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[Israel]: Message for France


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: President Jacques Chirac, French Republic (Vaka)

I would like to congratulate you on your election win. Relations between the French Republic and the State of Israel have been growing at a strong pace since the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948 and in the early 1950s where France and Israel maintained close political and military ties. Under François Mitterrand in the early 1980s, French–Israeli relations improved greatly due to former President Mitterrand becoming the first French president to visit Israel while in office.

I would like to invite you to Jerusalem to visit with myself to further our relationship not only to benefit the French Republic but it will also benefit the State of Israel having a strategic partner such as the French Republic. I look forward to hearing from your office and potentially receiving you and your delegation in Israel shortly.

Best Regards,
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel
State of Israel



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020




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To: Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel Zak
Thank you so much for the kind words. I hope that with this election win that my administration and I will be able to bring France back to its once high standing among the other nations in the world. In order to retain that once high standing will require us to forge new stronger ties with our old allies. Israel has always been a loyal friend to France. I would personally love to see this friendship continue and strengthen.

I would gladly take you up on your offer for a visit to Israel. I think this would be an opportunity to discuss topics such as trade, visa programs, and military cooperation. I will leave the details up to your office. Simply email my office with an itinerary. I would ask that this be a state visit open to the press as reaffirming old relationships was a major part of my presidential election bid.

I look forward to meeting you in person soon.
Jacques Chirac
President of France
The French Republic



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: President Jacques Chirac, French Republic (Vaka)

The Prime Minister is pleased to receive you in Jerusalem under the banner of a state visit to discuss affairs such as trade, visa programs, and military cooperation as suggested in your previous correspondence. I have attached a drafted itinerary which may be subject to change by either our office or your office as required through the duration of the visit. We have made the necessary security and accommodation arrangements and have included these into the itinerary.

Day 1:
08:00 am:- Arrival of French Republic delegation to main V.I.P terminal of Tel Aviv International Airport, French President inspect Guard of Honor made up of personnel of all the service branches of the Israel Defense Forces. French delegation to be received by President Isaac Herzog and Foreign Minister Naftali Bennett
09:00 am:- Visit to the Yad Vashem memorial. There the French President, accompanied by the Prime Minister, will rekindle the Eternal Flame, and will also lay a wreath in memorial of the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust.
10:30 am:- Arrival to King David Hotel which will accommodate the French Republic delegation during the official visit
13:30 pm:- Formal lunch to be held between President Chirac, President Herzog and Prime Minister Netanyahu
15:00 pm:- Private talks between President Chirac and Prime Minister Netanyahu on various topics to be raised between both leaders
18:30 pm:- Talks to conclude with French delegation returning to King David Hotel to conclude their evening, security to be attached to the hotel

Day 2:
09:00 am:- Private talks between President Chirac and Prime Minister Netanyahu to continue over breakfast
11:00 am:- Visit to the Knesset building for President Chirac to address the Knesset (Israel's unicameral legislature) which will be overseen by the Speaker of the Knesset
13:00 pm:- Press conference to be held between President Chirac and Prime Minister Netanyahu to reaffirm the strong friendship held between Israel and France
15:00 pm:- French delegation to return to King David Hotel to begin preparations to depart Israel and return to France

Best Regards,
Galit Davidson
Office of the Prime Minister
State of Israel



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020




Classified and Encrypted

To: Office of the Prime Minister Zak

Dear Mr. Davidson,

In the past few days we have received word that there has been a shake up in your parliament. It seems that Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer in charge of the executive branch of your government. If recent reports are to be believed, Naftali Bennett has been selected as your new Prime Minister. I would still very much like to make the trip to meet with your new prime minister. In light of new political posturing from Turkey, I feel this trip will send an Important message to those that might try and intimidate Israel. I would like to reiterate that Israel has our full support and we will stand with you come what might.

