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Korea - US | Jeju Summit Side Meeting


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
One the sidelines of the Jeju Summit, the Korean Vice Minister, Chae Song-ha would request to speak privately with the US Secretary of State Fitzgerald. As the situation in South Africa developed and the recent statements being made by the Swedish government, The Koreans outside figured that while the President and Vice Presidents discussed the sensitive topics of reconciliation, the US Secretary of State may convene with the Korean Foreign Affairs team to address specific concerns of colonial actions by the Swedish Government.

Vice Minister Chae would have the staffers confer with the American State Department teams to inquire if Secretary Fitzgerald could meet on the sidelines of the summit in a private room to discuss the situation in South Africa. The Secretary would of course, should he desire to break from the pleasantries and reception inside the Governors Residence, be given time to be brought up to speed and ready to discuss the situation. The Vice Minister would be sure to bring something to make up for and apologize for the Foreign Minister's absence in Jeju as she was in Hanoi.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Secretary Jackson Fitzgerald agreed to step outside or into another room to discuss important current events with Vice Minister Chae. He left his staff in the room who took careful notes and were ready to assist the Vice President at a moment's notice.

"How can I help you, Vice Minister?" he asked once they were in a place secluded from the meeting room of the Vice Presidents. Secretary Fitzgerald had been handed a few notes about what was going on around the world during the meeting. It seemed that things only ever got exciting when he, or someone else high up in the American government, left the country.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you Secretary Fitzgerald." The Vice Minister said as the translator related the information to the Americans in English. The Korean staff present and assisting the Vice Minister. "Please accept our apologies for not being able to see the Foreign Minister. The Minister is currently in Hanoi for a regional summit and unfortunately can not return to Korea at this time. I understand the situation is developing rapidly and we have only been able to exchange notes with our President as they work to normalize relations between the US and Vietnam. If I may, speak in all honesty and frankness regarding the situation in South Africa, and in confidence our discussions are confidential and restricted to our higher ups.

The Republic of Korea firmly rejects the actions of Sweden in the imposition and emplacement of a colonial authority on the South African people. The South African people should be immediately given the rights to progumate a new constitution and government as according to the public will. It is in the opinion of the Korean Government that Sweden has become an occupying power as outlined in the 1907 Hague Conventions and was reaffirmed under the 1949 Geneva Conventions. As such, in our opinion, Sweden’s actions run contrary to established international laws and bypass completely the role of the Global Assembly as the successor to the United Nations in addressing global peace, security, and threats thereof.

We primarily wish to relate our extreme displeasure to the United States of such actions and hope that we can work together to provide a framework for a new GA Mission to be deployed to South Africa to replace Swedish forces and provide an environment inducing of peace and stability. We also hope that the United States will join Korea in refusing to participate with the colonial actions show cased by Sweden over its actions in South Africa. Whether that is material, political, or economic assistance or the deployment of personnel. Korea does not dismiss Sweden’s right for self-defense, however, does not characterize its current actions pertaining to the declaration of war by South Africa as justified or in line with proportionality. Sweden does not have the legal authority to reorganize and institute a new South African Government, constitution, or in any active or passive way, meaningfully alter the lives of the occupied inhabitants.

Foreign Minister Baek in a private call with her Swedish counterpart outlined Korea’s “ rejection of war as being the only means to address international disputes and that we do not support the actions of the Apartheid Regime.” The Foreign Minister also extended Korea's diplomatic capacity to assist Sweden. As we had hoped diplomacy may resolve this unnecessary conflict. Yet, Sweden's actions go beyond what is appropriate or proportional to the situation.

South Africa as created by white supremacists and racist individuals is neither a dignified regime or one Korea recognizes in any capacity, however, Sweden’s actions go beyond the appropriate limits of self-defense. It is in our firmest objections to any occupation of South Africa by unilateral actions any individual nation. We hope that the United States will work with Korea, in the spirit of multilateralism, the right for self-determination of all people, and complete rejection of colonialist mentalities, work through international institutions to address the crisis developing in South Africa.

