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[Israel]: Call for Sweden


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

A phone call would be placed on a secure and encrypted line to the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs, the phone call is made by Yair Lapid who holds the offices of Alternate Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the State of Israel.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Margot Wallström, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, would answer the call from the comfort of her private office whilst she worked on various other communications and tasks. Her office was a hive of activity given the complexity of the South African conflict but none-the-less a call from any foreign state was of her utmost importance. Naturally, the call was immediately encrypted by the National Security Office and a switchboard operator would introduce Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

"Good evening Alternate Prime Minister, I trust I have caught you well? What do I owe the pleasure?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid picked up the receiver once an aide ensured that a member of the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs was on the line, he placed the receiver to his ear and listened to the voice of the Swedish Secretary of Foreign Affairs and once she finished speaking, he replied with a thick accent.

"Secretary Wallström, what a pleasure it is to speak to you. I am indeed very well and I've been hard at work after being reappointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs but I wanted my first call to be with the Swedish Government. As you know, tensions are high, very high for that matter with the shooting down of an airliner over the Mediterranean with former the former South African President onboard, an incident which will not go unhindered by the State of Israel after the loss of innocent lives in the accident with flight and cabin crew involved. I just wanted to speak with you to get your view on this incident and to see how things are going on in South Africa as a whole?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well thank you very much for your call, it's always very nice to hear from our friends in Israel, especially during such a trying time for your government, let alone your office. Tensions are certainly high and the downing of the civilian aircraft is just a catalyst of a various concerns we've began to raise internally; the death of the former President is a shame, no life should be lost in such horrific and unlawful circumstances yet we remain concerned that Turkey were harbouring and assisting a war criminal in the first place. I have had my office attempt contact with Turkey however up to now have had no luck - it appears they're gone 'dark' if I were to coin a military phrase. South Africa is going well, we are in the early stages of an operation that will see personnel deployed to the most fractured parts of the country were we initially saw resistance factions forming in order to restore peace, rule of law and order.

I suppose I must ask, what are your views on the Swedish deliverance in South Africa? and what is your current situation with your neighbours, I heard there is some substantial ongoing tension?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We do indeed have proof that Turkey was harbouring the former President within the Republic of Turkey, something which we're not surprised at in the slightest because President Süleyman Demirel of Turkey and his cabinet are what you in the west call 'rogue' and have been threatening the Middle Eastern region with instability for the past few months as Israeli media reported that the Israel Defence Force was going to be conducting a military exercise near the border with Gaza which is a strategic location chosen by our Defense Ministry and they have threatened our country with military action ever since, yet the Israel Defense Force had never deployed a single soldier or piece of equipment.

We support the Kingdom of Sweden with their operations within South Africa and we offer the services of the Israel Defence Force should you so require it. We have specialist units involved in medical care, military police, engineering and so on. We support any partner who offers peace and the rule of law and order. Something that P. W. Botha did not offer his own citizens."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"That is of great concern. I must ask, what evidence do you have that the President was being harboured in Turkey with the governments knowledge? and has this evidence been obtained lawfully? I am concerned that the government in Turkey are starting to fill the void left by the collapse of the Argentina government and will soon seek instability in not only the Middle East but also Europe. I am still hopeful that I am able to contact someone in their cabinet to discuss matters of great importance but as I said earlier I think the phone will ring off the hook for days...

I am encouraged that you support our efforts in South Africa and I am also enthralled to hear your offer of the Israeli Defence Force - we are currently in the process of reconnaissance missions in major towns and cities; medical and military policing capacity are certainly required at key operating positions, is this something you have the capacity to do?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes Secretary, this evidence was obtained lawfully - in fact, it was a request to our government. Something we temporarily accepted in order to get him to the State of Israel where he was going to be placed under arrest and handed over to your government at the earliest possible chance, this is where we believe he was heading until his aircraft was shot out of the skies over the Mediterranean Sea. I have faxed over said email to your office so that you can read it as you wish, I must apologise for the extreme remarks given by the former President.

As far as support goes, I am sure that I can coordinate with my counterparts within the Ministry of Defense to deploy medical units and military policing units to South Africa. Is there any other units that you would like us to deploy? No doubt Sweden has one of the strongest armies in the world but South Africa is one of the hottest countries in the world, something which is the complete opposite to back home in Sweden and here in Israel, we are use to handling these sorts of climate."

"Dear Israeli Government,

I am currently in exile in Turkey. Their government has gratiously taken me in and give me the uptmost hospitality. However I can't but feel like this place is too...... Muslim, for my liking. They're like blacks but a bit more into culture. I don't particularly like it. I only went here because they were the only country to lend their support to South Africa in our trying time of need against Sweden, so it was the only resort. I would like to, however, given my deep appreciation for the Jews, take up residence in Israel. In hiding of course, from the Swedish Government who no doubt want to persecute me. I'm only a short hour flight away from Tel Aviv.

Yours Sincerely,
Pieter Willem Botha,
Former State President of South Africa."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes, I've received the fax, the content of it suggests this is extremely likely to be a genuine communication from Former President Botha. I am extremely disappointed to know our manhunt lead us to Turkey, the man was a war criminal and I have no doubt Turkey likely knew that. I'd love to have an open and honest conversation to understand their rationale... every decision has a thought process.

I will have to liaise with the Department of Defence as well however I am overtly aware that the command team are in favour of aide in terms of medical facilities and military policing. We're looking to begin a vaccination and open general practice program in South Africa to give the necessary support to those neglected by the apartheid regime. Perhaps this is something Israel would be open to starting? Of course in conjunction with the Swedish Armed Forces already in place? I have to admit the climate came as a shock and support from foreign forces will certainly boost morale!"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I shall pass this onto the Ministry of Defense, it's nice to see that Sweden is willing to invest the time and effort into revamping South Africa, something which other nations would not be willing to do. Opening a vaccination program and general practice facilities in the country is a wonderful idea to begin with and I'm sure that with the combined efforts of both of our countries, these programs will reach far and wide across the country to ensure that every citizen benefits.