Best Regards,
Jacques Chirac
President of France
The French Republic

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Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: President Jacques Chirac, French Republic (Vaka)

Reports are true, Naftali Bennett is the new Prime Minister of the State of Israel and he is looking forward to the meeting going ahead. He would still like to go ahead with the same itinerary if this is still suitable to your standards. We look forward to receiving you in Israel in the coming days and we thank you dearly for your support against the rogue and corrupt Turkish state.

Best Regards,
Galit Davidson
Office of the Prime Minister
State of Israel



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020




Classified and Encrypted

To: Galit Davidson Zak
Dear Mr. Davidson,

I shall be arriving on Tuesday Morning. Our Airbus ACJ319 should be landing at main V.I.P terminal of Tel Aviv International Airport at 0800 as scheduled. I will be arriving with a small detail of security personnel of three men armed with SP 2022 semi-automatic pistols. I will also have a small staff of 12 who will be unarmed. Please see their accommodations. I do look forward to my trip and meeting the new prime minister, Naftali Bennett. I will be announcing the trip to the French people via Twitter. If there are any security concerns, please relay them to my chief of Security Dreux Bourgeau.

Here’s to a wonderful and productive trip.

Best Regards,
Jacques Chirac
President of France
The French Republic

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Reactions: Zak


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020

In the middle of the night, the Presidential ACJ319 would be inspected and fueled by flight crews at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. The plane was also searched and scanned by members of the Air Transport Gendarmerie due to increase in terrorism abroad. Once all checks were completed, Jacques Chirac and his staff would begin boarding the plane. Once everyone was aboard, the security team would do one last pass of the plane to look for anything out of the ordinary. Seeing that everything was seemingly fine, the security team would then take their seats on the plane. The pilot would complete his preflight checks and they would start taxing towards the private runway. Take off would be faultless and the plane would climb to cruising altitude for the duration of the roughly four and a half hour flight.

During the flight the President would be informed about recent hostilities between the Israelis and Palestinians. A report about an incident taking place at the Temple Mount was of particular interest to the President. He secretly worried to himself about his diplomatic staff he was bringing along. We was taking them into a potentially hostile environment. He asked his chief of Security Dreux Bourgeau about the potential for violence during this two day trip. The chief responded telling the president that in all likelihood this would be a peaceful and pleasant trip. They were not scheduled to travel to any of the higher security risk areas of Israel during their stay. He also assured him that if something were to happen, he was totally confident in not only his own security team, but the Israeli Special Forces that would no doubt be present during the trip.

As the flight neared its end, the pilot would contact the control tower of Tel Aviv International Airport.

“Tel Aviv, this is Cotam 001 carrying the President of France and his staff requesting permission to land.”



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
One hundred Shin Bet agents would descend upon Tel Aviv International Airport with its objective of personal protection of senior public officials and foreign government officials, each agent carried a loaded M16 assault rifle and Glock 17 with three extra magazines whilst wearing bulletproof vests. Close protection officers attached to the French President numbered at twenty but only carried a loaded Glock 17 handgun and wore a bulletproof vest. They were joined by one hundred and fifty members of Israel Police who had also been used for the security operation since Israel was currently a high-risk and volatile country, officers carried Glock 17 handguns with three extra magazines whilst wearing bulletproof vests which was deemed necessary due to a situation undertaking in Jerusalem.

"Cotam 001, you are cleared to land. Please exit the runaway at the end and taxi to VIP terminal."

With assets on the ground being informed of the impending arrival, the honour guard would be activated with various elements of the Israel Defence Force being lined up which was chaired by a senior IDF official. Also on the ground saw the arrival of the Israeli President and Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Isaac Herzog and Yair Lapid who had been brought in to welcome the French President to Israel and to reaffirm the outstanding friendship between Israel and France.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog

Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020




Classified and Encrypted

The landing was effortless. Thanks in part to it's highly experienced crew and optimal weather conditions that day in Tel Aviv. The plane then slowed to taxi speed and began it's slow approach to the VIP terminal. President Chirac took the time to gather himself. He wore a black tailored suit and a dark blue tie with thin baby blue stripes. He looked towards the front of the plane where a younger, strongly built man in a black suit and tie gave him a gentle nod. This man was his Chief of Security, Dreux Bourgeau. He, along with his entire security staff were wearing bulletproof vests and were armed with SP 2022 semi-automatic pistols. They were also equipped with wireless communication earpieces to stay in constant contact with one another during the remainder of the trip. As soon as the plane locked into the terminal, Chief Bourgeau, flanked by two other members of the security team, opened the door and quickly stepped outside.

