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[Israel]: Message for the Government of the Republic of Korea


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Government of Israel
Security Classification: ENCRYPTED

Dear Minister Pin Young-jae,

I am writing to you today as the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister under the government headed by Merav Michaeli, my office has been in constant communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and I would like to begin our outreach to the Government of the Republic of Korea to open dialogue between our two countries. I would like to invite yourself or a senior minister from your government to Jerusalem with a mandate to begin a relationship which will be excellent for the people of our wonderful countries.

Kind Regards,
Naftali Bennett
Deputy Prime Minister
State of Israel



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Security Clarification: Encrypted & Secure

Dear Deputy Prime Minister Bennet

Thank you for the email, the administration under President Kim Dae-jung has been very busy recently, so therefore I have cc'd and dispatched Secretary Hye-Jung to Israel. We too look forward to opening dialogue with the State of Israel and hope for a fruitful relationship which will benefit not just the Republic but State of Israel too!

Warmest regards,
Pin Young-Jae
Minister of Foreign Affairs

© Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea

With the email being sent straight away, the Minister Young-Jae dispatched Secretary Hye-Jung to the State of Israel, the Secretary would head to Seoul Air Base and would board the awaiting Airbus CC-150 codenamed "CODEONE", the Secretary would be accompanied by 16 Armed Guards along with 4 Aides who would be apart of the delegation team. Although there being 16 guards in total, only 6 would leave the aircraft once in Israel, the rest would stay with the aircraft. Once all aboard, the aircraft would begin pre-flight checks, the aircraft being fully fuelled would then head to the runway, taking off towards Israel. The Israel government would be notified of the departure of the Korean Delegation


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

With the Aircraft coming into Israeli Airspace, the Pilot would tune into the local frequencies that he needed. The Airbus CC-150 would begin its descent into Ben Gurion Airport, where the Pilot would request a private ramp along with ground services to meet the aircraft. With the plane touching down as smoothly as can be, the Secretary (Ms) Hye-Jung would exit the aircraft followed by 6 Armed Security Officers with their weapons concealed, along with the rest of the Korean delegation. The Korean Delegation would head towards the terminal & passport control before moving towards a car rental where at least 6 cars would be rented for the Korean delegation once all inside the vehicles, then they would head off towards the Deputy Prime Ministers residence.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Officers from the National Traffic Police Unit would receive operational orders to escort the delegation from Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport to the Matcal Tower which resided in the HaKirya district of Tel Aviv. Officers closed down roads between the airport and the Matcal Tower which were manned by armed officers from the Security and Community Policing Branch. Upon arrival at the Matcal Tower, the Deputy Prime Minister was stood outside and awaited to receive the Korean delegation and introduced himself to them with the aid of a translator who had been drafted in if they needed to be used.


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

With the convoy of cars arriving, the Security Officers would exit the vehicles then opening the doors for the Korean Delegation. With the Deputy Prime Minister waiting, the Secretary would move in front of the Deputy Prime Minister extending her hand and shaking Naftali's hand making sure its a firm shake with her hand being shown if the news reporters took any photos, the Secretary would also smile & wave to the reporters, the Secretary would follow the Deputy Prime Minister while speaking "Thank you for having me Mr Deputy Prime Minister, I hope everything has calmed down since the conflict has ended in the region!"


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you Madam Secretary, it's a pleasure to host you here in Israel. I hope that we can maybe head to Jerusalem later - I thought it would be fitting to host you in our second city before moving onwards. Everything has indeed calmed down now and we are rebuilding our country after the war which has affected us massively. How are things in the Republic of Korea?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Things are going well back home, improvement has been shown in the North, the administration has focused on rebuilding the armed forces which is going splendidly. Mr Deputy Prime Minister, I shall follow your lead, as you invited me here I shall let you start the discussions” the Secretary paused allowing the Deputy Prime Minister to speak


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Madam Secretary, we would like to bring an agreement to the table in relation to moving the Republic of Korea Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's capital Jerusalem. We know that this may cause friction within the National Assembly in your country but we are beginning the process of moving embassies to Jerusalem which will then allow you to downgrade your mission in Tel Aviv to a consulate status should you wish to do so."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Have you got an agreement to hand Mr Deputy Prime Minister? I don’t see it being a problem being moved however we would need to do a security risk and maybe even increase security measures.

