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Message Russia-ILAL


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Temporary Governance

Encryption: Encrypted/Private
Recipient: Alexander Zhuravlyov, Genera Jay l
Sender: Muhammad Qasim, Commander of the ILAL
Subject: Tensions

As-salamu alaikum,
I write you today not as an adversary but as a potential partner and friend. I am unsure what you know about me, but let me assure you I am an educated man and a fierce warrior. As it stands I have the largest militia in Syria. That being said, this is not a threat. I say this so that you understand the position you and your forces are in. I have a strong suspicion, although not conclusive, that the Russian Special Forces are behind the most recent attacks on my outposts. If this is the case then I urge you and your men to cease hostilities immediately. I have been an ally to the Russian Forces. It was I that allowed the safe passage of your forces in Syria to return to the occupied bases. My men wear uniforms, and are not hostile towards Russians. As for the rest of the IRGL, I am working on mending relations so that peace can be achieved in Syria.

The Assad regime is gone. It is time to accept that. While it was not my intent to have the Assad family and the government officials to be executed, I did take action to punish those responsible. The violence in Syria needs to come to an end. The sand is soaked with the blood of Muslims, Russians, French, English, American, Jewish, and many others. I have reached out to all the local governances, so that elections may be held. However, those in the provinces that you and your men occupy will not be able to participate due to your selfish occupation of our lands and possible election interference.

I am seeking the way of the pen before I must resort to the way of the sword. I prefer diplomacy. Leave Syria now, before it results in more violence. I have the backing of the people. I was asked by the Syrian people to lead during this time of crisis. This is my plea to end things on a civil note and not one of bloodshed.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Qasim
Islamic Liberation Army in the Levant


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
Mr. Qasim,

In the spirit of peace and the well-being of the Syrian people, I have agreed to exchange this correspondence. I fully recognize the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of prolonging this conflict, which only continues to harm the citizens of Syria—whom the Russian and Syrian Governments seek to protect and that you claim to care deeply for.

As the Commander overseeing Russian operations in Syria, I affirm the position of my government that Russia remains committed to supporting the legitimate Syrian Government, as recognized by the Global Assembly and the international community. Under this mandate, as Commander overseeing Russian Operations in Syria, my government has instructed me to carry out lawful operations to support and assist the Islamic Republic of Syria, the legitimate government of Syria, in the preservation and maintenance of its sovereignty and her people.

I must make it clear that the ILAL lacks the authority and capacity to make demands or requests on behalf of the Syrian population. The Syrian people have already chosen their legitimate government, and the presence of your forces in Damascus does not change that reality. The ILAL’s insurgency has not been recognized as legitimate, nor does it represent the will of the Syrian people. Only the Syrian Government which has been forced to relocate to safe zones holds the rightful authority to make decisions regarding the future of Syria.

In light of this, the Russian Armed Forces are prepared to offer an opportunity for peace, which includes a voluntary surrender and disarmament of your forces in exchange for general amnesty. This offer is extended in the spirit of reconciliation and with the full support of the Syrian Government, which has provided assurances that it will respect the amnesty and allow your fighters to return home peacefully.

Russia will also shortly extend a similar offer to the Kurdish forces and any remaining groups within the IRGL, in the interest of fostering unity and rebuilding Syria as one nation. I urge you and your fighters to accept the offer and allow peace, harmony, and unity to return to Syria as was the case prior to your insurgency.

If the ILAL seeks to be part of Syria’s future, it must lay down its arms, disarm, and hand over power to a technocratic leadership under the supervision of the legitimate Syrian Government. This is the only way to ensure a future of peace, prosperity, and democracy for the Syrian people.

Russia supports a future for Syria where true democracy can flourish. Any future steps must be guided by the will of the Syrian people as expressed through legitimate and free processes, which is the Syrian Government, and is not something that can be achieved through armed insurrection.

I urge you and your fighters to embrace this opportunity for peace. The Russian Government will continue to support Syria's reconciliation efforts, and we will ensure that any peace process is conducted in accordance with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian state.

Russia's view is that if the ILAL is serious about change, it must disarm, hand power to a technocratic leadership under the supervision of the Syrian government,t and allow genuine and real democracy.

Colonel General
Alexander Zhuravlyov
Russian Armed Forces
Commander of Russian Forces - Syria