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[Netherlands] Diplomatic Note to France


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Jean-Pierre Raffarin (Taranis)
Prime Minister

Your Excellency,

In these troubling times I have the honour to reffirm the strong bonds that exist between the French Fifth Republic and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

On behalf of the government of [Your Government Name], I would like to extend our deepest condolences to the French nation, yourself, and the family on the tragic passing of Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. The loss of a public servant in such a heinous manner represents a truly barbaric act, and we stand in solidarity with France during this difficult time.

I kindly request that Yorick Haanraads may be appointed as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the French Fifth Republic. Mr. Haanraads has an exemplary record of diplomatic service, and we believe he will effectively represent our interests and foster strong bilateral relations between our two nations.

Furthermore, we ask that a meeting be organized between Ambassador Haanraads and a representative from your Ministry of Foreign and Francophone Affairs. This meeting would serve as an opportunity for Mr Haanraads to be briefed on the latest developments surrounding the crisis and to explore potential avenues for Dutch assistance. We believe that through open and constructive dialogue, we can work together to address the challenges at hand and contribute to the collective efforts in maintaining peace and stability.

We understand the gravity of the situation and the urgency required in responding to this crisis. Our government is committed to exploring possibilities for support and assistance to France to find a path to peace. We value the longstanding friendship and cooperation between our two nations and are ready to extend a helping hand in any way possible.

Once again, please accept our heartfelt condolences for the loss of Minister Sarkozy. We hope that together, we can navigate this trying period and emerge stronger in the face of adversity.

I avail myself of the opportunity to assure Your Excellency of my highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Prime Minister



Jun 27, 2023

French Republic
Official Correspondence

Classification: Restricted

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Prime Minister ( Dutchy )
From: Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Prime Minister
Subject: Franco-Dutch relations

Your Excellency,

Let me begin by thanking you for your condolences on the death of M. Sarkozy. Nicolas was a dedicated and hardworking minister, and a friend of myself and the President. We are sorry to have lost such a minister, and even more sorry that it should have been a murder.

The President is happy to accept the credentials of Yorick Haanraads. I am sure that he wilk serve both our countries magnificently, and we look forwards to meeting him in due course.

I am happy to arrange a meeting with M. Haanraads. I myself am available to receive him. I thank you in advance for your offer of assistance; this is something we are looking to explore with our allies, so your offer is most welcome in these times. Our agenda will, of course, be mainly about your offer of assistance; however other topics may be added on request.

I reaffirm the political and diplomatic bonds between our two nations, and I hope that this can begin a new era in our relationship.

Yours sincerely,

Dominique de Villepin
Prime Minister of the Republic


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of NAME
Kingdom of the Netherlands

Recipient: Dominique de Villepin, Prime Minister, Fifth French Republic
Cc: Yorick Haanraads, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Subject: Franco-Dutch Relations

Her Majesty The Queen
of the Netherlands


His Excellency
Jacques Chirac
Fifth French Republic

Your Excellency,

I have the distinct honor and privilege to present to Your Excellency the Letter of Credence accrediting His Excellency Yorick Haanraads as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Fifth French Republic.

His Excellency Ambassador Haanraads is a highly distinguished diplomat who embodies the ideals of friendship, cooperation, and mutual respect between our two great nations. With an exceptional record of diplomatic service and extensive experience in international affairs, Ambassador Haanraads is committed to further strengthening the longstanding bilateral relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Fifth French Republic.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands deeply values the partnership and goodwill shared with the Fifth French Republic. We believe that the tenure of Ambassador Haanraads will serve as a catalyst for enhanced cooperation in various fields of mutual interest. By leveraging the historical ties and common values that unite our nations, we are poised to strengthen the bonds of friendship and advance our shared aspirations.

Your Excellency, I kindly request that you receive Ambassador Haanraads with the utmost warmth and extend to him the courtesy and support that symbolize the enduring friendship between our two nations. His Excellency's dedication and commitment to fostering bilateral relations will undoubtedly contribute to the prosperity and well-being of our countries and peoples.

May I take this opportunity to express my sincere hope that the tenure of Ambassador Haanraads will further deepen the longstanding ties between our nations and pave the way for fruitful collaboration in the years ahead.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,


Queen of the Netherlands
Princess of Orange-Nassau
Princess of Lippe-Biesterfeld

Your Excellency,

Please find the letter of credence for Ambassador Haanraads attached to this message. Should the President be able and willing to receive him in the future the Ambassador will be happy to present said letter. In the meantime I shall direct him to make his way to your office immediately to begin disussions on Dutch support and other topics where we may find room for mutual beneficial cooperation.

I continue to wish you the best in these trying times.

Yours Sincerely,

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Prime Minister


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The new Dutch Ambassador, Yorick Haanraads, would receive the directions to meet with the French Prime Minister straight from the Ministry of General Affairs. After collecting some items and standard documents which would update him on the latest developments, the Ambassador would walk out of the Embassy and step into the waiting diplomatic vehicle which would take him to the office of the French Prime Minister.

Upon arrival the Ambassador would notify the security staff or reception of his arrival and would then wait to see if he would be granted an audience with the Prime Minister.



Jun 27, 2023
After a security officer was dispatched to the Prime Minister, who at the time was at a meeting on New Caledonia, he would quickly head back to his office and sat down on one of the sofas as a sign of informality. After water and biscuits were put on the table, the Ambassador would be allowed in.

"M. Haanraads," he said, smiling, "How are you? I hope you're settling in well to your new role, and I hope we can see you more often. Now, what would you like to discuss?"