So what are your administrations plans with Israel Mr Deputy Prime Minister? How do you see yourself, fitting into the global scene?



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Our administration has great plans with our time in office, we will be bringing out new infrastructure projects such as building new transport links between our cities. We're going to be announcing a massive infrastructure project which will see $3.5 billion dollars invested over the next few years and a further amount of money invested into local Arab communities which is going to be a first in the entire history of the State of Israel for any government."

The Deputy Prime Minister would slide a copy of the agreement to his South Korean counterpart.

This agreement is between the incumbent government of the State of Israel (headed by Merav Michaeli) and the incumbent government of the Republic of Korea (headed by Kim Dae-jung) and lays out the basis of transferring the operations of the Republic of Korea Embassy in Tel Aviv to a new site within Jerusalem with the support from the State of Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs if required from the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy.

Article 1:
The status of the city of Jerusalem is disputed internationally, with both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine claiming Jerusalem as their capital city. The Republic of Korea will internationally recognise the whole of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.

Article 2:
The Republic of Korea will close down or downgrade (from an embassy to a consulate or other appropriate diplomatic mission.) its diplomatic mission which is currently based at the current site of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (4 Hasadnaot St, Herzliya Pituach 46278, Tel Aviv, Israel) and will transfer operations to a new site determined by the incumbent government of the Republic of Korea with appropriate support from the State of Israel if required.

Article 3:
The State of Israel in coordination with utility providers ensure that all utilities (gas, water, sewage and electricity) are provided without obstruction, diversion or restriction and is committed to the repair and maintenance of such utilities whilst in liaison with the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy (the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy will make their own choices and appropriate agreements with utility providers at their new chosen site.)

Article 4:
Due to the extreme nature of security in the region, the State of Israel will provide extra security to the proposed new embassy in Jerusalem and will direct security agencies (Israel Police, Israel Border Police, Shin Bet) and other corresponding agencies to work with the Republic of Korea Government and the embassy to ensure maximum safety to the Ambassador, their diplomatic teams, security teams, civilian teams and the building structure itself. Israeli agencies will share any known intelligence and security risks that may pose a risk to the Republic of Korea embassy. This article will also allow the increased security (within reason as determined by the two parties within the agreement) of Republic of Korea security agents attached to the new diplomatic mission.

Article 5:
This agreement may only be amended or modified by a written document executed by the parties listed within the agreement. The agreement will come into effect upon the signature of the government official from the Republic of Korea on the date of 18/01/2006.
for the Government of the State of Israel: Naftali Bennett, Deputy Prime Minister

for the Government of the Republic of Korea:
This agreement is between the incumbent government of the State of Israel (headed by Merav Michaeli) and the incumbent government of the Republic of Korea (headed by Kim Dae-jung) and lays out the basis of transferring the operations of the Republic of Korea Embassy in Tel Aviv to a new site within Jerusalem with the support from the State of Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs if required from the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy.

[b]Article 1:[/b]
The status of the city of Jerusalem is disputed internationally, with both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine claiming Jerusalem as their capital city. The Republic of Korea will internationally recognise the whole of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.

[b]Article 2:[/b]
The Republic of Korea will close down or downgrade (from an embassy to a consulate or other appropriate diplomatic mission.) its diplomatic mission which is currently based at the current site of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (4 Hasadnaot St, Herzliya Pituach 46278, Tel Aviv, Israel) and will transfer operations to a new site determined by the incumbent government of the Republic of Korea with appropriate support from the State of Israel if required.

[b]Article 3:[/b]
The State of Israel in coordination with utility providers ensure that all utilities (gas, water, sewage and electricity) are provided without obstruction, diversion or restriction and is committed to the repair and maintenance of such utilities whilst in liaison with the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy (the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy will make their own choices and appropriate agreements with utility providers at their new chosen site.)

