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[Japan]: Message to Korea


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"From what we've seen your Government does not have any official visa application ( so really it is just free travel until you implement that (as per rules). So we didn't feel the need to tell you or apply for anything. Our understanding was there was free travel until such time as you implemented your visa system. Well they will not be posted to Korea anymore. We will be downsizing our embassy from now. Your nation's hostility towards us is evident. You are refusing visits from the Prime Minister himself, you are demanding apologies, you are intercepting unarmed aircraft. We have done nothing but given you 100% Japanese hospitality.

We are also not party to the GA so we have no requirements as per the GA."

His face would start to get visibly cross.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Very well then Ambassador. Let me state this in the clearest terms to you and that you may convey this to your government. The Republic of Korea and the Korean people are no longer colonial pawns to which you can force your will and way through. You do not have a free reign to impose you will across the peninsula, bypass our institutions and government, and act as you please. Consider this a formal protest to your government over you disregard for the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea on its borders, airspace, maritime waters, and exclusive economic zone.

Your government has a habit of making it seem like the Republic of Korea is showcasing this force of hostility. Yet. The Republic of Korea has not taken any action to hint or imply aggression against your government. On the contrary your government attempted to forcefully land without authorization on a flight plan not shared or agreed upon and an aircraft not given clearance. Please understand Ambassador, when we declared our independence after years of cultural genocide and suppression, we took our denied right to be a state. Your government should begin to respect the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea as we have to you. Continually the Republic of Korea has offered to postpone actions of our desired agenda and have agreed to accommodate your government. Your government has not offered any alternatives or solutions. Yet, you have refused to make any adjustments on the agenda that should be representative of both parties wishes. Your government insists on your way and your agenda alone. Ambassador Yamashita, the Republic of Korea is not some little state to which you can dictate terms and that we shall fall in line.

While Japanese government officials may ignore international protocols and may not be apart of the Global Assembly, the Republic of Korea maintains the strong principles and good will built by these institutions and agreements. We will continue to extend them to Japan as a common etiquette of relations and as neighborly states. Yet, I am getting a very clear impression Japan's vision of a bilateral relationship is one with Japan at the top."

It was becoming clear of the tense atmosphere in the room that both the Koreans and Japanese were becoming increasingly frustrated with one another. The Vice Minister was also growing increasingly longer were the delegations smiling and extending courtesies.


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020

Hello Owen, Jay

The claim made in post #21 regarding the visa rule is false. A country's real-life legislation applies in Modern Nations, this includes border laws which govern visa's.
Because of this it is to be assumed that visa applications are available on request, as not everyone has the time to make a topic specifically for this.

The Modern Nations Staff Team
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Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"I don't know if forced landing is appropriate terminology. From what I understand they requested approach into Gimpo and were denied and respected those orders, proceeding to leave in the most direct route of Korean airspace. This spin will not work on me. From what I've observed, the Republic of Korea are the ones dictating terms. We just want a meeting to discuss a range of COOPERATION issues and nothing more or less. It's broad, we do not want anything specific at this time. It is a mere stepping stone. No apologies, recognition of war crimes or anything like that. That will come in due course as the relation comes to fruition. But you are continuing to demand that as apart of your terms. And you won't even meet with the Prime Minister until he makes a scheduled discussion. He is not a man who will stick to some scheduled discussion. He wants a frank, open and free discussion between friends and not some sugar coated, polished and pre-approved agenda. That is how we get the closest of relationships, letting the Prime Minister and the President develop a strong personal relationship free from the manicured hand of advisors or Ministers."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"For an official visit, the items of the agenda for the Republic of Korea must include a discussion of the past. In the broad sense, that is, they must come with some mutual understanding of the past and how to convey that understanding into a framework to move forward. While you insist solely on our President and your Prime Minister meeting, we continue to open the door for other officials on both sides to meet and help build the foundation for a strong cooperative relationship. However, we will not entertain hosting a Prime Minister of the Imperial Diet until such a time we are confident that the Japanese Government will not embark on a path of conquest and domination across Asia. To be quite frank, based on your current action...s...we are far from assured about this.

We have different institutions to handle the bilateral relationship until a time where both our leaders are confident to conduct a formal summit to address a number of issues. All we've asked is to have an agenda of items so we can prepare the relevant information, brief the president, and ensure we are addressing fair and partial items to each participant. Frank and open conversations are what we want, but, to build the level of trust or as you stated friendship, requires efforts by both parties. We are more than willing to concede sometimes of the agenda and we have, however, we can not simply give up our entire position of addressing the past wrongs of the Empire in the meeting. Cooperation can be achieved through science, sports, finances, culture, travel, etc...It does not have to occur between our respective leaders. The door for cooperation and dialogue remain open and our Embassy as well as Ministry are more than equipped to address this portfolio as needed. Putting down some things the Ambassador said into bullet point notes as she listened to his response."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"I think you've made your position quite clear. We will not.... bother... Korea anymore. Do you have anything else to add?"

He would have a stern look, drawing out a long breath.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"No. You can see yourself out if that will be all on your side." The Korean delegation would simply sit as the Japanese would be left to leave the premise with a staff to guide them out of the building and to their vehicle. With the meeting closed, the meeting transcript and notes would be compiled and digitalized before being recorded and inventoried. In the meanwhile the Vice Minister would have to rush to brief the Chief Secretary of the President on the meeting and send her Minister her personal notes.

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