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[Korea] Communications | Thailand


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Surin Pitsuwan < Bossza007 >


Subject: [THA] [DIR] Diplomatic Relations

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Minister Surin Pitsuwan,

The Republic of Korea welcomes the development of a democratic regime in Thailand. The Republic of Korea is eager to assist and support the government in developing a stable government. H.E. President Kim hopes that the steadfast leadership can help guide Thailand through turbulent times and kept the stability of Thailand. H.E. President Kim hope our two countries may continue to hold fast the strong relations built on friendship and cooperation against mutual threats and alignment with our mission of peace, development, and a dignified life.

H.E. President Kim continues to observer the current developments in Thailand with interest and hopes that the return with a government committed towards the values of democracy, unity, and cooperation through its own will and organically will help bolster a bright future for the Thai people. H.E. President Kim’s administration is hopeful to develop a strong partners with Thailand on this common mission for development and progress. President Kim hopes to advance ROK-Thai relations through investment in rural education options, infrastructure projects, and support the democratic institutional building of Thailand. Our hopes are that building cooperation towards a broader literacy and education campaign, and engaging on a bilateral basis will assist the development of Thailand.

The Foreign Ministry has allocated $420 million to assist in funding, advising, and support of the Thai Government towards creating a long-term relationship. We hope that a strong Thailand will mean a strong Asia, and a strong Asia will mean a stronger globe, and together we will bring humanity forward into the 21st century. H.E. Minister of Education Cho Soo-in is happy to provide technical assistance alongside a team of educational staff to assist withe educational planning and reforms. Additionally, H.E. Prime Minister Jo Jae-hyuk is ready to coordinate ROK-Thai relations with an official visit to Thailand.

The Republic of Korea puts strong faith in the government to execute its mandate to develop a health and strong Thailand that helps develop its people and priorities social welfare and progress. His Excellency the Prime Minister would be happy to have a phone call with your Prime Minister as soon as possible. Please consider Korea more than a neighbor, but a friend and a source of assistance. Please reach out whenever your government has questions or concerns.

Signed with sincerity,
H.E. Minister Bark
Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Republic of Thailand​


Government of Thailand​


Ministry of foreign affairs​

To: > Jay <
CC: -


Subject: [THA] [DIR] Diplomatic Relations

Security: High Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service

Dear Minister Baek Jeonghee,

Before the democratic regime in Thailand had begun, we have encountered many coups in the world can see in the last 80 years, so overall our government needs a professional government that has been in a democratic regime before to help to develop a stable government in Thailand. Our government accepts President Kim which has steadfast leadership to guide Thailand through turbulent times and kept the stability of Thailand. Our people have always seen Korean as friendly people since we have begun the first-ever contract between our nation.

Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai would like to confirm that he is going to bring democracy, unity, and cooperation to our people after a long Political division in the nation. Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai also wants to develop a strong relationship with the Korean nation since our people would like to accomplish it as well. the investment in rural education would bring us the most gladful not only to our nation but to our as well people. We would accept any investment from the Korean people as long as it brings happiness to our people.

Our government will support a long-term relationship with Korea. Education Minister Chumpon Silpa-archa will be receiving academic assistance in conjunction with the education staff team to assist in education planning and reform as more than 30% of the country's students are unable to obtain modern teaching methods. present

Mr. Rakkiat Sukthana the minister of Public Health and Mr. Suthep Thungsuban minister of Transport have planned to build a new hospital in the rural area and build a Bangkok train station to provide better transport between the capital and other provinces as well. The Prime minister, our government, our nation, and our people have seen Korean people more than a friend since the Korean war, our soldiers have stand-in Korean side whatever the situation is. The prime minister would accept any phone call from the Korean government if the prime minister has free time to answer at any time.

