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OFFICIAL Visit - Poland


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Bogdan Borusewicz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ManBear
Subject: OFFICIAL Visit Invitation

Dear Minister Bogdan Borusewicz,

I hope this email finds you well.

It is with great pleasure that I, on behalf of Her Majesty's Government, extend an official invitation to the Kingdom of Poland to send a high-level delegation to the United Kingdom for an official visit.

Historically, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Poland share a vibrant history and although in recent years, have been quiet, we would like to think we share the same values and would like the proposed visit to jump-start what I believe could be a frivolous friendship.

Please find the details below for the proposed visit:

Host Deputy Prime Minister Jessica Marsh
Date March 12th (22/10/2023)
Location Cabinet Office Headquarters, 70 Whitehall, London

12th March
0900: Polish Delegate arrives at RAF Brize Norton, initial security briefing.
0930: Base tour of RAF Brize Norton and of its aircraft, C-17, C-130 and Tri-Star.
1200: On-site meeting with Defence Minister Jason Green.
1300: Depart RAF Brize Norton for transfer to the designated accommodation; covered by HM Government.
1400: Rest and refresh at the accommodation.
1430: Briefing and preparatory meetings before meeting the Deputy Prime Minister.
1445: Travel to the Cabinet Office Headquarters
1500: One-to-One meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister.

13th March
0930: Breakfast
1030: Guided tour of the Natural History Museum.
1200: Signing of any agreed agreements, etc, if applicable.
1300: Depart London for RAF Brize Norton to return to Poland

Defence Minister, Jason Green - Joint Military Exercises & Memorandum of Understand.
Deputy Prime Minister, Jessica Marsh - Cooperation Agreement, Current International Affairs, Progressing Bilateral Relations.
Additional Agendas may be added by the Polish Delegation.

Armed security will be provided in the form of the Diplomatic Protection Group, transportation shall be included along with escort vehicles.
You are welcome to commit your own security forces but armed personnel must be limited to two and be present with the delegation at all times.

If you could please confirm if this is something you will be seeking to attend, if you could please confirm via email and advise of the number of delegates and security personnel involved. This should include declaring any weapons.

If you have any questions or would like anything re-arranging, please let me know.

Kindest Regards,

Emma Ryan | Foreign Affairs Secretary |



GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Emma Ryan; Foreign Affairs Secretary Jamie
Subject: Official Visit
CC: Stanislaus Grabowski
Security: Secured and Encrypted SECRET by POSP
Secretary Ryan,
I hope this communication finds you and your family well.

I would first like to say that Poland would be honored to accept the invitation to visit the United Kingdom, on behalf of Her Majesty's Government, in order to further standardize and formalize relations between the Kingdom of Poland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Though, I feel I must point out a specific point in your email to myself. We would like to expand the friendship between Poland and the United Kingdom into something more than frivolous as you mentioned in your email. This could be a miscommunication as my understanding of the English language is not as fluent as a native speakers.

Besides the possible communication error, Poland accepts the invitation to visit with Deputy Prime Minister Marsh and Defense Minister Green. Attached to this email will be the travel documents for all those attending on the governmental level as well as additional security personnel. We would like to add a discussion of a Cultural/Student Exchange program and a Memorandum of Understanding regarding it.

Poland is eager to begin these talks and expand upon our two nations' friendship.

Bogdan Borusewicz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland
Government Delegation:
Marianna Lewandowska; Deputy Foreign Minister
Artur Zając; Deputy Minister of National Defense
Michał Seweryński; Minister of Education and Physical Fitness
3 Security Personnel from the Office of State Protection

Travel Arrangements:
Tupolev Tu-154 will Depart from Chopin Internatonal Airport and Land at RAF Brize Norton


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Ahead of the arrival of the Polish delegation into RAF Brize Norton, security details on the base had been increased with additional personnel from the Royal Air Force Regiment conducting more regular patrols along the fence-line. All staff that would be working that day were briefed on the schedule that they would be directly involved in. Meanwhile, the two Sikorsky S-76B from RAF Northolt, No. 50 Squadron, were directed to Brize Norton as these would be the primary mode of transport for the short visit. The travel documents provided by the foreign affairs minister were promptly processed within Home Office to rule out any potential threats, not that it was anticipated to be an issue. At this point, it was a waiting game until the arrival of the Polish Tupolev Tu-154.

