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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

General Bentégeat Resigns as Chief of the Defence Staff


PARIS - In a decision considered only a matter of time following the conclusion of legislative elections, General Henri Bentégeat has offered his resignation as Chief of the Defence Staff to the Empress. As the primary planner of the French military he was considered most at fault for the critical lapses of judgement that allowed Canada uncontested occupation of the western territories. While he has since then been credited with overseeing the rapid mobilization and militarization of French forces, many experts believed this was too little too late to hold onto his office.

Henri Bentégeat has had a long career within the French military, graduating in 1967 from the legendary Saint-Cyr, he joined the Troupes de Marine. He was stationed at several positions in Central Africa before eventually commanding one of the first fully professional regiments while the rest of the Army was still drafted. In 1992 he was assigned as Defence Attaché to the French embassy in Washington, D.C., a position he would hold until he was appointed Commander, French Armed Forces, West Indies. A position where he, critically, was responsible for defence planning relating to the very territories now under attack. In 2000 General Bentégeat was appointed as military adviser to the then Princess and he would continue advising her on military matters for most of the civil war. At the conclusion of the civil war he was appointed as Chief of the Defence Staff.

While the Empress' support of the General had secured his position initially, a critical report from the Bertrand Committee revealed that General Bentégeat and others were aware of critical failures in the western defence policies and that opportunist powers could seek to take advantage of these. The final nail in the coffin came when the General's own deputy testified before the Imperial Assembly that the General had dismissed security concerns.

While Bentégeat is the most prominent head to roll as a result of the invasion, it is likely not the last with multiple investigations seeking to clear the Ministry of the Armed Forces of negative elements. While the Empress decides on a permanent replacement for General Bentégeat, Admiral Édouard Guillaud, Chief of Staff of the Navy and considered a reformer, has been appointed Acting Chief of the Defence Staff and given ultimate command of Operation: Montreal, the French effort to liberate all French territory under foreign occupation.

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Oct 11, 2023

The Empress' Speech Summarized


PARIS - For the first time since the start of the Civil War the Empress has given a speech to the Parliament meeting in Congress. The tradition started before the war and has continued since as a means for the Empress to respect the legislature and announce her goals for the next year. As the Mouvemente Monarchiste has secured majorities in both chambers of Parliament it is expected many of these goals will be transformed into bills introduced into the Imperial Assembly and Senate. The party does however operate independent of the monarchy and as a slightly more conservative party than the Empress not all members may necessarily be in favour of all her proposals. In this article we have summarized the main takeaways in an easily digestable form. In general the speech began talking strongly about the ongoing war with Canada and a change in foreign policy direction away from a fixated focus on Europe and towards the French-speaking and Christian world, followed by policy measures to be taken following the Paris Massacre, she finished on a high note however announcing that citizens from former French colonies will be eligible for immediate permanent residency in France and commence the path towards French citizenship, finally she announced her intent to revitalize the French space program and announced specific milestones including a French person in space, the first French person on the moon and the first human on Mars.

War of Canadian Aggression and general Military Policy
The Empress began her speech condemning Canada for their illegal invasion of the French Western Territories, but more than that she was critical of both the international community at large and European nations in specific for siding more with Canada despite France presenting clear evidence that proves it was not responsible for the tragic terrorist attacks in their country. She did however specifically thank Italy and Thailand for their open and explicit support. It is noteworthy that the International Community has not directly intervened to stop hostilities as they were quick to act in for example Myanmar during the crisis involving Thailand last year, in that example American, British, and Polish forces were quick to intervene.

On the conduct of the war specifically the Empress has pledged to continue investing in the Imperial Armed Forces, construction ongoing and nearing completion already is set to give France the most powerful fleet in Europe and possibly the second or third in the world, as well as a large air force and army. If the Canadians do not agree to a ceasefire or peace agreement these forces will be used to expel Canadian forces from all occupied territories. Perhaps more importantly looking forward in the future and recognizing that France's defensive posture was critically inadequate to handle the Canadian invasion she wants the Imperial Armed Forces to be able to protect all French territories in the world and be able to strike at the homelands of anyone deciding to try to invade French territory. In essence she wants a strong military to deter aggressors and that way avoid war entirely. It is also expected that the Empress through the Minister of the Armed Forces and the Acting Chief of the Defence Staff will drastically reform the military at large. In the last few days a proposal by Admiral Guillaud to the Minister and the Empress was leaked and revealed plans to abolish the Defence Staff and replace it with an organ similar to the American Joint Chiefs and to establish regional commands which will include all ground, air and naval forces assigned to the region and have a single commander from one of the branches. Placing command authority closer to the front and bypassing the existing bureaucratic processes will make the Imperial Armed Forces able to respond to any situation much quicker and will allow for regional policies to be targeted at the specific qualities of the area. Metropolitan France for example has much different requirements from American France or the Pacific and Indian France. The initial proposal provides for 8 regional commands; Metropolitan France, Europe, Central America and Guiana, North America, South America, Africa, Indian and Pacific Ocean France and West Pacific, and East Pacific. Military experts have however warned that giving a large degree of autonomy to local commanders could increase the risk of accidental escalation as the reformed Defence Staff in Paris may not be as quick to halt regional commanders. They do however agree that the advantages of this policy outweigh the risk and that appropriate training for regional commanders can mitigate the risks. Anonymous sources in Versailles and the Hexagone Balard have stated that both the Empress and Minister have indicated strong approval for the proposal. This makes it extremely likely to be implemented and more than likely that Admiral Guillaud will be appointed as the Chief of the Defence Staff. Both the changes in the structure of the Imperial Armed Forces and the appointment of Admiral Guillaud are things the Empress can do without requiring approval from Parliament.

Foreign Policy
As said, the Empress has indicated strong disappointment with Europe. While in the last year the Empress expressed a strong interest in creating a strong and united Europe and stated no foreign policy goals beyond the continent, she has now changed pace. While France will remain committed to cooperation with Europe and the creation of a European Union of equals, she also wishes to pursue relation with other French-speaking countries and Catholic countries. France has in the second half of the 20th century maintained a close interest in her former colonies and had maintained strong defensive relations. In recent years, and due to the civil war, France has withdrawn all her forces from other countries and not maintained specific ties with former colonies, the Empress' new policies will change that drastically. Additionally, focusing on countries that have a strong Roman Catholic population guarantees that diplomatic efforts will be more likely to succeed due to the cultural ties that come from that religious connection. It is expected that with this more global outlook the Empress will be seeking alliances with other countries as well as bases to make the deployment of forces across the world to defend French and allied territory even easier, some sources inside the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (also expected to be renamed) have indicated the Empress and her government may even pursue the creation of a Latin Union which would be open to countries that speak a Latin language and/or are largely Roman Catholic. The Empress is also expected to further enhance the already close relations between Paris and the Holy See, a process that began with the restoration of Church rights to pre-revolutionary levels and the recognition by the Pope of France as the first daughter of the Church. The Empress' coronation has specifically been delayed until after the crisis in the Vatican ends so she can follow historic tradition where only a Pope can crown an Empress. Finally, the Empress is pursuing closer relations with Thailand and the general foreign policy goals of having at least some form of agreement with the United States and the Republic of China remain.