Our primary desire is one, the withdrawal of Swedish occupational forces, two, the instatement of a multilateral mission to South Africa led by the members of the Global Assembly, three, the assistance of financial and material resources to the South African people for the basis of a constitution and system of government which they agree to through a pluralistic consensus, and four, the assistance, at the discretion of the people of South Africa, in the apprehension of Apartheid leaders and officials responsible for crimes against the people and trialed in the courts of South Africa or an agreed external jurisdiction.

Regardless at this time, in understanding of the current situation, Korea will neither recognize any South African authority except that which the South African people agree to and upon. I hope your can take our position, relate your governments position, and see where our views come together so we can take collective action to ensure the stability of the global order.”



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Fitzgerald was momentarily taken aback by the frankness and directness from Vice Minister Chae, but he listened carefully. "The Untied States will not recognize any government in South Africa that is operated by, or part of the legal or political system of, the Kingdom of Sweden. It is our hope that this isn't their intention, however I think every indication points to it being so. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you just said, and the United States will support, or co-sponsor, any resolution that Korea wishes to bring to the Global Assembly on this matter. The United States would also be willing to participate as part of a Global Assembly peace keeping force in South Africa until a new government is set up for the South African people - one which does not hold influence from any other country. This kind of... neo-colonization is unacceptable..." Fitzgerald said. Before continuing further, the Secretary of State double-checked that no one was listening. Then he leaned forward a bit.

"This is strictly confidential between us... but a carrier strike group was deployed to about 200 miles from the coast of Cape Town, South Africa. However, the President was forced to redirect the fleet to the Mediterranean Sea after the tensions between Israel, Palestine, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia started.. If we are going to take diplomatic action, it should be done as soon as possible. The resolution should underline what international laws are being broken, condemn colonialism, and demand that Sweden turn over South Africa to the Global Assembly so that a new government can be set up for it, and it can be made independent again... If Sweden refuses, the Global Assembly should declare an international blockade of Swedish imports to member-states. What do you think?" he asked.

  • Wow
Reactions: Zak


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Vice Minister listened and took momentary notes as she formulated the countries position. She listened and leaned in as the Secretary spoke about the carrier fleet, while her English had deficiencies in speaking, her understanding was that of native speakers and so those around would to necessarily be able to hear the information of the carrier strike group. "Thank you for explaining the United State's position on the current situation. I am certain our Administration will see this as a positive light as we move forward to address this situation. We will have language on the draft resolution shared with you here and if you would like back to the State Department in Washington D.C. and see how to modify and adjust the language. Our primary concern as you highlighted, should, be for the return of full control to the South African people, and supportive of that effort.

Korea likewise will be willing to participate in the peacekeeping mission and contribute additional resources as needed. My hope is, that, the Global Assembly, with all its fault and issues, can resolve these issues before they escalate. We have been waiting for many months now for the GA to accept a proposal to modify the strategic arms treaty STOP, however, the officials in The Hague have yet to bring the motion to a vote unfortunately... regardless, I am sure we can use our influences to put some pressure on the GA to bring an emergency resolution to the table immediately.

Thank you for relaying your governments position, I am hopeful that the GA may step in and show that it still has relevance in todays world. As for the situation in the Mediterranean, Korea only maintains relations with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, we would be happy to work for a de-escalation, however, we do not fully understand what has caused this flare up of tensions. As you know, historically, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have not been active states in the confrontational sense with the occupation of Palestine, what has caused them to reverse course and take more drastic steps?" The staffers who were, although cleared to be in the room, could leave if the Secretary would prefer to discuss this situation in a more private sense.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Could we get some privacy, please?" Fitzgerald said as he looked at the other staffs in the room and waited for them to leave. "I'm not sure yet. They are basically indicating it's because of Islam, and to some degree it seems to have to do with anti-Semitism There has to be some other factor, because it isn't entirely adding up for me either. Regardless, it's going to be up to Israel to help deescalate this situation. While our carrier fleet in the Mediterranean could destroy everything from Jerusalem to Istanbul, I doubt that would solve the overarching problem," he said in momentary contemplation.

