These operations were supported by independent states in the interest of transparency: Thailand and Israel. It quickly became clear that there was an unsuspected overwhelming support for the Swedish Armed Forces who found themselves welcomes into the various liberated hamlets, villages, towns and cities. These are people once divided by their race and left to fend for themselves as the government failed to properly invest in a desperately under developed country. This lack of care cannot be shown any more clearly than the incumbent President of South Africa P.W. Botha fleeing with his family to Europe.

Since this day, our investments in South Africa have quickly exceeded eleven digits: that's tens of billions in Swedish-made dollars. The country benefits from one of the strongest militaries on the planet to defend these once neglected families from foes. They are incorporated into one of the largest economies on the planet to help create a life worth living. Crime and unemployment has plummeted whilst health, trade and tourism have his unprecedented levels.

Does this sound like a country suffering? Does this sound like a country desperate to go back to how times once were? Back to poverty, racism and a crumbling government?

No. So allow me to express how disappointed and shocked I was to hear President Fox in Mexico take the time in his address to comment on South Africa. Comments made, I may add, without any attempt for diplomatic outreach, without attempt for understanding... without any consideration for the reality. It is clear that his statement focusses on one thing: clout. I am tired of Africa being used as a diplomatic punching bag or a trophy, flip flopping between the two as and when it suits. Historically this continent was once the wealthiest on the planet and yet we now find ourselves in a modern age with a disproportionately larger population of under developed countries. President Fox was happy to announce his deep investment in the United States and his ventures into developing his military - have any of these procurement processes reached Africa? His statement is frankly misinformed, disingenuous and grotesquely seeking a resurgence in opposition against Africa. Actions that show a clear disregard for the sanctuary of the African people. I invite President Fox, and his delegation, to come to South Africa himself and make an informed opinion... not one that plays the media headlines.

We continue working towards our vision for a modernised Africa, starting in South Africa. There is no denying there is a constant ambiguity with our neighbours, something I am working day and night with the Department of Foreign Affairs to begin the necessary policy changes to review this. I hope that in time we will see ourselves working closely with other governments in the continent - there is no doubt in my mind that together, Africa will become an economic powerhouse."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Temporary Office of the Prime Minister-designate of Sweden
Statement by Prime Minister-designate Frederik Reinfeldt

"My fellow Swedes,

I suppose it is only right and proper that I explain to you all why I am stood here as your Prime Minister-designate, giving this statement.

Our beloved kingdom, over the past few years, has been in a rapid state of decline. Stagnancy in key government positions has delivered profound crisis throughout and the projection was nothing but a continuation of a worsening reality. Broken promises, deceit, conflict and war both at home and abroad have plagued our great nation for years and years with a dwindling light at the end of the tunnel. Sweden wanted change. The first step of that change has seen to my predecessor step down from office in the new year and I, as leader of my party, have won your votes to lead this country back to its former glory.

It is undeniable that Prime Minister Löfven and I have our differences of opinion, but I must take the opportunity to pay tribute to the man who brought Sweden from the epi-center Scandinavia to the international stage. The Sweden we have today is at the very forefront of technical innovation and advancement, global outreach and foreign support, military expertise and experience. Our economy is unmatched worldwide. The Sweden we have today, in 2001, is a safer place than the Sweden we had in 1995.

It is my job to continue that legacy in January 2002 - and I will deliver.

Our new Sweden will continue to deliver an internationally-acclaimed economy.
Our new Sweden will include a strengthened international trade network.
Our new Sweden will be home to a world-class healthcare network.
Our new Sweden will see a continued flight against organised and violent crime.
Our new Sweden will encompass a re-worked foreign policy to work with the world, not against it.
Our new Sweden will have control of its borders.
Our new Sweden will deliver a technologically smart armed forces.

The first step in this delivery is to announce the cabinet that will be joining me in the Reinfeldt Administration. A diverse group of unbelievably intelligent professionals in government to work for you, the Swedish people, with the view to make this a prosperous, safe and secure kingdom. All the information of which has been published in the appropriate place.

Change is difficult and there is no denying that. I stand here to lead us through the remainder of the dark tunnel we've found ourselves in and back into the light, towards the stronger future we all desire. Your needs come before that of the politicians. My government and I are here to make that happen. This high office needed change, a fresh pair of eyes, a fresh vision for our kingdom - and that is exactly what you will see happen in January 2002.

Thank you."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs
Statement by Director Karin Svensson
"Good Evening,

I am the Director of the Office of Global Coordination and the statement I will provide you this evening is following extensive analysis of our current obligations through international and domestic law, in addition to ongoing work we are currently conducting with the National Security Office in order to provide a bespoke and internationally acclaimed diplomatic service. Some important changes have been made to our international obligations, which includes the introduction of some restrictions which will take immediate effect today.

With immediate effect motor vehicles that are registered in the name of a mission or international organisation, or in the name of a diplomatic agent, administrative and technical staff or security staff who is not Swedish citizen or permanent resident of Sweden, shall carry blue diplomatic licence plates. In order to obtain diplomatic licence plates, the motor vehicle must have received the regular licence plates, and thus also be insured. It is possible to obtain diplomatic licence plates for a leased car if the duration of the leasing agreement is at least one year. A copy of the contract must be attached to the application for diplomatic licence plates. All diplomatic licence plates must be authorised by the Office of Global Cooperation.

The Swedish Transport Agency who remain responsible for the regulation of rail, air, sea and road transport and its enforcement and regulation, will remain the lead agency in this change. It is with their ratification of this service agreement that any vehicles registered in the name of a mission or international organisation, or in the name of a diplomatic agent, administrative and technical staff or security staff who is not Swedish citizen or permanent resident of Sweden will cease to be lawfully permitted on Swedish roads and may be subject to law enforcement activity should there be any failure to comply.

We, our partner agencies and departments are fundamentally ensuring the safety of the public which includes international diplomats. This change is essential. I must stress that we will work closely with any foreign entity to resolve any concerns they may have and a support desk has been established to focus on this matter - please make contact at your earliest possible opportunity.

Any further information relating to changes made by the office will be available on the Department of Foreign Affairs government publications.

Thank you."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden
Statement by Prime Minister Frederik Reinfeldt

"When I took this office a number of years ago I addressed the nation to describe my heartfelt disappointment in the previous administration for the state of our country. I addressed stagnancy, profound crisis and a rapid state of decline within our borders. It was, and still remains, my job as your Prime Minister to address these issues.

I will speak plainly. For too long, inaction has stalled progress in this government. Bureaucratic delays, inefficiency, and complacency have created a system where problems are ignored instead of solved. That ends now.

Recent weeks have exposed a troubling reality - the data we provide to the public, the very information that shapes policy and decision-making, has been riddled with inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and, in some cases, outright manipulation. We have long pride ourselves on our work with international allies, friends and partners - nations, groups and organisations that rely on the information we publicise to make similar decisions on their own policies and decisions. I won’t allow this administration to operate on half-truths and bad data.

So, starting immediately, we’re launching an independent review of all major data sets that have influenced policy over the past five years. Every discrepancy will be addressed, every misleading statistic exposed, and those responsible will be held accountable. No exceptions.

To ensure this never happens again, directly within my own Executive Office, I will be establishing the Office for Data Integrity and Transparency - an independent body tasked with this project and holding a portfolio of responsibility long into the future. No more flawed reports. No more misleading projections. No more guesswork.

Sweden’s reputation has been built on trust, accountability, and action. That is exactly what this government will deliver, just as I promised in 2002.

The time for excuses is over. The time for action is now.

Thank you."​
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