The Empress has recognized that the Paris Massacre, conducted by a few dozen Algerian and Palestinian extremists, has shocked the nation to its core and shown that the Police and Security Services were unable to detect and intercept a large scale organized attack at multiple vital locations inside the heart of the nation. While the Guillaume Committee is still investigating the causes and who carries responsibility for the Massacre succeeding, leaks of the preliminary report have shown that the DGSI should have been able to detect the group in an earlier phase as its leader was even on a DGSI watchlist, but it has also recognized that current laws impose extreme restrictions on what the Security Services are allowed to do.
The first step the Empress has already taken is to create the Ministry of Security and assigned a Minister. In the Ministry's first press statement it has been clarified that the National Police, the Paris Police Prefecture, the DGSI, DGSE, DCPJ. CNCTR, SCRT, SNRP, and any other intelligence, security or police services under any Ministry other than the Ministry of Armed Forces will immediately be transferred to it. Furthermore, in matters of national security the National Gendarmerie and other police, intelligence or sercurity services or units under the Ministry of the Armed Forces the Ministry of Security will take priority and assume jurisdiction. This way all police, security and intelligence capabilities in France are centrally managed with a reduction of inter-Ministry bureaucracy. In her speech the Empress also stated that the Minister of Security will prepare legislation to create the Directorate-General for Security and Intelligence Technology or DGSIT. In the earlier mentioned statement the Ministry of Security also clarified that this agency will assume a similar role to the USA's NSA and the UK's GCHQ, but additionally work on the creation of tools and systems to actively meet 21st century asymmetric threats. This means that in addition to what the NSA and GCHQ do, the agency will also work on the creation of viruses, hacks, and hardware tools to penetrate enemy systems. This may be domestic terrorist groups, organized crime, or even hostile state actors. If approved by Parliament the Ministry will recruit among black hat hackers currently in French prison and offer them early release in return for working for the agency.
To allow for all these measures the Empress stated the Minister of Security will also introduce a law expanding the powers of the police, security, and intelligence agencies in France. While the Ministry's statement did not clarify which powers specifically will be granted, reading between the lines it seems to address a large range of civil rights. The powers of the agencies will however be moderated through the supervision of a to be created Committee on the Supervision of Police, Intelligence, and Security Agencies. The Committee will consist of 11 members, 5 are members of the Imperial Assembly, 5 are high profile civil rights lawyers, and the Minister of Security is the final member. Anyone can complain to this Committee if they feel the agencies have violated their rights illegally. While this is a measure to repair damage, the proposal will also provide for the creation of 15 Police, Intelligence, and Security Courts. 12 for each region in Metropolitan France, 1 for the Crown Territory of Corsica, and 1 for Overseas France. The final Court is the Imperial Police, Intelligence and Security Court which will cover any request affecting multiple jurisdictions. The courts will consist of five judges and they must approve any use of the expanded powers within their jurisdiction, the Imperial PIS Court will consist of three five judge chambers to accommodate the larger number of requests.
These bills will be introduced into the Imperial Assembly and Senate within two months.

Domestic Policies
While the fight against terrorism will on one front be fought by radically increasing the capabilities and organization of the security services, the Empress also recognizes that it needs to be fought at its root using measures aimed to prevent vulnerable individuals from being recruited in the first place. The Empress recognized that Metropolitan French society is deeply unequal in its treatment of European French citizens and other French citizens, with even fourth and fifth generation migrants still being in a significantly worse position than their European counterparts. The Empress however finally also recognized she does not know how to solve this problem. In place of providing a solution she has created the Ministry of Racial Justice and Colonial Healing. Once a Minister has been found this Ministry will begin researching how to best resolve inequality in French society. The Ministry in coordination with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs will also reach out to former colonies to address how to best heal the damage of past French colonization.

One measure the Empress did announce, and which she can do through the Minister of the Interior without Parliamentary Oversight under the Immigration Law, is that beginning in July any national from a territory outside Europe that was under French control for more than twenty years will be eligible for permanent residency. They will also be on the same track as any other permanent resident on the route to French citizenship. This measure seems to be aimed both at colonial healing and to build closer ties to French speaking countries. Essentially killing two birds with one stone. The Ministry of the Interior has released a statement clarifying that these citizens will receive the 'French by Historical Occupation' status which is equal to 'Permanent Resident'. While they cannot join the Imperial Armed Forces, they are eligible for the Foreign Legion or the French Volunteer Forces.

Future Vision and Space
Beyond the realities of the ongoing crises, the Empress has stated her outlook on the future of France. She wishes for a truly modern society that is close to God and explores scientific discovery, the arts and societal uplifting. While this will not be the only measure to bring this about, one specific focus she has stated is on space. Recognizing that space races have often driven massive advancement in all kinds of scientific sectors, she has stated the goals for France to return to space by 2007, a Frenchperson on the moon by 2015 and a Frenchperson on Mars by 2025. These are ambitious goals, however France has a long history in space travel and specifically due to its stake in the Airbus Group access to significant space-capable vehicles. Cooperation may also be sought with other nations in these endeavours to bring them about faster. One prominent country that are often mentioned to be invited to this project are Thailand and Italy.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Massive Military Reforms Announced in Three Separate Announcements


PARIS - Possibly in recognition of the previous leak already revealing most plans, the government has moved ahead of its planning and released three different statements from the Palace of Versailles, the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Hexagone Balard. The three announcements each form a vital part in the future direction of the Imperial Armed Forces, a future that will be led by the no longer Acting Chief of the Defence Staff, Admiral Édouard Guillaud. Admiral Guillaud awaits the daunting task of evolving French military culture into the 21st century to meet its existing status as the second most advanced military in the world.

Palace of Versailles
While the shortest in actual length of the announcement, the Empress' press release is the most vital unclassified document laying out the path for the future of the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Imperial Armed Forces. Firstly, the Empress has dissolved the Defence Staff. And replaced it with the, Defence Staff. Rather than being simply the representation of the highest Officers in each branch under a strict top-down hierarchy, the new Defence Staff takes on the position of an advisory organ for the government and the channel in between the government and the military. It is still composed of the Chief of the Defence Staff, Major General of the Defence Staff, Chief of the Army Staff, Chief of the Air and Space Force Staff, and Chief of the Naval Staff, but additionally will now also seat the Director-General of the National Gendarmerie, Secretary General for the National Guard, and the Secretary General for the Volunteer Forces and while part of branches already represented by the previous six; the Commander of the Marine Troops (COMTDM), the Commander of the Foreign Legion (COMLE), the Commander of the Space Command (COMCDE), and the Commander of the Special Operations Command (COMCOS). In addition to these permanent members, servicemembers with a more specific field of expertise may be invited when the topics discussed call for it. The new Defence Staff is not in command of the forces under it, in the new Chain of Command the Empress stands at the top as the Chief of the Armed Forces, followed by the Minister of the Armed Forces, followed by the Regional Commander, and then following the Chain of Command. In practice however, the members of the Defence Staff will still pick and appoint the Regional Commanders and prepare the plans for the Empress and Minister to choose from. Secondly, the Empress has appointed Admiral Édouard Guillaud to be the Chief of the Defence Staff and also appointed Minister Delegates for the Army, Air and Space Force, Navy, and Volunteer Forces who will be Ministers operating within the Ministry of the Armed Forces and tasked specifically with the administration of their assigned Branch. Finally, the Empress has issued an order to the Chief of the Defence Staff to implement a plan to bring about a fully modern French military capable of global projection in support of it and its allies security interests, independent of foreign suppliers and capable to perform on par with any single other military in the world.

The announcement in many ways appears an expression of just how shocked the Empress was when Canada attacked, while there had been concerns over a possible armed conflict with Turkey or a need to intervene in an Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, no one predicted another war on French soil so soon after the conclusion of the civil war. The Empress had hoped and was planning on at least a decade of peace and prosperity to rebuilt the country first and not need a strong military until the next decade. This new policy while caused by the Canadian attack represents a permanent change in France's military outlook, while diplomacy remains the first avenue in resolving disputes the Empire of France will never let itself be caught by surprise again.

Ministry of the Armed Forces
The Ministry of the Armed Forces awaits the daunting task of making France entirely independent from foreign suppliers for its security and military needs. While France already largely uses its own equipment and has companies in every sector imaginable, past European cooperation means that a lot of these companies have worked with companies in other countries which can make ascertaining the true ownership of a product difficult sometimes. To achieve self-sufficiency it has announced Autarcie 2010/2020. Autarcie 2010/2020 is a 15,000 page document prepared and released in a heavily redacted form by the Ministry. In it the Ministry outlines concrete goals and methods to achieve it. Some examples of concrete new pieces of technology to be developed are the Thales AM406 and AM403 AEW&C aircraft for the Air and Space Force and Navy respectively, the Land Attack Cruise Missile, the Éphémère nano-UCAV, and these are only the ones whose name has been publicly released. The document lists plans for a wide range of new systems from a fifth generation air superiority fighter to a long-range stealth bomber, and for 2010-2020 a mach 7 long range precision strike weapon to a 120,000 ton displacement nuclear powered super carrier.