Other arrangements were been made, especially in London, such as arranging accommodation and further members of the Diplomatic Protection Group who were to be on the ground waiting for the helicopters nearer the time and in the hour before estimated arrival, some aviation enthusiasts had already recorded the Red Arrows departing RAF Scampton - although no official details were released. ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish governmental Tu-154 would have been prepared in advance to the chosen departure date within the hangar belonging to the government at Chopin International Airport. Military pilots in charge of flying the aircraft would have made pre-flight checks before the plan was boarded by their crew and ground maintenance crews would have inspected every inch of the aircraft before it was taxied onto the runway to begin its final preparations for flight. The pilots would have been fully rested and wearing the proper equipment as they plan ascended into the sky, conversing with the ATC the entire time to avoid any collisions. Once at their cruising altitude and in the air, The Polish aircraft would maintain contact with each ATC that they were required to be in contact with. They would carefully respond to any changes required to avoid collisions as they approached RAF Brize Norton. Once the aircraft was fully within British Air Space.

Once they were within range of the RAF Brize Norton ATC, they would begin contact.

"RAF Brize Norton, Tu-154 SR-003, on a holding pattern ready to land at active with information lima."

The Tupolev Tu-154, tail number SR-003, was in a holding pattern over Brize Norton and was requesting permission and landing information for the active runway.

Transit: JO-IO

Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

"Sierra Romeo Zero Zero Three, you are cleared to land on runway zero-seven. Follow the ILS approach for runway 07. Expect vectors for final approach shortly. Wind is calm, and visibility is good. Welcome to Brize Norton."

Responded the air traffic controllers under the Royal Air Force ORBAT, given the only presence on the base is for the air mobility aircraft, it was a relatively quite for the moment due to the limited deployments of British forces overseas but would otherwise be one of the most active military bases within the air force. On their approach, those on the Polish aircraft would see a large assortment of C-130-J-30 Hercules, C-17 Globemasters and Lockheed Martin TriStars. Once in their final approach, the Polish TU-154 would receive further instruction for which taxiway they would be exiting on and the route that needs to be taken to arrive at their ramp for the next couple of days.

Once they had eventually taxied across and had made the aircraft safe, the stairwell was pushed forward to allow the delegation to exit. There stood a number of personnel including armed officers of the Diplomatic Protection Group, head of RAF Brize Norton and some general staff to greet their guests. Meanwhile, Defence Secretary Jason Green had concluded his meeting with the United States and swiftly made for his transport to Brize, ready for his first encounter with the Polish. ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"RAF Brize Norton, Sierra Romeo Zero Zero Three, beginning final approach for landing on runway zero-seven. Following ILS approach. Wind is calm and visibility is good."

The Polish aircraft would begin its final approach for the designated runway, repeating each set of orders back to the air traffic controllers to insure information was being received correctly before performing any maneuvers. As the aircraft began its descent onto the runway, the passengers aboard the aircraft would gaze out of the windows to see the large assortment of aircraft designed to ferry equipment and personnel long distances. The two pilots would converse among themselves about the procedures they were performing all the way up until the aircraft was stopped at their ramp, ensuring brakes had been set and engines switched to the power off setting. They would go through their post flight checks as the passengers onboard the aircraft would gather their belongings and await for the Captain of the aircraft to open the door and allow the stairwell to slide into position.

The first off the aircraft were two security guards from the Polish Office of State Protection a they made their way down the stairwell in their simple black suits, with earpieces. After taking their position on either side of the stairwell the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs would step out onto the stairwell and begin her descent, a woman approaching the end of middle-age was surprisingly spry for her age as she quickly descended the stairwell. She was following by Artur Zajac, the Deputy Minister of National Defense, and Michal Sewerynski, the Minister of Education and Physical Fitness, with the final member security guard stepping out onto the stairwell until each of the VIPs had stepped foot on solid ground before he descended and the joined the rest of the group.

Marianna Lewandowska would be the first to greet the British hosts, followed by Artur Zajac and then Michal Seweysnki.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

During the approach, controllers from the tower at Brize Norton were sure to validate any information or provide advise on the way to touchdown to help support a safe and controlled landing despite having no concerns over the pilots abilities. ATC would send a reminder on touchdown of the taxiway to exit and the route to follow to divert the aircraft to the designated ramp where the stairs were waiting to be aligned with the door. Once aligned up, a radio transmission was sent to confirm they were safe to exit. Once the door had opened, the Polish guests would see a number of columns of armed forces personnel in their parade dress to give a formal salute during their transit down the stairwell. At the bottom step stood the base commander who immediately extended his hand and exercised use of his fanciful, British accent, "Welcome to Brize Norton" he smiled, before contining.

