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Ministry of Education and Physical Fitness


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Ministry of Education and Physical Fitness
The Minstry of Education and Physical Fitness is a ministerial department of the government of Poland. The ministry's prerogatives include setting educational standards and youth activities.


GA Member
May 22, 2020

International Understanding of Higher Education

Higher Education Agreement
Article I: Purpose
  1. Strengthen Bonds between citizens of -Nation- and Poland through educating the people through an exchange of higher education students
  2. To Increase the Standing of Poland and -Nation- in the international community by allowing students to expand their knowledge in a new environment.
  3. To increase the trust and friendship between the nations of Poland and Ukraine
Article 2: Implementation
  1. -Nation- agrees to select several groups of students from different educational departments and allow them to study abroad in Poland.
  2. Poland agrees to select several groups of students from different educational departments and allow them to study abroad in -Nation-.
  3. Students will receive free tuition and room and board where applicable in either participating parties.
  4. Polish Students will be required to take classes in the -Nation Official Language- and -Nation- will be required to do the same for Polish.
  5. A maximum of 500 students will be permitting for the study for a term limit of 2 years.
Article 3: Duration and Amendments
  1. The -Nation- and the Republic of Poland may choose to amend this agreement in order to increase or decrease the student body or term length as both parties see fit.
  2. The Agreement cannot be amended in an attempt to harm the students of either nation.
  3. The Parties agree to convene and discuss any perceived violations to this agreement before taking any other action.
Article 4: Signatories
  1. Each Party willfully agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.
  2. Each Signatory confirms they have the power under the laws of their state to sign and commit to this document.




Term Length

Republic of Example​


1 Year, 6 Months​