Beyond military technology the program also assigns some of the first projects to the recently created DGIST. The internet has been a revolutionary technology and while it has been widely embraced by the population, the military has for security reasons not widely adopted it. Instead it has created an independent fiber optic network between its facilities complemented by communication satellites, and internet access only for minimal security file access. Especially if the French state is to assume a greater role in international peacekeeping and protecting Europe, the French and the Christian worlds, a way to safely use the internet is vital. To achieve this the Ministry has named the project Norme de chiffrement quantique (NCQ) which stands for Quantum Encryption Standard; NCQ-1 will use some form of quantum cryptography to create encryption that even with all the computing power in the world would take billions of years to decrypt forcefully. Once completed NCQ-1 will be used by all parts of the French government to secure its classified information. Using this theoretical encryption standard, even if a soldier used an open wireless network in a hostile nation no one would be able to see the data. The military will maintain its secured networks, but even on those the encryption provides protection against physical tapping of the network and allows the world wide web to essentially serve as a globally available private military or governmental network. The Ministry is also seeking the development of an operating system to be used by the military and any government department handling sensitive data to eliminate its dependence on the US-maintained Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac OS X operating systems, and Alcatel-Lucent to produce laptops and desktops using this French operating system as well as a government- and military-only smartphone with is accompanying operating system which will be required to access any French secured servers. The new OS, computers, and phones will also all be running NCQ-1 and at least for their first versions will not be available to the public.

Chief of the Defence Staff
Announced last, likely to make sure the appointment was public knowledge for at least a few minutes, Admiral Édouard Guillaud outlined his plans to reform the Imperial Armed Forces' structure, in his announcement he stated that the Empress and Ministry had already approved the plans and they would see implementation over the upcoming weeks and months. Though with the seeming lull in fighting in the ongoing war, they are to be implemented as fast as possible to provide the greatest gain in French military performance in the defence of her territory.

While not the only change, the most important one and the only one we will focus on in this article is the creation of Commandements régionaux (Regional Commands), As had been leaked before each Regional Command will be a permanent entity and consist of the forces from all branches (with the exception of Special Operations Command) within it. Each Command will be led by a Commander from one of the branches. The announcements deviates from the leaks in the number of commands and the areas covered. Metropolitan France (CDRMETFRA), Europe (CDREURO), Overseas France West (CDROMOF), Atlantic (CDRATL), Americas (CDRAME), Africa (CDRAFRI), Middle East (CDRMOYORI), Overseas France East (CDROMEF), Asia (CDRASIE), Pacific (CDRPAC). All commands will be headquartered in a French territory within the designated geographic zone, unless no French territory exists within the geographic zone in which case the government may seek to negotiate a basing agreement with a current or future ally or place the command in a French territory closest to it. For example CDRAFRI will be headquartered in Corsica as France currently has no bases on the African continent wheras despite the island itself falling under CDROEOF, Tahiti will be the home of CDRPAC. By placing military command much closer to the area of operations, regional developments can be responded too much faster which will save French lives and shorten conflict duration. Regional commanders are also much more aware of the needs of their forces on the ground and can more accurately request supplies and reinforcements.

The general philosophy expressed through decentralizing of the command structure is also reflected in plans for the military itself. While there are no plans to downsize the military, the Chief of the Defence Staff plans to continue the development already started in the 1990s focusing combat operations around more agile Brigade-level units than the more cumbersome Division-level ones that were especially popular during the Cold War when a large conflict inside Europe against a long border was still considered more likely than the current reality of especially smaller scale skirmishes all over the world. The ultimate goal is to create a French military capable of acting anywhere in the world with only days notice.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Prime Minister Visits Berlin Following Invitation from New Chancellor


Berlin, German Empire - Despite the Canadian War of Aggression, Marquis Lefebvre hsd travelled by train to Berlin earlier today following the invitation from the recently elected German Chancellor Hannah Becker. The visit constitutes the first time since last year's diplomatic crisis that a senior French government official has visited Germany in general and Berlin specifically. The meeting between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor's predecessor was notably held in Portugal as the Germans understandably requested neutral terrain. The Prime Minister stated upon arrival at the trainstation in Berlin to French and German press that she is hopeful this official visit is the second step on the recovery to the full restoration of the Franco-German friendship.

While in her speech to Parliament the Empress indicated a foreign policy focus being placed on countries that share the French language or the Catholic faith, buildin g close ties to other European countries has become no less important. It just no longer is considered the only focus. Within that larger goal for European alliances, Germany has long been a foreign policy priority. Placed in the centre of Europe and with a cultural impact on European history no less than any other empire. Relations took a massive hit last year when the Empress ordered widespread sanctions against Germany due to its then government being seen as breaking down democratic safeguards. The scale of the sanctions backfired massively and despite immediate efforts to reduce the sanctions and after a first series set of negotiations between the Prime Minister and then Chancellor that withdrew the final ones in return for still secret promises, the Franco-German relationship was bruised at best. Even the opposition to the German government protested the French decision at the time and it was believed that the subsequent rise in popularity was at least in some part caused by the sanctions. Things came to a head when far right extremists launched several attacks against polling station.

Since then the Germans have elected a more moderate government and restored their monarchy under the domestically and internationally highly popular House of Hohenzollern, the Kings of Prussia and German Emperors of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Roughly two months ago the Elysée Palace received a message from Berlin raising the possibility of properly restoring Franco-German relations and arranging a state visit. After some back and forth on the specifics it was decided that the Prime Minister would travel to Berlin by high speed rail. While, especially given the war, the Germans offered to meet in France, the Prime Minister felt that given recent events it was only appropriate to meet on German soil first with the next meeting being held kn Fremcj territory.

The government is hopeful that a full normalization of relations will be achieved at this meeting and that the two countries can begin resuming some of its historic agreements such as open borders, free trade, judicial cooperation and hopefully more.

If successful it would be a great first step in the government's longterm goal of maintaining at least positive relations with London, The Hague, Berlin, Warsaw, Moscow, Madrid, Rome, and Lisbon.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Empress Initiates Capital Punishment Debate By Using Agenda Power


Paris - While re-introduced during the Civil War, the death penalty was never without controversy and even when used was often done so reluctantly. Today, the Empress has given new life to the debate by requesting Parliament to discuss the future of the punishment. She has also stated that pending the conclusions of such a debate she will not sign any death warrants. The death penalty in its current form is an incredibly rare punishment as there are only very few crimes that it can be used for and the conditions are extremely restrictive by design.

With France disintegrated into dozens of factions, capital punishment was re-introduced after its initial abolishment to deal with French-persons who during the war have made themselves guilty of especially grave offences against the nation or the people in it. The initial Orléans faction and then the Empire of France issued the death penalty in 60 cases and went through with it in 24 of those, most famously in the cases of the defeated Republican government for causing the Civil War and war crimes ordered by them against other factions. Outside of the Civil War the punishment has been issued once, for a serial killer. This person is still awaiting his mandatory appeals which were initiated automatically when the court condemned him to death.

The Empress has made her dislike of the death penalty clear, but on the other hand she is faced with it being incredibly popular among the French populace and within a majority of parties in Parliament, especially following the Paris Massacre. In her statement requesting Parliament to debate the matter however, she has stated that the punishment made sense for the time it was re-introduced but now that France was internally stable and capable of doing so again it should instead reserve life imprisonment for the worst offences rather than death. As the Empress cannot change the law or the Constitution herself, she does have the power to place subjects on the Parliamentary agenda and has now done so to force the legislature to debate the death penalty and go on the record whether or not they are for or against it. The Empress likely hopes that the Mouvement Monarchiste will feel pressured to follow her position now that she has stated it so publicly and that together with the opposition parties against it that it will be enough to change the Constitutional article as well as removing it from the criminal law.

Currently the death penalty may during peacetime only be issued for those guilty of multiple or aggravated homicide, while during wartime it may also be issued for the crime of treason provided there are at least two witnesses to the treason or the convict has confessed to it. When the death penalty is issued an appeals process is automatically triggered, culminating in the Supreme Court of the Empire of France ruling on the matter. Even then any death warrant must be signed by the Empress and the Empress has the power to pardon or commute the convict. The Empress has stated that until Parliament has voted on the matter she will not sign any more death warrants. Of the 60 total convictions 24 people have been executed, another 30 persons are currently in the appeals process and the final six have exhausted all appeals and are awaiting their death warrants to be signed.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Opinion: France is Failing Her Daughters


Aurore les Champs (16) is like many French girls. She performs decently in school, but it is not where her passions are, she values spending time with her friends and often can be found in a café near her school with them. When not studying or spending time with her friends, she explores her true passion, music. Aurore is loved by her parents, who while not particularly well off still constitute part of the growing French middle class and do everything they can to get her everything. Aurore les Champs was found last week at the bottom of the Saône, her autopsy confirmed she died of a drug overdose and that she suffered sustained sexual trauma in the months since she ran away from home following a fight with her parents. She will never pay an instrument again, spend time with her friends, or work on getting her grades high enough for university admission in two years. The death has been ruled a suicide, at the end of this opinion piece her story will continue.

