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[Norway] State Visit in The United States of America


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
As promised on the phone call with President Obama, King Enoch, Queen Sophia, and Prime Minister Leif Holt boarded a private government aircraft and departed for Washington D.C. Flying with the Royal Family and the Prime Minister were twenty armed Royal Police Officers and ten armed King's Guard. A small attaché from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also accompanying the trio, however the King and Dr. Holt would likely be able to handle establishing a relationship between the United States and Norway on their own. Enoch and Sophia were travelling with a variety of clothes for different occasions, while Dr. Holt had a small assortment of suits with him. As previously mentioned, the King and Queen still planned to privately visit New York City for a few days after the state visit in Washington, but if the Obama administration asked them not to, they would obey this request. If further inquiries were made about this, the short explanation was that they had never been to New York (except for Enoch's layovers at JFK when flying between Texas and Norway in his younger days), and that they wanted to see the city.

The flight plan of the aircraft, as well as when it would land, who was on board, and what weapons were on board, would be forwarded to the State Department. The King's aircraft would follow the guidance of American air traffic control, and land wherever told, presumably Andrews AFB.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The aircraft would be cleared to land at Andrews AFB - where on the runway, a large convoy would be waiting for the delegation - of course this convoy would be larger than the norm because of the high threat of terrorism, a Cadillac XTS Limo with Norwegian flags on the front would be sat in the middle, both in front and behind the Limo would be a Cadillac Escalade, each with members of the Diplomatic Security Service sat inside, after that would be a number of Chevrolet Impala of the MPDC. Once the Norwegians were inside the convoy, they would be driven off to the White House.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The aircraft touched down at Andrews seamlessly. The Royal Police and King's Guard exited the aircraft before the VIPs, and made sure that the area was secure before everyone else deplaned - this obviously didn't long to assess since they were at an Air Force base next to the capital of the most powerful country in the world. King Enoch, Queen Sophia, and Prime Minister Holt departed the aircraft and took the limousine to the White House, along with some executive staff and two Royal Police officers - Enoch's height made the ride somewhat uncomfortable, but it at least it wouldn't be a long one. The rest of the security detail would travel by other means into Washington. Details would have been forwarded in advance that Norwegian security personnel would leave protection of the Royal Family and the Prime Minister to the United States, but that they would resume playing a role when the leaders departed White House grounds. The Royal Police and King's Guard would stay at a nearby hotel, or somewhere else if the Americans designated it necessary. Norwegian security personnel would fully cooperate with the Secret Service and Diplomatic Security Service.

The three leaders took note of the various monuments they passed on their way to see the President. Enoch was exceptionally impressed with the capital building as they passed by it. After passing by it, they turned on America's Main Street - Pennsylvania Avenue. Enoch pointed out the J. Edgar Hoover Building that he was so familiar with from watching The X-Files, while Dr. Holt mentioned that Ford's Theater, where President Lincoln was assassinated, was located directly behind it. Assuming they had a police escort, it would have been less than a minute before they reached the White House. Sophia leaned over Enoch to get a view of the Washington Monument before an abrupt turn threw the twenty-something Queen into the lap of Dr. Holt, which made the entire trip worth it for him.

Once the vehicle came to a stop and it was time to get out, the two Royal Police Officers exited first, before Dr. Holt, Sophia, and then Enoch stepped out as well. Dr. Holt, who stood at the respectable height of 5'9", looked small next to the Queen who 6'3", and King Enoch who was a towering 6'7". It wasn't ever discussed in Norway, but the King's unusual height was supposedly do to some form of hyperpituitarism. They were all dressed formally - Dr. Holt was in a black suit and tie, Enoch was wearing his uniform and sash, and the Queen was in a dress and sash. They eagerly waited to be received.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Inside the courtyard of the White House would be two flags standing side by side, the US flag and the Norwegian flag. Along the small sidewalks leading the the entrance would be twenty of the Presidential Salute Battery, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, ten on either side of the steps. As the vehicles came up and stopped outside of the entrance, President Obama would step down from the steps, to meet the Norwegian royals, as he does this the soldiers would snap into a salute. This salute would be for both the President and the Norwegian Royals. As Obama gets closer to the vehicle, he smiles politely at the royals, offering them a small bow.

"Your majesties, it is a pleasure to meet you"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"It's very nice to meet you as well, Mister President," said Enoch. The King normally stuck out in crowds, even among groups of diplomats and leaders who tend to be taller than the average population, because he sored at 201cm. He gestured to his wife and said, "This is Sophia, Queen of Norway." Sophia wasn't as tall as her husband, but was still two inches taller than President Obama. She had long blonde hair, and a very friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mister President," she said. Enoch then gestured to Dr. Holt who was much more normal in height, and looked like a dwarf among them. He shook hands with the President and greeted him as well.

"It's very nice of you to go through this trouble for our visit. I've been hoping we could do this for some time," Dr. Holt, the Prime Minister, said.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Obama would shake hands with the Prime Minister. "It is a pleasure to meet you all". He'd pause for a small amount of time, before gesturing inside. "Please, follow me."

