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[Israel]: Message for Turkey


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: Mesut Yılmaz, Prime Minister, Republic of Turkey (Axis12)

I am reaching out to the Turkish Government once again to begin peace talks between the State of Israel and the Republic of Turkey. I would like to invite you to a video conference between myself and the Minister of Foreign Affairs as we believe that peace talks should be between the two nations highly involved in what has gone on and that is our countries, rather than talks being mediated by Poland and the United States. A war for the Middle Eastern region would be disastrous for all involved and would send shockwaves across the world for many years to come and would undoubtedly cause a humanitarian crisis for both of our countries and for neighbouring countries in the Middle East and Europe. This is something that I want to avoid and I'm sure you feel the same way Prime Minister. I look forward to hearing your response.

Kind Regards,
Naftali Bennett
Prime Minister of Israel


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

Republic of Turkey
Office of the Prime Minister


Naftali Bennett, Zak


Mesut Yılmaz, Prime Minister of Turkey

Security Classification-Private-Encrypted

Dear Prime Minister Bennet,

Thank you for your correspondence, I would be pleased to join you on a video conference. Please Send me the email link in a private & secure fashion and we can begin. I equally believe that a war between our states would be disastrous and I will warn you that many in the Administration would like me to never make this call. This includes the President I’m afraid And a good portion of the opposition party. I hope to speak to you shortly.

Prime Minister of Turkey
Mesut Yılmaz
Republic of Turkey
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Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid would begin a video conference on a secure and encrypted line and would invite the Prime Minister of Turkey through an encrypted back-channel to ensure nobody got word that the meeting between the two countries was taking place. The two Israeli officials would take the meeting in their private offices as they awaited the meeting to begin.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Prime Minister Mesut Yılmaz and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs İsmet Sezgin would connect to the video conference on a secure line. This would be done without the notification of the National Intelligence Organization, as the NIO would likely be displeased with the call. The call would be done in the PM office which was checked beforehand to make sure no unauthorized personnel were listening and/or foreign governments.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Naftali Bennett stands once the Turkish Prime Minister and Deputy Foreign Minister enter the call, before sitting back down his seat which was in the middle of two Israeli flags draped either side of him. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid was also in the call as he sat at his desk with a translator on hand to translate should they need it. Prime Minister Bennett took a sip of water from the glass on his desk, clearing his throat before speaking.

"Prime Minister Yılmaz, Deputy Minister Sezgin, it's a pleasure to finally be here where we can resolve our issues and hopefully put things to bed, not only for both of our countries, but for the region and world as a whole. I'm going to put this very blunt but we're going to piss off a lot of people in our countries, including our cabinet but I'd rather do that and deal with those consequences rather than sending our Armed Forces to fight each other because with the Turkish threat of military invention in the past, from my understanding this was not far from happening especially with the unfortunate killing of P. W. Botha over the Mediterranean Sea."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

Prime Minister Yılmaz(L) and the Deputy Minister(R) would be sat down at round table with the picture of Ataturk behind them and two Turkish Flags and the Armed Forces Flag. The PM would also have a translator in the case he could not understand Mr. Bennet

The PM would Speak
”First of all, thank you for arranging this meeting, I can tell you that Indeed, we will anger off many in our governments with what we will discuss but… The Nation remains divided on the subject and we must come to a peaceful solution very very soon. A growing number of GNA members are supporting military intervention and this would be apocalyptic, the Middle East will be scarred forever if we were to clash And the fact is I see this in our coming future, even with the peace talks in Poland which I will be attending Things could quickly go south. The Killing of P.W. Botha is very very unfortunate, and I am still shocked that the man is dead, after all I will admit we were in contact with him. I will just give you some detail that I hope you wont share, he was never actually given permission to land and called us on his way to Turkey expecting us to take him in. We thought we could fool him into thinking that he would be safe in Turkey by welcoming him in, where we would then arrest him and turn him into the Swedish Government. Next thing I know though, he’s on a plane heading to who knows where maybe after catching onto our plan and we had no choice but to stop him, if he got into central Africa or South East Asia the criminal could be lost forever. I didn’t make the order and I have heard that the intelligence agency made the final decision but we could not let such a horrible, despicable, racist man get off Scott free. I would like to inquire into if the Israeli government knows where his aircraft was going at all, and if so if they could tell us how they obtained the information.”