The two flanking security members then closed the door behind them and then stood guard either side of the plane exit. Chief Bourgeau moved ahead quickly to meet with one of the lead close protection officers of the Israeli police to get a quick update on the ground situation. They shook hands briefly and gave each other quick status updates. They agreed that everything was in order to begin moving the President and his staff off the plane. The information was relayed back to the security team guarding the plane. The door to the plane was opened allowing President Chirac, now flanked by the two security team members who were guarding the door, off the plane and walked with him down the terminal.

Once at the end of the terminal, President Chirac caught a glimpse of President Isaac Herzog and quickly moved along to shake the man’s hand.

Bonjour President Herzog! It's an honor to finally meet you.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
President Isaac Herzog stood alongside Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid as they both shook the French President's hand, they both offered warm smiles as a designated photographer managed to snap some pictures of the three politicians smiling. It was his first state visit as President and although the role was a ceremonial role, he was looking forward to conducting affairs with the French Republic.

"President Chirac, it's a pleasure to meet you. Unfortunately Prime Minister Bennett has has to tend to other affairs. He's currently holding a National Security meeting due to a situation with Turkey arising. I will be stepping in with Minister Lapid next to me. I hope your journey was okay?"

After conversing between the three, the French President would be guided outside where a guard of honour would be standing by with personnel of all the service branches of the Israel Defense Forces. A military band would also be on hand to play the French and Israeli national anthems. After the inspection was completed, the French President guided his counterpart off to an awaiting motorcade.


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
The flight was fantastic and might I say what a beautiful country Israel is. This is my first time seeing it in person. The views from above were absolutely picturesque. Here on the ground now the smell of the water from the ocean breeze is simply divine. What a stunning place you have here gentlemen.

Once the photos had been taken, President Herzog explained that Prime Minister Bennett was occupied with a National Security meeting. This worried President Chirac slightly. If it was important enough to miss the arrival of another head of state, the matter must be more grave than he previously thought. He just gave a hearty smile and said,

Well, that just gives me more time to get to know you two lads!

Once the short conversation between the three men had concluded, they showed the French President to an Inspection of the Honor guard. It was a tremendous display of the various Israeli Defense Forces. A humbling rendition of the French National Anthem, La Marseillaise was first played by members of the military band. Shortly thereafter, Hatikvah, the Israeli national anthem was played. President Chriac remarked that these were amazing performances. He also noted the special significance of them playing side by side. A testament to friendship between the two nations.

Once the inspection was completed, the three men entered a motorcade. Once inside, President Chirac said to President Herzog and Minister Lapid.

I am truly honored by the display I have seen thus far. But might I quickly ask about the current security status in Israel? Has anything changed dramatically since I left France?



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The French President would be guided to a motorcade provided by the Israeli security services which saw the Israeli President, French President & Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs share a vehicle whilst vehicles had been provided for French security forces. Once everyone was into their allocated vehicles then the motorcade would lead the confines of Tel Aviv International Airport and would make its way to the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem, the journey took just under one hour but it allowed for the three to make small talk but also to allow them to talk about international affairs.

"Honestly Mister President, the national security situation is beginning to worsen but the security situation regarding our meeting remains our top priority and our security services are providing the best possible security and we will make your trip comfortable, should you need anything from our security services then please ask."

The motorcade finally arrived at the World Holocaust Remembrance Center also known as Yad Vashem where the French President was led inside by the Israeli delegation with security flanking the trio, the French President would be shown around by staffers who worked at the center and gave him an in depth talk on what the center did to provide support to those affected, preserving the memory of the Jews who were murdered, honoring Jews who fought against their Nazi oppressors and Gentiles who selflessly aided Jews in need.

