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[MN] Riots in Portugal


Aug 15, 2018

Facing an ever increasing tax burden, the people of Portugal have finally had enough. What started as small protests have escalated into large and aggressive riots. The rioters demand an immediate lowering of taxes and have developed a taste for blood. In Lisbon especially tens of thousands have gone to the streets, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake as they vandalize government property, plunder stores and engage police wherever they get the chance. Rather than being made up of just a single group the protests seem to be led by a wide array of different groups from across the political spectrum.



Jul 2, 2018
The Zimbabwe Rhodesian Embassy in Lisbon has been placed on high alert due to the nature of the current political climate. Guards have been authorized to use live ammunition to prevent a breach of the embassy gates. If situations do not improve within a week the embassy will reluctantly close its doors. Diplomatic relations with Portugal will however remain intact either way.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Portuguese Government would announce that the taxes will be lowered from its current state. Meanwhile Police would arrest any one who damaged public property, trying to calm down the mob down. Any civilian who would engage in the violent riot would be arrest by the superior trained police and riot police which would be highly trained for these situations. Around 3430 Officers would be working towards this, using any non-violent means they could to calm the riots down.

Some Civilians not in the riots would plead to stop the rioting due to the damage being made towards civilian property like stores,shops and others, making some of the population against the violent riots. Even trying to stop looters and people breaking their property.

The Government would estimate around 1 Million in damages to Private and Public property.


RP'ing The Philippines, RL'ing The Philippines
Jul 1, 2018
The Philippine Embassy in Lisbon would make an advisory to all Filipino tourists and expats to exercise caution when passing by in areas where demonstrations are happening.

Furthermore, the government of the Federal Republic of the Philippines would privately message the government of the Federal Republic of Portugal, giving them a piece of advise on their current situation given that they had a similar situation, that they don't have to yield to the demands of those demonstrators whom are mostly likely instigated by a few people with selfish interests. Besides, higher taxes are not an issue as long as taxes are used efficiently, productively, and yields good results.

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