"We'll head inside and carry out a security briefing but before then, if I can have all your attentions for a moment.." he paused, nodding towards the sky just behind the tail of the Polish aircraft. A number of black dots were seen headed for them. Moments later, red and white smoke appeared behind each. As always with their immaculate timing, the Red Arrows made a low pass over the base. "They'll be doing another pass if you wanted any photos" added the base commander, noting the turn of the Red Arrows as they made another pass.

Given ample opportunity to take in the sight of the 9 Hawk jets from the Red Arrows, moments later they were escorted into the main terminal building where they would undertake a security brief, an introduction to the head of their personal security team whilst in country and a reminder of the itinerary. Overall, it only lasted 20 minutes before the base tour could commence. Ranging from the terminal building to air traffic control before approaching the more exciting elements, a walk through the main mobility aircraft of the Royal Air Force. The C-130J-30 Hercules, C-17 Globemaster and the Lockheed Martin TriStar. "I believe you might be familiar with the C-130?" asked their tour guide, referring to their own air forces operation of it.

This gave all the delegates an opportunity to sit in the cockpit of each aircraft and meet a pilot and crew from within each one. This was used as a chance to discuss their operational capabilities and their recent histories which included responding to Japan, the war in Turkey from a few years ago and all other operations that resulted in the mobilising of British personnel. After a couple of hours working through all elements of the base, presenting various roles within the Royal Air Force, the day could continue. At this point, it was approaching midday and providing there were no questions or requests throughout the tour, all involved were diverted to the mess where Defence Secretary Jason Green waited for their first introduction. ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish delegation, chiefly the Deputy Minister of National Defense, that were present would watch the armed forces personnel in their inspiring dress uniforms with reverence as they dismounted the plane's stairwell. As the Polish delegation reached the bottom of the stairs, Marianna Lewandowska would shake the base commander's hand and reply in her own thick Polish accent, "Thank you for having us Air Vice-Marshal. It is an honor to be present on such a historic British landmark as RAF Brize Norton."

Marianna Lewandowska would watch the skies as the nine Hawk jets passed overhead. This was truly the work of a world power projecting their force to inspire awe and respect. And it was working, for the most part. Poland was familiar of utilizing aircraft to show the resolve of their nation in a non-combat setting. As the Polish delegation toured the grounds of the RAF base, there was a mixture of awe and inspiration for those involved. The technical skills and capability of the British Air Force was truly something for the Polish Armed Forces to aspire to. At the question regarding the C-130, the Deputy Minister of National Defense would offer a reply.

"Yes sir. We operate a number of AC-130 aircraft and her variants such as the KC-130J and the AC-130U. We also operate aircraft that serve a similar function like the EADS CASA C-295. There have been talks within the Minister of National Defense to expand our fleet of C-130 aircraft and also procuring an airframe that would assist our own heavy lift aircraft such as the C-17 you have here."

The delegation would happily participate in the activities invited of them, such as experiencing the cockpit and conversing with the pilots and the crew. Poland would also utilize this opportunity to discuss the Polish response to these crises requiring the mobilization of Polish forces outside of peacetime parameters, such as the air interdiction of armed Turkish jets within Polish airspace. Once the tour was completed, the delegation would eagerly follow the British hosts towards the mess here they were to be met by the Defense Secretary, Jason Green, to begin the first official international talks between Poland and the United Kingdom.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

"A pleasure to meet you" responded the air marshal before completing the safety briefing and progressing the tour "We have a few of the AC-130U variants but stationed elsewhere. Brize is used as the main mobility hub so any deployments involving aircraft usually start here. The Lockheed TriStar is the main airliner we use for masses of troops but has less of a tactical capability in comparison to the 130 and 17" he paused, naturally referring to the air-lifters. "Given the chance, we'd certainly recommend the C-17 for heavy lift. It's range and capacity do allow for more flexible operations. We had considered opting for the C-5 Galaxy but whilst it's has enormous potential for transport, it has a lot more requirements so isn't as flexible as we'd have liked. We've worked with the C-17 ever since.

At present we operate forty-two C-130J-30s, around twenty-four C-17s and the same number of TriStars. Although the TriStars are likely to be phased out in the coming years due to their growing age... so if you have any recommendations" he chuckled, continuing to the mess.