"Feel free to share it with the State Department. I'm sure Charlie - the Deputy Secretary of State, Charlie Price - is even better versed on the situation right now. I trust him to look things over," he said.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
To give the Secretary and the Vice Minister private space, the Koreans would hand out their draft resolution to the staffers to go and review and come back later. Once the items were handed out, the Koreans as well as American personnel would exit the room. The staff would privately and securely transmit the document to the State Department and the Deputy Secretaries office in particular.

In Agreement that the actions of the Kingdom of Sweden constitute the occupation of a foreign state and its inhabitants,

Gravely concerned at the ongoing attempt by Sweden to alter the system of government of South Africa as an occupying power,

Reiterating its concern for the suffering caused to people of South Africa,

Deeply concerned by the unilateral actions by Sweden in bypassing the Global Assembly and occupying without a mandate, South Africa, and its implementation of colonial actions,

Determined to bring the invasion and occupation of South Africa by Sweden to an end and to restore the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of South Africa to the indigenous people,

Noting that the Sweden Colonial Government or the Apartheid regime of South Africa has no legitimacy and shall not be dealt with as a legal entity,

Mindful of the Global Assemblies responsibilities as the successors of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security,

Reaffirming the role of the Global Assembly in maintaining global peace and stability, and performing peacekeeping duties,

Reaffirming the legality of this resolution, under article III and sub-clause b of the GA resolution on peacekeeping, stipulating that passing a peacekeeping resolution may be considered as requested by a state so long as this conflict is between the state and a non-state actor,

Reaffirming that the apartheid regime is not a state actor and shall not recognized by any member of the Global Assembly and does not have the basic functions of a state,

Recognizing the occupation of South Africa has having an adverse affect on global security and the situation in Southern Africa and the need for financial as well as military assistance to support a legitimate government,

