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Thailand to India | A Cup of Tea


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Thailand Electronic Mail Service
Official Correspondence

Encryption: NSST 1.0 Architecture | Private and Encrypted
Recipient: Great Muhtma Gandhi, Emperor of the Gandhi Empire (Basedcnt)
Sender: Thaksin Shinwatra, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand
Subject: Invitation for a Tea

Your Imperial Majesty,

I trust this message finds you in excellent health and high spirits.

I am reaching out with a personal proposition that I hope you will find both intriguing and meaningful. It would be a tremendous honor to share a proper tea session with you aboard an aircraft carrier, a setting that reflects both the strength and sophistication of our respective nations. I believe we share many values and perspectives, and I would greatly value the opportunity to foster a personal connection with a monarch of such a remarkable nation as India, a land renowned for its cultural richness and visionary leadership.

Should you find this suggestion agreeable, I would be delighted to host you aboard the HTMS Pridi Banomyong, Thailand’s esteemed nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Alternatively, I would gladly accommodate a meeting on one of your distinguished vessels, should that be more convenient or desirable.

I firmly believe that a strong personal rapport between us can further enhance the robust trade and cooperation that already flourish between our nations. I eagerly await your gracious response and sincerely hope for the opportunity to strengthen the bonds of friendship and collaboration.​

Warm regards,

Thaksin Shinawatra

Digital Electronic Mail​


GA Member
May 24, 2024
Encrypted, Secure - Restricted

Recipient: Thaksin Shinwatra, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand Bossza007
Sender: Emperor Rajmohan I
Subject: Invitation for a Tea

Dear Prime Minister Shinwatra,

Thank you for your message. I hope you, too, are in excellent health and spirits.

I appreciate you reaching out to me about your concept. While aircraft carriers do indeed represent the might of nations' industry, I propose that we instead have tea and meet in a less formal and more personal environment: a Concorde supersonic airliner.

If this does not suit, I am more than willing to come aboard the HTMS Pridi Banomyong. Please, let me know what you think.

Worm regards,

The Great Emperor Rajmohan I
Gandhi Empire of India


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Thailand Electronic Mail Service
Official Correspondence

Encryption: NSST 1.0 Architecture | Private and Encrypted
Recipient: Great Muhtma Gandhi, Emperor of the Gandhi Empire Basedcnt
Sender: Thaksin Shinwatra, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand
Subject: Tea Aboard

Your Imperial Majesty,

Thank you for your kind and prompt response. I deeply appreciate your suggestion and would be truly honored to share a tea session with you aboard a Concorde supersonic airliner. Could you kindly provide more details regarding the proposed arrangement? I assume the aircraft in question will be Indian-owned, but I would welcome any clarification or additional insights you might have.​

Warm regards,

Thaksin Shinawatra

Digital Electronic Mail​


GA Member
May 24, 2024
Encrypted, Secure - Restricted

Recipient: Thaksin Shinwatra, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand Bossza007
Sender: Emperor Rajmohan I
Subject: Invitation for a Tea

Dear Prime Minister Shinwatra,

I am glad to hear that. I believe that the Concorde allows us to be less constrained by diplomatic procedures.

The Air and Space Force has recently inducted 3 Concorde airliners, for governmental use. There are several ways to allow us to meet on the Concorde: I could board it in New Delhi and fly to Bangkok; you could fly to New Delhi, and meet myself there; or we get separate transport to a third location, where we would board the Concorde. I don't mind any arrangement that you would prefer. Let me know what you think.