Aurore is part of a larger phenomenon, big enough that it has even got its own name in the press and French society at large. 'Les filles perdues de France' or in short les filles perdues. The lost daughters of France. Often relegated away from the frontpages due to bigger articles on war and terrorism, their stories are no less tragic. Since 2001 the rate of teens going missing has gone up 5000%, when just looking at girls the percentage is even higher. It has got to the point where even the Ministry of Justice is calling it an epidemic, yet the political will to solve it is far to be found.

The crises the French state has suffered in recent years has simultaneously been an enormous strain on French children and kept French authorities more focused on at that time more important matters. Psychologists refer to several phenomena that may contribute to the epidemic. An increase in domestic violence, itself likely caused by the increase in veterans from the various conflicts returning home with untreated trauma, the explosion in organized crime due to the prolonged lack of central law enforcement, funding issues in education that only this year has been addressed, and chronic underfunding of youth mental healthcare that has yet to be addressed.

Anh Nguyen (15) is a Marseillais academic superstar, the daughter of a university professor and a microbiologist, it is clear her brains come from both her parents. She isn't particularly artistic or even really all that social, but she will go through fire for the friends that she does have. Last month Anh had had a few bad weeks and her academic performance was suffering as a result. After receiving a third failing test result in the same week she decided not to go home that afternoon. While it is unclear what happened exactly she was found by Gendarmes by the side of the road near the Belgian border. Her body showed signs of sexual trauma and she had been severely beaten. Anh is still in the hospital, her doctors aren't optimistic she will ever leave her coma. Her parents wish she had just come home that afternoon.

The trend is as shocking as it has become incredibly common. For whatever reason a girl ends up on the street, to cope they find one of the many drug dealers. The drug dealers give them an introductory price to get hooked, and once they reveal the true price the girl is too addicted to resist. Then they are forced to pay whatever money they have left and once there is none they are put to work either on the streets or in one of the many illegal brothels that litter French streets. Clients range from mob bosses to members of Parliament, and from blue collar workers to directors of the same company they work for. Then it is only a matter of time before she is either arrested for illegal prostitution, abused to death by one of her clients, or either an accidental overdose or a more intentional one when she realizes just how far she fallen.

Safiyyah Khalil (17) is still finding out what she wants to do with her life. She isn't particularly good at school nor does she have any real artistic interests, but she knows there is something out there she would be good at. While it is getting late to still make a major shift in her life's direction, it's not impossible. At the very least, there are plenty of vocational programs she can pursue. Her friends always compliment her great hair, perhaps she could become a stylist? Safiyyah never got the chance to find out, she died two years ago and she is considered the first case that truly had significant reach in the press. She had got herself into debt with the Hornec Brothers gang and was sold to the Corsicans to pay off the debt. After months of abuse she burned herself in front of the Paris Police Prefecture Headquarters. An investigation after the civil war ended showed she had tried several times to report her abusers but the case was never picked up on. The person she reported was convicted last month for the exploitation of 280 girls and young women. Most happened after she began filing reports.

Before Aurore died she left a diary behind in which she told her life's story as well as the many atrocities she suffered while forced to work as a child prostitute in a brothel owned by the Corsicans near the heart of the French government. In her diary she also left drawings of the clients, the Paris Prefecture Headquarters has over the past week used software to compare the pictures to the extensive National Criminal Database, Municipal Citizen Registries, and personnel records of government agencies working in the area. Using this data they have already requested arrest warrants for 190 out of the 250 faces in her diary. Operation: Aurore as it has been dubbed will seek to arrest and prosecute every single man that abused her.

It is time for the people of France to take a stand. No more distractions. Nothing is more important than the safety of France's daughters. Regardless of wars, terrorism or whatever, this needs to be frontpage news every day. Politics must pass laws protecting the girls and making the punishment for their abuse so horrific that no scumbag will even consider it, police must take the reports seriously and stop punishing the girls and women rather than their abusers, public funding needs to be made available to address the mental health crises and to provide a safety net for young people. How many more daughters must France lose?

If you want to take action yourself please visit the website of the Safiyyah Foundation at, there you can download a template message to send to your members of Parliament. The website also lists all missing girls and young women in France, and you can donate money for the organization's lobbying activities as well as the programs they have set up to help girls like Aurore, Anh, and Safiyyah before they get in trouble.

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Canadians Withdraw from French Territories, Peace Achieved


Cayenne, Guiana - Following the surprise agreement of Canada to an unconditional white peace French forces are returning to the Western Territories following the withdrawal of Canadians. The government was expecting some kind of ceasefire or peace agreement but did not anticipate a full Canadian withdrawal. Now the effort will begin to rebuild the damaged infrastructure and for the French citizens of the territories to begin the healing process. The Empress has guaranteed that the French government will cover any damage done by the war. Analysts predict the cost of repairs from Canadian military and French Maquis activity will amount to a 450 million franc expense for the government.

The Empress has today in an official statement announced the unconditional withdrawal of all Canadian forces from all French territories previously under occupation. To coincide with the withdrawal of Canadian forces newly recruited French forces are rapidly being deployed to prevent any power vacuum. Currently communication to the territories is still made difficult by Canadian efforts to block internet and telecommunications traffic to and from the territories. Contact can still be made by satellite, however physical connections have been cut by the Canadians. The Canadian agreement to peace without terms on either side came as a surprise, as until then Canada had resisted almost all efforts to achieve peace. Unfortunately, the public will not know the true extent of diplomatic communications until 2054 as the Secrets Law maintains the classification on these communications for fifty years.

With Canada withdrawing, the Imperial Armed Forces are filling the vacuum through the deployment of ground, air, and naval forces to all western territories to deter any future aggressio, plans were already in place for the protection of Metropolitan France and the eastern territories. In addition to the permanent presence, the CBG Jeanne d'Arc, headed by the aircraft carrier of the same name, will remain in the area as extra security while communication with the territories is difficult and infrastructure is being rebuilt.

The Empress pre-empted critics of the peace agreement, however calls have already come from Imperial Assembly members from the far-right Front National criticizing her for her agreement to the peace and that France should attack Canada proper to seek the liberation of Quebec. Fortunately, the party holds only two seats and every other party in the Imperial Assembly has expressed strong or limited support.

Recognizing the damage done to the civilians of the formerly occupied territories both by Canada and Maquis operating under the flag of France, the Empress has announced that the government will cover any damages. Experts predict that the total burden on the French treasury will amount to 450 million francs, most of this will go to the reparation of communication lines as well as port facilities and other infrastructure damaged in the opening moments of the war to prevent their use by Canada.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Chaos in New Caledonia


Nouméa, New Caledonia - Following days of combat, the so-called Kanak Independence Movement has been largely repelled from New Caledonia by Polish forces. Criticism has been raised against the Empress and the military for the seeming inability of the French military to react to the chaos. After a long silence, the government has finally released an official statement and commenced a stabilization operation under the name Opération Inferno. The government has also declassified records showing that rather than a grassroots Kanak movement, the Kanak Independence Movement is dominated by former members of the Republican Faction in the French Civil War, seemingly seeking to continue their conflict in the one area of the Empire that had not yet been stabilized. The government has also instructed forces other than the Polish to depart from New Caledonia to restore local confidence in local and Imperial authorities.

While New Caledonia had long been unstable, the insurgency by the Kanak Independence Movement had still come as a surprise to the Empire of France and seemingly the world. While it is not yet known how the terrorists secured such large weapons supplies, the DGSI and DGSE have announced investigations in respectively aid from within French society and foreign sources of equipment. While the terrorists had sought to attack local authorities, the head of the Principality of New Caledonia was in Versailles at the time of the attack to discuss a new treaty on devolved government and the increased security of native rights. The Princess was reluctant initially to grant France permission to use its forces on New Caledonia, but after seeing the destruction caused in Nouméa, she relented and gave permission. This has resulted in the immediate deployment of forces stationed on New Caledonia to increase security and pursue terrorists. It has also been stated that the elite Foreign Legion will be deployed to New Caledonia for operations to capture or kill terrorists.

During the height of operations the majority of the Kanak and other ethnic groups on New Caledonia had refused to support the KIM. This has further solidified that the movement is not representative of the Kanak or any New Caledonian peoples. As a sign of the Kanak commitment to autonomous rule under French oversight, the Princess of New Caledonia has formed the Organisation des peuples kanak with the purpose of showing solidarity with Polish and French forces on New Caledonia.