Signed with sincerity,
Minister Surin Pitsuwan
Republic of Thailand


Republic of Thailand
Ministry of Foreign affairs
Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
By disclosure of the following documents without permission: This is a criminal offense and must be prosecuted to the utmost. Official Information Act B.E. 2540(1997)



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Surin Pitsuwan < Bossza007 >


Subject: [THA] [DIR] Diplomatic Relations

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Minister Surin Pitsuwan,

We are eager to levy this assistance and are happy to have Thailand see us in such positive light. We hope that a stable government can avoid the errors of the past and that together we can help build a stronger Asia and a prosperous Asia. I am happy to hear H.E. Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai would like to develop a strong relationship with the Korean nation and I hope that I hope to build upon these desires and develop a strong relationship.

H.E. Prime Minister Jo would be happy to schedule a call at 3:00 pm tomorrow between himself and the Prime Minister. Alongside him will be a technical staff, Education Minister Choi, and Ambassador Lee. Additionally, the Republic of Korea would be happy to co-finance a hospital project in Thailand as well as have our national companies provide trains for train project. The content of the call will cover ROK-Thai Relations, the $420 million aid package, a memorandum of understanding, and advancing our bilateral profile.

Signed with sincerity,
H.E. Minister Bark
Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Republic of Thailand


Government of Thailand


Ministry of foreign affairs​

To: > Jay <
CC: -


Subject: [THA] [DIR] Diplomatic Relations

Security: High Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service

Dear Minister Baek Jeonghee,

I have received the E-mail, and I have seen that 3.00 pm is a perfect time for us to do calling between The Prime Minister and H.E. Prime Minister Jo. Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai might not be familiar with modern technology much, he's already old, but he always tries to learn new things. I hope after the call between H.E. Prime Minister Jo and Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai will make a strong relationship between our nation. The Prime Minister will be waiting for a call.

Signed with sincerity,
Minister Surin Pitsuwan
Republic of Thailand


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Prime Minister Jo would return in the afternoon to his office from a meeting with opposition lawmakers. Unease over the Worker's Party of Korea being in the assembly had put them off edge. However, keeping them tame and in check for the sake of Korean reunification proved subtly easier than anticipated. Still, the unease was felt across Korea. Worried if some long game, a Trojan horse of sorts, was being played out in this theatrics of reunification. The next legislative session would prove tough, working out an electoral plan for the country to have its first unified election. The conservative factions feared that the popularity of the current administration over its unification feat would drive support to them to eclipse their party. On the other hand, fears were about how an election in the North could even be feasible with lack of political and civil freedoms for years. Nonetheless, a free, fair, and open unified Korean election was the wishes of President Kim.

The Blue House would ask Prime Minister Jo to his Thai counterpart, an email the night before from the Foreign Ministry with itemized objectives and talking points was assembled. He met with the foreign ministry team and had them in his office. The team wasted no time, getting into the crust of the plans. The Prime Minister would have his secretary set up the secure line, and would dial the Thai Prime Minister's office.

"Hello Prime Minister Chuan, it is a pleasure to be speaking with you. I hope you are doing well. Please accept His Excellency President Kim's warm regards and salutations to you and your government."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Chuan is sitting in the office along with the young employee to help him understand the technology in case he doesn't understand, Prime minister has fully got in the politic since 1976, At the age of 40. This is the second term of him, sadly on the first term he is too busy with fixing the problem in the country, so in his second term, he is trying to contract the foreign country more often and mostly to stability his popularity since Taksin Shinawatra starts to gaining on his new party.

The Prime minister see that it's almost time that the phone should be ringing, and then it starts ringing, he picks the phone and receives the greeting, and he starts saying