Emphasizing once again the need for global cooperation and action,

Recognizing the urgency of the situation,

Acting under Charter of the Global Assembly,

Have agreed as follows:
  1. Determines that Sweden has taken over the authority of the people of South Africa;
    1. Further recognizing Sweden denying the people of South Africa their right for self-determination in its occupation and setting up of political institutions unilaterally without oversight,
  2. Further Determines Sweden’s actions constitute an occupation in accordance with Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Conventions, reaffirmed by the 1949 Geneva Conventions
  3. Condemns the occupation of South Africa by Sweden and rejects completely any legitimate right for a state to occupying another state,
    1. Considering these actions, member states may enforce trade restrictions against entities involved in the current occupation, their subsidiaries, financial institutions, and trading vessels as they deem appropriate within the confines of international law
  4. Recognizing Sweden as an occupying power, finds it responsible of upholding the duties of an occupying power, as listed in the Geneva Convention, but not limited to;
    1. Art. 43. The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.
    2. Art. 44. A belligerent is forbidden to force the inhabitants of territory occupied by it to furnish information about the army of the other belligerent, or about its means of defense.
    3. Art. 45. It is forbidden to compel the inhabitants of occupied territory to swear allegiance to the hostile Power.
    4. Art. 46. Family honour and rights, the lives of persons, and private property, as well as religious convictions and practice, must be respected.
    5. Private property cannot be confiscated.
    6. Art. 47. Pillage is formally forbidden.
    7. Art. 50. No general penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the population on account of the acts of individuals for which they cannot be regarded as jointly and severally responsible.
  5. Demands immediately, that Sweden announce its intentions to end its occupation and acceptance of a Global Assembly Mandate, and noting such mandate shall be concurrently passed with the affirmation of this resolution,
    1. Further Demanding Sweden cooperate with the peaceful transition of authority from their occupational authority to the approved Global Assembly Mission.
  6. Reaffirming as outlined in the GA resolution on peacekeeping, under Article VII, sub-article 2: If the assembly, by an 80% majority, designate one actor in a conflict as imminently hostile to the interests of peace, security, and the rule of law, Peacekeepers may be granted a broad mandate to destroy the designated actor,
    1. Recognizing the adverse effect that violent non-state actors may have on the peaceful transition from the Swedish Colonial Authority shall grant discretion to the civilian leadership of (GATFSA) to designate such groups as hostile actors;
      1. Noting such designations shall be publicly made to the global community after deliberations have been completed and that such designations may be challenged by member states.
  7. Requests that the global assembly authorize a Global Assembly Transitional Force to South Africa (GATFSA) with the mandate to maintain peace and provide an conducive environment for the people of South Africa to choose a system of government, constitution, and organize their government free from foreign interference, sabotage, or influence.
    1. Endorses a framework for a comprehensive political settlement of the South Africa question and encourages the continuing efforts of regional and international actors in a peaceful and legal manner in this regard;
    2. Welcomes the proposals of South African civil society for this framework and the inclusion of all South African parties and groups, and offers to host in member states of the Global Assembly, or facilitate as a neutral party, a summit for relevant South African parties;
    3. Encourages a public commitment of all South African parties, in full cooperation, to collaborating in negotiations, a framework into a comprehensive political settlement through the processes of a negotiated settlement;
    4. Affirms, in particular, that the Global Assembly shall have no mandate to set up a government for the South African people and shall support the people of South Africa in formulating a unique legitimate body and source of authority in which, throughout the transitional period, the independence, national sovereignty and unity of South Africa is embodied and treated as a partner to GATFSA;
  8. Demands the international community to take immediately all measures within their power (including legal actions against their corporations), from doing or causing to be done or permitting, any acts which might aggravate the situation;
    1. The member states of the Global Assembly shall impose financial blocks on the person(s) registered on the designated list of wanted persons pertaining to the Apartheid regime and Colonial authorities,
    2. The member states of the Global Assembly shall impose travel restrictions on the person(s) registered on the Global Assemblies list of wanted persons & organizations in relevant to the South Africa situation,
      1. Member States may formally protest to the Secretariat person(s) they believe have mistakenly been placed on the list and shall be entitled to a formal response.
    3. The member states of the Global Assembly shall limit and monitor dual-use chemicals, electronics, and other goods that are sources for explosive devices or weapons in their exports to South Africa.
      1. The member states shall further monitor and inspect cargo vessels destined for South Africa under the auspices of this resolution to look for illegal weapons, dual-use chemical compounds, and explosive devices.
    4. The member states of the Global Assembly shall cooperate with the Peacekeeping mission to ensure their best efforts to limit and block the movement of good(s) and person(s) actively engaged in the ongoing conflict.
  9. Requests that the international community take steps to facilitate by means of access to air and sea ports to movement of GATFSA authorized by this resolution to fulfill their mandate under the resolution.
    1. Governments required to facilitate the necessary movement of GATFSA shall be compensated for material, financial, and delays occurred as a result of the actions of GA personnel.
  10. Reaffirming the GATFSA role as outlined by Article II of the GA resolution on peacekeeping, under clause 1 sub-clause a: the Assembly is responsible for issuing mandates for peacekeeping and the building of the rule of law and security institutions, such as sub-clause III: disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration.
    1. The GATFSA mandate for the purposes of peacekeeping shall include the disarmament of popular militias, insurgents, armed communities, and ensuring the orderly reintegration of communities and person(s) back into the wider society.
    2. The GATFSA mandate for the purposes of peacekeeping shall not be limited to a passive role, and the specific mandate for GATFSA shall encompass Article 7 & 8 of this resolution.
    3. The GATFSA mandate shall be extended across the territorial and administrative boundaries of South Africa,
      1. Calls upon the Government of Sweden to fully cooperate and hand over control of areas under its occupational authority to the GATFSA forces in an orderly manner, to ensure a calm environment and transition.
  11. Outlines the mandate of GATFSA shall expire two year after its entry and may be renewed at the request of the peacekeeping mission or the civil society of South Africa through the Undersecretary for Security & Peace Operations,
    1. Reaffirming the Assembly’s intention to review the mandate and structures of GATFSA at the end of the present mandate (2001) and requests the member states of the Global Assembly, following appropriate consultations, to include in their report recommendations in this regard, taking into account the prevailing situation on the ground, the activities actually performed by the Force in its area of operation and its contribution towards the remaining task of restoring international peace and security.
    2. Expressing the Assembly’s members right to inquire and request a report on the current status of GATFSA including accurate figures from peacekeepers killed and wounded, insurgents killed and wounded, civilians killed and wounded, property destruction, and other actions occurring as a result of the GATFSA.
    3. Expressing the need for the GATFSA to ensure orderly conduct amongst the operational force as stipulated by the GA resolution on peacekeeping and ensuring its personnel act on a uniformed code of ethics and engagement as outlined by the Geneva Conventions and GA resolutions.
    4. Affirming the Undersecretary General for Security & Peace Operation’s responsibility to issue with the passing of this resolution a mandate for the formation of GATFSA as outlined in Article VI clause 1 sub-clause b. a. carrying out operations assigned to their unit by the Force Commander.
  12. Authorizes Member States, unless Sweden on or before 1 June 1999 indicates it’s intentions of compliance, as set forth in clauses above, to use all necessary means to uphold and restore International peace and security in the area;
    1. Noting that failure to follow through with its public statement of intention shall be noted as a violation of Clause 12 and re-authorize member states without the re-passing of this resolution, the use of all necessary means to ensure Sweden’s compliance with this resolution.
  13. Demands all States to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken in pursuance of this resolution,
    1. Further Requests the States concerned to keep the Global Assembly regularly Informed on the progress of actions undertaken pursuant to clause 12 above’
  14. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

