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[Israel]: Message for Ethiopia


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Dear Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed,

I would like to congratulate you and your party on winning elections in Ethiopia and I am writing to you today to continue the friendship our two countries share. Our friendship stems from the Ethiopian imperial era but our two countries have also shared relations with Israel assisting the Ethiopian Government in its campaign against Eritrea. It is also important that we continue our relationship as many Jews live in your country. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Many Regards,

Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister
State of Israel



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ

Message from the Office of the Prime Minister


Status: Private
To: Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister, State of Israel Zak

Re: Bilateral relation

Dear Prime Minsiter Netanyahu,
On behalf of my Part and myself, I would like to thank you for your warm words. I echo your words regarding the long standing relation and friendship between our two nations, deeply rooted in our culture and history. Addis Ababa and Tel-Aviv mantained fruitful and mutually beneficial relations in the recent past, and it is the intention of the Government I will be leading to extend that into the future.
The State of Israel is well-known for its technological advancements and capacity to adapt to challenging environments, something that we in Ethiopia have to face daily. We would be delighted to start talks about possible scientific and technological cooperation, specially now that my nation is starting its most important development plan in modern history. Israeli technology and investment would be very welcome.
With all my consideration,

r. Abiy Ahmed
Prime Minister of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Addis Ababa
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