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Ambassador would extend his hand as he stepped forward to greet the French Prime Minister. "The staff at the embassy has been excellent these past few weeks as I adapted to the role of chargé d'affaires as I awaited the acceptance of my letter of credence. Of that I humbly thank both yourself and the President for allowing me to serve in the capacity of Ambassador. I look forward to building a rapport with your government over the coming months."

"I was hoping that you might be able to offer an update on the latest developments on the situation in New Caledonia. The Netherlands is always prepared to support a friend and partner, though at the moment our limited capacity to operate in that region in the world would most likely mean our support is more of the diplomatic kind."



Jun 27, 2023
"Yes, well, as you will know the AINC has launched multiple attacks on various fronts against us in the past few days. I won't go into too much detail about those attacks, as I am sure you will be aware of them, but one in particular has concerned our Government, and could be an ideal place for you to help.

"A prisoner was taken by the AINC after they raided a police station. We launched an offensive to recapture him, but the attack went horribly wrong- we were ambushed, and now twenty officers are prisoners of the AINC, and another dozen or so are wounded and with them.

"We are currently preparing a negotiation team to go to the AINC and secure their release, but as they are fighting against us we aren't entirely sure that we will be able to convince them. A neutral third party would be ideal for the AINC to talk to. All we will need are trained negotiators, or diplomats, from the region.

"Other than that, we are planning a resolution in the Global Assembly to deploy a GA peacekeeping force to maintain security and allow humanitarian aid through. Your support in the Assembly would be most welcome."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
“Perhaps if you have the time you could offer me a quick run down of the latest developments. I’ve been receiving a lot of documents and reports over the past few days and I currently lack a clear picture of the situation. Perhaps you could enlighten me on the people behind AINC, their operational strength in terms of personnel and equipment and if it is not deemed classified the French strength and position on the island.”

“I am certain that the Dutch government would be open to support a French resolution aimed at resolving the conflict.”

“Hmm, what does your government currently classify the AINC as? A terrorist organisation or rebel forces? That would be important as negotiations with them, especially by an external sovereign power could offer them legitimacy. However, should France seek Dutch support for the release of prisoners I am certain we would be willing to offer our assistance. This is however something I would need to report back on to The Hague, so I would require some more details. Especially whether you are seeking diplomatic support or police and military support.”



Jun 27, 2023
"Certainly. The AINC has been formed as an organised independence movement against France in New Caledonia. There have been less organised and more discreet methods of unrest against us in the past, particularly by the Kanak people, but this is a full insurrection against us. They are well armed and are hiding deep inland in the forests.

"The AINC recently conducted a few attacks against us. An aircraft carrying police officers was shot down as it landed in New Caledonia. A crowd of civilians, no doubt supporting them, stormed and burnt down the police headquarters at Numea. Our Interior Minister, M. Sarkozy, was killed in an explosion in the suburbs of Paris... we believe it was the AINC too. Just a few days ago they raided the police headquarters at Koumac, killing or wounding some twenty officers. This led to the raid, which, unfortunately, failed."
"Currently intelligence suggests a strength of no more than around a thousand, including a few police officers and other officials who defected to the AINC. They have strong support from the Kanak people, who make up most of their army. We've seen from their ambush of our attempted raid that they have modern equipment, including heavy artillery- mortars and so on- but we do not know how old they are, or how much ammunition they have. We believe that ammunition was given by a sympathetic officer; we're investigating that. Safe to say, though, that they have strong support and powerful contacts."
Afterwards Raffarin would take a sip of water before continuing.

"Currently we classify it as an insurrectional movement, or a movement that consists of any collective violence liable to endanger the institutions of the Republic or violate the integrity of national territory. It is, essentially, a rebel group. We go no further than that as they have strong public support, but privately it would be classified as a terror group based on its actions."

"Currently we only seek diplomatic support from you. We understand the implications of you negotiating with a rebel group, but it could be done purely by police negotiators, or military officers if you want, so as to send a message that only security forces deal with them. If you want, we can even make your cooperation secret.

"Speaking of which, police or military advisors would be most appreciated, but they are not strictly necessary. And, of course, humanitarian or charitable aid would be necessary."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you for the update Prime Minister, I hope that you may be able to arrange the delivery of further updates to the embassy should the situation escalate."

"I inquire to the classification as it is important to determine whether the situation passes the threshold of Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. As we are both signatories to the Charter of the Global Assembly we are bound by the Convention and should the situation escalate to the point of being considered a non-international armed conflict then the Netherlands will be required to advocate that both the French Republic and the AINC uphold its principles."

"I believe that the Netherlands would be capable of offering diplomatic support by acting as a mediator. However, this would require the approval of the AINC as well or else our position will be untenable. I can run this by the Ministry once I step out and perhaps give you some time to explore the options to get the AINC to accept the position of the Netherlands as mediator."



Jun 27, 2023
"Of course, we can work on having regular updates sent to you and your Government.

"I am, of course, happy to follow the Geneva Conventions in this crisis. We will work to make sure that the AINC also agrees with having an independent arbitrator; we can have an update on that sent to you as soon as we get a response from them.

"Other than that, I don't think there is anymore to discuss, at least on New Caledonia. Would you like to raise something else?"




The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
“Thank you, we greatly appreciate your openness to provide accurate information about to allowed us to continue making timely assessments of the situation.”

“I understand that your government must be extremely busy at this time, so I do not wish to take up any more or your time on this matter. I do hope that once the crisis has been resolved there will be space for more bilateral talks to be organised on topics of finding areas of mutually beneficial collaboration.”

“I shall now report to my government and please feel free and call or summon me if you have more information regarding the mediation.”

With that the Ambassador would rise to shake the hand of the Prime Minister before leaving the office and making his way back down to the waiting vehicle. He would be driven back to the embassy where he would immediately call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a secure line to update them on the talks. Following the call he would proceed to write a written report.


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