The Vice Minister listened in as the Secretary spoke, trying to make sure she fully understood what he said as she nodded occasionally.
"I see. I do believe that the issue must be due to some provocation by the Israeli Government. As you know, they have recently elected a far-right government which has continued the unjust occupation against the Palestinian people. Which has been a major block in any effort for Korea to start relations with Israel. As you said, it doesn't add up alone. Whether other actors are using the interest of different groups to inflame tensions would be of concern to all countries. This, I hope your peace summit will address and I am certain Korea is ready to offer its assistance to facilitate the peace summit."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Chae Song-ha, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea ( Jay )
FROM: Charlie Price, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States of America

Vice Minister,

This proposal that your office has written is excellent and I am sure exceeds the standards of the Global Assembly. However, I think there should be clear language which outlines economic consequences for Sweden if they refuse to comply - such as all GA Member States declaring a trade embargo on the kingdom - and also language which says that the GATFSA can move forward with peace keeping even if Sweden refuses to hand over control of South Africa to the Global Assembly... this would of course result in a similar situation to the Korean War. These two additions could be added under the sections you find necessary. Finally, perhaps language that would demand that member states and corporations hosted within member states not sell weapons of war or military vehicles to Sweden would also be necessary. Please let me know if you believe that these additions will be reasonable I look forward to your response.

Best Regards,

Charlie Price
Deputy Secretary of State
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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Charlie Price < Odinson >


Subject: RE: Draft Resolution Proposal

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Deputy Secretary Price,

Thank you for your timely feedback. I apologize, Vice Minister Chae is currently in a side meeting with the Secretary of State and is unable to respond to her emails. We would propose the following changes to the language. Amending Clause 12 to read as followings with an additional sub-clause

  1. Authorizes Member States, unless Sweden on or before 1 June 1999 indicates it’s intentions of compliance, as set forth in clauses above, to use all necessary means to uphold and restore International peace and security in the area;
    1. Noting that failure to follow through with its public statement of intention shall be noted as a violation of Clause 12 and re-authorize member states without the re-passing of this resolution, the use of all necessary means to ensure Sweden’s compliance with this resolution;
    2. Authorizing Member States to institute economic sanctions and trade restrictions against the Government, Corporations, and Legal Entities of the Kingdom of Sweden for violation of the Resolution.
We would also to your feedback make the following amendment to clause 10 as an additional sub-clause,

  1. Authorizes The GATFSA mandate shall be forcefully remove Swedish Forces from the occupied territories of South Africa and be entrusted to act within its capacity as peacekeepers to take necessary measures to maintain peace through the removal of Swedish Forces,
    1. Recognizing that such authorization shall be granted as discretionary powers to the commander of the GATFSA force in the event that Sweden fails to comply to the provisions of this resolution with the passing of this resolution;
    2. Recognizing that failure to comply with the provisions of this resolution shall require all member states and its corporate entities within their territorial jurisdiction to cease all active military cooperation and transfer of weapons with Sweden until compliance with the resolution is verified.
      1. Member States shall refrain from granting transit rights or refuel and replenish Swedish personnel traveling to and from the occupied territories and shall deem such assistance as constituting a violation of the resolution by member states.