Seeing the guests enter the mess, Jason stood up from the table designated for their initial introduction and approached the delegation. Extending his hand once in range and introduced himself as the Defence Secretary "It's a pleasure to meet you all" he begun "How are you? I trust you've enjoyed the look around, what do you think?"" he asked before indicating to the table behind him, returning to his seat. The purpose of the meet was to have a basic introduction and highlight some interests in regards to cooperation in defence between both parties before they were moved onto meeting the Deputy Prime Minister in London. ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Artur Zając would respond to the Air Marshal at the mention of the C-5 and the TriStars. "The Ministry of National Defense tends to agree with your sentiment and have been searching for something to offset the requirements of the C-5 for heavy-lift operations by utilizing something similar to the C-17. As for your operational numbers, we operate fifteen C-160s, fifteen EADS CASA C-295s, five C-130Js, and a single C-5A. With the modernization of Poland's armed forces we are always searching for ways to better round out the transportation capabilities of the Royal Air Force. That has lead us to look into DC-10s and bigger Boeings such as the 737-800 to handle personnel transportation. Unfortunately, Poland's own domestic airplane production is not as extensive as that of the United Kingdom or the United States. Our own Tupolev's are getting quite up there in years and will likely need to be sent to a retirement home themselves." Artur would offer his own chuckle to join in with their tour guide's.

As the Defense Secretary offered his introduction, Marianna would step forward and take the man's hand first and introduce herself and then allow her comrades to do the same in turn of their arrival off of their aircraft.

"The pleasure is truly ours and I suppose we are all well. The flight wasn't too bad, some turbulence over the channel but nothing the Tupolev couldn't handle." Each member of the Polish delegation would join the Defense Secretary in taking a seat before continuing the conversation. "Your RAF Brize Norton is certainly impressive. Certainly something Poland will have to strive towards if we wish to join the British in the ranks as a world power." She would offer a sly chuckle at the thought of Poland being considered an equal, or close to one, of the United States and the United Kingdom. "I don't believe we are too far away from obtaining such a goal but there is definite work to be done on our end. It would be a pleasure if you could visit one of our own airbases in the future to see the Polish Royal Air Force at work. While I'm sure you would be able to offer advice on how to improve, I am also sure you would be thoroughly impressed by our own pilots and aircraft inventory."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

"There's not much in terms of national production that would be beneficial when it comes to air mobility I don't believe - not for the air force anyway. I've been working with our procurement teams to discuss options for future aircraft and while I can see the C-130J-30 and C-17 remaining in service for years to come... the one aircraft we're considering is the A330 MRTT as a replacement for the TriStar but it's still in its development phase at the moment. The issue is making it tie in with our budget. Fortunately, our new government appears to be very much pro military." responded the Air Marshal during the tour.

"It's a glorified airport really" Jason spoke in jest. He wasn't wrong though. Rather than paying passengers, it was just designated for military personnel "A visit to Poland would be fantastic. It all ties into your visit, I understand you're due to meet the Deputy Prime Minister but I had wanted to basically just introduce myself really. I'm aware of the bizarre situation that happened at New Caledonia with multiple parties involved but no one really knew that. The reports I've heard spoke about how accommodating your forces were and our own felt safer knowing you were nearby. It highlighted that actually, Poland the UK don't seem to have any political standing, but it's something we're hoping to change and develop long-term. My point of view is strictly military but I'd like to explore areas of cooperation and to share a general understanding for how our respective forces work. Before I present it, I've put a draft together for a memorandum of understanding which highlights an interest of our armed forces working together and having a bit more of an awareness for one another. That is.. if it's a vision you share?" he asked.

"I'm also interested to hear your current policies on military interaction. I must admit, I was surprised to learn of a Polish Task Group at New Caledonia. It's some distance and to operate out there is a great show of logistical capabilities." ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"Yes, the situation at New Caledonia was very bizarre indeed. The Government of France asked for assistance from several countries and yet failed to inform these nations of each other. It had the capacity to be one of the greatest blunders in modern history had the British sailors apart of the task force not been so well trained. And from the reports I've read from the New Caledonia task force is that they share the same sentiment and are truly eager to continue their work with their British counterparts on the island." Artur Zając would speak with the Defense Secretary. As a Deputy Minister of National Defense, he had been authorized to speak on the Ministry's behalf during the talks. "I share the same point of view, Secretary Green. I was brought along to act as the representative of the Ministry of National Defense in the hopes of bringing our two armed forces together and at least form a functional working relationship. I would be interested in looking over the memorandum to see if the interests of the United Kingdom's Royal Armed Forces aligns with that of the Polish Royal Armed Forces. Personally, it is a vision of mine to see Poland work closely with another world power, especially one such as the United Kingdom."