Thank you,

The Great Emperor Rajmohan I
Gandhi Empire of India


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Thailand Electronic Mail Service
Official Correspondence

Encryption: NSST 1.0 Architecture | Private and Encrypted
Recipient: Great Rajmohan I, Emperor of the Gandhi Empire Basedcnt
Sender: Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand
Subject: Concorde Date

Your Imperial Majesty,

It’s wonderful to hear that the Gandhi Indian Air and Space Force has access to three Concorde airliners, which provides us with an ideal private setting for a tea session. If it aligns with your plans, perhaps I could travel to New Delhi and join you aboard one of these airliners? From there, we could proceed to Chiang Mai to visit the medical electronics manufacturing complex together. Once our discussions conclude, you would have the convenience of flying back to India aboard the Concorde. As for my return, the pilot of the aircraft I use to reach New Delhi will manage the journey back themselves.​

Warm retards,

Thaksin Shinawatra

Digital Electronic Mail​


GA Member
May 24, 2024
Encrypted, Secure - Restricted

Recipient: Thaksin Shinwatra, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand Bossza007
Sender: Emperor Rajmohan I
Subject: Tea

Dear Prime Minister Shinwatra,

That plan sounds good. When do you wish to do this? Does the 8th of January suite?


The Great Emperor Rajmohan I
Gandhi Empire of India


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Secret and Encrypted unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Following Gandhi Indian Emperor’s suggestion to meet on January 8, 2006, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra sent a confirmation of his agreement. As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs collaborated with India’s External Affairs Department to ensure a seamless arrival, time seemed to accelerate. The winter chill, still lingering over South Asia, carried a symbolic weight that resonated with Thaksin, mirroring the introspection felt by many in his nation.

As the Thai Airways flight descended toward Indira Gandhi International Airport, Thaksin gazed through the window at the sprawling metropolis below. The sudden shift in altitude jolted him from his reverie. To his right, his assistant Minnie dozed in the aisle seat. Moments later, the cabin crew announced their arrival, their voices cutting through the hum of the engines, pulling him back to the present.



GA Member
May 24, 2024
The Thai Airways flight would be given priority clearance to land at New Delhi's largest airport. Waiting on the tarmac at Palam AFS would be a single Concorde supersonic airliner from Number 202 Squadron, Gandhi Indian Air and Space Force. The Concorde, with a top speed of over mach 2, would be configured for VVIP use, with an expanded kitchen, bathrooms, inwards-facing reclining chairs, and several other amenities only present on that air frame.

Security at the airport would be extra-high; many Delhi Police officers were patrolling an outer perimeter, with Police helicopters and a few Tigers from Number 18 Squadron watching from above. The A350 would be tracked all the way down by radar and visually by a Mistral-armed Tiger.

Inside the Concorde, the Emperor, Rajmohan Gandhi, would be waiting in one of the several areas, conversing with an aide. He would be notified as the Thai airliner came in for landing, and would watch out a window as the big A350 touched down and taxied over to the empty apron directly next to the Indian jet.

There, an airstair would be wheeled up, and a military honour guard would form up, leading from the Airbus to the Concorde's airstair. The Thai Prime Minister would be directed to the Concorde, through the cool airport wind and loud jet noise. The Indian Emperor would wait just inside the door of the Concorde as Shinawatra ascended up to the cabin. As the Prime Minister reached the top and stepped in, the heavy door would slam closed, leaving no noise remaining in the cabin. Rajmohan would step forward and extend his hand, "Greetings, Prime Minister Shinawatra. The pilot will be taxiing out any second now, so you might want to get seated."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Private and Encrypted

A sliver of light sliced through the cabin's oppressive dark. A lighter's flame, cupped in a hand within the plane, windows sealed tight. "Ready?" A dry voice rasped from behind mirrored sunglasses, the flame dancing in their lenses. "Because whether you are or not, the party's begun." A snap of fingers, then a chaotic eruption of disco music flooded the space. The cabin became a kaleidoscopic canvas as rainbow light spun and fractured across its surfaces. It was Thaksin Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, holding the lighter. A Hawaiian shirt clashed vividly with pink shorts and a straw hat, finished with sandals. Wait... were those dress shoes peeking out beneath?

"Oh, India, here I come," Thaksin declared, descending the airstair onto the tarmac, oblivious to the gravity of the occasion. "Classic. Just my taste." He surveyed the Indian honor guard, his expression suggesting amusement, while a clearly bewildered official in a formal suit seemed to lead him forward. Raising his phone, he recorded a quick video. "Hello, social media! Thaksin in Gandhi India, soon to be in Chiang Mai!" He posted it to a popular Thai app. Finally, he ascended the Concorde airliner, emblazoned with the insignia of the Indian Air and Space Force, to meet with the Gandhi Indian Emperor.

