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Korea - Global Assembly Meeting


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Special Representative continued to engage in small talk, congratulating the mayor on his accomplishments and making small promises to the university director, while he waited for the return of the Minister. With the ceremony about to start he straightened up and listened attentively to the speeches delivered by both the mayor and the Minister. Upon the conclusion of the Minister's speech Schultze took a moment to join the applause before rising from his seat and taking his place at the podium.

Schultze took a moment to look across the crowd before speaking, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to thank the Republic of Korea for extending me a most gracious invitation to attend the grand opening of the Osong Health and Technology Administrative Complex. It is a true pleasure to bear witness to the next phase in humanity’s shared future.

The Global Assembly views the opening of this complex as a turning point, history shall forever remember this day as the day we voluntarily chose a path of cooperation rather than competition, a path of prosperity rather than destruction. This facility offers us all the chance to seek a better future for the generations still to be born. I have full confidence that the expertise being assembled here shall work towards solving the problems of tomorrow, so that their legacy can be to leave behind a better world for their children.

This facility represents the shift away from the mindset of problems ending at borders. Today’s threats are not simply limited to armed conflicts where the solution is to bolster the defences at the frontier, instead problems have become transnational. Through trade and mobility we have become more interconnected than ever before, with the recent economic crisis representing how we cannot stand alone against global problems. This facility offers the chance for like-minded nations to stand together against international threats of public health, climate change and cybercrime. This complex has the chance to become the hub of future scientific innovation.

I also wish to thank Minister Roh for her integral role in realising the completion of this project. I hope we can all spare a moment to congratulate her hard-work and diligence she had put into the completion of this facility.

On behalf of the Secretary General of the Global Assembly, I wish to offer all those who over the next few decades shall work within the walls of this complex, finest minds we have to offer, the very best of luck with their future endeavours.

Thank you."

Having concluded his speech, Schultze returned to his seat beside the Minister.

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The crowd would clap after the Special Representative finished his speech. The Special Representative would return to his seat and the President of the University would speak thanking the Minister and Special Representative for attending. The ceremony would continue and after the President had spoke, they would all walk over to the biological research wing where they cut open the ribbon to the building. A number of journalists would take pictures as they cut the ribbon. The Director of the KCDA would give the Special Representative and Minister a tour of the premises and the Special Representative could see the building was well secured and maintained. Only the three of them would go down to the special containment labs where some researchers were experimenting with anthrax to develop an agent to act as a vaccine or at best mitigate its effects. After they left the lab, they would go back up and take a small walk around the premises before the Special Representative would be invited into a cafeteria where chefs prepared a fine selection of Korean Beef, traditional dishes, and a number of side-dishes for the Special Representative.

After the meal, the Special Representative and Minister would be given a special tour of Cheongju by the Mayor who brought the Special Representative to all the special places inside the city known to the locals. Trying to also teach him some Satori for the region before he would leave. The Special Representative's needs would be taken care of and any special requests he made would be accommodated as it became dark and he was returned to his hotel room. A small security detail was left inside the hotel to ensure the Special Representative's security and he would be able to contact Minister Roh who was on official business visiting a number of facilities outside of Cheongju that night.

The following day, the Special Representative would be escorted to the Cheongju Airport where the Mayor of Cheongju handed the Special Representative a special gift, a glass bottle of Yakju, a rice wine made specialized in Cheongju. The Minister would be waiting for the Special Representative at the Airport where a private jet waited for them as they flew back to Seoul. The flight would be short and far more comfortable than the earlier flight into Cheongju. The Special Representative and Minister would chat casually and it would not be long before they were landing in Seoul. Compared to Cheongju, the Special Representative could see the city of Seoul was a sprawling and massive city.

At the Airport, instead of the previous security detail, a special security unit from the Blue House was waiting for them with government vehicles on the tarmac. The Special Representative and Minister would be driven to the Blue House where the Special Representative would meet President Kim. Arriving at the Blue House, the Special Representative could see the extremely fortified building with layers of security personnel, patrols, only able to guess the other unhidden measures. He would arrive at the front gate where they would pass a number of ceremonially dressed officers. Inside the Blue House, a man in a suit would open the door for the Special Representative, another opening the door for the Minister as the she led him inside.

Inside the Blue House, the Special Representative would be greeted by a number of staffers there to accommodate his needs. They would bring him into a special room, noting Minister Roh bidding her farewells as she would have to join a conference call on the Antarctic Research Team. The Minister would wish him well and passed him her official phone number so the two could see Seoul together later. After waiting for around a two or three minutes, the door would be opened by a P.S.S Agent and the President would walk in flanked by three agents who stood around the room. The President walked up to the Special Representative and with a warm smile greeted him as he extended his hand.
"Special Representative Schultze, it is a pleasure to meet you."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
President Kim would shake hands with Special Representative Schultze and engage in some small talk as the Presidential Motorcade was readied outside. While inside the meeting room, President Kim would answer some of the Special Representatives' questions. His Chief Bodyguard would return and whisper in the President's ears as he walked backwards and waited for the President. President Kim would stand up and thank the Special Representative for coming to Seoul and wished him the best. Handing him a small gift, a wrap gift in traditional Korean wrap, with a small plate of Korean sweet teok inside for the Special Representative. He would give his best wishes to the Secretary General and looked forward to stronger cooperations between the GA and Korea. The President would leave the Special Representative of a Blue House staffer who would attend to his needs and concerns.

It would be roughly four or five minutes before a young man entered the room wearing a blue suit, with a dark royal blue tie. He would say something to the Blue House Staffer as he extended his hand to the GA Special Representative.
"Hello, I am Finance Minister Shin. It is a pleasure to meet you. Minister Noh had a lot of good things to say about you, I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long." He would motion to the Special Representative to sit down with him, placing down a binder titled Global Economic Council next to them. "Thank you for taking the time Special Representative Schultze."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Special Representative nodded to the crowd before he stepped back and returned to his place beside the Minister. Schultze continued to attentively listen to the ceremony as best he could. The tour of the facilities impressed the Special Representative who paid close attention to the information he was provided, hoping that one day he could perhaps return to check on the progress being made. Upon conclusion of the tour, the Special Representative made good use of the opportunity to explore the Korean cuisine, having heard good things about 'Korean barbecue'. Schultze was surprised that the tour of the facilities wasn't the only tour that had been scheduled. He enjoyed the honour of being given a private tour of the city itself and went along with the special activities organised by the mayor.

The flight back to Seoul the next day was comfortable and the Special Representative used the opportunity to go through his notes in preparation for talks with the government concerning the Global Economic Council. When engaging in small talk with the Minister, Schultze was certain to offer his full attention and appreciated the break in his routine.

Arriving at the Blue House the Special Representative noted the extreme security, though nodded approvingly to himself. Meeting the staffers, Schultze introduced himself and tried his best to get to know them before bidding the kind Minister farewell. Schultze pocketed the phone number for later use, depending on how long the talks would take he hoped the Secretary General would allow him some free time before getting back to The Hague.

The sudden appearance shocked Schultze into action, he rose from his seat and returned the greeting, "Mr President, it is an honour to make your acquaintance." The Special Representative accepted the wonderful gift provided by the President and bid his farewell. Schultze remained standing as he inspected the gift he had been handed. Soon enough another figure entered the room and his attention shifted as he placed the gift down on the table.

"Minister Shin, the pleasure is all mine," he said as he glanced at the binder. With a slight chuckle Schultze said, "it seems like we should dive right into things Minister. I believe we have a lot to discuss"


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