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Message Thailand Base in Turkey


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
An individual on horse back would approach the Thai base located in Turkey. He would be wearing tattered clothing and a face wrap. As he would approach, he would slow the horse down. An AK-47 would be strapped to his back. He would maintain a slight distance as to not appear hostile.

"I BEAR A MESSAGE TO THE COMMANDER OF THIS BASE!" he would shout in Arabic. In his hand would be a neatly rolled parchment with a red silk bow, and a hammer and sickle seal.

Official Correspondence


To whom it may concern,

This document is intended to serve as a peace offering. The Syrian Communist Front is a former member of the Islamic Republican Guard on the Levant. Due to recent tensions we have decided to leave the alliance and form our own council and governance. Make no mistake we are not a terrorist group, despite our previous alliance. We are an official party of the former Islamist Republic of Syria. We have take with us the 3 branches of our government from the IRGL. Those include the Syrian Communist Militia, Socialist Liberation Party, and the Syrian Workers Cooperation. We seek an alliance with the Thai Government, in hopes that we become the ruling party in Syria. With all parties combined we are far larger and more unified in our goals than the supposed Islamic Liberation Army in the Levant that claims power in Damascus. However they are better equipped.

The ILAL have sent an invitation to myself and to the leaders of the aligning parties to participate in open talks in Damascus in the creation of a new government. In my eyes there is only one path forward. The path of Communism. The people deserve the right to govern themselves.

I welcome Thai forces to my base in Ar Raqqah. We are under equipped and under trained at the moment. In the event the ILAL attack us, it would spell the demise of any communist revolution in Syria. Should you reply, please give any correspondence to this runner. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Hassan Rafiq
Syrian Communist Front



I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Private and Encrypted

As Thailand maintained two permanent military bases in Türkiye, it was a familiar sight for local civilians to approach the Tatvan/Bitlis base. It was a sprawling installation where a mechanized and armored division of the Republic Thai Army, twenty thousand strong, stood ready. The Thai military was relatively relaxed, and the headquarters instructed the commander to allow local civilians to utilize facilities inside the military base as per the agreement with the Turkish government. A Thai servicewoman, leaning against a First Win and polishing her rifle with practiced ease, responded in fluid Arabic, her voice laced with amusement. “No need for the theatrics, Comrade Stranger with a Rifle.”

She scratched her head before taking the message from the man and reading it. “Ah, a comrade in arms!” She waved the message, calling other service members. “Dudes, we have gotten a jackpot today!” She turned to the SCF man. “So, Comrade,” she gestured expansively towards the bustling base, “thirsty? Hungry? Maybe fancy a go in the gym? Come, meet the crew, tell us your story!” Other Thai service members would request an electronic or digital communication channel such as email, so they will contact the SCF later.


To: <Syrian Communist Front>; <Hassan Rafiq> Drivindeath
From: <>
Subject: A Response of Fraternal Vigilance
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture | Secret and Encrypted

Dear Hassan Rafiq,

Your correspondence, bearing the seal of the Syrian Communist Front and seeking an alliance with the Socialist Republic of Thailand, has been received and given due consideration by the Thai People’s Front. Indeed, the principles of international solidarity and proletarian internationalism necessitate all self-proclaimed communists to unite and support one another through mutual aid. However, Comrade Rafiq, the annals of history are replete with cautionary tales of revolutionary fervor diverted, of noble aspirations betrayed by opportunism and ideological impurity. Lenin’s warnings remain acutely relevant.

In a spirit of transparency, I question whether the Syrian Communist Front’s (SCF) espoused communism. Is it a genuine manifestation of a historically informed and materially grounded revolutionary consciousness, forged in the fires of class struggle and dedicated to the emancipation of the Syrian proletarian? Or is it, perchance, a tactical guise, a fleeting ideological costume donned amidst the chaotic theater of Syrian conflict, destined to be discarded once the immediate exigencies subside? As a country leading the Socialist International (SI), I must discern whether SCF and its leadership truly have studied the complexity and Marxism’s often dialectic nature that would allow any revolutionary to comprehend the scientific nature of socialism and how historical materialism has already predicted all events. If the SCF remains astray and allured by the teaching of Marxist-Leninism that had brought about degenerated and deformed workers’ states throughout the globe, then it would be clear to the TPF that your organization is merely an opportunist totalitarian group.

Indeed, the TPF applauds, in principle, its counterpart in Syria, namely the Syrian Communist Front, for various revolutionary groups’ consolidation into a coherent vanguard coalition. However, the TPF’s solidarity is not extended lightly, nor is it granted merely upon the invocation of shared nomenclature. We must be unequivocal that the TPF only extends hands of solidarity to the international proletarians, not some distant bureaucratic elites working for any supposedly “communist” front. As Marx has always emphasized the necessity of rigorous dialectical assessment, we question whether the SCF is truly a party of the masses with vibrant and participatory internal democracy, with a meticulous check and balance system that prevents authoritarian tendencies. A revolution, Comrade Rafiq, is not a decree from on high, a project imposed by self-proclaimed vanguards. It is an organic, historically determined upsurge of the proletariat, a collective awakening born from material necessity and driven by conscious, participatory agency.

Do not be startled by my rigorous interrogation, comrade. This behavior is a fraternal imperative that all Marxists, and indeed communists, must receive from one another to ensure that our socialist project remains fundamentally self-correcting and not dogmatic. Until you have answered all my propositions, our stance, for now, remains one of rigorous and principled neutrality, pending the substantive clarifications we deem essential for any meaningful engagement.​


Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit
Minister of Industry
General Secretary of the Thai People Front
Socialist Republic of Thailand

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