"Comrade Emperor Rajmohan, Your Imperial Majesty!" Thaksin grasped the Emperor's hand with genuine enthusiasm. "A privilege to be here! Now, shall we find our seats? Or maybe a social media challenge: last one standing wins as we rocket into the atmosphere!" He chuckled, before settling into a plush seat.



GA Member
May 24, 2024
The Emperor would smile and nod towards the the Thai Prime Minister. "I'm much too old for that," He would say with a small chuckle. "It is nice to meet you, Prime Minister." At that, the co-pilot would appear from around the cockpit door, and say, "We are taking off very shortly, sirs. I suggest you sit down, standing on takeoff hurts."

At that, the Emperor would turn around and move towards the nearest seat. Arranged in a fashion to allow the two leaders to talk facing each other, he would take the right-hand seat and would buckle his seatbelt. He would turn towards the Thai and say, "I can film you standing if you would wish, Prime Minister." At that, the APU would audibly cut and the engines start.

A flight attendant would approach from the rear, holding two small menus. "Good afternoon sirs. I have the menus here for any tea or other beverages you may wish to have. Have a look through and I'll get them for you once we take off." She would place the menus on the small table separating the inwards-facing chairs and walk back down the aircraft.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Private and Encrypted

Thaksin chuckled, mirroring the Emperor's small smile, “At least Your Imperial Majesty isn't drowning in starch and protocol.” A flicker of self-consciousness crossed his mind then. “Speaking of age, I’m well past fifty now myself. And you know, weirdly enough, I’ve got this nagging feeling, like something beyond just back pain is waiting for me back in Thailand.” He remarked, settling deeper into his plush seat as a flight attendant approached. “Crazy dreams lately too, border bombings and such. But enough about my charming eccentricities.”

He grinned, picking up the menu as the engines whined to life, then roared. “Anything you’d recommend, Your Imperial Majesty? We Thais have borrowed quite liberally from your incredible pantry of ingredients for our drinks, you know.” He paused, awaiting the Emperor’s suggestion before continuing, “So, while we peruse the beverage options, I must share some gems from our oh-so-democratic committees. Yes… committees,” he rolled his eyes playfully, “another recurring nightmare. Summoned to one just last week for being ‘too spicy’ on Twitter. Experiences like that make a fellow yearn for your… decisive authority, Your Imperial Majesty.” He punctuated this with a wink.

“Right, so, the Foreign Ministry, bless their bureaucratic hearts, cooked up a plan to, shall we say, ‘further enrich’ relations with Gandhi India. And naturally, yours truly was handpicked for this delicate mission.” He leaned in slightly, a touch of mock confusion on his face. “There’s just one… clarification needed. Tell me, does India, or perhaps your populace in general, suffer from… Islamophobia?” He couldn't quite suppress a snicker escaping as he covered his mouth, feigning politeness. “They hinted, in diplomatic-speak, at avenues for collaboration in, and I quote, ‘lightening the burden of Islam’ for us both. Charming, isn’t it?”

He glanced out the window for a beat, then swiveled back, eyes gleaming with mock theatricality. “And this proposal,” he declared, voice dropping into a mock-salesman’s pitch, “Oh, this is gold. *Ahem.* Your Imperial Majesty, ever lose sleep pondering how to, ah, discourage socialist uprisings in your glorious nation? If so, fret no more! We, at the Socialist Republic of Thailand – irony fully intended – are practically gurus at system overthrows, and even better, at preventing them! For Marx’s sake, we solved poverty before the USSR.” He cleared his throat, salesman persona dissolving, replaced by his usual dry tone. “Essentially, they’re asking if you’d like our… expertise in, shall we say, ‘managing’ revolutionary fervor in Gandhi India. And naturally, they’d be just thrilled if the package deal included a non-aggression pact with Gandhi India, Your Imperial Majesty.”

