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Korea - Sweden Communications


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Swedish Foreign Minister < Connor >


Subject: Diplomatic Relations, Arms Sales, and Cultural projects

Security: Private and encrypted | Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Esteemed honorable ,

ince the establishment of diplomatic ties on 11 March 1959, the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Sweden have continued developing cooperative and friendly relations. It is our hope that a renewed friendship based on mutual respect, cooperation, and a vision for moving humanity forward will help us develop close politics, defense, economy and trade, education and culture, and science and technology ties. His Excellency Kim Daejung hopes that strong Korean-Swedish relations can be restarted on the basis .Sweden achieved a high level of economic prosperity through industrialization and trade. Thanks to well-developed systems including market economy, democracy, human rights, social welfare and public administration, the people of Sweden is now known to enjoy the highest level of happiness and quality of life in the world. In the international arena, Sweden serves as a model country that has been respected by other countries as playing a leading role in security, development cooperation, women's rights, international law, etc.​

Korea has pushed industrialization and democratization, and opening a new chapter in our history. While valuing market economy, free trade, democracy and human rights, Korea has been increasing its contribution to some pressing global issues such as nuclear nonproliferation, anti-terrorism, human rights, development cooperation, and environment. The new administration is striving for building “a nation of the people, a just Republic of Korea” by focusing on five goals: a government of the people, an economy pursuing mutual prosperity, a nation taking responsibility for each individual, well-balanced development across every region, a peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula.​
Korea and Sweden are ideal partners since we have common values, share a similar story in our path towards development. We hope that our mutual hopes for strong and open trade, protection of freedom and civil liberties, and a commitment towards international law and order shall propel a strong bilateral relationship. Both our countries are striving for enhancing the happiness and quality of life of our citizens while we take steps towards securing and pursuing world peace and prosperity. We hope Sweden will become a strong partner on the path towards reunification of the Korean Peninsula through the means available to both our governments.​
In this regards, it is my hopes that both our countries can become friends on a deeper level by expanding exchanges of people and goods as well as by promoting policy cooperation in numerous areas. Implementing a visa-free travel policy for Koreans and Swedish citizen(s) to visit each other and enjoy the culture is an area of importance to this administration's cultural and tourism policy. Implementing lower restrictions and opening financial transactions between our companies is a further method of ensuring quality products and at a higher volume for both our citizens. Opening the discussion on purchasing Swedish Counter-Artillery Radar Batteries specifically the ArtlokRR 2091 as well as Carl Gustaf 8.4cm recoilless rifle M3 variant is another area our government seeks to pursue.​

I look forward to your response, and hope that we can set the foundation for a strong bilateral relationship between our two countries. I also hope we can re-open the lost links between our governments from previous administrations, and pursue strong and robust diplomatic, security, and cultural ties.​

Signed with sincerity,
Baek Jeonghee
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​
Last edited:


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Security Classification: SECURE
Document Classification and Security Act 1995​

Dearest Minister Baek Jeonghee,

May I start this correspondence with an expression of how grateful I am not only for the kind words sent within your message to my office but also your thought and consideration for our nations in the early days of setting your administration's agenda. Let me congratulate you and your government on your appointment in the Republic of Korea, a nation that has formally seen some governments struggling during their reign but I have no doubt that with your commitment, confidence and patriotism that we will soon see your nation as a front runner in the international community - something I gravely look forward to.

The Kingdom of Sweden is in dire need for Asian relations, a continent that has somewhat been neglected by our own administration and what better nation to start with than your own. As you express we have seen a long and esteemed relationship with the Republic of Korea over the years and naturally we would like to see this progress into a fruitful relationship; one in which we mutually benefit not only domestically but also to make real change around the world.

May I suggest that we arrange a conference call in-which I can invite members from our Department of Defence, Bureau for Asian Affairs and Ambassador for Sweden to South Korea where we can truly thrash out some of the talking points you raise in your correspondence and of course progress into taking the first steps to a prosperous future between us.

I very much look forward to hearing back from you.

Isabella Lövin
Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Sweden


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Isabella Lövin < Connor >


Subject: Diplomatic Relations, Arms Sales, and Cultural projects

Security: Private and encrypted | Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
To H.E. Deputy Secretary,

Thank you for your kind consideration. The Korean Government hopes to restore the prideful stability of good governance, accountable leadership, and strong democratic credentials that Korea held following the end of the military dictatorship. We hope that our commitment to these goals can be a foundational block in a strong Korea-Swedish relationship, and break the negative effects of previous governments. I hope that if we manage to reach a high position on the global stage, it will be as friends and together as a community of nations with the aim towards peace and prosperity.