"Good day, President Kim it's pleasure to speaking with you. I guess we should start getting into the topic, of the ROK-Thai relationship, we can start the visa-free between our country which can make both people in Thailand and Korea travel more frequently, exchange our culture, make more income to the tourist industry. Do you think the exchange between our cultures benefits your nation? if you agree, the opinions between our people will be higher"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you Prime Minister, however, I am Prime Minister Jo, Jo Jaehyuk. I apologize on behalf of His Excellency President Kim for not taking this call. His Excellency is currently in Pyongyang on official state matters. With regards to our bilateral relationship, I welcome the prospects for a visa-agreement to lower the barrier of entry. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is willing to come to an agreement on visas between Korea and Thailand. We would approach this with a mutual 90-day visa-on-arrival arrangement between our countries. This would not mean free entry, and the decision for entry ultimately lies with our customs and immigration officers at the port of entries. I do believe that exchange of cultures and people are beneficial to every country to make our citizens more open-minded, integrated, and global citizens."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"My apologies for my misunderstanding, I didn't realize the president is currently not here. a mutual 90-day visa-on-arrival arrangement between our countries is glad, I have read the email and found that there might be a $420 million aid package from the Korean nation, so I guess I have to tell you about how will we use the aid, $200 million from aid will be spent on 6 schools around the country, there will be the construction of a school in Nakhon Ratchasima, Sakon Nakhon, Chiang Mai, Sukhothai, Suratthani, and Yala, the detail is 428,700 square-foot, cost $261 per square foot contain 42 student rooms, 8 science room, 6 computer room, 5 teacher room, 1 canteen, 1 gym, 1 football field, and 1 basketball field, this will make the cost $103,316,700 per school, and $2,000,000 on each school for school equipment, the total cost is $691,900,200.

$220 million that left will be used in the Bangkok train station project, the project team and construction team have calculated the approx cost of the construction will be $495 million, there will be Sukhumvit Line from Mo Chit to On Nut, and Silom Line from National Stadium to Saphan Taksin.

But we also have a plan for the hospital here is the plan, 6 building hospitals around the country, there will be the construction of a hospital in Nakhon Ratchasima, Sakon Nakhon, Chiang Mai, Sukhothai, Suratthani, and Yala, the detail are 266,190 square-foot each, cost 421 dollars per square foot contain 95 bed, this will make the cost $112,065,990 million per hospital, Total cost is $672,395,940 million.

We would like to ask Education Minister Choi about the modern teaching technique and technique staff on the train station project, and also would like to ask should we build the train first or hospital first."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Prime Minister Jo: "Yes, the aid package we've offered to Thailand is far more flexible to offers we've made to previous administrations in Pakistan and Indonesia. From the items you've outlined, the $420 million would cover portions of the initial costs over one of the different you seek to develop. I am glad to hear your government already has a number of plans ready to begin development on. With regards to the current plans, I believe they are all worth investing, we are happy to see that the aid is being allocated to both education and infrastructure programs. If Thailand requires a financial loan, I am certain an agreeable rate between our finance ministries can be established. With regards to the educational support, we can arrange for a year-long program to bring Thai nationals to Korea to study at our universities for technical and specialization training in infrastructure and facilities management"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Chuan: "Yes, the year-long program for that to study at Korean universities for technical and specialization training in infrastructure and facilities management will be very beneficial for our people, I will accept the offer gladly, I trust this will improve our bilateral profile.

and about a memorandum of understanding, my kind-heart translator told me it's an agreement for some specific policy being made. I guess it's about the 90-day visa-on-arrival arrangement between our countries. I think we agree on this visa policy, the detail will be what you have said on phone before, you can add a specific rule on this policy by just tell me and fax the signature and we will do the paperwork, we will publish through the news media.

Also, I have decided to actually invest in education, infrastructure, and hospital. I think we can admiration the budget for education, and infrastructure project as soon as the aid being transfer,
If you still have anything doubtful please tell me, I will wait for aid to be transfer before beginning the project."

The Prime minister waits for the answer from Prime minister Jo, Prime minister Chuan looks like he has said everything he has prepared.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Prime Minister Jo: "I am certain wet can include this in the memorandum. My office will send the final worded document to you soon. Once we finish the wording of the memorandum, I hope your feedback will be helpful to conclude a fair agreement for both our countries. I am also happy to hear your eagerness to invest in the Thai people and hope that Korea can continue to assist you. On the issue of our relationships, I hope that Thailand as a former purchaser of Korean weapons will continue to procure weapons from Korea. Additionally, I hope that Thailand will continue to cooperate with Korea on reunification as your previous administrations have. Lastly, I hope that we could discuss Thailand's interests in South East Asia and visions for the wider region."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Chuan: "I hope so, we trying not to give the military autonomy too much lately, you know, an action that's called a coup.
we might choose Korean weapons in the future, It's always at our high priority.