He took a sip of his tea, then scratched his head, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. “Honestly, though, I’ve got to figure out how to stop those die-hard Marxist media outlets from calling me a revisionist just for floating these ideas. Those doctrinaire ideologues are something else, Your Imperial Majesty. They actually accused Thailand of being ‘fake socialist’ because we’re not authoritarian enough for their Vanguardist tastes! Thank goodness there's still some sensible international far-left media out there, like the Global Collective. Though, I still can't wrap my head around how their editorial board ended up giving a column to our anarcho-communist opposition.”

He excused himself briefly to glance at his phone before returning to the conversation. “Right, before I treat myself to a soda, there’s one more gem from the Foreign Ministry.” He pulled out his tablet, displaying the ‘Treaty of Amity with Thailand’ to the Gandhi Indian Emperor. “You see, with tourism between Thailand and Gandhi India booming like it is, we need to be a tad careful about how your people might be… influenced by our, shall we say, *vibrant* socialist culture. So, how about a formal extradition agreement? We can ensure our citizens are performing their… civic duties appropriately, wherever they are. And for your people, well, they should be working for the glory of the Gandhi Indian Empire, under your wise and benevolent rule, of course. For Thais, it’s all about protecting the nation, the Revolution, their comrades, and collectively building communism. Naturally.” He paused, a slight smirk playing on his lips. “What do you think? We can delve into the finer points over more tea, and perhaps graduate to soda later?”



GA Member
May 24, 2024
"Oh, just call me Rajmohan. Any conversation will take 5 light years if you have to call me that."

"Personally, I like Sheer chai, from Kashmir. But, I'll probably get a mug of new green Darjeeling. James knows a bit more about teas than I do. Tell him what you like and I'm sure he'll find a fit."

"Sorry, what's Twitter? I'm not great with . . . keeping up with the youngins. And does 'too spicy' mean what I think it means?"

"Ha! Committees are important. How'd you think I got this baby " - he'd pat the side of the seat - "through the Finance Department? I may be the monarch of a nation, but the Finance Department has to sit down and actually ask if what I'm doing is worth it."

"Heh! Yeah, not bad." The Emperor would say, slowly moving his head back and sitting into the chair. "Yeah, islamophobia is the right term for it. We've got about 42 million of them here. Most of the population hate them, and the Pakistanis. The Egyptians are good, at least in the eyes of the populace. It's quite interesting, seeing how the average person's opinion sways on which nation a Muslim comes from."

"Oh that's funny. Ah, we don't need it. There's plenty of Englanders still here from the Raj days." As he spoke, the aircraft would be taxiing out onto the runway, in preparation for takeoff. The Concorde's nose would drop, and the airliner would start rumbling down at faster and faster speeds.

"I mean, its not like your nation is similar to many others. Your rule of Thailand is VERY peculiar, especially under your system of governance." A noise would be heard as the aircraft's landing gear retracts, and the aircraft would roll right slightly while continuing to climb.

The Emperor would pull out his book, the 1982 classic The Hunt for the Red October, and would read while the Thai looked through his phone. As the Prime Minister starts speaking, he would fold it and put it down. "I'm not sure a formal extradition treaty with Thailand would be wise at this time. BUT, I am more than happy to make an informal one, right now."

  • Wow
Reactions: Jay


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Private and Encrypted

Thaksin’s smile widened, a flash of teeth, “Of course, Rajmohan, consider your wish granted.” He chuckled, the sound swallowed by the Concorde’s rising engine whine, dismissing the Emperor’s social media query with a wave. “Oh, Twitter? Yeah, it allows you to ask someone for a one-night stand without knowing their number. The only requirement is their name. By ‘too spicy,’ I mean messing too much with the system. I posted an inappropriate message and the ethical board suspended my account. At the same time, it is also less spicy as Twitter offers unprecedented access to young adult porn.” He winked, then took a deliberate sip of his tea.

