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[Krone Kapital] Message To The People's Republic of China


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

SUBJECT: A Trusted Partner
RECIPIENT: Jin Renquing, Minister of Finance for The People's Republic of China (@Alex )
SENDER: Mathias V. Anker, President of Krone Kapital

Mister Minister,

Good morning, I hope you are doing well. I am the founding President of Krone Kapital, a Norwegian financial company based out of Oslo. I've been in recent communication with a number of people in the Norwegian government, including Prime Minister Frost, who recommended that I send a message to you. He and I are both aware of the robust and incredible strength of China's economic might, which is why I decided it would be a good idea to come directly to you.

Krone Kapital offers a number of Investment Services. I'm aware, as I'm sure the rest of the world is, that China is a rapidly growing and developing country on the world's stage. Krone Kapital would like to play a part in helping China grow and better itself, and I believe that the following low-interest loan opportunity would be exceptionally beneficial to your country. Please keep in mind, this is a deal that we are presently offering to no one else in the world right now except China:

Krone Kapital is willing to issue China a series of loans. Each of these loans would last over the period of three tax periods, meaning that they would be paid in tertiary increments. The following is the special deal that I have been able to work out specifically for China. The first loan would be issued at an 18% interest rate (over three tax periods). After this loan was paid off, the second loan would be issued at a 16% interest rate (over three tax periods). Finally, after this second loan is paid off, a third loan at only a 15% interest rate would be issued to China (over three tax periods). No other international company in the world is offering loans at this low of an interest rate. Other international financial companies normally charge at least 20% interest on loans.

I am hoping very much to hear back from you, and on behalf of the rest of Krone Kapital, we would be honored to have the People's Republic of China be our first loan-investment partner.
Below is a better visualization of the offer we are extending to China:

LOAN 1 - 18% Interest
Funds Issued To China: $3,000,000,000
Payment 1: $1,180,000,000
Payment 2: $1,180,000,000
Payment 3: $1,180,000,000

LOAN 2 - 16% Interest
Funds Issued To China: $3,000,000,000
Payment 1: $1,160,000,000
Payment 2: $1,160,000,000
Payment 3: $1,160,000,000

LOAN 3 - 15% Interest
Funds Issued To China: $3,000,000,000
Payment 1: $1,150,000,000
Payment 2: $1,150,000,000
Payment 3: $1,150,000,000

Best Regards,

Mathis V. Anker
President of Krone Kapital
Last edited:


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019





To: Mathias V. Anker
From: Jin Renquing

Dearest Mr. Anker,

This seems like quite the proposition for both China and your company.

The People's Republic would be interested in delving into this possible business deal further. While we cannot promise that we would accept the other two loans without knowing how the first one will go, I can promise you that we would be interested in accepting the first loan as a 'trial period' with Krone Kapital. If all goes well then we would be willing to continue with the other two loans.

If this sounds reasonable for Krone Kapital, then please send me the terms and services for this loan and we will discuss further if need be.

Kindest Regards,
Jin Renquing
Minister of Finance
People's Republic of China



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
A message from Mr. Anker's office was sent to the Chinese government. They included instructions on what needed to be done in order to request the loan, which included filling out a simple form.

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