The Israeli President also handed a wreath to the French President who was allowed to go and lay it in respect to those who died, this was something that happened on many Israeli state visits. He was also allowed to rekindle the eternal flame and was assisted through this with the guidance of staffers and the Israeli President.

The eternal flame

Yad Vashem Memorial Center



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
President Chirac was deeply moved by the tour through the World Holocaust Rememberance Center. He listened intently to the many staffers who explained the purpose of the center and it's various pieces of art and architecture. He was truly astonished when he was shown the Hall of Names. The uncountable lives remembered here would never be forgotten. He was then shown the Garden of the Righteous Among the Nations. “The Garden of the Righteous is meant to honor those non-Jews who during the Holocaust risked their lives to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis.” President Herzog explained. Around the site trees are planted everywhere, with plaques attached to each one with names and countries of origin of those being honored. President Chirac looked on with pride as he saw a great many French names listed among those honored here. He stopped to look at both President Herzog and Minister Lapid and said,

Gentlemen, as those Frenchmen of days Past once helped your people against the Nazis, The French Republic of today stands ready to help you again in this time of need.

The rest of the tour included President Chirac placing a wreath in remembrance of those who died. He was honored to be allowed to rekindle the eternal flame. As the tour conconclued, the French president was then escorted back to his motorcade. The tour had hardened his resolve. He knew that deploying military assets abroad would be unpopular at home. But after seeing the Memorial today, he knew in his heart that if there was something he could do to prevent anything like this happening again, he must do everything in his power to do so.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Commander Marsilius Deslauriers, the current head of the Security Group for the Presidency of the Republic had seen the National Turkish TV broadcast and realised the situation in the Mediterranean was about to explode. He was watching the broadcast with his team in the situation room at their headquarters in Paris. He contemplated what to do next. They could wait it out of course. But sensing the tone and demeanor of Turkish President, Devlet Bahçeli, he knew the man was unhinged. His mind made up, he slapped his hands together and said, “That’s enough, Get me Cotam 001 on the phone now. I want the president out of Israel now!”

Chief Bourgeau was notified via his ear piece of the recent National TV broadcast of the Turkish President, Devlet Bahçeli and his new orders to escort the President back to France before any hostilities broke out. “He is not going to want to cut his trip short.” he thought to himself. But he knew the situation was quickly about to spiral out of control. This might be the last chance to get their people out of Israel before missiles started flying. He steadied himself, clinched his right fist and walked towards the President who was talking with both President Herzog and Minister Lapid towards their motorcade. “Mr. President, I have orders from GSPR command to bring you and our team home immediately.” Chief Bourgeau spoke clearly into the President's left ear. “Why? Has something terrible happened?” President Chirac asked, puzzled. “The Turkish President has recently made a state television announcement threatening ships and vessels in the Mediterranean. This along with new more dire threats to the State of Israel.” explained the chief.” “I’m not leaving because some mad man is throwing around threats towards one of our allies.” President Chirac defiantly exclaimed. “How would it look towards our guests?” Chief Bourgeau thought to himself for a moment. He had to find a way to convince President Chirac that leaving was the only option. He knew the President was a proud man but his place is not on the frontlines of a battlefield. “Sir, We have to get not only yourself but the diplomatic team along with my men back on Cotam 001. They aren’t trained for frontline military combat. They would be much more useful back in Paris helping to rally additional allies to Israel's plight. Not to mention yourself Sir. The nation will need to hear from you.” Chief Bourgeau carefully elucidated. President Chirac looked at the man sternfully knowing full well he was right. He sighed and then nodded back to the chief. “Coordinate our exit with the Israeli security team. They will know the quickest and safest route back to the Airport. I’ll speak to our hosts.”