I believe hosting a conference call is a good start. I believe also having relevant persons invited would be most suitable. I will have to unfortunately delegate the conference call to my 2nd Vice Minister, Lee Taewoo due to my current arrangements of paying respect to the Rattanakosin Royal Family for the passing of H.M. the late crown prince. However, I will ensure that the Vice Minister is brought into the loop to our correspondence. Aside from the Vice Minister, on our side, the Korean Ambassador to Sweden Mr. Lee Jeongkyu, the Special Advisory for Defense, Security & Foreign Policy, Security Ms. Kim Minseo, and the Vice Director of European Policy and Planning, Mr. Park Jooyoung will also be on the call. We can move towards a discussion on both the prior mentioned items, as well as throwing out some ideas for the future of Korean-Swedish relationship.

I hope that we can build a healthy and mutually respected friendship that will continue to last. I look forward to your response D. Secretary Lövin

Signed with sincerity,
Baek Jeonghee
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
A conference call is hosted by Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs Isabella Lövin and joining her would be the Ambassador for Sweden to South Korea Anne Höglund and General Director of the Defence Materiel Administration, representing the Department of Defence, Göran Mårtensson. The call is encrypted with a 'SECURE' classification in-line with the Document Classification and Security Act 1995 and monitored by the National Security Office.

The South Korean delegation are invited to the call however prompted to ensure their communications are encrypted prior to connection.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Korean delegation assembled at the Foreign Ministry, using the conference rooms on the third floor. The delegation came in from various other government ministries and agencies briefed and ready to engage with the Swedish Government. The NIS and MoFA DPS encrypted the call, and monitored it for anomalies. Kim Taewoo would be the principle representative, representing the Foreign Ministry, alongside the Korean Ambassador Lee Jeongkyu. Also from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but largely providing technical assistance and knowledge was the Vice Director for Europe, Park Jooyoung, sitting behind the Vice Minister. From the Blue House (President's Office), Kim Minseo represented the Ministry of National Defense and broadly the President's security, defense, and foreign policy.

Kim Taewoo: "Deputy Secretary Lövin, it is a pleasure to speak with you, as well as H.E. the Ambassador, and The Director General. I look forward to a pleasant conversation, and hopefully we can kick the ground for a strong Korean-Swedish partnership."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Thank you very much! Allow me to introduce Ambassador Höglund, whom no doubt you will hear a lot from in the years to come as she will act as the immediate point of contact for your government and the Swedish central government, alongside Mr Mårtensson who represents the Department of Defence as the General Director of the administration for the management of defence materiel. I suppose we should hit the ground running and I'm sure I don't speak for myself when I say I'd like to thank you for contacting our government - it's certainly an extreme show of confidence and attitude to development when we receive correspondence, especially from across the globe."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Kim Taewoo: "We look forward to future meetings and cooperation with H.E. Ambassador Höglund, and I hope the city of Seoul has been treating her well. H.E. the Foreign Minister hopes that we can continue on this good faith and warm relationship and push through. We are thankful that your government has seen great confidence on our administration and hope that we can deliver upon our mutual expectations to develop a strong bilateral relationship. We also appreciate your government's kind words and support, and we hope the reciprocal support will be strongly felt. I believe Presidential Advisor Kim will have a lot of things to discuss the Director General soon enough. I believe we can dive straight into some of the substantive matters, additionally, please feel free to ask any questions pertaining to our administration and policies, I hope I will be able to answer them all effectively. he turned over a page in a binder in front of him with proposals and discussion items, opening the chapter on cultural exchanges, hoping to start on light footing.

As the H.E. the Foreign Minister indicated in her communications with you, we would like to advance a visa-free policy between Korea and Sweden for all Korean and Swedish passport holders. Earlier last month, Korea and Norway agreed tentatively to implement visa-free travel between our countries, as well as the prospects of establishing a Nordic Council-Korea visa-free agreement to allow all members of the Council as well as Koreans the greater access of visiting Scandinavia and exploring all countries in the diverse but also unique cultures and traditions. I hope your government also looks favorably to the implementation of a visa-free arrangement, as well as supporting a larger Nordic-Korean Visa Free agreement."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The delegation would all ensure they make notes throughout the conference call, especially subjects of conversation pertaining to their specific area of work, and through the call Isabella would take the lead.

