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[Netherlands] Amsterdam Summit


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018



Secretary of State for European Affairs Atzo Nicolaï (Chair)

Prime Minister Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (Netherlands)


1. Opening Statement by Prime Minister Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

2. Approval of the agenda

3. Discussion on the institutional framework
3.1 European Council
3.2. European Commission
3.3. Council of the European Union
3.3.1. Decision-making procedures
3.4. Court of Justice of the European Union
3.5. European Parliament

4. European Law

5. Enlargement and withdrawal

6. Closing statements

7. Signing ceremony




The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of General Affairs
Kingdom of the Netherlands

Recipient: Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Cc: Prime Minister, Office of the Prime Minister, Kingdom of Norway (Vaka); Her Holy Radiant Imperial Majesty, French Empire (Alex); His Majesty the Emperor, German Confederation (Motziche); Premier, The People's Republic of Greece (Donnager); Taoiseach, Republic of Ireland (HeadlessSeeker); His Majesty the King, Kingdom of Poland (ManBear); Prime Minister, Kingdom of Portugal (Bruno); Prime Minister, Kingdom of Spain (Zak); Prime Minister, Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden, Kingdom of Sweden (Connor); Prime Minister, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (Jamie)
Subject: Invitation Amsterdam Summit
Attachment: Draft Treaty on the European Union

Honourable Heads of State and Government of Europe,

I hereby cordially invite you to the Amsterdam Summit on the Establishment of the European Union to begin on the 1st April 2002 to be held at the Royal Palace of Amsterdam .

As we enter a new year we all strive towards building a continent that is peaceful and prosperous. Following the Grand European Summit hosted in Oslo, an organisation, the European Union, has been identified as a possible instrument to promote peace, stability, and prosperity on our continent.

Secretary of State for European Affairs Atzo Nicolaï has already conducted exploratory talks with many of your governments, and there seems to be an overwhelming support for the European Union. We aim for the Amsterdam Summit to be a meeting where we can iron out the remaining points of discussion in regards to the Treaty on the European Union.

In closing, I would like to express my sincere hope that you will consider attending this important Summit. Your participation and leadership will be crucial in helping to shape the future of the European Union.

Should you desire to make any arrangements regarding your stay in the Netherlands, please reach out to the Ministry of General Affairs.

Yours Sincerely,

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Prime Minister
Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Despite the usual lateness of the British Government, Andrew Evans would RSVP to attend the Summit in Amsterdam and providing it was still going ahead would make sure to arrange for the necessary transport arrangements to arrive... naturally late. At this point, it would probably raise more concern if they had arrived on time. Despite this, he would only set off providing the event was still scheduled to take place with a standard complement of security officers from the Diplomatic Protection Group; all of which would be declared to the Dutch government. It was likely to be Andrews' last, large-scale engagement before his retirement and with the Conservative party and its contenders raced to gain support at home.



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
A message would be sent to all invitees that the summit would be delayed until July 2002.

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