Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Imperial Proclamations are executive orders issued by the Empress of the French, within French law they hold the power of law and may only be tested to the constitution by the Courts.
We, Thérèse Chloe Amélie, By the Grace of God and the Will of the People, Empress of the French, Princess of Orléans, etc, etc, etc
In light of the shared and universal obligation of all civilized states to preserve peace and prevent the proliferation of arms into the hands of irresponsible actors do hereby order that effective immediately the Directorate General for Proliferation is formed as an organization subject to the Minister of the Armed Forces and the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs. This organization will monitor all business activities of French companies involved in the production of military technology and dual-use technologies.
General Provisions:
1. French companies must register all technologies subject to this Proclamation with the Directorate General for Proliferation within thirty days from the issuing of this Proclamation.
2. For the purpose of this Proclamation all subsidiaries, domestic or abroad, of French companies will be considered equal to the parent company and the parent company may be held liable for the actions of any subsidiary beyond Imperial jurisdiction.
3. Like subsidiaries, parent companies may be held liable for any violations by joint ventures, domestic or abroad. In this scenario the Courts will take into account the ownership stake when determining liability.
4. French companies that licence any equipment to a third party must guarantee that the third party implements similar provisions, the company will be held liable for any violations by license holders.
5. Technology produced by any company that uses technology of French origin must also abide by the terms of this Proclamation.
6. Any weapons or dual-use technology produced abroad, receiving more than 50% funding by French companies or more than 20% funding by the French government in its research and development is also regulated by the terms of this Proclamation.
Prohinited Technologies:
The following equipment may not be sold by any French company or licensed to any third party without an Imperial Proclamation authorizing the sale of the equipment or a similar measure by Parliament.
Submarines capable of launching missiles with a range in excess of 2,000 km.
Missiles with a range in excess of 1,000 km
Approval Required Technologies:
The following equipment may not be sold by any French company or licensed to any third party without prior written consent from the Directorate General for Proliferation.
Missiles with a range in excess of 500 km.
Nuclear-powered submarines.
Charles de Gaulle Class Aircraft Carrier.
Dassault Rafale (all variants).
Dassault Mirage 2000D.
Unmanned aircraft with a range in excess of 500 km or an endurance longer than 24 hours.
Prohibited Countries and Organizations:
No French company in the aforementioned industries may sell equipment to any country or organization with which the Third French Empire or her allies are engaged in actve hostilities with or has been marked as embargo'd or sanctioned by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs or another relevant government organization.
Any company found in violation of this Proclamation may be issued a fine with a maximum of 20 billion Francs or 10% of the company's annual global revenue, whichever is higher. Persons directly involved in the sale may be sentenced to a jail sentence not exceeding five years.
We, Thérèse Chloe Amélie, By the Grace of God and the Will of the People, Empress of the French, Princess of Orléans, etc, etc, etc
In recognition of the great friendship between the French and Thai peoples, the status of Thailand as a responsible international actor and a close ally of the Third French Empire, do hereby declare that the Socialist Republic of Thailand is authorized to receive prohibited technologies as established under Imperial Proclamation 20005050001. Furthermore, no additional certification is required from the DGP for the purchase of any technologies by Thailand provided that no equipment is resold to a third party in which case further permission is required.
We, Thérèse Chloe Amélie, By the Grace of God and the Will of the People, Empress of the French, Princess of Orléans, etc, etc, etc
In memory of Clark Stone, the former Secretary General of the Global Assembly, are ordering that the next Aquitaine Class Multi-Mission Frigate of the Marine Nationale shall be named the Clark Stone.
We, Thérèse Chloe Amélie, By the Grace of God and the Will of the People, Empress of the French, Princess of Orléans, etc, etc, etc
In recognition of the massive devastation inflicted on the Department of Mayotte by cyclone Chido, and due to the unprecedented situation caused by the death of the Prefect and the inability for the local government to continue regular functioning, are hereby declaring a state of emergency over the Department of Mayotte. In addition to the general authorities granted to the Imperial Government and the Imperial Armed Forces under this state, We are also ordering the following additional emergency powers and orders.
Civilian Resources outside of Mayotte
For the purpose of enabling the rapid and sustained flow of emergency goods to Mayotte, the Imperial Armed Forces may commandeer any French good, vehicle, aircraft, vessel, or other resource needed. The Imperial government will compensate the owners of the commandeered property a reasonable fee to be determined based on market rates and conditions in August 2005.
Suspension of Military Readiness Directives
While acknowledging the security needs of the Empire of France, the immediate humanitarian crisis being of higher importance any military directive that would hinder the deployment of needed resources to the rescue operations will be suspended for the duration of the state of emergency.
Immigration Enforcement
Recognizing the large number of illegal aliens present in the Department of Mayotte, considering the humanitarian need all immigration enforcement action by any agency of the Empire is hereby suspended. While this does not change the status of illegal aliens, for the duration of the crisis they will be treated equal to citizens and legal residents and have access to the same resources and facilities.
This Proclamation must be evaluated and renewed every month. If not renewed it will automatically expire one week following the first day of the month where it was not renewed.
We, Thérèse Chloe Amélie, By the Grace of God and the Will of the People, Empress of the French, Princess of Orléans, etc, etc, etc
In recognition of the Third French Empire being a state consisting of numerous nations in addition to the French nation, do hereby declare that any person born on French territory shall be considered a French citizen.
This policy shall cover all territories of the Third French Empire, including Metropolitan France and Overseas France, as well as any possible future territorial changes.
Existing Citizenship Law
This policy shall serve as an addition to existing citizenship laws by including jus soli and not replacing jus sanguinis. Any person born to a French parent anywhere in the world shall also gain citizenship.
Fairness Provision
If this proclamation is ever overturned, such a measure shall only affect persons after that date and cannot remove citizenship from anyone who gained it under this policy.
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