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[Israel]: Call to Great Britain


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

With the rising tensions in the Middle East and the plans of raising relations with other nations, Tzipi Hotovely who held the title of Ambassador of Israel to the United Kingdom would open a private and encrypted line to the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office where she'd request to speak with the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs as a matter of urgency. The Ambassador leaned back in her chair as she waited to be put through to a member of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Security Classification: TOP SECRET

British Foreign Affairs Secretary, Lawrence Adams, was transferred the call from the Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely. Giving it a moment to mentally prepare himself, Lawrence took the call. "Hello, how can I help you Ambassador?" During that time, he would work through his emails until the Ambassador was free to speak.




Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Secretary Adams, it's a pleasure to speak to you sir. I hope things are going well across the city in London. I just wanted to call you on behalf of my government to ask for your views on the Palestinian crisis as well as the downing of a civilian flight which happened to contain the former President of South Africa onboard by the Turkish Air Force, especially with your base in Cyprus, did they attempt to make contact with RAF Akrotiri?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
There was a short silence, considering his words wisely. It was well known of the tension between Israel and certain middle eastern countries, something the UK would not be keen to be directly involved with if it could be helped. "I can confirm that RAF Akrotiri received calls from the aircraft prior to it been shot down, it is with our regret we had no available presence at the time to offer more than an emergency landing which was offered, but sadly it did not get that far. I am also to believe no recovery efforts have been made for the aircraft, if that's correct? To be blunt about the crisis, it's not something we're overly aware of. Perhaps you could give us your views of the situation? I'm aware of the shooting down of the South African aircraft but may I ask how Israel ended up been threatened by Turkey and her allies?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Turkey has been under the presumption that Israeli thugs had been harassing and putting worshippers at the Al Aqsa Compound at risk, something which isn't true in the slightest. This further led onto Turkey and Saudi Arabia threatening our country with military action for something which has never happened and issued demands for Israel to recognise a Palestinian state or they would invade our country. Saudi Arabia has still continued to threaten our country as seen by the press release they released earlier today."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Very concerning, if I do say so... Based on the threat posted, what is your government doing in preparation if any? Do you believe Saudi Arabia would commit to an attack?" Lawrence asked, taking a few mental notes to address within the British Government. Especially with a deployment to Cyprus imminent for the Royal Air Force, despite been for general precaution and nothing to do with the existing situations. "Nonetheless, we are happy to provide the recordings from RAF Akrotiri of us offering emergency landing but beyond that, we didn't have any more involvement."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Our Ministry of Defense has been coordinating efforts with the rest of the government. It is deeply concerning if I must say so Mister Secretary, we do believe that Saudi Arabia would commit to an attack but whether they would commit to a ground attack is beyond me since they would technically be invading other nations to get to Israel but we can't discount a naval and air attack. At the moment, the main threat is Turkey."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"And now we have received a disturbing message by the Turkish Government which absolutely proves our main point that they are looking to destroy the State of Israel. We are requesting that Great Britain look to move assets to the region, we are seeking help from our Western brothers in the United Kingdom."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Could I ask what the message was? Presumably a threat of sorts if you are eagerly asking for the United Kingdom to move military assets around?", Lawrence's tone of voice was confused, the request for moving assets with little information was alarming. It was presumed the comment was in relation to the posts on Twitter, but no mention had been made of Israeli mobilization. "Any additional information would be most useful." concluded the British Cabinet Member, taking down a couple of notes on paper. "Oddly enough, we've also received a fax from Australia, apparently they are sending Naval Assets to ... support you? Am I right?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Secretary Adams, we have had intelligence from our Australian counterparts to suggest that a dual invasion by Turkey and Saudi Arabia is imminent, potentially hours away. Saudi Arabia is currently deploying Udaloy-class destroyers whilst Turkey has mobilised their navy, air force and coastal defence network to stations around the Eastern Mediterranean but lets be honest Mister Secretary, we both know this ties in with a potential invasion or to target Israeli assets to then launch a ground invasion.

Israel currently lacks a strong and capable navy and this is where we need assistance and Australia offered assistance, we're requesting assistance from our wonderful British friends who have been great friends of the State for many years, we currently lack in areas around the Navy and Air Force. We currently don't have any surface to air radars or coastal defence radars."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Excluding the Israeli Navy, could you please detail the current mobilizations your armed forces are engaged in? I presume they have been deployed but further detail would assist, especially for us to evaluate any involvement. I have seen the news of Turkish and Saudi movements but, I have not witnessed any comment from Israel publicly, nor any confirmations that you are preparing the forces you do have? Sorry, my questions may be blunt but it's difficult for us to just send military assets to the region, because you had asked. We already have a small force presence in Cyprus which is more for self-reassurance, but I've not seen anything to suggest your government is doing anything to prepare or act in defence. That would of course be needed for us to even consider supporting you militarily.

Additionally, can you please confirm if you've had any direct communications with Turkey and Saudi Arabia over the tensions? Ideally if you can provide transcripts, it will go a long way to convince my government to support you."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Our Security Cabinet is currently mobilising to discuss troop movement, the Israeli Air Force is on standby in case of any aerial intrusions into our airspace and it is believed that Prime Minister Bennett is looking to lock down the country for 72 hours with the option of further reviewing this every day which is to protect the population and tourists who may be in the country, it's not something that we want to do but it's simply to protect the country.

We did hold talks with Turkey under their previous administration, but with the new Turkish administration entering power we looked to hold talks with them but they responded so we initiated a call between us and the new government which they have not attended and to be frank Mister Secretary, I don't think they will join said call.

We're currently involved in talks with other partners in the region including the United Arab Emirates who in 1971, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, referred to Israel as "the enemy" of the Arab countries which over the years has saw relations improve through a number of backdoor communications under previous governments and has recently saw them recognise the State of Israel as an independent country."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Secretary Adams, sorry to change the topic but I have just received a request from the Ministry of Defence. We're looking to procure a number of vehicles for the Israel Defence Force. We have developed a number of vehicles which include the Namer APC, the Wolf Armoured Vehicle, the Guardium UGV and the MDT David. We don't have the means to produce said vehicles at the moment but we've come to realise that Great Britain may be able to help us out and build the items for us."


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