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[MEX] Congressional Assignment for President


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Congress of the Union
Broadcasted Live
"Please take your seats, we are gathered today, 1 August 1999 to discuss the next President of Mexico. We have heard much in the way of arguments from the many parties and have had time to think on a decision. The decision of this Congress shall enact the 19th President of Mexico. Public Elections will be held on 1 January 2000, to enact the 20th President of Mexico. Whoever we select today will not be eligible to campaign or hold the office of the President again in his lifetime. This appointment comes after the tragic assassination of late President Ernesto Zedillo. Both MODENA and PAN have opted out of this election, giving us 2 choices. Mr. Randolph Hernandez of PRI or Mr. Victor Rodriguez of PDR. In front of you is your ballot. All 628 members of this Congress will cast a vote, if a tie ensues then the President of the Senate shall break the tie. Members of this Union, please cast your votes."

After much deliberation and careful considerations, one by one each member cast their vote, the process would take approximately 7 hours. With all 628 members casting their vote, the tallies were counted.
"Please sit, after the official count we have tallied, 320 votes in favor of Mr. Randolph Hernandez of PRI, and 308 votes for Mr. Victor Rodrigues of PDR. A call for recount was called, after recount the numbers have remained the same. Mr. Randolph Hernandez of PRI shall be sworn in as the 19th President of Mexico."
With a swing and strike of the gavel it was official. Mr. Randolph Hernandez of PRI shall become the 19th President of Mexico, effective 1 August 1999.

President of the Senate, Gabriel Alejandro Gutierrez would preform the Oath of the President for Mr. Randolph Hernandez.
"Sir please raise your right hand and repeat after me.

I affirm to follow and uphold the Political Constitution of the United Mexican Socialist States and the laws that emanate from it, and to perform loyally and patriotically the office of President of the Republic which the people have conferred upon me, in all actions looking after the good and prosperity of the Union; and if I were not to do so, may the Nation demand it of me."
Mr. Hernandez would raise his right hand and repeat.
"I affirm to follow and uphold the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the laws that emanate from it, and to perform loyally and patriotically the office of President of the Republic which the people have conferred upon me, in all actions looking after the good and prosperity of the Union; and if I were not to do so, may the Nation demand it of me."
"Ladies and Gentleman the 19th President of Mexico, President Randolph Hernandez."

"Thank you, fellow citizens. I take Office today, not as just your President, but as a citizen of Mexico. It is with sad times that I accept this appointment. I shall continue down President Zedillo's legacy and ensure that his vision is continued. President Zedillo, was not known for his foreign policy, which is something I aim to do better on. The United States, was very much alienated during his time in office. That can no longer continue. I aim to bridge the divide between Mexican's and our neighbors to the North. During my short time in Office I hope to bring in more trade to our foreign policy. I am aware of the current ongoing disputes between Mexico and Sweden, along with the divide across the Globe. I will work closely with our Global Partners to try and ensure a peaceful resolution is found. Anything done with foreign policy from President Zedillo's administration shall remain in effect. Along with the I am keeping the current Cabinet. Along with the United States, I hope to bridge gaps with Russia, Korea, and many nations in Europe.

President Zedillo had a vision for the Mexican Armed Forces. He dreamed of seeing our once great nation strong and secure. I share that vision. Let me shed some light, not to shame President Zedillo, but to inform the public. The Mexican Defence Bill, while it is a great document that outlines our success to strengthen our Military, it is also flawed and was not followed. More spending on the Military was done than what the Bill stated. The limitations of the budget would see the the Mexican Armed Forces reaching it's protentional by around 2010. This is something that Mexico does not have the time for. With growing tensions, I shall be amending the document and submitting the amendment before congress, to allow an emergency power for the Office of the President to increase spending during times of extreme global tension. This is to ensure the safety and prosperity of Mexico.

Along with this vision, I also aim to improve Mexico's infrastructure. Currently the renovation of Cancun was a huge success. We have many more projects in mind for the future. To include, water piping into local towns from the cities, local road improvements, and cleaner energy. I hope that whoever my successor is, that they carry out this vision as well. Thank you all, La Patria Es Primero!"

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