"As for our New Caledonia Task Force, Poland has always been a proponent for humanitarian aide but had yet to act on that dream itself until the opportunity to purchase twin Mercy-class hospital ships from the United States became available. With that purchase, and the use of our replenishment vessel, Poland can project forces anywhere within the world. And with the addition of the Polish-Congo airbase and the possibility of an aerial refueling wing being hosted inside of Egypt for Polish forces, Poland has more ability than most to project forces and humanitarian aide around the world."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Jason nodded "It shows the importance of communication and a lesson for all those involved, I think. We were fortunate that the armed forces participating were mature enough to make a cohesive decision to prevent it escalating. Despite this, it had some positive points that allowed our forces to work together for the first time in a long time. It's great to hear of your own interest in working closely together. The Memorandum of Understanding would express that interest further and I'd like to see it as the first stepping stone into establishing a more prominent relationship between the UK and Poland, that said..." he paused, opening his laptop bag to reveal a couple copies of the MoU he referred too and distributed it between his guests.

"As mentioned, this is the first draft we've put together. Mostly so we have a foundation to work with but we can work and adjust it accordingly. I feel like what's mentioned is self explanatory but of course, please let me know if you have any questions and your thoughts." As it was handed in person, it was naturally a private affair. ManBear


between the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland,


Kingdom of Poland

[ April, 2003 ]

Recognizing the mutual interest in enhancing security and defense cooperation between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Poland, both nations agree to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a framework for cooperation in defence matters.

This MoU aims to foster and develop collaboration in defense through mutual understanding, information sharing, joint exercises, training, and other initiatives to enhance the defense capabilities and security of both nations.

Article I, Areas of Cooperation
The parties agree to collaborate in the following areas:

a. Military Training and Exercises: The UK and Poland will organize joint military training programs and exercises to enhance the readiness and capabilities of their armed forces.

b. Information Sharing: The parties will exchange information and intelligence related to defense and security matters in a timely and efficient manner, adhering to relevant laws and regulations.

c. Defense Technology: Collaboration in research and development of defense-related technologies to advance innovation and capabilities.

d. Crisis Response and Peacekeeping Operations: The UK and Poland will provide mutual support and coordination in responding to crises and participating in international peacekeeping operations as appropriate.​

Article II, Implementation
Both parties will establish a Joint Committee composed of representatives from the respective defense departments to oversee and coordinate the activities under this MoU. The Committee will meet regularly to assess progress, plan joint initiatives, and address any challenges that may arise.

Article III, Confidentiality
The parties understand the sensitivity of the information exchanged and agree to keep all confidential information shared under this MoU strictly confidential, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both parties.

Article IV, Administration
This MoU shall enter into force upon signature by both parties and shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years before requiring review. Either party may terminate this MoU by providing three (3) months advance written notice to the other party. Any amendments or modifications to this MoU will be made in writing and require the mutual consent of both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in two originals, April 2003.

For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Andrew Evans Jamie

For the Kingdom of Poland:

Published by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Point of Contact
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London, SW1
Telephone: 03700 00 22 44
© Crown Copyright​



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Artur Zając would share a knowing look at his compatriots as the Defense Secretary spoke about establishing a more prominent relationship between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Poland. They had all read the previous email that had mentioned a frivolous friendship between the two nations and most had found the typo to be quite hysterical.

Before anyone could interject, Artur would reply to his British counterpart with a bit of a joke, though he was unsure if the Defense Secretary had read the same email as he did. “I’m sure you mean frivolous relationship, Mister Secretary.” A smile was evident on his face as he spoke and hoped the joke went over well with the Defense Secretary.

“Apologies, sir. It seems in the original invitation for these talks there was a minor typo in the wording and the word frivolous was inserted instead of something like fruitful. At first we thought it was an issue with translation but ultimately everyone who has read it has gotten quite the chuckle out of it.” He hopes the explanation might curve any hurt feelings at the joke. Each member of the Polish delegation would take a few minutes and read over the MoU before conversing amongst themselves for a moment.

