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[Israel]: Call to Egypt


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Deputy Prime Minister Gideon Sa'ar would call his counterpart within the Egyptian Government on an encrypted line to discuss the ongoing situation within the Middle Eastern region as well as to discuss other affairs.

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
Prime Minister Ganzouri was in a Cabinet meeting when the call arrived. Guessing its intention, he sent his Interior Minister, who would pass any information to the Prime Minister.

"Good day, Deputy Prime Minister. I am the Interior Minister Habib al-Adli. The Prime Minister is currently busy, but I may give any information to him if you wish. What can I do for you today?"


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Minister al-Adli, thank you for being able to take my call. Please pass on my congratulations to your fellow cabinet members and the Prime Minister on a resounding victory in the Egyptian national elections. As you may or may not know, Israel is currently under threat from the Turkish Government after demands had been made over the region of Palestine, I just wanted to know your thoughts on what has gone on over the past few weeks."
Feb 4, 2021
"Thank you, Deputy Prime Minister. Egypt has no intention of getting into a war right now. Our priority is to get the country on its tracks again after decades of turmoil, war, instability and Middle East crises. We will therefore look to pursue friendship and alliances with all nations in the region. To us, war is a last resort, if the friendships and alliances do not work. We have every intention of making sure it does."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Various notes would be made down by the Deputy Prime Minister on the words given by the Egyptian Minister.

"I see, hypothetically speaking, what is your stance if certains areas of Palestine was to become under control of the State of Israel and certain areas would remain with the Palestinian National Authority, but under the security umbrella of the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet to ensure quiet, suppress Palestinian terrorism, and prevent Hamas from taking over. Palestinians would also be offered citizenship and/or permanent residency rights. We would also like, if able under any agreement, we would begin investment in many areas across the regions taken under our wing, such as new industrial zones, infrastructure investment, education, security, healthcare, there's loads of areas that the State of Palestine are lacking in."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
The Minister thought for a moment, then replied.

"Oh, Egypt would be fine with that. However, there is the question of whether the world would be fine with a... hypothetical, illegal annexation."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We're currently gathering support Minister, it is in the best interests for the State of Palestine to allow us to occupy certain parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to allow investment into a currently, depleted country who is still recovering from many wars ago."

Thomas R. Jones


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you Minister, it is within everyones interests that Palestine benefits highly from these investments and developments across the territory. I would also like to invite potential Egyptian investment to the area should your government be willing to do so, having an Arabic partner onboard would be an amazing prospect and will bring the region together in the coming months and years ahead. What is your governments stance on the Turkish Air Force bringing down a civilian airliner with the former State President of South Africa onboard?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"We condone any action in the most vigorous terms, and this is simply unacceptable. I believe that we are due to make a statement on the action shortly. You can expect the harshest measures taken to ensure that Turkey does not act as... the Policeman of the Middle East."

The Minister liked that term, and sat back, took a sip of water, and waited for the answer.

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Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We thank you for your support Minister, it is an honour to have the support of a major Arab nation within the Middle East and this is going to go a long way in our support of the Palestinian people as a whole. It is also glad to see that Egypt condones the Turkish Governments behaviour and does not act as the 'Policeman of the Middle East' like you said."

The Minister took a sip of water, cleansing the thirst from his mouth before leaning back into the chair as he awaited a response.

Thomas R. Jones


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'd just like to conclude things that we support Egypt's moves to control the Suez Canal and if it requires any assistance then the Israeli Defense Forces will be able to assist your government and military in anyway possible through the means of any branch and can provide equipment to effectively complete any mission. Is there anything you would like to say before we conclude this meeting Minister?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"No, Minister. If you ever need our support, feel free to contact us again."

He would pause for a moment, say his thanks, and then put the phone down.

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