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[MOL] Message to the Global Assembly


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Foreign Affairs


To: Secretary-General, Clark Stone
From: Minister Nicolae Tăbăcaru

Dearest Secretary-General,

My name is Nicolae Tăbăcaru, I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Moldova. I am certain that the current situation that is developing between Romania and Moldova is known to you. I am in fact contacting you regarding this and their war of aggression, one that Moldova is currently winning.

It is my hopes that we could discuss this situation and come to a conclusion which will not only guarantee peace but assure that Romania's current government does not remain in power.

If this is something that we can discuss, or if you at the very least have another solution, I will be glad to hear it.

Kindest Regards,
Nicolae Tăbăcaru
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Moldova



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Office of the Deputy Secretary General
Global Assembly

Recipient: Nicolae Tăbăcaru, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova (Alex)
Cc: Clark Stone, Secretary General of the Global Assembly
Subject: International Conflict

Minister Tăbăcaru,

It is with great sadness we have received the news of the eruption of armed conflict between Moldova and Romania. The Secretary General has requested me to liaise with your government to find a solution to the conflict. If I have been correctly informed, the Republic of Spain is currently hosting peace talks between yourselves and Romania. May I inquire into the progress of these talks and whether or not you require any further assistance from the Secretariat.

Yours Sincerely,

Han Dae-Jung
Deputy Secretary General


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Ministry of Foreign Affairs


To: Secretary-General, Clark Stone
From: Minister Nicolae Tăbăcaru

Dearest Secretary-General,

We have signed the Treaty of Madrid. However, we have told the Romanians that if our demands are not met within a certain time frame that the war shall continue. The Moldovan Ambassador to Madrid has asked the President of Spain to deliver his copy of the Treaty of Madrid to the Global Assembly and the current situation involving Romania. However, in the case that he is not able to do so, I shall offer you a copy of Moldova's copy.

The Republic of Moldova and The Singular State of Greater Romania agree to end hostilities between both states, reaching a peace settlement between both Governments and People. Military personnel and equipment will be removed from either nation and return to their home country. Territorial integrity is maintained by both Nations. The Singular State of Greater Romania will agree on the following terms;

1. A payment of 1,150,000,000.00 USD (Billion USD) for reparations to the Republic of Moldova.
2. New Democratic elections overseen by the Global Assembly where-in both Petre Mocanu and Vlad Dracula are unable to run for any position of the federal government.
3. A temporary (two years) DMZ of 4 KM across the Molodovan-Romanian border overseen by Global Assembly peacekeeping forces.
a. The Romanian river monitors can serve as coastal patrol ships in the meantime.​
b. Violations of the DMZ will result in immediate action by the Global Assembly to sanction the violating nation.​
4. A public apology to the President of Moldova and the nation of Moldova.
a. Official recognition of Moldova as a sovereign nation.​
b. Romania is to relinquish all claims on the nation and people of Moldova.​
c. Moldova's embassy and consultants within Romania are to remain in place.​

Signed by;
The Ambassador to Spain of The Singular State of Greater Romania, Gabriela Dancau, serving a belligerent nation in the conflict
The Ambassador to Spain of the Republic of Moldova, Rodion Ivanova, serving a belligerent nation in the conflict
The President of the Republic of Spain, RAFAEL CORTÉS, serving as witness and moderator nation.

Kindest Regards,
Nicolae Tăbăcaru
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Moldova

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