As a form of appeasement and to ease local tensions, the Empire of France has issued instructions to forces other than Polish to depart from New Caledonia as soon as possible. It has also started a program encouraging New Caledonian refugees to return to the Empire of France by granting them free residence on Tahiti, or if they desire a return to New Caledonia.

While the lack of initial consent by the New Caledonian authorities has been noted, criticism was still raised against the Empress, government and the Imperial Armed Forces for their extremely slow response. Even members of the Mouvement Monarchiste have announced their intent to call for a formal investigation by the Imperial Assembly and calling the Empress, Prime Minister, responsible Ministers and relevant military personnel to testify. It is not yet clear if this motion will secure the required 33% of the Imperial Assembly, but if it does it will be the first parliamentary investigation involving the Empress.

On New Caledonia the focus has now returned to salvaging what is left and commencing the rebuilding. Many locals have been rendered homeless and in coordination with local authorities and Polish forces the Empire of France will seek to provide shelter and support for these people on New Caledonia or if they so desire another territory within the Empire of France. New Caledonian authorities are however clear in their message that staying on the islands is once again safe. While complicated by continuing terrorist presence, the rebuilding process is to begin.

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Prime Minister Raises Vigipirate Level to Scarlet in Fear of Terrorist Threat


Paris - In light of credible threats indicating a severe and imminent risk of terrorist attacks, the Prime Minister has today raised the Vigipirate level to Scarlet. This is the highest level possible under the national alert system and the first time it has been raised to this level since its introduction in 1978. In her statement the Prime Minister has clarified that the DGSI and DGSE have received information that members of the KIM may be hiding amongst New Caledonians leaving the islands for Metropolitan France or other areas of the Empire. The heightened state of alert applies to all areas under the direct authority of the government of the Empire of France. The overseas collectivities, having their own domestic laws, have implemented regional equivalents in recognition of the shared threat. France has called up 10,000 soldiers as part of Opération Sentinelle to aid the National Police and Gendarmerie and protect vital French facilities and locations.

France has a long history with terrorism, as early as the Algerian War both forces from the FLN and the OAS engaged in terrorist activities on French soil, in the decades that followed multiple movements would often use France as its target to send a clear message to the world. In response to this and a then recent wave of plane hijackings and terrorist attacks the French Republic implemented Vigipirate, an acronym for vigilance et protection des installations contre les risques d'attentats terroristes à l'explosif or surveillance and protection of facilities against the risk of terrorist bombing attacks. The system was updated in later decades to the current colour system and it has 5 levels. White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Scarlet. Plan Vigipirate provides for pre-arranged measures to guarantee the security of French lives and property. As the highest state of alert, Scarlet carries with it the greatest impact on public life.

Prime Minister Lefebvre stated in her declaration that the DGSI and DGSE have received credible intelligence that members of the KIM may make their way to other French and foreign territories with the apparent goal of attacking its perceived enemies from within, while the threat also affects countries like Poland and Thailand, as the recognized sovereign state over New Caledonia the Empire of France fears it is deemed a major target of terrorist activity. It is also believed that possible former Republican ties may make French territories a likely target. There also continues to remain an ongoing threat of terrorism from the French Algerian and French Muslim communities. Overseas collectivities such as French Polynesia have implemented their own arrangements under their regional legislation.

The Prime Minister has also authorized the Ministry of the Armed Forces to deploy regular military forces within all territories of the Empire of France to aid in law enforcement and security. The Hexagone Balard then announced Opération Sentinelle, ordering 10,000 soldiers from the 2re Division Mécanique to locations throughout the Empire of France. These soldiers will be used to guard critical infrastructure such as nuclear power plants, military bases, and government facilities, but also to protect high traffic locations such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. The operation will continue as long as the security threat remains, the Imperial Army also stated that as the situation changes it may change its deployments. Soldiers are ordered to integrate into the local populace and be visible and vigilant, but also unobtrusive. The 2re Division Mécanique is one of France's always ready divisions under the Rapid Reaction Corps.

Aisde from increased screenings at all ports of entry and the standard measures under Vigipirate, there currently are no additional measures being taken to minimize the impact on French daily lives.

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Versailles Agreement Opens Door to Far-Reaching Policing in New Caledonia


Paris - In an effort to permanently suppress terrorist activity in New Caledonia, the Principality of New Caledonia and the Empire of France have concluded the Versailles agreement. The agreement will allow the French government, military and police to temporarily act with full authority on the territority of New Caledonia. Under existing treaties the Armed Forces of New Caledonia (FANC) already existed as a Command of the Imperial Armed Forces deployed on the island and the National Gendarmerie was used as a police force, however the new agreement provides a legal basis for a much deeper military operation and clearance for redeploying Metropolitan Gendarmes to the island to reinforce the depleted local presence. The Agreement will last for one year, but may be extended if both parties determine that there is still unrest warranting an extension.

With the Princess of New Caledonia still present on Metropolitan territory, the opportunity was taken by the government to negotiate an agreement that would allow for long term stability on New Caledonia. While unrest has been removed from the cities, the countryside is still considered unsafe for pro-French New Caledonians and many are internally displaced. The Versailles Agreement was concluded between the Empress and the Princess to establish permanent stability over all of New Caledonia. The agreement suspends provisions under the previous Nice and Nouméa Accords that granted far-reaching autonomy to New Caledonia on matters of policing and restricted the Imperial Armed Forces from operating outside military bases without prior permission from the New Caledonian government. As many officials of the government were murdered by terrorists or otherwise died as a result of the violence, and the realities of the situation do not allow for lengthy procedures to obtain permission, the new agreement effectively places New Caledonia under Martial Law. However, the government of New Caledonia retains the ability to overrule the Commanding Officer FANC, Brigadier General Alix Germain. The agreement will last until the first of January 2006, but may be extended for six month periods with the consent of both parties if in their determination the terrorist threat is no sufficiently suppressed.

While the prior declaration by the New Caledonian government had already cleared the way for Opération Inferno, the new agreement provides an unbeatable legal basis that cannot be reverted by the Courts. Controversially, the law allows the National Gendarmerie and the Imperial Armed Forces to apply French anti-terrorism laws to New Caledonian territory. Opération Inferno has so far focused on stabilizing the cities, however with the impending arrival of the Foreign Legion and GAN1 Jeanne d'Arc the operation can move in the second stage of clearing the non-urban areas of terrorist cells. The agreement has also suspended habeas corpus, allowing for the arrest of individuals without the need to present them before a Court.

French Human Rights advocates have condemned the agreement for its far reach and potential for its measures to be applied indiscriminately against terrorist and innocent civilian alike, while New Caledonian pro-independence activists have decried the Agreement as the return to direct French colonial authority over the island and the erosion of all autonomy. Spokespersons for the Palace of Versailles and the Princess of New Caledonia have dismissed these concerns, citing the temporary nature of the Agreement and that any detention will still be in accordance with humane conditions in accordance with French and New Caledonian law.

The National Gendarmerie will redeploy 4,000 gendarmes to New Caledonia to reinforce the depleted garrison.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Parliament Passes Controversial 'Administrative Detention' Law After Imperial Support


Paris - In an extraordinary session the Parliament of France has approved the Administrative Detention Law proposed by the Minister of Justice. The law is the first proposal in a series of three intended to combat terrorism and due to its far reach for a while seemed unlikely to make it through the legislative procedure. This all changed when late on Tuesday the Palace of Versailles released a statement expressing the Empress' approval of the new law. The law allows for indefinite administrative detention of suspected terrorists and provides for the creation of a prison camp on East Island, one of the coldest and most remote islands within the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.

Since even before the Civil War, politicians have often tried to introduce legislation that allows for preventive detention of suspected terrorists and rebels due to the inherent threat they pose to the French state. After a series of internal wars and terrorist disturbances, a politician has finally achieved the goal. The Minister of Justice proposed the law following the recent Siege of Nouméa and quickly gained support on the political right. However, critically, the Minister's own party the Monarchist Movement sided with the left in finding the law too far-reaching. After negotiations between the Ministry and the Monarchist Movement as well as critically the voice of support from the Empress, the Monarchist Movement today voted to approve the rephrased law. With that the law will now be sent to Versailles for the Imperial Assent.