I hope these language changes encompassed your desired amendments. Please give us your feedback and allow us to revise any needed changes. We hope that a final draft of our proposed draft resolution can be agreed and begin preparations for lobbying global partners to co-sponsor.

Signed with sincerity,
Kim Tae-won
2nd Vice Minister
Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Kim Tae-won, Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea ( Jay )
FROM: Charlie Price, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States of America

Vice Minister,

You have the full support of the State Department, the Gore Administration, and the United States Federal Government to submit that proposal in both the name of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America. Please mark it as an "Emergency Resolution" so that its processing can be expedited. Please let me know if there are any other issues or things I can help you address.

Best Regards,

Charlie Price
Deputy Secretary of State


"What exactly has your government's impression been of the Israeli, Egyptian, Turkish, and Saudi governments?" Fitzgerald asked the Vice Minister.
"Do you find any of these governments trustworthy, or untrustworthy? You mentioned the Israelis - how have they complicated things for your government?"
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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Charlie Price < Odinson >


Subject: RE: Draft Resolution Proposal

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Deputy Secretary Price,

Thank you for your timely feedback. We appreciate your countries continued support and assistance in this process. We hope that the globe will support this resolution and recognize the flagrant violation of international norms through the colonial occupation of another nation. We have tasked Ambassador Oh to submit the documents and ensure he brings H.E. Ambassador Adams up to speed. I hope the resolution can pass with ease and we see cooperation amongst the violating partners fo an eased transition. We now await the GA bureaucratic order to bring the resolution to the table.

Signed with sincerity,
Kim Tae-won
2nd Vice Minister
Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Vice Minister Chae responded carefully with her statements, the two alone in the room, "Well. To be most frank, we have had commercial relations with Saudi Arabia and more recently Egypt. Our relations amongst the four nations are most advance with Turkey where we have a strong relation. The ROK-Turkey Summit was expected to go through earlier this year, but, the Jeju Summit and Turkey-Argentina Summit have seen us postpone the event.

We can not give a label who is trustworthy and who is not. We have found that commercial ties is a good starting point with the Arab states in advancing Korea-Arab relations. While the Korean War and shared sacrifices of Turkey was a natural provider for relations. Our Defense Minister received a call form Israel, however, the Israelis feel through on the conversation. Our primary issue with the Israeli Government is their actions against their Palestinian citizens and the Palestinians living in occupied territories. Until we see improvement in this regard, Korea can not open diplomatic relations with Israel. This is a fundamental position for our foreign policy with Israel.

I can say that relations with Turkey have rested on personal relations between our officials. They are largely reliant on building of relations between officials and diplomats which we have developed through numerous exchanges. We would be happy to offer some assistance to have parallel talks with the Turks to ease the Warsaw Summit if issues arise. "



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Vice Minister Chae would notice Secretary Fitzgerald freeze as he suddenly came to some realization. Fitzgerald considered that everything going on in the Middle East was perhaps some kind of distraction. "I would greatly appreciate it if your government could try talking to the Turks and have them come off a war footing, for now. I think it would help us in dealing with the South African situation, as that is... I would say it is more pressing, at the moment. Please excuse me for one minute, Vice Minister Chae," Fitzgerald said. He popped his head out of the private room they were in and got the attention of one of his aides. He told her to make phone call to the American Ambassador to the Global Assembly and to instruct him that he is to fully support the American-Korean resolution that the Koreans will be bringing forward. The phone call was made, in a secure manner.