"Visa-free policies are a substantial measure to international cooperation and it's something we'd be encouraged to explore with you. I am happy to hear that you have come to an agreement with Norway in respect to this measure and your gesture towards working with the Nordic Council means you have a gateway in. Currently all founding states within the Nordic Council are signatories to the Allemannsrett Area agreement which grants visa-free travel within the Nordic Council - it may be interesting to explore whether or not the Republic of Korea would even need to come to an agreement with Sweden independently as your access to Norway may grant you access to other Nordic Council states already... I will add this to my agenda and ensure I get back to you as soon as possible... but I think fundamentally I need to ask what security procedures you have in place for Korean nationals leaving Korea? What are they and are they not allowed to travel with? Are there stringent checks at all your ports? Etc."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
As the Koreans listened and the translators translated the Swedish message, the technical staff passed notes and other items with the Vice Minister who read them and put his own comments, as the Swedish Secretary finished speaking, the Vice Minister turned on his microphone."I believe I should begin with the last portion of your question, regarding the current systems in-place in Korea. Firstly, the current security procedures the Republic of Korea follows are in line with ICAO standards set in place during the United Nations, and due to no relevant body upgrading those changes within the General Assembly, we have maintained implementation of ICAO air safety standards, passport and border security regulations, and where applicable, Korean law. All Korean ports of entry are protected by the Korean Customs Services, security agency, and where required, the National Intelligence Services, National Police Agency, and relevant regional authorities. In terms of security, an overhaul of the security system took place during the democratization period with accountable anti-corruption and rigorous professionalization measures implemented. Standard protocols include passport and boarding pass inspections, clearing through customs inspection, followed by inspection by security of all carry-on items through an x-ray conveyor belt, and a metal detector walk through check, and if determined by the security authorities, a physical search...He looked at a paper handed by a technical representative from the Department of Passport Management..."The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues passports, while passports are printed by the Korean Minting and Security Corporation. The passport process is secured, and the Republic of Korea has not had any issues with forgery due to protective measures within the process of printing and digitalization of government IDs and documents.

In regards to the second portion of your question, our Ministry is aware of the current Allenmansrett Area, as of our current legal understanding, the application of article 1 in abolishment of restrictions, does not limit the inspection and movement of people between member states at both external and internal entry points. Of course, your Government understands this much more clearly, however, per our understanding, we believe to remove all possible legal queries and issues, either for Korea and the Nordic Council to pass an agreement on a visa-free agreement...a legal aide handed him another paper...additionally, another aspect could be, that Korean national(s) who's point of entry would be Norway, would benefit from the visa-free inter-nordic travel arrangement due to the fact the Norwegian stamp would be an appropriate legal certification of the passport holders legal status within Norway...however, I believe, a more stable form of easy and secure travel, an agreement would be much more safe. Until then, a Swedish-Korean visa-free agreement would ensure Swedish citizens would enjoy the opportunity to visit Korea alongside their Norwegian counterparts. However, I am intrigued by the legal merit of your analysis, and look forward to what response the Swedish Government issues in response to this query.

On our side, we'd like to also understand the current systems Sweden has in place for border security, passport policy, how are Swedish passports issued, and the regulatory arrangements for Sweden in regards to passport control and other aviation related security checks."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We have recently concluded a national security review which has included an extensive review of a variety of different areas, including that of the Immigration and Customs Service which manage and control all ports into Sweden - we too have similar standards to that of the former ICAO standards and we will continue to operate in a manner that protects those travelling to and from Sweden with the upmost seriousness. We will not see an event like the US Capitol Building explosion or the terror attack in Oslo occur inside our borders and we work closely with the National Security Office to share intelligence to prevent such atrocities. Swedish passports are issued as a proof of Swedish citizenship and permit international travel and are used to facilitate the process of securing assistance from our diplomatic missions abroad. Our passports are issued from local police forces and the applications, photographs and fingerprinting is done through local police stations - upon issue they're valid for ten years.