The Law allows for the Minister of Justice to approve the indefinite detention of those suspected of any terrorist offence, including the planning of one, provided the Prime Minister has declared a security emergency or the Empress has declared a State of Emergency. Due to the changes demanded by the Monarchist Movement, a Committee for the Evaluation of Extraordinary Imprisonment will be created as an independent organ to determine if the measure is applied justifiably. This approval must be obtained every six months and if the Committee fails to approve of an application, the suspect must be released within 48 hours. Suspects will be imprisoned within the general French prison system. There is however one exception, class A suspects who are considered extraordinarily dangerous will be imprisoned in a new facility on East Island in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. East Island is a generally uninhabited island located in the Indian Ocean. This new prison camp is intended to make any escape impossible as the conditions of the island, the waters surrounding them and the distance from inhabited land renders escape entirely impossible. Even then there will be a 50 person Gendarmerie force to guard the facility.

The Law has come under heavy criticism from the political left and human rights groups who consider the law tyrannical and an extreme overreach of executive power over the judiciary. They argue that existing laws provide sufficient basis for the arrest of criminals, including terrorists. The Law has also come under attack from nature and animal groups who believe the establishment of the prison camp will interfere with many birds species who use the island as a breeding ground.



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Oct 11, 2023

Ministry of the Armed Forces Announces Preliminary Investigation Conclusions on 'Red Sea Incident', Finds No Indication of Longterm Threat to French Shipping


Paris - Acting upon the orders of the Minister of the Armed Forces, the Hexagone Balard in coordination with the Imperial French Navy, the Maritime Gendarmerie, and the DGSE has launched an investigation into the reports of attacks in the Red Sea. While the full investigation continues, the Ministry of the Armed Forces has today announced their preliminary findings. In the findings they have concluded that there were two missile launches in an area where no surface vessels could be detected, this indicates the presence of a submarine. This all but confirms that the missile launch was conducted by a state actor, as the Ministry could not identify any private group operating submarines of the nature required. Furthermore, based on imaging of the blast site in Egypt, the Ministry believes the explosions to be the result of an anti-ship missile. A finding that would match the launch platform being a military submarine. As there are no indications that this was anything but a onetime strike against Egypt, and that there have been no further attacks since the Ministry does not believe there is an ongoing threat against French or other nations' shipping. While it advices the government against launching a proposed naval escort mission in the Eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea, it does caution civilian shipping to maintain vigilance in the area and actively monitor the Directorate general for Maritime affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture website for any updates in the security advisory for the area.

As soon as the first reports reached Paris, the Minister of the Armed Forces ordered an investigation to determine the truth of reports of missile launches and their relation to reported explosions in Southern Egypt, the Hexagone Balard then proceeded to launch a joint investigation with the Imperial French Navy, Maritime Gendarmerie, and the DGSE to utilize the unique expertise and intelligence sources of each branch and department to ascertain the truth. Earlier today the preliminary report has been issued, the Ministry of the Armed Forces stresses that the investigation remains ongoing, and that the findings may change if new information is unveiled.

Per the report, at 17:21 Paris Time (18:21 local time) two missile launches were reported in the Red Sea east of the Egyptian city of Berenice. The missiles then headed for the Egyptian military facilities in Berenice where they detonated. It is unclear how many casualties were suffered as the Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan has not yet provided any statement regarding the attack. Based on eyewitness reports in the area and undisclosed sources of intelligence, the report concluded that the missiles were of an anti-ship nature based on their launch and flight profile, as well as the severity of the detonation, and were launched from a submarine as no surface vessels capable of launching such a missile were identified at or near the launch site. Without more information the investigation was unable to identify the type of missiles or submarine used in the attack.

While the findings lack in detail, they do provide enough information to conclude that the attack was most likely conducted by a state actor, one capable of blue water power projection and operating advanced weapons systems. No terrorist organization or other private group known is capable of such an operation. The lack of further attacks has however confused experts as usually a covert strike against military targets by a foreign military would attack a larger range of military targets and be followed by a more overt military strike to take advantage of the element of surprise. A single strike without clear reason is more in line with the actions of a terrorist organization.

The report concludes that there are no indications of an ongoing threat and that there is no need for extraordinary measures such as avoiding the Red Sea or providing military escorts for French ships. In particular it has advised against launching a proposed operation to guarantee the security of French and other vessels operating in international waters per international law. As things may change in the future, it does however strongly urge all stakeholders to closely monitor available advisories such as the one provided by the Directorate general for Maritime affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Air Traffic Grinds to a Halt Following IT Disruption, Several Airports Cease All Operations


Paris - Planning to fly out of Charles de Gaulle today? You may want to reconsider, following an IT disruption at a critical air traffic control system nearly all flights planned for the day have been cancelled as major airports cease operations and airspace has been restricted for safety reasons.

Being home to the second largest airport in Europe, several other top 100 airports and some of the largest airports in the world, even on the best of days having all flights go right is a miracle. Things have been thrown especially into chaos following an IT disruption in an air traffic control system. This system is responsible for bridging the various information sources to track flights within French airspace and guarantee that the massive number of flights can operate safely.

As an automatic safety response the Directorate General for Civil Aviation has closed all congested airspace to non-military flights. As the military operates its own air traffic control infrastructure it is not affected by the same problems. Due to the restrictions major airports such as Paris Charles de Gaulle, Paris Orly and Nice Côte d'Azur have been forced to cancel all flights until 10 pm at the earliest. The resulting chaos at the airports with flights sometimes canceled mere minutes before they were ready to begin boarding. International flights destined for France are being diverted to other countries when they have enough fuel, in cases where diversion is not possible the Imperial Air and Space Force is aiding the Civil Air Traffic Controllers in guiding the aircraft to the few airports still operational.

A spokesperson for Air France has called the disruption the greatest disruption in French aviation history and expects the damages will amount to billions with flights likely to be delayed or cancelled for days to come, even if the issue is resolved today. Already the schedule is extremely crowded and any major disruptions are likely to cascade with the very little buffer available already.

According to a spokesperson for the Directorate General for Civil Aviation the issue is being addressed as the highest priority for the agency, worryingly she has however stated that based on the earliest indications it appears to be the result of a cyber attack by a hostile actor. "Based on the early findings by our engineers, the communication problem between our management system and the data sources appears to be the result of external interference" The spokesperson answered when asked about how such a major problem could occur in a system renowned all over the world for both its safety and reliability. The spokesperson went on to state "Let me assure you the system is working like it is because of our reputation. At any time our infrastructure uses dozens of overlapping data sources to guarantee the safety of every single flight, this has made French airspace one of the safest in the world. While the financial consequences and logistical problems are regrettable, they are infinitely preferrable over allowing flights to continue and risking crashes or other accidents".

The National Agency for the Security of Information Systems has stated it has begun an investigation into what caused the disruption and if an external actor is responsible who. The Directorate General for Civil Aviation has also filed a report with the National Police, allowing the police to begin a criminal investigation. The Ministry of Transport will launch an investigation into the apparent lack of functional backup systems and how a repeat of the same problem can be avoided in the future.

Experts consulted by Le Monde have stated that an IT disruption causing major issues were not a matter of if but when and that they could have happened in any country. "Over the past twenty years all facets of society have become interconnected and dependent on information technology. While this has led to great advancements, it also comes with added risks as such extreme centralization as can be seen here comes with catastrophic consequences if something goes wrong. We have also long warned that cyber attacks are an extremely cost-effective way for rogue state actors or well funded criminal elements to inflict proportionally excessive damage. Going forward, governments all over the world must invest much more into cyber security and creating multiple layers of backups so that even when something goes wrong there is another system to take over" Lucine Kasabian, the French-Armenian hacker more famously known by her online pseudonym 'Mata Hari' for the 2002 hack of BNP Paribas, and now the director of her own cyber security consulting firm, answered in our interview.

The DGAC anticipates flights will be able to resume at 22:00, both government and opposition Senators and Assemblypersons have already announced their intent to launch a parliamentary inquiry into possible DGAC negligence and have called for the resignations of the Director General and the Director of Security. The Ministry of Transport has responded to these calls stating that it is yet too early to assign blame and that a full investigation must be concluded first. The public appears to show little understanding, with several violent incidents reported at Paris Charles de Gaulle and other airports. The National Gendarmerie, responsible for the security on French airports, is deploying additional personnel to the airports for the safety of the public and staff. Air France and French Bee have announced that any affected passengers will be eligible for a full refund as well as any repayment for travel accommodations and alternate travel arrangements. Other airlines are expected to follow. The Ministry of Finance has opened up the Aviation Emergency Fund for airlines and insurers to use if they are expected to face financial difficulties as a result of the disruption.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Man Sues the Government Over DNA Testing Ban


Metz - A 30-year old man has introduced a case against the government over the 1994 DNA test ban. The ban was put in force to preserve the peace of French families due to the feared society-wide disruption of family life. The man and his lawyers argue that the ban violate his constitutional rights and that the Courts must abolish the law immediately. In a rare event, the Ministry of Justice has already responded that they feel the needs for the ban outweigh any concern over constitutional rights and that the government will pursue the case to the fullest.

