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ICBM Demonstration


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

Missile Parade through Ankara demonstrating the Hwasong-7 ICBMs, over 20 missile carriers and and Missiles would be Present of the class. The Missiles have a range far enough to strike Paris in 30 minutes.
During a massive military parade in Ankara with General Akar In a otokar MLR39 Military jeep at the head, the Turkish Government would show off some of the latest and greatest military assets Turkey had to offer Including the Hwasong-7 ICBMs, the J600T Yildrim III IRBM, and the 4K44 Redut Anti Ship Missile system. Anti Israeli propaganda would be played throughout the event and Nationalist Far Right Banners and flags would fly high above the streets of the city. In front of the presidential compound a J600T I would be placed with a decorated Missile in Turkish Ceremonial colors. The great people of Turkey would be notified that his excellency, or now becoming common the phrase Ulusal Lider Bahçeli, was unavailable because he was in talks with other foreign leaders on the subject of creating Great alliance that will boost the Turkish Economy and make Turks even more powerful. Some would even chant death to America due to propaganda that the American government was responsible for the Massive Turkish Debt crisis that was now be fixed by the Great Turkish Government. F-16B s would fly through the skies with red and white contrails to celebrate the event. There was even a moment during the rally where a man was mistaken for a Jewish Terrorist and beaten half to death before police could apprehend him and clear him as being a Turkish National. The people would be notified that these weapons would be able to strike most of the Evil European powers and deep into the Israeli Heartland soon enough. To end the ceremony two A-222E Bereg-E 130mm Coastal Artillery Systems removed from their positions would fire blank shells in an astounding boom that shook the entire city. 35 Fully operable M1A1 tanks would also be paraded throughout the city as a symbol of the Modern Turkish Might.

Zak Odinson

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