I will ensure you're not kept in limbo for too long and we swiftly contact the necessary bodies within the Nordic Council and our own Department of Foreign Affairs to progress a visa-free travel arrangement between us... my only concern is how we would meet the dramatic upsurge in arrivals and departures given that visa-free travel makes Sweden and South Korea much more desirable bilaterally?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Korean delegation took some notes as the Swedish secretaries spoke, nodding occasionally as the secretary began to finish; the Vice Minister began to speak as they finished, "Thank you for the information Madame Secretary, with regards to the Swedish passport, what relation does the printing of the Swedish passport have with the Nordic Council or are they completely independent? Secondly, are national(s) of the Nordic Council eligible to apply for Swedish citizenship, contingent on the regular process of background checks and relevant investigations?"..."Thank you for your willingness to personally look into our case, and we hope that we can sign an agreement quickly versus prolonged negotiations that drag on longer than needed...however, we have continued respect for the Nordic Council and its institutions...Onto your concern, primarily to address the uptick in travel between Korea and Sweden, we believe an allocation of extra-slots for our airlines, that will be agreed upon by our aviation authorities, agencies, and independent bodies, is appropriate. Additionally, I believe an area of concern for Sweden should be inter-nordic travel, as Koreans may use regional airlines whilst in Norway, Sweden, and other member states to visit other countries within the framework of a Nordic-Korean Visa-Free Policy. It is still important to note, the distance, cost for airlines, and also awareness of our citizens on each others culture and people. Our assessment is, a gradual increase is to be expected, however, in Seoul, we are ready for the opening of an expansion on Incheon Airport, taking away the burden on the older Gimpo and the existing terminals in Incheon International. However, I am interested to also hear your views on our assessment and your own assessment."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Each Nordic Council member, founding, observer and partner state retains their own passport governance throughout their time in the council, this is one thing the Secretary General has been insistently opposed to as it very much is a symbol of Swedish individualism, independence and citizenship to have a passport. At present whilst the Allemannsrett Area permits the granting of long-term visas there is no exclusive process for a member state to gain citizenship within another member state thus everyone would be subject to the same stringent checks independent to their own domestic law. I can assure you that next year the government is spending much more time focussed on foreign policy as opposed to our former focus on domestic issues - we have no intention to drag this process out longer than necessary."

"I think for the most-part this agreement is firm in foundation and your assessment is pretty accurate, do you have an agreement already drafted for our DoFA to review?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Vice Minister listened before responding to the Swedish Deputy Secretary. "Well, I wish you well on your endeavors to bring Sweden back onto the global stage as a foreign affairs leader, I hope Korea can benefit from the return of Sweden and that our two countries cooperate...regarding your question, we do not currently have an agreement drafted, would you prefer if we drafted the agreement and send it over, or would Sweden like to take charge and present the draft agreement. Either paths are suitable to us, we hoped to get the ball rolling in understanding our mutual positions before bringing any drafted agreements."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I have a solution that may not only assist with the development of our bilateral relationship but also further progress future projects and aspirations which may better develop our position both domestically and internationally. The Nordic Council have since developed their objectives and we seek to work much closer with nations that share the same values of our founding members; the Nordic values. The position of observer state within the Nordic Council requires the authorisation of the Secretary General only and I am keen to see South Korea play a role in in our organisation... which is why I had taken it upon myself to seek the approval of the Secretary General to see the Republic of Korea assume an observer state role; if of course you are interested?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
the Vice Minister would listen to the Swedish Government's proposal and would be slightly shocked at the offer, not showing it of course as he continued to listen. As the Dep. Secretary continued speaking, he would write a note and have an aide deliver it to the President Office due to the nature of this discussion taking a diplomatic escalation.

Vice Minister: "I must speak frankly Madame Secretary, that Korea is very much interested in always engaging with Sweden. However, the discussion on taking an observer role in the Nordic Council is a point of discussion I must seek approval from the President and Foreign Minister. I wish to speak clearly, and to ensure there are no misunderstandings that the following series of questions are in no way suggesting we are committing to a negotiation or official discussion on an observer role, and serve the purpose of information gathering to better and clearly explain this offer to H.E. the President." after ensuring the translation was clear, he would proceed. "Deputy Secretary, first allow me to thank you for this offer and your personal investment to directly push this course of action with H.E. the Secretary General of the Nordic Council. The Nordic Council represents an institution of security, democracy, and development. Speaking in my capacity of 1st Vice Minister, I wish to ask the following questions to better understand the role Korea would be expected to play in the Nordic Council.

1) What role would Korea be obligated to play in the Nordic Council or is an observer status reflect merely the role of participating in council meetings and cooperation while not a treaty-signatory member
2) What effect would being an observer status have on the negotiation of a Korean-Nordic Council visa free agreement
3) What would be expected of Korea as an observer member
4) What would Korea expect of the Nordic Council as an observer member

Alongside these questions, would it be possible to review documents regarding the discussion/agreement of other Nordic Council members who were observer states in the past?