I will wait for the memorandum here since you say soon, I will continue on the call.

I guess we can discuss Thailand's interest in South East Asia, to be honest, I heard that our Minister of Foreign affairs is discussing ASEAN with Vietnam, maybe if the ASEAN is formed again we can trade more frequently."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

THIS AGREEMENT for financial aid and technical assistance is entered into between The Republic of Korea as represented by Prime Minister Jo (hereinafter referred to as “Korea”), and The Republic of Thailand as represented by Prime Minister Chuan (hereinafter referred to as “Thailand”.​

WHEREAS, the sole purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to encourage cooperation between Korea and Thailand as well as non-government entities; and to identify the respective roles and responsibilities of each partner; and​
WHEREAS, Thailand with assistance from University of Busan & Yonsei University proposes to provide technical training and education deemed appropriate the services for up to two years per person ; and​
WHEREAS, Thailand, and its partners understand each project requires further funding beyond the appropriated and shall make up the difference of the funding through their parliamentary processes; and​
WHEREAS, Korean Universities will voluntarily participate in the technical training and supplemental training, they will be compensated by the ROK Ministry of Education for their services and other benefits of the participants.​
THEREFORE, the Republic of Korea & Thailand agree it is in the best interest of all concerned to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding.​

A) Eligible Participants -- for the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding, eligible Participants in Technical and Specialized Training (TST) are individuals selected by Thailand and approved by Korea and meet at least one of the following target populations:​
_____ Thai Citizen​
_____ Aged between 26-48​
_____ Not a violent/sexual criminal offender​
B) Special Categories -- for the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding, Special Categories for participation in the Technical and Specialized Training (TST) are individuals that meet least one of the following target populations:​
_____ 1. 45% of participants will be reserved for women​
_____ 2. 20% of participants will be reserved for an individual who have lost their primary job and employment status​
_____ 3. 20% of participants will be reserved for low-income and at-risk individuals​

C) Technical and Specialized Training -- For the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding, “Technical and Specialized Training” means training provided to participants in this program enrolled in courses pertaining to infrastructure and facilities management, education and instruction, and English language proficiency. Training must address the needs memorandum, to provide Thailand with a well educated and equipped workforce. Examples of training provide include, but are not limited to: case management/service coordination, city and urban planning, youth education, English, counseling, school violence prevention, substance abuse prevention, and community cooperation.​


A) Participant Eligibility -- Eligibility for this project will be based on both target population status and income level. The selection process will be under the responsibility of Thailand and Korea approve the final list in consideration of the waiting list and application process, including the completion of standard forms. Participants agree to releases to share information from Thailand to Korea pertaining to the application.​
B) Participant Selection -- While Korea and Thailand will respect and seek input from each other, in the case of disagreement over tenant selection, Korea will make the final determination of occupancy. Standards will be established that reflect a commitment to an inclusive program through its target populations outlined in Section II.​


All parties under this Memorandum of Understanding recognize that eligible participants who have low incomes are unique in terms of their assets, motivation, goals, backgrounds, and needs. As such, the parties acknowledge the following:​

V. REPUBLIC OF KOREA RESPONSIBILITIES – Korea has the primary responsibility for providing, maintaining and operating the training program Units. Specific steps related to implementing the program include, but are not limited to:

A) Provide funding to participant universities to subsidize and cover the expenses of participants of the TST program.​
B) Negotiate reasonable accommodations to facilitate the admittance and retention of TST program participants.​
C) Implement and maintain accommodating policies for participants to that will maintain low turnover and ensure commitment and quality completion of the program.​
D) Develop rigorous academic plans with the partner universities to provide high quality TST program for participants and help participants complete the program with high quality.​
E) Maintain a financial budget and support for target populations to incentivize their participation and retention, especially those who are primary providers for their households​
F) Notify Thailand of the status of applications for TST Program, and consider requests made on behalf of participants by the Thai Government.​
G) Develop working relationships with the Thai Ministry of Education to advance bilateral relations and assist with ongoing projects.​

VI. REPUBLIC OF THAILAND RESPONSIBILITIES – Thailand will be the primary entity responsible for the the recruitment and initial selection of participants for the TST Program. The responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