Would you like me to inform the Ministry of Defense to prepare for immediate deployment or would you like us to hang fire until the situation stabilizes within the country?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Uh, in all honesty I am not sure - perhaps we can patch the Secretary of Defence into this call to discuss this further? Are you able to patch in your Minister of Defence? - We are keen to get the ball rolling on our civilian focus programs which primarily begin with healthcare for immediate needs. I am sure that Israel can play a pivotal role in this rollout sooner rather than later!"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Foreign Minister would reach out to the Defense Minister on a private and encrypted line having paused the call with his Swedish counterpart, a few minutes - the Foreign Minister would add the new Defense Minister into the call and Avigdor Lieberman joins the call on a private and encrypted line.

"Secretary Wallström, a pleasure to finally meet you. Minister Lapid has been telling me about these plans between our two countries and I cannot wait to get the ball rolling between our two countries."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
In a similar fashion Margot would link in with Secretary of Defence Peter Hultqvist who joins the conference call on an encrypted line. The call now consisted of some of the highest ranking members of both the Swedish and Israeli cabinet and was undoubtedly a substantial show of political might between the two nations, eager for cooperation and prosperity. Peter would take to the call with his deep voice, dominating plans:

"Margot, I see you've beaten me to the chase on this one! Ministers, please allow me to thank you for joining us in this important call - I am sure Secretary Wallström has explained our plans to roll out the 'Civilian Focus Program' which will primarily see the healthcare system of majorly economically developed countries echoed into the South African major cities and towns. I have had confirmation from commanders in South Africa that preparations have began for abandoned barracks to be sterilised and prepared for use as a hospital facility, and as such we will be claiming protections under international law to continue this work as a formally recognised hospital.

Minister Lieberman, I understand Israel is eager to take a primary roll in the medical capabilities in this program which are first will focus on Cape Town, I suppose I have a handful of questions for you. Are you interested in assisting us in rolling this out through South Africa in the future where we plan to open a number of these military-run hospital facilities? What resources are you able to commit? and when could we expect to see them land in South Africa?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We can commit the 645th "Ta'oz" Military Police Battalion which consists of 275 Military Police Officers and we can also commit the Rebecca Sieff Hospital Military Unit which consists of 500 Reserve Personnel but these are personnel which fill a number of roles such as doctors, nurses, paramedics and so on. We can also further commit a further 500 Reserve Personnel through the Rambam Health Care Campus Military Unit should the situation in South Africa require it. Our only down fall is that we possess the Lockheed C-130 Hercules which doesn't have the capability to fly from Israel to South Africa. We can also commit vital medical equipment such as medicine, medical equipment and so on.

Does the Swedish Air Force have refueling assets in the region to assist the Israeli Air Force."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"This is sounding perfect, Minister, the logistics of such large movements are always the most difficult part of any operation. Unfortunately we don't have the facilities to ensure your personnel have somewhere safe to refuel although we do possess air-to-air refuelling capability, if of course your C-130's have that ability? It'll be tight but with some precision work over Sudan and the Congo, I think we could make it work."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Our Lockheed C-130's do indeed have the capability to refuel in mid-air, with your cooperation in air to air refueling capabilities, we will have boots on the ground delivering protection to key infrastructures and delivering aid to those most at need as soon as possible. Do you have a time frame for when you want us to deploy our personnel to South Africa? I can have our men mobilise immediately upon your say so Secretary."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Excellent! I can have that arranged with the Royal Air Force, we will ensure that we meet over Sudan at the appropriate point to ensure you can reach Cape Town however if worst comes to worst the airfields across South Africa are barren of any personnel or equipment, so you're free to land anywhere you wish to refuel domestically. We'd like to see you deploy as soon as possible, we're working closely with the Department of Infrastructure to begin the development of Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town and we'd like an established process prior to that happening. Your personnel will very much be in charge of this project with our guidance.

We will discuss the distribution of Military Police at a later date but in the interim they will be essential 'tour guides' as such for the civilians entering the military installation for treatment and care. I must be clear that the South African population are on our side at the moment and we don't want to rock the boat so please ensure your personnel are aware of the dignity and respect afforded to all persons.

I trust you will be deploying as part of Operation Pyrite?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Absolutely Secretary, our men and women will be more than happy to take charge of the new project at Tygerbeg Hospital under the guidance of the Swedish Armed Forces, it is nice to see that Swedish personnel on the ground have gained the trust of the local population and we will do our upmost to continue the trust and bonding going on with the local population.

I believe it will be in both of our interests for us to deploy under the banner of Operation Pyrite so that our efforts are coordinated and our response across the country is better matched than having two separate operations which may affect how things are run."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Absolutely, in that case I will have our operation orders amended to encompass the Israeli Defence Force and the necessary objectives. Upon confirmation of your deployments departure we will prepare and deploy the tanker for refuelling. I very much look forward to seeing us cooperate through Operation Pyrite for some time!"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you for entrusting the Israel Defense Forces and allowing us to commit assets under Operation Pyrite, I will have Major General Eli Rabbinowitz coordinate our efforts on the ground upon arrival in Cape Town. Do you have anything to add before we conclude this call Secretary?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"That's perfect, Minister, I think that covers everything we need to discuss at the moment - if anything further needs to be relayed back to you I will be sure to return a call or liaise via the Major General. Thank you for your time and may you have a good day."

Should the Israeli ministers have nothing further to say, the call would end.

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