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[NSFW] The Canadian Press


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

White Nationalists Win Opposition in Canadian Parliament

White Nationalists of the National Party of Canada Celebrating their Victory. October 18, 1996.
by Stephen Meurice

Following Jean Chrétien's call for an early election back in July the people of Canada had less than three months to listen to the debates, choose their candidates, and vote by October 18th. That date was yesterday and after hours of anticipation the votes of the 1996 election were counted and the 36th Canadian Parliament was formed with the seats being handed out to the parties with their respected number of votes. The hatred of the Canadian people was finally drawn out when the Nationalist Party of Canada won thirty-five seats in the House of Commons making them the government's Loyal Opposition with the Liberal Party of Canada needing to form an alliance with two other parties to assure majority in the House over the NPC.

After the votes were counted up the new parliament was formed and the parties took their won seats: Bloc Quebecois with twenty-seven seats, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada with twenty-three, the Reform Party of Canada with thirty-four seats, and the Communist Party of Canada with twenty-five seats. However, what is to be taken notice of are the parties who have won the two majorities: Government and Loyal Opposition. With a total of thirty-five seats, under the leadership of Donald Andrews, the Nationalist Party of Canada; formed of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, antisemitic, anti-Zionist, and anti-multiculturists were victorious in officially becoming Canada's Loyal Opposition. To assure majority in the House of Commons and to form a government, the Liberal Party of Canada, still under Jean Chrétien, formed the Canadian People's Alliance with the Green Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party - gaining one hundred and twenty-five seats in the House of Commons.

Following the results, hundreds of white nationalists and neo-Nazis took to the streets with flags, signs of the Swastika, and both chanting racist slurs and giving the Nazi salute. Later in the same night, these neo-Nazis began burning their Swastika signs for all to see and continued their salutes and their chanting until the sun rose the next morning. However, while one should be fully worried of the sudden hatred and racism that the Canadian people have shown during this election, one should focus their worry more on how they were able to enter official status and just how they came to reach the Loyal Opposition so quietly and effectively. Some sources state that members of the Canadian government and elites within our society have allowed for this hatred to take root, even grooming it to grow, and have welcomed it to the upper echelons of the Canadian Parliament.

Whatever the reason, Canada has always been seen as the nation to accept all: no matter the race, religion, culture, age, or sexe. We fought in the Second World War to defeat the Nazis and Adolf Hitler for peace, equality, and freedom. To let such hate that our people have fought, bled, sweat, and died for would not only be insulting but it would be revolting. Is this truly what our ancestors died for?
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Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Both the Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating and the Opposition Leader, John Howard, would announce their dismay for such political party holding official opposition status in Canada and has made a timely reminder that no matter what country you are, fascism can lurk in the shadows. The Prime Minister has sent his best wishes to Jean Chretien being re-elected and wishes him all the best in quashing this fascist movement in Canada.

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium would like express its dismay and grave concern for the political ascendency of racialists however polished or valgur, let us not be mislead into thinking that intolerance is permissible in a modern democratic state simply because it has managed to obtain sufficent representation in Parliament. A racialist party has now has the chance to strike at the very system by which they acquired representation and if permitted may result in the destruction of honest and sound governance in Canada. Nevertheless, we are shocked and appalled by these results seeing it fit to monitor the situation as needed.

Statement from The Foreign Office


Jul 1, 2018
The High Kingdom of France would express concern for the rise of the Nazis in Canada, especially with regard to the Francophone in Canada. As Such, the Embassy in Ottawa would be placed on a higher level of alert, and France would advise French Citizens not to travel to Canada.

Furthermore, the French Government would announce that it would allow any French Canadians to return to their ancestral homelands and that there would be a fast-track to citizenship in the High Kingdom of France for these people.


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
10 Dead in Mass Shooting in Downtown Calgary; Preston Manning and Jean Charest Among the Dead


Center Street South, where the shooting took place.
by Stephen Maurice

Ten people have been killed in a mass shooting in Calgary on the 1st of January 1997 when a gunman began opening fire onto the streets below at roughly 11:47 a.m.. It is considered to be one of the deadliest shootings in recent Canadian history and the deadliest to take place in the province of Alberta. The reason for the shooting is currently unknown but as both Minister Preston Manning and Minister Jean Charest were among the victims it is easy to conclude that the shooting was political in origin.

