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[Israel]: Message for Sweden


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: Peter Hultqvist, Secretary of Defence, Kingdom of Sweden (Connor)

As part of our strategic plans for an integrated air defence system within the State of Israel, we have been evaluating many different types of systems and we have come to the conclusion that we would like to strike a deal to purchase the Saab Bofors Dynamics RBS 23 which will be used in protection duties of military facilities, ground forces and high value infrastructures within the State of Israel as we face threats from many factors including Hamas, Palestine and Turkey. The system can detect and destroy a number of weapons such as certain cruise missiles and rocket and can also track and destroy unmanned aerial vehicles, something which many enemy entities and groups in the region possess.

No doubt this technology is of high importance to the Swedish Government and its Armed Forces so we would like to protect the integrity of the assets involved which make the system effective and we would like to seek that if allowed to purchase a number of systems that this technology would not be sold to other nations to protect not only Israel but also Sweden. I look forward to potentially being able to strike a deal which will benefit both of our countries.

Kind Regards,
Avigdor Lieberman
Minister of Defence

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