President Chirac then turned back to both President Herzog and Minister Lapid, smiled and said. "Gentlemen it looks like I am unfortunately going to have to cut our visit here short. Turkish posturing seems to have taken a turn for the worse and I need to get back to France in order to prepare a proper response to their military threats. I do apologize as the visit has been marvelous thus far. I have instructed my security team to work with your security team in finding the best way of quickly getting back to Tel Aviv International Airport. They will take your lead on the way back.”



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
President Herzog turned to face the French President after he coordinated with his security detail, a look of regret formed on his face as he informed the Foreign Minister that the guests would be leaving so sharply. He turned back to face the French President, although slightly annoyed but not showing this, he offered a smile.

"Ah, it's such a shame Mister President. It's no bother at all."

He informed the commanding Shin Bet officer on the ground that they wouldn't be making it back to the Beit HaNassi and informed him to escort the French President back to Tel Aviv as it was his wish to do so. The motorcade was prepared and began the eventual journey back to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport but on the return journey, they were accompanied by members of the Yamas (counter-terrorist commando) unit within Israel's Police Service who joined the motorcade in Plasan Sandcats.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020




Classified and Encrypted

The motorcade traveled back to Tel Aviv Airport without incident. President Chirac was endlessly disappointed to be heading back to Paris so soon. But he understood the matter at hand and would not soon forget that the Turkish Government had ruined his wonderful trip to Israel. The president, his security team, along with the diplomatic team all made it safely aboard COTAM 001 and the plane prepared to take off. As the plane ascended, the airport and the beautiful Tel Aviv slowly faded behind the clouds. “We are definitely coming back again soon, Mr. Bourgeau.” the President sighed. “I look forward to it, Mr. President.” Chief Bourgeau said with a hearty grin.

Once back in his home office in Paris, President Chirac composed the following email to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

To: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Zak

I would like to thank you for the hospitality shown to my staff and I during our brief stay in Israel. Your country is stunningly beautiful and it's history rich. President Herzog and Minister Lapid were welcoming hosts. They should be commended for the fantastic job they did as hosts in your stead. I am now proud to call both men friends and hope to see them when next I travel to Israel. I would hope that one day I can return the favor and treat them to a visit to Paris.

But now on to the unfortunate reason for my early exit. The Turkish Government public TV broadcast has troubled us greatly. I fear it is only a matter of time before that unhinged government does something unspeakable. They have threatened Israel and it's reports are to be believed, they have captured many Turkish Jews and have entered them into holding camps. This is abhorrent to say the least. I want you to know personally that you have my full support in this. We will aid Israel however you might require. I have instructed the ministry of Defense to have our Naval Task Force 473 and Naval Task Force 311 on stand by. These forces included the newly built Charles De Gaulle-class Aircraft Carrier with an ace team of 30 Rafales Ms. All you need do is say the word and I will approve an executive order for their deployment to the Mediterranean sea. We also have at our disposal two newly made intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft, The French C-160G Gabriel. We would be willing to base these out of an Israeli Airbase to provide the world with images of the holding camps holding Jewish Turkish citizens and provide them to the international court of justice.

As I said earlier, we wait for your call. I’m not sure if any other allied nations have stepped up to aid you in this fight. But I want you to know that Israel is not alone in this.

My sincerest of regards.

Jacques Chirac
President of France
The French Republic



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020




Classified and Encrypted

To: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Zak

Good Evening Prime Minister,

I write to you this evening to inform you that we are planning on flying reconnaissance missions near Turkey in order to get a full layout of their potential naval strength in the Mediterranean. We are hoping to aid all of our allies with this information giving a better picture of the situation. We will be using two C-160G Gabriel high tech reconnaissance planes on this mission. We will need a location to refuel before the trip back to Nice Air Base. We were hoping that you would allow us to land at one of the Israeli Air Bases to refuel for the return trip. There is also the distinct possibility that even though we intend to stay out of Turkish Air Space, that we might be followed by Turkish fighters. Would you be able to escort us back once we hit Israeli airspace?

I have also just received word of a possible attack on Israeli soil. I pray these are exaggerated reports.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Jacques Chirac
President of France
The French Republic


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