“This rough draft that you propose is well thought out and very much similar to one we use ourselves for Status of Forces Agrements,” Artur would reply after they had finished talking amongst themselves. “We don’t see any issues with the articles themselves but have questions. In regards to the research and defense technology article, would this article permit Poland to purchase certain defensive equipment such as the Harrier from the Nexus Defense catalogue or would it allow us to purchase such equipment directly from the British government? And say Poland was developing a new fighter jet, would Poland be required to divest that information to the British government? Or would it simply be a way for our two nations to work together to develop new technologies from scratch?”



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Jason Green simply tilted his head, perhaps he'd misspoken or missed something but the reference and manner appeared ti be said in some form of joke. Unfortunately, all he could do is smile and hope his confusion wasn't that obvious. After-all, he had no input in prior emails sent and was just attending to represent the Defence sector for the initial meeting. A few seconds passed and it was quickly realized that his confusion must have been evident, he chuckled along "Apologies, definitely sounds like a mistake the Foreign Office would make" he added on, knowing he was guilt free. "I'll definitely inform the Foreign Affairs Secretary that the talks were... frivolous" he grinned before retaining his silence, allowing the delegation to read through the proposed MoU.

"To elaborate, with or without the agreement, we would be happy to discuss business in terms of supplying defence equipment to Poland. Some equipment would need to go through Nexus, as they own it. Nexus are our primary supplier so we tend to buy from them too, there's just certain limitations as to what they can sell if it's used operationally within our own armed forces. There is also no obligation for you to divest any information unless you wanted. The article, specifically about research and development, is to promote cooperation in working together closely from a procurement point of view. This could cover joint projects, supporting a project via supplies or ideas, etc. Just to also add, the MoU isn't a legally binding document either. It's to establish an interest in cooperation and for us to have something to work towards.

How that is approached can be down to the committee of representatives of both countries to decide and act upon any intentions. For example, I think scheduling a joint training exercise would be a beneficial next step if you were happy to sign the MoU if you were in agreement. Or of course, we can elaborate further on the draft itself or make any preferred adjustments." he concluded. ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish delegation would once more confer amongst themselves for a moment, discussing the memorandum of understanding and what was just said by the Defense Secretary. The group of Polish delegates, while assumed they were responsible for their area of expertise, had decided that they would confer amongst each other to insure that Poland would benefit from any decision made and not just one particular Ministry of the government.

"Secretary Green," Artur Zajac would speak, "we do not see an issue with the Memorandum of Understanding in its current state and are willing to sign it. The prospect of a joint training exercise between Poland's armed forces and the British armed forces is one we are certainly looking forward to. And I'm sure the service members of Poland's armed forces would certainly see the benefit of such an endeavor, especially after hearing about all the good the British and Polish detachments in New Caledonia are doing through their joint operation there." Deputy Minister Zajac would pull a brand new pen from inside his suit jacket before quickly, but elegantly, signing his signature in the space assigned for the Polish signature.

"In regards to supporting a project via supplies or ideas, there are several projects in their planning phases that I believe the British government would be interested in being apart of and I will be sure to have the prospect of bringing the United Kingdom in on them be brought before the Council of Ministers. This way, when the committee is established, we will, hopefully, begin to be able to work closely together to not only bring our two nations together but all of Europe."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Jason gave his guests a few moments to discuss between them regarding the proposed agreement, nodding to acknowledge their response and smiling at their willingness to sign the MoU. The Polish Delegation would be offered two copies to sign. One would be for them to take back to Poland and the other, for the UK governmental records. "It's a pleasure to be able to pursue relations further. I'll get this processed from my side and get my colleagues in the Ministry of Defence to be in touch to establish a framework for the exercise and we can go from there." he paused.

"They would form the UKs contribution to the committee so will be able to converse on the next steps. They'll be able to bring forward what we can offer in regards to new and existing projects and we'll support you however we can." he concluded, adjusting his position in his seat. "That covers my main agenda, if I'm honest. It's certainly a benefit to have met you and put an initial plan in place. I understand you're on a schedule and you'll be seeing the Deputy PM this afternoon. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss with me for the moment?"