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Oh absolutely, such an introduction to the Nordic Council is fairly unheard of and I'd absolutely understand the necessity to consult with other cabinet members and your head of government in order to make such a commitment so early in your political agenda. I cannot stress enough how eager the Secretary General has expressed her interest in introducing the Republic of Korea as an observer state to progress with inter-continental cooperation and introduce agendas of a forth state. As an observer state you are represented in the Nordic Council Chamber where you're able to express your view of certain matters; I assure you your membership status does not effect your power in the chambers, it's a location all signatory states can make a real change within the council no matter where you are in the globe and we are all treated equally from founding state to partner state. The observer status, if anything, would help in the visa agreement between our states and I see no reason why your state could not be invited to the Allemannsrett Area agreement as the rest of the council is apart of."

A brief pause breaks the speech as the final two questions are contemplated.

"Look, the Nordic Council exists in order to represent all members equally. The Nordic Council can be moulded and manipulated to ensure it accurately assists in resourcing the needs of any signatory state. At the end of the day, it's a group of nations with a common interest - working together in order to stay afloat in what is, especially currently, an extremely troubled international area."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Vice Minister: "I am certain our government would very much like to pursue this arrangement, however, you must understand this would represent a large shift in the perception of some of our foreign policy objectives. Having a balanced relationship with all countries is what this administration continues to seek, and whilst I believe the prestige of being invited to the Nordic Council is enough to consider it immediately, I must continue with the protocols of first the inter-bureau meetings and then an inter-ministerial meeting over such an action...however...a note would return, confirming the President's willingness to discuss the Nordic Council observer status...As I was saying, the inter-ministerial meeting will possibly take between 1-2 days while we discuss the implications for our regional policy. However, based on the Norwegian-Korean relations and agreements recently signed, and the German-Korea Trade Agreement and side-deals, and our growing Swedish-Korean relations, I believe we can see a very smooth process that all our ministers will support.

I wish to inquire how exactly would this process be initiated? Would the Secretary General meet our Foreign Minister, or would a phone call suffice, etc...Would we be required to ratify any certain agreements and if so would it be possible to have access to those agreements? I very much look forward towards progress in this front Madame Secretary. Please, be assured that on our end I will personally be pushing this to see it through and I hope we can count on your continued support to complete this process."

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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I can understand the commitment to a predominantly European alliance must be a difficult process to begin especially given your decisions in the international arena thus far - I guess I can only assure you of the Nordic Council's commitment to it's signatory states and nobody walks alone. Once your flag is bestowed upon the conspectus you are treated like every other state. Given the current pressures in Europe the council would be eager to get you introduced as soon as possible to enable your representatives access to the ongoing emergency Nordic Council Chambers session - you would be required to sign the work-in-progress Stockholm Agreement, this is the foundation of the council and at present all signatory states are signatories on the condition a council session will be held upon completion of the document for the final, formal, signatures. Once your head of state has signed you will be invited to send a representative to Sweden to join the rest of the council."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Vice Minister: "That is a primary factor, alongside the fact that the distance between Korea and the least to say far. Nonetheless, the opportunity to work closely with multiple members of the is not something we should simply overlook. Given the nature of the Stockholm Agreement, I have three questions; firstly for observer states. Are the laws and agreements passed by the Nordic Council in any shape or form binding to the observer state, or does it only pertain to full members? Secondly, to Article 5, how would it affect Korea's foreign policy in signing agreements with foreign entities outside the Nordic Council. How does the aspect of immigration policy play with regards to observer states? From my understanding and correct me if I am wrong, the agreement simply implies to give consideration to member states citizenship applications? And lastly, Article 6 on our edition seems to be removed, was this a glitch or has Article 6 not yet been approved? If it is approved in the future, is Korea required to adopt it?

H.E. President Kim is currently in Rome for the signing of the Korean-Italian Cooperation Agreement. He has been briefed alongside the Foreign Minister about this discussion. Upon his return he will be in a capacity to sign the agreement should our government wish to proceed. Based on the outcomes of the inter-bureau and inter-ministerial sessions, we will have an appropriate answer sometime soon and I believe that Eurasian Cooperation will only be strengthened with Korea's role in the council. You did mention an emergency session, is it possible to know what is the subject matter?"


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