When consumer DNA testing became affordable in the early 1990s, the French legislature was quick to act with a law that bans all consumer DNA testing, either inside France or by French citizens using labs abroad. Violation can be punished with a jail sentence up to 1 year. The Council of State at the time of the legislative process cited the peace of families and the French regime of filiation. As many as 50% of French men and 40% of French women have admitted to cheating, and as such it is feared that widespread paternity tests would disrupt family life too much. DNA tests can still be pursued for scientific reasons or on order of a judge. The law has until today not been challenged and upheld by consecutive governments, including the Lefebvre Cabinet who specifically referred to the law being essential for the rebuilding of France.

The man, whose name has been kept anonymous for his privacy, is a Metz resident and married to his wife for ten years. They have three children, he ordered a test from abroad which had been intercepted by border authorities. Following this, the man was arrested and is being prosecuted for his crime. Believing the law to be unfair, he and his lawyers are now challenging it in Court. If successful, the criminal case against him will be voided. Considering the circumstances the procureur on his criminal case has suspended prosecution until the legal process on the challenge can be concluded.

While normally the Ministry of Justice does not comment on cases when brought in front of a court of first instance, it has made an exception this time and guaranteed that the government will commit all resources to defending the law.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Cyclone Chido Hits Mayotte Causing Massive Destruction, State of Emergency Declared


Saint-Denis, La Réunion - Hitting the island with wind speeds as high as 300 kilometres per hour in some places, the overseas Department of Mayotte has unexpectedly become victim to the Cyclone Chido which has been predicted to bypass the island until yesterday evening when it changed its direction enough for Mayotte to be right at the core of it. Satellite images show massive widespread destruction and with electricity down across the island and the Prefect confirmed dead the flow of information to assess the full scale of the destruction is difficult. The Empress has taken the extraordinary step of declaring a State of Emergency over Mayotte without input from the local government to begin the emergency response immediately. A French Carrier Strike Group which was due to return back to France from operations in New Caledonia has already been redirected to the closest island of La Réunion to stock up on emergency supplies and deliver them to Mayotte as soon as possible. The Imperial Navy has also commandeered civilian ships to deliver supplies. Due to the destruction at the airport it is currently not possible to deliver goods by air, and port facilities have also been heavily damaged. Due to incredible high population density authorities fear a death toll that likely numbers in the thousands. Experts are already calling it the worst cyclone to hit the islands since 1898.

By all predictions it was going to bypass Mayotte mostly with only strong but not destructive winds predicted, as a result no major evacuation had been ordered by the local government and only general emergency preparations were made such as a closure of schools and non-essential businesses to keep the roads clear for emergency services. When the cyclone Chido moved yesterday night it was already too late with evacuation orders only just commencing implementation when the cyclone first made landfall. The destruction caused was beyond anyone's worst predictions. Electricity networks across the islands have been devastated, with even some power production facilities shut down for safety due to sustained damage, many roads are blocked, the airport has been rendered unusable and even many port facilities have been taken out of commission. Worst of all the damage sustained to civilian infrastructure and especially the shanty towns that housed as many as one third of all residents. Mayotte is the poorest Department in the Empire and even its official population count of 320,901 is believed to be off by as many as 100,000 due to large flows of illegal migration from Africa and South-East Asia that have largely remained under the radar of authorities.

Due to the damage sustained by the power grid communication to and from the island is nearly impossible with the only active connections being in government and military facilities to facilitate crisis communication and enable coordination with Paris and the Hexagone Balard. The Élysée has already confirmed that the Prefect of Mayotte was found dead near the airport and that the number of dead may be in the thousands, possibly even more than 10,000. Due to the scale of the disaster and the death of the Prefect, the Empress has declared a State of Emergency on Mayotte. This measure allows the Imperial Armed Forces to directly support civilian authorities in search and rescue efforts as well as maintaining order. Following the declaration, the Hexagone Balard has commenced Opération Salut, this joint operation will coordinate the full French response to the disaster. The first part of this operation involves the extension of the deployment of the carrier strike group GAN1 Jeanne d'Arc and its relocation to La Réunion at first to leave behind all non-essential cargo and stock up on food, medicine, clean water, electricity related equipment, and rescue vehicles to restore the power grid, provide necessary supplies, and repair the port facilities and airport to improve the logistical capacity of Mayotte by sea and air. To aid in this efforts the 31st Engineer Regiment is also being flown from Toulouse to Saint-Denis so it can travel with the GAN to Mayotte. For the second stage the Imperial Navy is commandeering French civilian cargo ships near Mayotte and La Réunion and attaching all other Mistral class vessels to the GAN which already has the Mistral increasing its capacity from 1 to 6. In addition to being able to carry an enormous amount of supplies, personnel, and vehicles each Mistral class ship also has a hospital onboard equivalent in capacity and level of care to a city of 30,000 people. The combined equivalent for a population of 180,000 will massively relieve the strain off of the damaged hospitals on Mayotte. As the closest territory to Mayotte, La Réunion is shaping up to be the effective logistical hub and command centre for Opération Salut.

As part of the operation, the 6th Marine Infantry Battalion stationed on Mayotte has already been ordered to aid local authorities in search and rescue, and other essential operations including maintaining order. They will be reinforced by the 2nd Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment stationed on La Réunion which do not need a functional airport to deploy to Mayotte. Search and rescue efforts will also be much aided by the drones operating from the aircraft carrier Jeanne d'Arc which can provide constant aerial surveillance. To guarantee the maximum number of lives saved the Empress in the Proclamation declaring the state of emergency has also ordered all police authorities and government departments involved with immigration enforcement to suspend all operations on Mayotte and declared the entire Department a temporary sanctuary so illegal residents will feel comfortable to reach out to authorities and accept the aid offered.

The cyclone is the worst in over a century, with only the 1898 cyclone which all but decimated the entire settlement being even worse.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Explosions Throughout London, Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility


London, United Kingdom - The day started as any other, millions of Londoners woke up to go to work, take their children to school, or to get a headstart on Christmas shopping. As these millions of peaceful innocent civilians went about their business, at least three persons had other plans. Three explosions, three hours apart at a subway station, a shopping centre and the famous Tower Bridge brought an end to the peace and killed an unknown number of British and visiting citizens. It is unclear how many French citizens may have been victim to the blasts, and the government has declared its full support to the United Kingdom going as far as preparing to formally declare war.

The first attack occurred shortly after half past seven as many Londoners were at King's Cross St. Pancras Station to commence their daily commute. A large explosion followed laying waste to the station and killing many inside. Less than three hours later a second explosion occurred at the Westfield Shopping Centre, based on early reports the explosion has significantly affected the structural integrity of the building and it is unclear if it will collapse. Finally a third explosion occurred minutes later as a tourist bus exploded at the centre of London Bridge.

Authorities have raced to control the chaos, but the number of attacks and their quick succession all over London are likely to significantly hamper their efforts. Responsibility for the attacks was claimed by a terrorist group known as al-Qaeda. Previously the group was most famous for their 1993 attempt to bomb the World Trade Center in New York, killing six and injuring over a 1,000 people. The group is led by the Saudi Osama Bin-Laden and is believed to have a strong presence in Afghanistan where it is sheltered by the Taliban.

The United Kingdom has not responded officially yet, but it is believed to do so in the very near future and its response is expected to be absolute. The Empress and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs have in seperate press releases condemned the attacks and committed France to supporting the United Kingdom in any way desired. The Empress has additionally called Parliament in Congress, the required constitutional procedure for France to formally enter a state of war. At this Congress she plans to request authorization for the use of force against al-Qaeda and any affiliated group. This could potentially include the Taliban. Both press releases have made it clear that the government treats the London attacks as an attack against the collective free world.

