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[KE]: Operation Dedeusyas

Personnel Quantity


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Security: Official - Sensitive. Encrypted communications, encrypted documents. Public Knowledge of the existence of an operation.

Summary of Operation;
->To conduct patrols in and around the Red Sea to ensure the safety and continuation of Maritime Trade

Primary Objectives;
-> Conduct patrols and liaise with Merchant Vessels to ensure safety
-> Carry out regular exercises on station

Secondary Objectives;
-> Investigate recent missile launch in the Red Sea

Korean EmpireN/A

Sojang Ji-Hye KangN/A

Deployed Forces;

HMKS Jindo - Dokdo-class amphibious assault ship
->Ship's Company: 330
->Aircrew: 50
->Marines: Bravo Company, 22nd Marine Battalion, 1st Marine Division (x100)
->Aircraft: x3 Super Lynx Mk.99A, x4 UH-60P
->Boats: x2 RHIBs
->Armaments: x2 Phalanx CIWS
->Fuel: Full
->Stores: Full

HMKS Gwangju - Sejong the Great-class destroyer
->Ship's Company: 300
->Aircrew: 10
->Aircraft: x1 UH-60P
->Boats: x1 RHIB
->Armaments: x1 5-inch (127 mm)/L62 caliber Mk 45 Mod 4 naval gun, x1 30 mm Goalkeeper CIWS, x1 RAM Block 1 CIWS, x16 SSM-700K Haeseong anti-ship missiles, x2 triple torpedo tubes for: K745 Blue Shark torpedo, x1 48-cell VLS for SM-2 Block IIIB/IV, x1 32-cell VLS for SM-2 Block IIIB/IV, x1 48-cell VLS for K-ASROC (x38) and Hyunmoo-3B (x10)
->Fuel: Full
->Stores: Full

HMKS Yi Yeok
- Sejong the Great-class destroyer
->Ship's Company: 300
->Aircrew: 10
->Aircraft: x1 UH-60P
->Boats: x1 RHIB
->Armaments: x1 5-inch (127 mm)/L62 caliber Mk 45 Mod 4 naval gun, x1 30 mm Goalkeeper CIWS, x1 RAM Block 1 CIWS, x16 SSM-700K Haeseong anti-ship missiles, x2 triple torpedo tubes for: K745 Blue Shark torpedo, x1 48-cell VLS for SM-2 Block IIIB/IV, x1 32-cell VLS for SM-2 Block IIIB/IV, x1 48-cell VLS for K-ASROC (x38) and Hyunmoo-3B (x10)
->Fuel: Full
->Stores: Full

HMKS Masan - Brandenburg-class Frigate
->Ship's Company: 219
->Boats: x1 RHIB
->Armaments: x1 OTO-Melara 76 mm/62 Mk 75 multi-purpose naval gun, x2 Mauser BK-27 27 mm rapid-fire cannons, x1 16-cell VLS for RIM-7 Sea Sparrow, x2 RIM-116 CIWS, x2 4-cell Harpoon Launchers, x4 324 mm torpedo tubes for Mk 46 Torpedos
->Fuel: Full
->Stores: Full

HMKS Soyang - Cheonji-class fast combat support ship
->Ship's Company: 130
->Aircrew: 10
->Aircraft: x1 UH-1H
->Armaments: x1 20 mm cannon, x1 40 mm cannon
->Supplies: 4,000 tons of Heavy fuel oil, 400 tons of Fresh Water, 400 tons of lube oil
->Fuel: Full
->Stores: Full

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