Secretary Fitzgerald returned to the private confines of the room with Vice Minister Chae. "The State Department and our folks at the Global Assembly are ready for your government to submit the emergency resolution to the Global Assembly. You have full authority to submit it as a joint resolution of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America," he said. He hoped that his Korean colleague would confirm that the resolution was being submitted.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes, we will dispatch a cable to the Turkish Government to help ease the situation to the best of our abilities and also give our public support to the Warsaw Summit if you would like." The Vice Minister waited in the room patiently alone as the US Secretary stepped out for a brief moment, returning shortly after. "Thank you for your support. Ambassador Oh has handed the resolution, to our knowledge, to the Secretariat for an emergency session. We now await the Secretariat to bring it to a vote, which they have recently asked for confirmation to proceed with the emergency session to our Office in The Hague. As for the resolution, would it be okay for Korea to begin lobbying close allies such as our ASEAN partners to support the resolution? I also believe we can take a few more proactive steps to close partners in Western Europe and Latin America to gauge how much support we can expect in the Global Assembly."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
One the sidelines of the Jeju Summit, the Korean Vice Minister, Chae Song-ha would once again request to speak privately with the US Secretary of State Fitzgerald. As the situation in Global Assembly developed after their previous conversation, the recent decision by the Secretary General's remarks in the Global Assembly chambers, prematurely closing the resolution and that it would not be brought to a debate would be of great concern t Korea. While the President and Vice Presidents discussed the sensitive topics of reconciliation, such a distraction may derail the longterm benefits of the summit, as such, it was at this point decided to keep the communications between the Vice Minister and the US Secretary of State.

Vice Minister Chae would have the staffers confer with the American State Department teams have Secretary Fitzgerald meet in a private room to discuss the situation in South Africa. The Secretary would be given time to be brought up to speed and ready to discuss the situation through their GA Ambassadors. In the office, the Vice Minister would be joined by the Vice Minister of National Defense, the Deputy Director of the NIS, and the a number of military and political aides who had relevant competence in military, political, and economic matters.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Secretary Fitzgerald would privately rejoin Vice Minister Chae to discuss current international geopolitical developments. He would meet the Vice Minister in a private place outside of the confines of the room that the summit was being held in so that they could talk frankly, and only with trusted members of their staff if necessary.

“I’m all ears,” Secretary Fitzgerald said with a small smile as he sat down to talk with Vice Minister Chae again. He the. Realized that his phrasing may have not made sense, “Sorry, that’s a figure of speech, it means ‘I’m ready to listen.’”



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you Secretary Fitzgerald for your time once again." She nodded as he explained the figure of speech which bewilder her seconds ago. "Please allow me to introduce Vice Minister Park Jae-min of our National Defense Ministry, is is equivalent of me in rank in his respective ministry. She said as she gestured to the man in the grey suit with a purple tie. "Also joining us is Deputy Director Kim Sanggyoon, our first deputy director." She said as she gestured to the man to her left with a dark blue suit and a grey tie. "While our Government had hoped the Global Assembly would as it had done in the past facilitate a resolution to oversee the removal of the Swedish colonial authority, it is clear that through either nefarious or personal means, the Secretariat has intervened beyond the scopes of the Global Assembly charter." She said as the information from the Global Assembly discussions became known to the participants.

"Our Ambassador to Washington D.C. informed us of a previous request to forward deploy ROK Marines to the United States. While initially we had approved a light deployment, it has become clear to our Government that the forceful removal of Sweden is the only option available to us. Having considered the peaceful route of a GA Mandate, the GA's complacency risks turning us backwards to the era of the 20th century of colonial rulers legitimizing their rule through institutions such as the League of Nations. We understand, such discussions require multiple layers of our Government as the topic is both sensitive and caries a great deal of risks." She said as the NIS aides would had a black briefcase containing information that Sweden had taken 7 South African designed frigates "Sweden has to our latest intelligence begun procurement of intellectual property of the South African people. This includes seven valour class frigates. Such a development we believe is apart of a wider militarization effort to solidify their territorial claims over South Africa and likewise a wider effort to siphon the technological capabilities of South Africa with a rich national defense industry to advance Swedish militaristic goals." She said as the NIS would of course share the intelligence gathered on the seven frigates previously recorded by the Agency.

"Though, such is an extrapolation and theory rather than concretely proven. However, with a mandate, the NIS could further intelligence gathering. Our Administration firstly believes that economic sanctions must immediately put in place against all parties complicit in the current occupation and colonization of South Africa. We also believe that likeminded nations must begin assembling an international force to militarily remove Sweden from South Africa. In a manner similarly envisioned by our joint resolution. The economic sanction would primarily target Sweden in its totality and other benefactors of the colonial administration. This would include arms embargoes, financial transaction limitations, no fly lists for specific individuals and so forth.

