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Oct 3, 2018

Security Classification: TOP SECRET

In preparation for President Nemtsov’s visit to the United States, the Russian Armed Forces have been tasked with overseeing the logistical operations involving the transportation of the President, his family, and critical assets. This operation will utilize Russian Air Force One, an Il-96 aircraft, to transport the President and his family. Additionally, three An-124 Ruslan aircraft will be deployed to transport the motorcade, equipment of the President’s security detail, and other essential items required for the visit.

The aerial operation involves strategic coordination of the Il-96 and An-124 aircraft. The Il-96 will be configured to meet the needs of the President’s entourage, ensuring secure communication and in-flight capabilities. Meanwhile, the An-124 aircraft will handle the transport of the motorcade, which includes armored vehicles, communication systems, and additional security equipment.

Russian Federation

Air Force

x 1 Ill-96 Presidential Transport Aircraft "Air Force One"
x 3 An-124 Ruslan

x 27 Pilots

Federal Protective Service
  • Personal Protection Detail
    • x 55 Agents
  • FSO SBP Heavy Combat Team
    • x 32 Special Combat Personnel
  • Reconnaissance and Mobile Support Unit
    • x 12
  • Mission support, internal organization, and logistics
    • x 10

January 13th - January 17th 2005
In preparation for President Nemtsov's visit to the United States, the FSO is tasked with coordinating with the U.S. Secret Service to ensure the loading of all essential equipment onto three An-124 Ruslan aircraft. The cargo includes the President’s motorcade, security communication systems, and other protective equipment. Each aircraft will depart on staggered schedules, with flight plans coordinated between Russian and U.S. aviation authorities to ensure safe entry into U.S. airspace. FSO agents will be on board to maintain security throughout the flight, while U.S. authorities will secure the landing zones.

Two of the An-124 Ruslans will fly to Washington D.C. and be kept at Joint Air Base Andrews while One of the aircrafts will be dispatched ahead of the President's arrival to await for him at Logan International Airport.

Flight approvals would be obtained to permit the aircrafts to fly in national air space if necessary. When near a nation's air identification zone the Russian Aircrafts would stick to their flight path in international air space.

Transit Map: KO → JO → UO → HO → GO → FO → FN
January 17th - January 18th 2005
Once President Nemtsov is safely on board the Il-96, the Russian Air Force will oversee his flight to Boston Logan International Airport. Upon landing, the FSO will coordinate with U.S. authorities to ensure the aircraft is secured in a designated hangar for maintenance. Meanwhile, two An-124 aircraft will continue to Washington D.C., carrying the motorcade and additional security assets in preparation for the President’s visit. Flight plans and landing procedures will be pre-coordinated with U.S. air traffic control and ground services.

Flight approvals would be obtained to permit the aircrafts to fly in national air space if necessary. When near a nation's air identification zone the Russian Aircrafts would stick to their flight path in international air space.

Transit Map: KO → JO → UO → HO → GO → FO → FN
Washington D.C.
January 19th - January 21st 2005
Prior to the President’s departure to Washington D.C., the Russian Air Force and FSO will conduct comprehensive pre-flight checks. This will include security sweeps and mechanical inspections of the Il-96. Simultaneously, flight plans will be secured for the President’s journey to Washington D.C., and the FSO will maintain tight control over the landing procedures. An advanced team will already be in place in D.C. to secure the arrival of the motorcade and other equipment from the An-124 aircraft.

Transit Map: FN → FN
January 22nd - January 23rd 2005
Similar procedures will be followed for the President's subsequent flight from Washington D.C. to Florida. The Russian Air Force will ensure that the Il-96 is fully operational, while the FSO will work alongside the U.S. Secret Service to ensure the flight is secure. The An-124 Ruslans carrying the motorcade will also be positioned in Florida ahead of the President’s arrival. Final security sweeps of the aircraft and motorcade will be performed to ensure there are no threats.

Transit Map: FN → FM → EM → EL

January 23rd 2005
After the President concludes his visit, the Il-96 will transport him back to Russia. The FSO and Russian Air Force will secure the aircraft for the return flight, coordinating closely with U.S. aviation authorities to clear the flight path. The three An-124s will follow the same protocol, returning equipment and personnel to Russia. Upon landing, all equipment will undergo final security checks, and the aircraft will be maintained and debriefed according to Russian military procedures.

Transot Map: FN → FO → GO → HO → UO → JO → KO

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