“That’s enlightening, Rajmohan.” Thaksin settled back, the plush leather yielding. “I thought your reign was more absolute and hierarchical. In Thailand, we value the concept of ‘worthiness’ profoundly. We ensure everyone receives free healthcare, education, housing, transportation, and legal aid.” He clasped his hands on the table. “Perhaps, ‘expertise was the wrong word.’ Thailand recognizes and appreciates Gandhi India’s self-reliance in overseeing potential domestic revolutionary threat. However, Thailand and Gandhi India, nations of distinct characteristics, will benefit considerably through mutual learning. I propose you consider amending our Treaty of Amity. The goal is to include a framework for sharing governance’s best practices concerning our bureaucracy. This arrangement, Rajmohan, will speak volumes about our pragmatism.”

Thaksin paused, pulling out a Taqiyah and placing it on the table between them. “You have presented an intriguing detail about your population’s disdain of Muslims. This hat belonged to a Muslim who attempted assassinating me a few years ago. The stain within—still faintly visible—is his blood.” His smile lacked compassion. “You might know Thailand for its progressiveness, but when it comes to religions, our population abandoned them for a dialectical materialist worldwide. I understand that Pakistan is a sham nation, Rajmohan, maybe humanity should have left it uncreated. If you agree to a non-aggression pact with Thailand with an indefinite timeline, Thailand will formally commit all military resources if you decide to invade the country. Reunification, one might call it.”

He laughed softly at Rajmohan’s comment about Thailand's governance. “Ah, our Confederacy is a breed apart. Trotskyism and Neo-Marxism heavily influenced our 1998 Revolution. You don’t need to know what these terms mean. In Thailand, you are part of the collective, a unique and autonomous essential of your community. Our national values are social egalitarianism and economic communism.” He tasted his cooling tea, a slight shiver tracing his spine. “When we arrive in Chiang Mai, you will experience my homeland firsthand. Perhaps, while visiting the Medical Electronics Manufacturing Cluster, you might consider how Thai cooperatives can enhance your people’s health and well-being.”

Thaksin’s eyebrow arched at the counter-proposal. “An interesting suggestion, Rajmohan. My predecessor, Government Secretary Chuan Leekpai, always emphasized the need for caution and reciprocity. In pursuit of an informal extradition treaty, How, Rajmohan, would Gandhi India reassure Thailand of its adherence to such a gentlemen’s agreement? Instead, if you remain open, would not a classified, binding treaty serve our interests better?” He nodded towards the book. “The Hunt for Red October is a tale steeped in deception. Surely, Rajmohan, this book has allowed you to appreciate the quiet strength of shadows.”



GA Member
May 24, 2024
The Emperor would raise his eyebrows and look away, before re-making eye contact while Thaksin responded.

"No; the Empire is run, on a day - to - day basis, by the Department Heads. They are government workers who have been promoted over thirty plus years, to control the heads of their Department, in which they are extraordinarily knowledgeable about. I try to encourage free healthcare, but unfortunately the decisions around that are at the prerogative of the completely democratic state governments. They are the ones who manage police, health, roads and several other key sectors." He would think over Thaksin's last statement. "Thaksin, I will seriously consider that proposal. I appreciate that and what it symbolises between our nations and peoples."

Rajmohan would sit back with slightly raised eyebrows after Thaksin had finished speaking. "I did not think that you would propose such an . . . imperialistic idea. Do you have this non-aggression pact, and associated agreement, on you?"

"Yes, perhaps I will."

Rajmohan would snort quietly and reply, "This book is founded in fiction, and was written by an old man who thought much and knew little. Much like us. Anyway, to answer your question, I have certain powers that are respected by the government, whether they like it or not. With those powers comes several things those in the west would consider 'illegal'. No one can stop me from exercising my right to use those powers. However, my reasons for proposing an informal treaty - a gentleman's agreement - would also be satisfied with a classified treaty, and could be included in a secret non-aggression pact too."

"Anyway, Thaksin, do you care for a, what did you call it, soda?" Rajmohan would say, pressing the service button above twice and looking forwards and backwards of the aircraft.