The suspected gunman, Adrian Douglas, a 30-year-old dishonorably discharged veteran, was dressed as a plumber and had sneaked into Le Germain Hotel's upper floor construction area to gain access to the roof top. Douglas carried a duffel bag from his apartment in Crescent Heights, through the public train and three blocks down to the hotel roof. Inside the bag were various plumbing tools which concealed the real contents of the bag: firearms and ammunition. Douglas carried five firearms within the bag, two of which were left with empty magazines on the rooftop: an M1 Garand and a WK180-C rifle. These two firearms were the ones which were used to shoot down onto Preston Manning, Jean Charest, and their bodyguards. Preston Manning died on the spot alongside one of his bodyguards. Jean Charest was also injured during the shooting and was carried off to the hospital but died from his wounds before he arrived. During the shooting, the gunman was shot by one of the bodyguards down below and by the time Douglas had tended to his wound, the Police stormed the hotel. In the southern staircase of the hotel, Douglas used a Benelli M2 semi-automatic shotgun to fire back at the officers in the stairs, four officers were killed in the gunfight. Two more officers were killed when Douglas stormed the ground floor receptionist area and opened fire with a PN90 personal defense weapon. When the gunman reached the outside streets the police surrounded him and the gunman resorted to taking his own life with a P236 pistol, the tenth and final death of the mass shooting.

It is the deadliest shooting since a gunman killed fourteen women in Montreal in 1989. A tragedy that resulted in an overhaul of Canada's gun laws. If the current government had any sense they would be banning all firearms outright. As for the motive, the Calgary police department have yet to comment but the mass shooting has placed both the Reform Party of Canada and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada in total disarray.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
The Republic of Ireland would like to express great concern for the people of Canada and the Canadian Government. Do to current events, the Republic of Ireland will be sending additional security to the Embassy as well as a Learjet45 for personal travel of the Ambassador, Michael O'Neil. The Republic of Ireland Embassy in Canada has been placed on it's highest level of alert and will accept refugees through a thorough background check.

Statement by:
Pat Rabbitte
Minister of State
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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Snap Election Reveals the True Face of Canada


Flag of the Nationalist Party of Canada
by Stephen Maurice

On the 2nd of January 1997, Canada was forced to call for a snap election after the major shift of seats in the House of Commons which left the Liberal Party of Canada in the minority compared to the Nationalist Party of Canada. The snap election was an urgent one and left the Canadian citizens in a tight spot on who to vote for: the Liberals who suddenly lost the majority of their seats or the Nationalist Party of Canada who mysteriously gained majority within the House of Commons. The true face of Canada and the Canadians was shown when the Nationalist Party of Canada won majority in the election and became the leading party.

Following the murders of Preston Manning and Jean Charest the Reform Party of Canada dissolved and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada lost nearly all of their seats. But who were the ones that gained all of these seats? That would be the Nationalist Party of Canada itself, led by Bianca Wright - the billionaire pro-Nazi. Within one night the Nationalist Party of Canada went from some thirty seats to over seventy, wiping away the Liberal majority by nearly twenty seats. This meant that the House of Commons was now at a dead-lock, the leading government unable to pass their legislations and the Nationalist Party of Canada holding more power in the Commons than the government itself. Following the easily largest shift of seats of the Canadian House of Commons in its history, the Governor-General dissolved the government and ordered a snap election - hoping that the Canadian people would allow for the Liberals (or any other party) to re-gain majority against the Nationalist Party. However, following the elections the seats of the Nationalist Party simply skyrocketed and reached a total of one hundred and twenty-two seats, far outnumbering any other party in the Commons by leagues.

Bianca Wright, the leader of the Party, has now become the Prime Minister of Canada and what that means for Canada is yet unknown. But what is known is that the last time a Nazi government came into power freedom of speech was killed, people were oppressed, a World War begun, and a genocide occurred. There is no knowing what will happen know, but fear and oppression is without a doubt on the horizon. However, while we have dug ourselves this far down - it's not yet too late to climb back up.
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