If there were no further topics to be discussed then Jason would offer his farewells to depart for his next meeting, with the air vice marshal taking back over the tour. With the conclusion of the meeting with the defence minister, the delegation from Poland were taken out of the mess and back through the terminal to the aircraft ramp. Sat there would be two Sikorsky S-76B helicopters. A short safety briefing would be offered which included the plan for the rest of the afternoon. If content with what they had experienced thus far and if they had no questions, they were offered their good byes from the Air Vice Marshal and handed over to the helicopter crews who were ready for them to board. From there, they'd depart for London. ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Artur would listen intently to the Defense Secretary as he spoke regarding the memorandum. Of course he had a few things to discuss in regards to purchased specific equipment for Poland's naval modernization attempt but he felt that could wait for a later time, and be handled by Poland's Defense Acquisition Department. They were better suited at discussing major investments in defense technologies and purchasing large numbers of equipment for Poland to utilize. "I have no questions at this current time but I will have our Defense Acquisitions Department look through the scheduled modernization project to see if there is anything on the list that the United Kingdom or Nexus could assist with."

The Polish delegation would bid their farewells to Jason Green as they handed back over to the Air Vice Marshal. Each member of the delegation would listen to the safety briefing so that they would not miss anything important regarding the safety measures for the flight or the plan for the remainder of the day. They would each take turns to offer their hand to the Air Vice Marshal for a shake, where Artur would offer the military a two fingered polish salute, being a veteran himself, before offering to shake the man's hand. He hoped the Air Vice Marshal would take the Polish man's salute as a matter of respect given before they boarded the helicopter to continue their trip to London.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Amid the conclusion of the meet with the UK Defence Minister and the positive step with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, focus turned to their next meeting. During their departure via the helicopters, the Air Vice Marshal offered a respective nod, before standing to attention and providing a formal salute in return. Moments later, the helicopters departed RAF Brize Norton and begun their journey. They'd be plenty of sight seeing opportunities during the transit before they'd arrive in London. Their arrival would be at their destined accommodation... Buckingham Palace. Although their visit doesn't include meeting members of the Royal Family, due to the OFFICIAL status of their visit, they were granted access to the accommodation block for the night. Descending down to the lawn of the palace, a mass of soldiers from the Coldstream Guards were stood in two groups in formation with a number of assistants between them who were ready to guide the guests to their room.

Once both helicopters had landed, the engines were shut off to minimize noise and allow the head of the household to make his introduction to the guests once they dismounted. He would provide a small security briefing before escorting them between the two groups of Queens Guards that stood in their formal attire as a welcome. After traversing the palace for a few minutes, each delegate from Poland was given access to individual guest rooms. Due to been ahead of schedule, they were granted an hour and a half to freshen themselves up if needed and food was offered. Towards the end of the rest, a member of the Royal Household worked through each of the guest rooms to inform them that transport was ready for their audience with the Deputy Prime Minister. Providing they had no qualms with the arrangement, the Polish Delegation were escorted to the front of the Palace to waiting Black SUVs, the doors held open by palace staff.

It was a short journey of only a few minutes to get to the Cabinet Office which had an increased number of police officers in proximity to reduce the risk. Fortunately the time exposed to the public was limited for much of the trip and once inside the Cabinet Office itself, they were hurried into a conference room to meet the already-waiting Deputy Prime Minister; Jessica Marsh. She approached the door as they were able to enter and extended her hand to introduce herself "How're you all?" she added with a pleasant smile. ManBear



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Each member of the Polish delegation would look out the windows of the helicopters as they travelled rapidly over the British countryside. Upon arriving at Buckingham Palace, the delegation would be in awe of the sight displayed before them. With the Coldstream Guards and the accommodation within the Palace itself, or at least the accommodation block, the Delegates would be nearly overwhelmed by hospitality of their British compatriots. They would carefully listen to the security briefing before being herded towards their individual accommodations within the Palace to freshen up. With an hour and a half, each delegate would carefully ensure to have showered and used the bathroom to ensure they were in tiptop shape to continue their briefings. They would each take a small meal to ensure they would stay sharp of mind during the talks.

Once they were called upon, each member of the delegation would follow their guides to the black SUVs were they would be shuttled to the Cabinet Office. Once inside and meeting the Deputy Prime Minister in person, the head of the delegation, Marianna Lewandowska, would approach Deputy Prime Minister Jessica Marsh first and take the hand offered before greeting her. "We are well, Madam Deputy Prime Minister, and yourself?" Her English heavily accented by her native Polish. After this, each member of the delegation would accept the handshake in return and offer their own greeting.


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