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[Japan]: Message for United Kingdom


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Recipient: Sir John Boyd, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Japan

I am contacting the government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland on behalf of the State of Japan. It is my hope that with this message we may continue the positive ties that our countries have shared under previous governments. The history of the relationship between Japan and the United Kingdom began in 1600 with the arrival of William Adams on the shores of Kyushu at Usuki in Ōita Prefecture, during the Sakoku period. We wish to further our diplomatic, economic, tourism as well as other ties with your government. I would like to visit the British Embassy in Tokyo to meet with yourself or you are more than welcome to come and visit me at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I look forward to hearing from you.

Masahisa Sato
State Minister of Foreign Affairs


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
With the email received from the Japanese Government, a memo was sent back inviting the State Minister of Foreign Affairs to the British Embassy based in Tokyo at their earliest convenience.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Masahisa Sato received the memorandum from the British Embassy and gathered all of his documents from his table and placed them into his briefcase, he placed on his jacket and left his office with his briefcase in hand and went to Kasumigaseki Station which was just around the corner from the Ministry building and jumped on the subway for four stops until he arrived at Hanzōmon Station where he left and made his way to the British Embassy and entered the building, walking to reception.

"Hello there. I have a meeting with Ambassador Boyd."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The Ambassador was sure that the Embassy had been cleaned prior to the arrival of the Japanese Government Officials, the embassy reigning the Union Flag in the courtyard and security always ready, conducting checks on anyone entering the Embassy. When Mr Sato arrived, he was welcomed inside promptly. Upon arriving at the reception, the woman covering it smiled and nodded, indicating to follow her to the Ambassadors office. There sat Mr Boyd, "Ah, Mr Sato, it's a pleasure to see you/" he smiled, standing up and approaching the Japanese Official, extending his hand.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Minister Sato followed the receptionist to the office of the Ambassador and smiled as he entered, shaking the hand of the Ambassador and took in the office surroundings as he took a seat at the other side of the Ambassador's desk.

"Hello Mr. Ambassador, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. How has things been here? Been busy at all?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The Ambassador returned the handshake to Mister Sato, smiling "Pleasure to meet you too." he replied. "As busy as always really! Nothing new there. I must admit, I was surprised to hear of your request to discuss UK relations with the embassy itself. Normally other countries opt to speak directly to the government. A pleasant surprise nonetheless. May I inquire as to if your visit is directly related to relations or whether there is another agenda on your mind?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm stuck in the office for long periods of the day so I thought why not get out of the office for a bit?" The Minister lets out a little chuckle before continuing. "There is a couple of things I want to discuss with the United Kingdom in regards to relations, the first being a free trade agreement, would this be something that your government is interested in?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The Ambassador laughs "Very fair point. Nothing worse than been in an office all day and no escape." he smiled. "Whilst we are open to agreements, there are a number of queries I'd have to ask regarding any prospect of Free Trade.
The United Kingdom has a VAT Rate of 20% as it stands, of course, a Free Trade Agreement would abolish that VAT Rate for any sales from us or companies that originate in the UK. May I inquire as to the tariffs that this would abolish from Japan? In regards to how an FTA would benefit ourselves?
Japan itself would see a significant decrease of 20% of any sale from our country."


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