While lower than during summer or in December, there are still a large number of French tourists in the United Kingdom due to the ease of travel through the Channel Tunnel and the strong air connection between Paris and London. The French embassy in London is actively coordinating with authorities to ascertain the status of any French citizens that may have been affected. Citizens with missing loved ones are requested to contact the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, while citizens who have been able to contact their loved ones are also requested to call so the Ministry's efforts can be redirected to those who could not be contacted.

The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has changed the travel advisory for the United Kingdom from green to yellow and urges all French citizens in the United Kingdom to remain in contact with the embassy and follow local media, while urging French citizens in London to stay in their hotels and avoid public events and major public locations out of fear for further attacks.

The French intelligence community is strengthening its efforts to track any potential al-Qaeda sleeper cells inside French territory.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

DGSE Issues Warning of Russian Interference

Paris - In a bombshell press statement the Direction générale de la Sécurité extérieure issued a warning to French authorities to harden its electoral systems and civil society against foreign interference especially from the Russian Federation. The statement directly undercuts the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs which has pursued a policy of engagement with the Russian Federation. In its statement the DGSE refers explicitly to the recent Ukrainian elections where Russian interference is suspected to be directly linked to cases of electoral fraud. The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs when questioned regarding the statement resplied that they were still studying the full report. The Ministry of the Interior, responsible for elections, has however already issued a response stating that it will adopt the recommendations.

The DGSE acted uncharacteristically when it released its statement, along with a redacted version of the report, early this morning. While the security services are allowed to release unclassified materials, traditionally they would refer the reports to their respective Ministers at which point the Ministry would release a statement. The fact the DGSE released the report under its own authority implies that there was some dispute between the agency executives and the Ministry of the Armed Forces, which oversees the DGSE, The report was a larger collection of asymmetric threats facing the integrity of French governance and electoral policies, but its specific callout of the Russian Federation is unique. The DGSE believes the Russian Federation is seeking to increase its own influence over Europe by directly interfering in electoral processes and the governance of European countries. In particular, it referred to the large number of reports of fraud and other inconsistencies that saw a pro-Russian party win the elections in Ukraine until grassroots activism managed to overturn the election. While France does not have any explicitly pro-Russian parties, the DGSE believes Russian security services may seek to bolster anti-monarchist parties such as The Republicans and particularly the far-right extremist National Front under Jean-Marie Le Pen. This would be in an attempt to undermine the French state by causing internal instability and reducing its ability to act internationally.

Beyond the possible dispute with its parent Ministry, the DGSE also seems to have struck a nerve with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs which has pursued a policy of rapprochement to Russia. While the Ministry has not responded officially, anonymous sources within the Ministry have informed Le Monde that senior officials in the Ministry are furious about the release and demand the removal of the mention of Russia from the report. The Ministry of the Armed Forces is however the only Ministry that can order such a change and anonymous sources there have informed Le Monde that there is widespread displeasure about the release but that they will not have the report altered. The Ministry of the Interior has however officially reported and stated that they will harden electoral and other processes against interference from any party, foreign or domestic. The report also coincides with the recent case launched by the Ministry of Justice at the Constitutional Council to have the National Front banned under the Constitution's anti-extremism article.

The friction between Ministries and agencies seems to reflect the larger dilemma within French society and politics on Franco-Russian relations. While the government, under the direct direction of the Empress, has consistently pursued rapprochement, simultaneously foreign policy analysts consistently stated that France and Russia are two countries involved in an international power struggle within the multipolar world. While in the Cold War era and the early 1990s there was a certain stability due to having one or two superpowers, now the world is filled with numerous major powers that each have significant military forces with none capable to completely overwhelm another. As a result, the international stage is increasingly filled with diplomatic manoeuvring and asymmetric warfare which will likely continue until a new equilibrium is reached.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Uyghur Terrorists Entered Chinese Embassy by Force and Have Taken Hostages


Paris - Early this morning police responded to multiple reports of gunshots inside the Chinese embassy. After a video was released by an individual claiming allegiance to the Turkistan Islamist Party, the response was massively escalated involving the Gendarmerie Nationale and the Imperial Army in addition to the Paris Police Prefecture. The terrorists demand recognition of an independent Islamic Republic of Turkistan, the release of all Uyghur prisoners, and reparations from the Chinese state. The Police has so far not attempted to enter the embassy by force, but it has sent a negotiator to attempt to talk down the terrorists.

Around 10 o'clock the first calls were made to 112 to report on shots being heard from inside the French embassy. While the response already was made after the first shot, the additional reports caused a rapid escalation within the Paris Police Prefecture and attempts to contact the French embassy directly. After the terrorists released their video the Gendarmerie Nationale and Imperial Army were involved. Hundreds of officers and soldiers have been deployed to the embassy building and the surrounding area to cut off all entrances and escape routes while evacuating surrounding buildings. The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has also contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing to request permission to enter the embassy by force as the ambassador is one of the hostages. While the exact number is unclear, the Chines embassy employs several dozen French citizens in various roles who have also been taken hostage. The terrorists claim that they have no intent to harm any French citizens unless the French authorities get involved. They have also threatened to destroy the building with explosives if any attempts are made to force entry.

The Turkistan Islamist Party originated in the early 1990s as an extremist militant movement within the Xinjiang region of the then People's Republic of China, they have rapidly developed and grown their capabilities and according to the DGSE are heavily linked to al-Qaeda. An attack outside Chinese territory is however entirely new. The movement seeks the independence of the Xinjiang region as the Islamic Republic of Turkistan. The Empire of France recognizes the Xinjiang region as a core part of the Republic of China and has declined to recognize any breakaway state. The French state has however repeatedly called on Beijing to protect the interests of the Uyghur people and other minorities as well as ceasing colonization programs.

The government is relatively restricted in how it can respond to the matter as France has an international obligation to protect diplomatic missions and facilities, additionally the TIP fits all the requirements under the recent declaration of war on terrorism. As a result there is extremely little room for negotiation.

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Opinion: What is France's Foreign Policy?


It was only three years ago when the country was in a massive civil war between Monarchist, Republican, and leftist factions. However, while the nation is more united than ever, it seems her foreign policy is all over the place with alliances and diplomatic efforts with a diverse range of nations. This raises the question. What is France's foreign policy?

In the larger context of world politics a few years seem insignificant, but for France they were vital as the nation recovered from the collapse of the Fifth Republic and turned into the Third Empire. At that moment the Empress sought to establish a clear foreign policy. The Empire of France will work with like-minded nations but will never surrender its ability to stand on its own. The first break in this ideological shield came shortly thereafter with the signing of the Harmonious Accord with Thailand, a then left-leaning Republican state that has since fully embraced a unique form of socialism. The first real test for the young nation came only six months after its rise when out of nowhere the Kingdom of Canada invaded and occupied the Western Overseas Territories. Still rebuilding from the civil war the nation found itself initially unable to defend and only after Thai support and the build-up of a massive French force in record time was a white peace signed. What followed were two years of widely different policies. From an alliance with Germany and attempts with Poland, China, Portugal, Italy, Japan and many others, we recently have seen the most massive shift in foreign policy. Namely, the support of the government for the revolutionary movement in Ukraine and the Islamists in Syria. It is hard to imagine a more polar opposite.

French developments have to be placed in a larger context, as it stands the world is largely dominated by the United States with various powers vying to compete with its power. Perhaps the clearest example of this came in the form of the unilateral declaration on the sale of strategic weapons which was immediately rejected by France and initially Russia as well until changes were made to exempt the Russian industry. It would appear that an until recently unthinkable development is occurring, the establishment of an American-Russian Axis that would be hard to resist. In many ways it seems like the French state is pre-emptively working to gather enough alliances to establish an independent pole that can guarantee the rights of individual nations against overreach by this Axis.

While even off record my sources inside the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Armed Forces, and even Versailles and the Elysée have refused to state the above, even off the record. They have revealed that there are significant concerns about the return of the United States as a world police.

Even though securing a large network of alliances might be a wise move to guarantee the global sovereign order, it also opens France up to dangers. Many of the nations the state is currently in advanced negotiations with are directly or indirectly linked to others. One only has to think of Portugal's ties to the United States or Russia's talks with China. Furthermore, if France works on establishing alliances without also working on bridging the differences between its allies, it is not hard to imagine a situation where things escalate in such a way that France finds itself choosing between two allies at war with each other.

The challenges before Her Imperial Majesty are massive, and I do not envy her position. It seems clear that whatever happens, France will need to put in the work.


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