[b]Article 4:[/b]
Due to the extreme nature of security in the region, the State of Israel will provide extra security to the proposed new embassy in Jerusalem and will direct security agencies (Israel Police, Israel Border Police, Shin Bet) and other corresponding agencies to work with the Republic of Korea Government and the embassy to ensure maximum safety to the Ambassador, their diplomatic teams, security teams, civilian teams and the building structure itself. Israeli agencies will share any known intelligence and security risks that may pose a risk to the Republic of Korea embassy. This article will also allow the increased security (within reason as determined by the two parties within the agreement) of Republic of Korea security agents attached to the new diplomatic mission.

[b]Article 5:[/b]
This agreement may only be amended or modified by a written document executed by the parties listed within the agreement. The agreement will come into effect upon the signature of the government official from the Republic of Korea on the date of 18/01/2006. [hr][/hr][b]for the Government of the State of Israel:[/b] Naftali Bennett, Deputy Prime Minister

[b]for the Government of the Republic of Korea:[/b]   [/document]


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

After looking at the documentation, the Secretary would pass it onto an aide to make a small amendment before signing. "Mr Deputy Prime Minister, sadly I cannot agree to the original document, however I have made my aide make a quick adjustment to it. If you agree to the adjustment, I can sign it here on behalf of the Korean Administration.", when the aide finished with the amendments, the Secretary would pass over the new agreement.

This agreement is between the incumbent government of the State of Israel (headed by Merav Michaeli) and the incumbent government of the Republic of Korea (headed by Kim Dae-jung) and lays out the basis of transferring the operations of the Republic of Korea Embassy in Tel Aviv to a new site within Jerusalem with the support from the State of Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs if required from the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy.

Article 1:
The status of the city of Jerusalem is disputed internationally, with both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine claiming Jerusalem as their capital city. The Republic of Korea will internationally recognise the whole of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.

Article 2:
The Republic of Korea will MOVE its diplomatic mission which is currently based at the current site of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (4 Hasadnaot St, Herzliya Pituach 46278, Tel Aviv, Israel) and will transfer operations to a new site determined by the incumbent government of the Republic of Korea with appropriate support from the State of Israel if required.

Article 3:
The State of Israel in coordination with utility providers ensure that all utilities (gas, water, sewage and electricity) are provided without obstruction, diversion or restriction and is committed to the repair and maintenance of such utilities whilst in liaison with the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy (the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or embassy will make their own choices and appropriate agreements with utility providers at their new chosen site.)

Article 4:
Due to the extreme nature of security in the region, the State of Israel will provide extra security to the proposed new embassy in Jerusalem and will direct security agencies (Israel Police, Israel Border Police, Shin Bet) and other corresponding agencies to work with the Republic of Korea Government and the embassy to ensure maximum safety to the Ambassador, their diplomatic teams, security teams, civilian teams and the building structure itself. Israeli agencies will share any known intelligence and security risks that may pose a risk to the Republic of Korea embassy. This article will also allow the increased security (within reason as determined by the two parties within the agreement) of Republic of Korea security agents attached to the new diplomatic mission. The Republic of Korea will send an extra 15 Armed Security Officers to work within the new location of the embassy. making a total of Armed Security from 22 to 37 with accordance to the Global Assembly Resolution International Diplomacy

Article 5:
This agreement may only be amended or modified by a written document executed by the parties listed within the agreement. The agreement will come into effect upon the signature of the government official from the Republic of Korea on the date of 18/01/2006.
for the Government of the State of Israel: Naftali Bennett, Deputy Prime Minister

for the Government of the Republic of Korea:



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I shall pass the proposed amendments onto the Prime Minister. I am sure she'll have no problem with the new amended articles but it's down to her. We are curious to what is happening in the North of your country, what are your plans for the North of the Korean Peninsula?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"We're currently improving transport links between the South & the North, as well as increasing and improving the energy sector in the North by building and connecting pipelines between the South & the North along with improving the North Mining Facilities to help increase the the revenue that comes into the North which will then turn into future projects and improve building works in the North so they have the same standards in the South. What are your administrations plans for improving ISrael?"


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"It appears as if I have lost the election...." He would get a text message.

He would put through a phone call.

"Yeah, I still have the Korean Minister here. Understood."

He would get off the phone.

"The new Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Shimon Peres, will meet with you down at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I'm sorry for the terrible inconvenience.... democracy and all. I will personally drive you down there if you wish."


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