Additionally, preparations for the liberation of South Africa must be made by our respective military agencies. We do believe that a strong multinational force will offset the individual risks and showcase global resolve. It is paramount that we do not allow the failures of the Global Assembly unleash an era of unregulated interactions. Should Sweden get away, frankly Minister, the Global Assembly will both be useless and will face significant censure from Korea. The attempts to draw this out have only shown us that Sweden neither respects the Assembly nor the International Courts. I understand I have talked a lot, please forgive me. I look forward to your wisdom in your many years of service and how to better respond to the colonial ambitions of Sweden. Ambitions which are dangerous for all of us more than ever."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
“The use of force is obviously something we wanted to avoid, but it may end up being our only option. I can tell you that the State Department was baffled when the Secretary General said that he wouldn’t let our resolution go forward after submitting it. We may end up trying to organize a coalition of nations to make a separate global entity for international diplomacy, discourse, and law… But that’s something to consider for another time,” he said.

“With the issue at hand, we would welcome a larger commitment from Korea than the original offer in Washington. I was briefly told that your offer was 4,000 Marines and a handful of destroyers or cruisers, and I believe an amphibious assault ship? What would you be willing to deploy at this time? I know that back home the State Department has been coordinating with the Pentagon as to our possible geopolitical options… We can get to the African continent, but does your Navy have the capability to safely ferry your troops, vehicles, and other equipment? If so, does your Navy have the capability to defend a fleet like that, from surface, subsurface, and aerial threats? I ask these things so that I can explain our position better to the Pentagon when needed. Furthermore, we can offer ports in Guam, Hawaii, California, and the Caribbean for refueling. I think that the most optimal forward operating base would be Puerto Rico… but we can discuss that,” he said.

“In my opinion, we are the only two states that can really lead an operation like this. However there are other countries which can at least contribute to the deployment, if for nothing else than to show a united global front,” he said.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"As you said, violence is the least of our desires or concerns. However, it is clear that Sweden is taken advantage of the Apartheid regime's military arsenal and population to defend its colonial territories. One which if only prolonged will make the liberation of South Africa difficult. As for our armed forces, The Korean Government is willing to provide the majority of our current naval assets including 5 Sejong destroyers, 3 Sohn Wonyil Submarines, 2 Ulsan Frigated, 1 Dokdo Assault Ship, 2 Cheongji-class support ships, 1 Cheonghaejin submarine rescue ship, 1 Yangyang-class Minesweeper, 2 Elettra-class SIGINT vessels. 14 total surface vessels and 3 subsurface vessels.

We would be able to assign this fleet to California or Hawaii to link up with the United States Navy. Additionally, we are wiling to provide the 6th Marine Brigade (Black Dragon) and 9th Marine Brigade (White Dragon) to the forward deploy to Puerto Rico. Currently, our Armed Forces is capable of dealing with any Japanese or Chinese aggression and our intelligence does not indicate that the Swedish have any forward assets in range of the Pacific. We can safely transfer our personnel, equipment, and vessels to the United States. However, we will require US escort as part of the task force to reach South Africa where defenses may be more potent.

Yes, hopefully we can gather a wide range of public support including financial assistance, material assistance, and passage rights for our task force. The withdrawal of the Swedish Armed Forces will be a crucial first step and protecting against further aggression by the Swedish militaries will be crucial. For this, Korea will begin investment in coastal defense assets and long-range retaliation options. Options we suggest the United States also invest in."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I'm very happy to hear that," Secretary Fitzgerald said. "Please feel free to pass on to your people that the deployment you just mentioned can be sent out as soon as possible. We will be looking into the logistics, as well as providing you an escort. For now, please feel free to send your fleet to Hawaii. They can replenish and refuel at Pearl Harbor where we can have a task force rendezvous with them. It will be up to the Navy to decide if we go through the Panama Canal or around South America - I'm not sure what the Pentagon will want to do in that situation.. And I will be sure to pass on your advice to the Pentagon," he said.


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