A) Act as a coordinator or referral entity for the TST program made available to Thai Citizens.​
B) Refer potential applicants to Korea for TST Program before application deadline.​
C) Assist potential applicants for TST Program in the waiting list application and application process, directly or in collaboration with a Korean Government.​
D) Assess TST applicants eligibility and provide services needed to help applicants understand the application process.​
E) Assist TST applicants and Korea in resolving problems or issues pertaining to the program.​
F) Notify Korea regarding anticipated and actual vacancies in the program prior to the application deadline.​
G) Provide financial audits and receipts for transactions made under this program pertaining to spending on infrastructure and educational facilities to the Ministry of Finance of Korea​

A) Funding for the infrastructure plan of developing the Bangkok Train Station will be $220 million of the fund.​
B) The infrastructure plan will cover portions of the financing for the Sukhumvit Line from Mo Chit to On Nut and Silom Line from National Stadium to Saphan Taksin.​


A) The funding for educational facilities and management will be $200 million from the fund. Schools will be built in: Nakhon Ratchasima, Sakon Nakhon, Chiang Mai, Sukhothai, Suratthani, and Yala. The schools will consist of 42 student rooms, 8 science room, 6 computer room, 5 teacher room, 1 canteen, 1 gym, 1 football field, and 1 basketball field.​


A) Korea will provide $420 million in funding to provide the financial support identified in this Memorandum of Understanding and anticipates the continuation of this funding as deemed appropriate. The Republic of Thailand is committed to appropriating the financing of this memorandum and shall not appropriate the funding to other programs outside of this memorandum.​
B) Korea will secure $1 billion in loans to provide capital at an interest rate of 15% to support the financing of projects and operations under the umbrella of education and infrastructure development. These loans are optional and the parties may choose not to enact Article B.​
C) It is understood that the roles and responsibilities as committed by Thailand, and as defined in this Memorandum of Understanding, are contingent upon continued funding. While this memorandum makes no commitment on further continued funding, it is expected that the operating budget of the memorandum will remain optimal to cover the memorandum over its intended course.​


This Agreement will be in effect from 1998.8.31 (August 31, 1998) through 2000.8.31 (August 31, 2000. This Agreement will be automatically renewed with the same terms and conditions annually until its expiration thereafter except where any party provides written notice of non-renewal sixty (60) days before the annual termination date.​


Korea and Thailand agree that in the vent of termination, for any reason, by giving sixty (60) days written notice prior to the termination of services and a restitution of $420 million, and any loans taken, to the Republic of Korea if Thailand seeks to terminate the agreement.​


Korea and Thailand acknowledge that by virtue of entering into this Agreement they may, at times, have access to confidential information regarding each other’s nations as it relates to the project. Both agree that they will not disclose confidential information and/or material without the consent of the other party, and unless such disclosure is authorized by this Agreement or required under law. In addition, the eligible participants confidential information will be handled with the utmost discretion and judgment.​


There will be no discrimination of any eligible participants on account of color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, or political ideology in the availability and selection of TST program.​


In the event any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remainder of the Agreement.​


This Agreement may be amended only with the mutual consent of the Korea and Thailand.


The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of the parties, hereto certify by said signatures that they are duly authorized to sign this Agreement.

For the Government of the Republic of Korea

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Prime Minister Jo Jae-hyuk

For the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Minister of Education Choi Soo-in

For the Government of the Republic of Thailand

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Prime Minister Chuan

For the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Thailand
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Minister of Education

For the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Thailand
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Minister of Finance


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Prime Minister Jo: "Coups are always an issue when the Army is not disciplined and committed to its duty. A professional army within a wider professional armed forces is a crucial requirement if our countries are to survive. Part of that process is trust and also fulfilling the needs of a well armed and well equipped military. We are aware of Thailand's history of ousting of democratically elected Governments. Regardless, I do hope that your government will procure weapons from Korea in the future, and that we can work together to build a professional and developed Army for Thailand. The ASEAN restoration is an interesting avenue, I hope Korea can participate in the multilateral arrangement as a partner. How are the discussions with the Vietnamese going at this time?...I also believe that the memorandum has just been sent to you, please let me know if it was received."