President Obama would lead the Norwegians inside of the White House, and towards the Red room, where a table set out with both American food and Norwegian delicacies such as krumkake and lutefisk would be standing. Along with a number of seats and sofas. The room was a bit further away from the prying eyes of people and a little less tense than the Oval office. "Please, make yourselves at home" the President would say as he escorts them into the room.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The three Norwegians each took a seat in appropriate places. Sophia seemed interested in trying a few bits of the American food, since she had never been to the country before. Dr. Holt and King Enoch, however, seemed to have something more pressing on their minds. Enoch spoke up first, "Mister President, thank you again for hosting us here at the White House. Dr. Holt informed me of what your ambassador to the Global Assembly said about what is going on in Kosovo. Norway has not made a public statement on the matter yet. However, I would like you to know that we are in full agreement with your government's stance on the matter, and we find this invasion entirely unacceptable. I'm not exactly sure if you have anything in the works at the moment, but if you do, the Norwegian diplomatic corps is willing to help in any way possible - as well as the Norwegian armed forces, if it comes down to that."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you for your offer of support. These are very trying times as this small conflict has caused the world powers to lock horns over it. Whilst I can confirm nor deny that we have anything in the works at the moment, rest assured that we regard Norway as a valued ally and we will be in contact should we need your support." The President would pause for a moment and let out a small cough into his hand, that he had clenched into a fist. "Speaking of allies, am I right in assuming Norway has applied for membership to ISAF?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I'm happy to hear that," Enoch said.

Dr. Holt then jumped in, "Yes, we have applied for membership with ISAF. That's actually part of the reason we wanted to make this trip. I would consider the Kingdom of The Netherlands our closest international friend, and we have a very good relationship with the United Kingdom as well. His Majesty and I thought it may be helpful for us to meet. Norway and the United States have always had a friendly relationship, and I'm hoping that we can go for a bit of an upgrade now. I understand that Norway's armed forces aren't as impressive as the British, or the United States's, but I think that we would prove to be a valuable partner in the alliance, if we were accepted."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well I would just like you to know, that the United States supports Norwegian admission into ISAF - you have proven yourselves as both steadfast and clear headed. However, it is not just for the US to decide on your admission, but, we can make strides in a Norwegian-US friendship. I think one of the first ways to do that is to take trade into account, we are always looking for valuable trade partners"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Dr. Holt's phone started to buzz in his pocket. He saw it was a phone call from Minister Vinter back in Oslo. He stood up and said, "Mister President, Your Majesties, please excuse me. I already have two missed calls from the Foreign Ministry and I'm getting a third one now." Dr. Holt walked outside and took the call from Foreign Minister Jakob Vinter.

While Dr. Holt was outside, King Enoch carried on, "Trade between Norway and the United States would certainly be something that we would be open to. Having an open supply of resources from different places is very important," he said. Then, Dr. Holt walked back in. He sat down among the President and the monarchs.

"The Foreign Ministry has just confirmed to me that the Norwegian Embassy in Kosovo has been hit by an artillery shell.... The Ambassador to Kosovo has been killed. Mister President, I'm not sure what the status of America's embassy in Kosovo is, but I hope that it is better than ours..."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. Whatever the United States can do, please. Don't hesitate to ask. As far as I am aware, the US embassy was out of the strike zone. But, I also hear that because of your naval strikes against Serbia. Their government has collapsed, may I extend a formal congratulations on this matter." The President would pause for a moment, before bringing up something that he originally wanted to when the meeting first started. "It has been a few weeks now since the attack in New York, and I wanted to extend my gratitude to the family of Morten Jonassen for their bravery in the matter, am I correct that he died saving the life of his grandchild?"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
It was before, during, and after these words of President Obama that the King and Prime received various phone calls and gave orders to the Norwegian fleet, received news on their success, and ordered the missile strike. Afterwards, the speech made by King Enoch was delivered from the West Wing's Situation Room, with permission from the President.

"Thank you, Mister President. I'm happy that the American embassy was outside of the strike zone," Dr. Holt said.
King Enoch then continued, "I do hear that this new military dictatorship has collapsed, but I doubt that is the result of our airstrikes on strictly military airbases... Regardless, thank you, I'm happy that we were able to launch a counter-attack."

Sophia, this time, interrupted and answered President Obama's final question. "Yes..." she said. "From what we understand, Mr. Jonassen pushed himself in front of his grandson moments before one of those gunmen pulled the trigger and shot at his family. Mr. Jonassen was shot fatally in the chest, and died at the scene.... I cried when I heard this story and everything that he's done for the monarchy, and for Norway... all the sacrifices he made, and it led up to this, he sacrificing himself for his family. He has to be our most incredible national hero, and the King and I never even met him... How disgraceful of us," she concluded.

Enoch looked at his wife for a second, and then said, "I wish we would have met him as well... I'm very sorry for your fellow citizens you lost, Mr. President. I do not understand this terrorism... the killing of innocent people. They must know that this only makes things worse? I don't know..." he said in momentary contemplation.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well.. What he did was brave, that man is a hero not just in Norway, but in the United States. I know it doesnt go far in a way, but I would like to posthumously award him the Presidential Freedom Medal.. and present it to his wife, would that be possible?"

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