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am also facing calls from opposition parties within the Knesset (the unicameral legislature of Israel) to begin military intervention on Turkey but this is not what I want in the slightest. I want peace and prosperity for our region, our region was once glistening with opportunity, investment and was one of the best regions in the world. War will shatter the region hence why I want the peace process between our two nations rather than other nations such as Poland and the United States of America getting involved. As for the situation between Turkey and the downing of the South African flight, we do not know where he was possibly heading. As common with air traffic control frequencies, we did pick up on emergency broadcasts to the British in Cyprus and to an airport in Egypt but the flight also contacted Israeli air traffic control declaring an emergency."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Prime Minister would Reply, trying to poke at Bennett and see if he was lying
“Interesting Prime Minister, then if Israel knew not of what was going on then why were Aircraft deployed from Israel with a flight course consistent with that which would intercept the 747.”


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Because the aircraft was declaring an emergency, this is Israeli protocol and I'm sure that if in your case, the Turkish Armed Forces would do the same. There could have been a number of possibilities, a hijack, a medical emergency, there's a whole wide range of possibilities."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“True… Well thank you for telling me the TRUTH and the fact that Israel is sharing this information is something that Turkey Appreciates. Now prime minister, I would like you to explain to me why the Aircraft was heading straight for Israeli Airspace, in fact we looked at other commercial flights from Istanbul to Israel and they all show the same path. Why is this the case? We do not see any legitimate reason for Botha to go to Cyprus and Mr. Botha actually landed and then immediately darted hurriedly as if he was going somewhere else. In fact he told us he was going to Samoa which makes no sense whatsoever and he was suspected of sending a message from his aircraft as it landed since we can monitor all of the data traffic coming in and out of Turkey via the NIO monitoring center and local data towers(the 747 was a civilian aircraft and non-government and in 1999 its unlikely that it would have it‘s own wifi). While I’m not accusing Israel of anything and we dont actually know what he sent and where, so some have speculated that it was sent to Israel.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I have no idea Prime Minister, at the end of the day we picked up on that flight declaring an emergency over the sea and the Israeli Air Force quickly picked up on it because it could have been a number of reasons like I stated, medical emergency, fuel problems, or even a hijack. We didn't want to run the risk of having a plane crash into any areas across Israel or Palestine which would escalate things massively, be honest Prime Minister, has Turkey began recovery or have you recovered the aircraft at all?

We're not saying he was going to Cyprus, we're saying he was in contact with a British Royal Air Force Base on the southern coast of Turkey. Anyway, it is an important topic to discuss and I'm sure we can come back to it at some point Prime Minister but i'd like to begin with the real reason of why we're here today, peace."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Peace? Why peace when there has been no war Prime Minister? I think we are here today to talk more of the Palestinian situation and hope your acceptance that Palestine is indeed a free state. I hope it is recognized before we continue that Turkey will not accept any form of compromise on the matter, we Will not budge on any sort of deal that compromises the rights of Palestinians and I would like to mention how on earth you turned the Egyptians onto your side. They have fought Israel in many wars and the populace despises Israel even more than ours yet somehow there’s been a sudden change after the recent election and I can’t understand it. Has Israel bribed Egypt?”
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Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"You have my word that we will recognise Palestine as a state, and no Prime Minister, we have not bribed Egypt with anything. They actually told our Defense Minister that they would support an Israeli annexation of Palestine should we ever decide to annex Palestine, it did come across as a shock due to past tensions. Have relations between the Republic of Turkey and Arab Republic of Egypt deteriorated rapidly?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Turkey would inquire as to if the Call was still ongoing now that PM Bennett has resigned.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The call would continue with Naftali Bennett serving as Acting Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister was elected.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Any and all communications between the State of Israel and Turkey are Restricted until further notice by order of the National Security Council.

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