The Prime Ministers office would receive the memorandum from the Blue House after being approved by relevant agencies and would have it securely sent to the Thai Prime Minister.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Yes, I just received the memorandum, I will talk about Vietnam first. The talk with Vietnamese is going excellent, we exchange our opinion, make us understand more about each other and we are waiting for the answer from the Indonesian, that's all I can tell now. I saw that you the Korean are selling a KAI T-50 Golden Eagle which interested us for a training fighter and Light fight role we might contact the KDIA in the future for the purchase of KAI T-50 Golden Eagle. now let me read the memorandum.

The Prime Minister would read the memorandum from the Korean Prime Minister and will react with excellent opinion and signed the memorandum. The Prime Minister would forward the memorandum to both Minister of Education, and Minister of Finance with both would read and agree and would send it back to the prime minister and The prime minister would send the signed memorandum of the Thai Minister to the blue House



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Prime Minister Jo: "We are glad to hear that South East Asia is advancing inter-regional relations. What items were discussed in your meetings, is there perhaps a way Korea can assist with supporting your regional efforts? On the T-50 Golden Eagle, we would be happy to approve a sale to Thailand for a reasonable quantity. The aircraft is very capable and we are currently working on improvements to the aircraft for future use in a more dedicated strike capacity. Regardless, the current T-50 model can also act as a light attack aircraft. With seven hard points it can be equipped with a range of armaments. The ROK Air Force currently has ten T-50s in light attack configuration and thirty in training configuration. We are glad to hear your receptiveness on the memorandum. If you would like, we can have a signing ceremony in Bangkok. I would be happy to travel to Bangkok for an official visit with Minister Choi to sign the agreement in-person. If not, we can have a digital signing ceremony."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"The in-person sign ceremony would be good, this will be an opportunity for us to show our country's beauty, I would be very appreciative if we can actually meet in person, I am always eager to meet Korean people. Can I ask something about the T-50 Golden Eagle? Do we have the right to change the configuration? An example is a Change from Light attack to training, the government is looking for an Aircraft to can be beneficial for both roles. Currently, our army is preparing the First Major Maneuver will be Maneuver for Land army only, but in the future, we will have the Second Major Maneuver, there will be Land Combat, Naval Combat, and Air Combat we plan to have over 20,000 personnel in the Second Major Maneuver if the First time is a success."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Prime Minister Jo: "I look forward to the visit. We do apologize but we hope it can be kept brief and unless your government would like to host an ROK-Thai Summit on the sidelines of the event. As for the T-50, it is primarily a training aircraft, however, it can act as a light attack aircraft. The conversion would not be difficult, however, it is primarily a training aircraft and modifications have been made to allow it to act as a light attack aircraft. It can be outfitted with guided missiles, unguided rockets, and air to air missiles. I look forward to the progress of your military drills and hope our armed forces can work together on an exercise in the near future."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I think if we are going to do a signing ceremony I would prefer a digital signing ceremony, I apologize we can't provide a ceremony right now, on T-50, I don't know much about the aircraft basic, can I ask? the T-50 can equip with a machine gun as well right? I am glad that our military drill news has been heard by Korea, but I am aware of dangerousness, when this maneuver was purposed on the council, I am the one who disagrees with it. the current maneuver method use life-bullet, real artillery shell, and other too, but we still have some strict policy in the maneuver to protect the soldier too, I aware that if Korean military will work together with our exercise in the future, we might have a lot to reform about safeness"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"That is fine. We can sign it over a video conference and give a press release after. The T-50 is equipped with a 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) General Dynamics A-50 3-barrel rotary cannon and can fire 205 rounds from my understanding. As for the military exercises, we used a digital system that reflects the realism of a bullet, artillery, and tank shell. Though I must say that we also have live-fire exercise, those are not against other soldiers. I do hope that your reforms come sooner than later. Thank you for the time Prime Minister. We look forward to signing the agreement and beginning the grant and training. It is a positive step in our relationship."


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