- Oct 3, 2018
- 2,425
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To: Lawrence.Adams@gov.uk [ Jamie ] Cc: Pin.Young-Jae@mofa.go.kr From: Hwang.Mun-Hee@mofa.go.kr Subject: Request |
Dear Minister Adams, With the current situation within the French Republic escalating to a dire level, the French Republic have given authorisation to the Korean Ministry of Defense to dispatch squadrons to help remove citizens from France, with that being said the Korean Air Force would be able to make it from Seoul to Paris to x in one sitting however not return to Seoul. With that, we are requesting the aircraft that is being dispatched from Korea once landed in Paris then proceed into an International Airport (Gatwick, Stansted or Heathrow) of your choosing within the United Kingdom where the Aircraft can then refuel, where needed citizens from across the globe can depart onto flights back to their home country. Warmest regards, Mr. Hwang Mun-Hee Secretary for European Affairs |
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