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Nigeria - Diplomatic Cable to China


Sep 4, 2021
A private and encrypted diplomatic cable would be sent from the office of Nigerian Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonny to Liang Jiayi,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People's Republic of China.

Greetings Minister Jiayi,

This is Ochuko Bonny, Nigerian Foreign Minister. I have been tasked to bolster Nigeria's political, economic and defense ties around the world. I have been told it is imperative to appoint an ambassador to the People's Republic immediately.

I hope you are willing to do the same. Nigeria is keen on building specific ties the People's Republic. Being on the border with Russia, we are also keen on hearing what you know about what is going on in Russia.

I would also like to establish trade ties. We are looking for wide-ranging ties. Not just a monthly shipment of textiles. You produce many products Nigeria needs. We produce a few things your burgeoning markets could use as well. Defense ties we can discuss once ambassadors have been named I hope it will quick. Being as Nigeria has no defense industry of its own.....we are looking assistance, not in just acquiring materials, but in the future producing our own.

Nigeria could also use assistance with infrastructure projects. Of which we have many. I look forward to your response.

Sincerely Yours,

Minister Bonny

Sep 28, 2021
As Foreign Minister Liang Jiayi eat his cupcake inside his office, while sitting down and resting on his office chair, his beautiful secretary knocks on his door, "tea or coffee Mr Liang?", he then replied, "coffee please", she then said, "of course, I'll get you that coffee right away sir." moments later his secretary came back from his office carrying with her his coffee, the secretary then noticed a diplomatic cable currently being received by Mr. Jiayi's computer, she then informed the minister that a diplomatic cable was being sent to him, the minister noticed her, then immediately fixed his suit and waved the secretary to clear the room immediately, Mr. jiayi then stood up and locked the door of his office then walked back briskly to his chair and sat down, afterwards he calmly read the message sent to him by what appears to be from the office of Nigerian foreign affairs.

as he finished reading the letter he then sent his reply,

type: encrypted

Dear Minister Bonny,

I have received your letter, we are thrilled by opening diplomatic talks with your country, it is in China's best interest to do business with the outside world, and we are glad that you will be appointing an ambassador to the People's republic of China, if that is your wish then we will also do the same.

In regard to the situation with russia, what we know is that the country is currenly divided by multiple factions, which all have different idealogies altogether, we are keen on keeping our borders safe from intruding factions, regarding our foreign policy for Russia, we are not open to any ideas of revealing what our plans are to any nation that we deem an acquaintance to China.

As for infrastructure projects between China and Nigeria we are also open to that idea.

Lastly regarding trade, we are willing to offer Nigeria goods and services in any way we can, as long as those goods or services would not be used against China's interests, you are free to do what you want with it.

We do have many resources here and we will also be wanting your goods and services in return since this is a mutual cooperation between our two nations.

And please, do inform me if there are any other concerns you might want to add.

Best regards,
Liang Jiayi
Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister


Sep 4, 2021
Dear Minister Jiayi, Thank you for your prompt response. I have appointed Mister Micah Awe as the Ambassador to the People's Republic of China. He is highly qualified. He received an undergraduate degree from the Nanjing University Chinese Language Center. The future Ambassador enjoyed his time so much in China so much that he decided to stay at Nanjing and pursue a degree in Foreign Studies in the English track. You will be to discuss, challenge or just simply chat with him in either language. Upon graduation Mister Awe was shuffled around in too many foreign desk or translator jobs that did not suit his skill set. He is just 30. But he is ready to do his country proud. He has been instructed to get into contact with you immediately upon arrival.
Sep 28, 2021
Dear Minister Bonny,

Our office is delighted to know that Mr. Micah Awe is your appointed Ambassador from Nigeria to The People's Republic of China, we will assure you that Ambassador Awe will be taken care of here in our country, in return, we have selected our own representative to Nigeria, her name is Mrs. Zihán Chyou, she is 36 years old, married, quite young and ambitious, She studied international languages including a few local dialects native to Nigeria, She is also very good in the English language which will provide great advantage to her career, so far we have asked her to become our official Ambassador to your country, and she is quite excited to partake this endeavor the moment she heard the news from us. We have provided all she needs for travel, upon touch down, we leave her to your capable hands.

Best Regards,
Liang Jiayi
Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister

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