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- Sep 6, 2018
- 482
| The Ottoman Sultan & Caliph | |
To: Bakir Izetbegovic, President Of The Republic Of Bosnia-Herzegovina @Dragon of Bosnia
From: Sultan Süleyman
Subject: Refuge & Asylum
As-salāmu ʿalaykum, Your Excellency,
After much thought and consideration, I wish to humbly request your help in providing refuge and asylum for my family. As we speak, I fear that the Republicans, under the leadership of President Erdoğan, wish to not only capture and eliminate me, but my family too. As such, I wish to ask if you can provide a safe place for my family. I am truly tempted to flee Turkey too, but I fear that it will break the will and faith those who support me, and my dynasty. So, I will remain in Turkey to keep my people strong. If you accept my humble request, you shall have my eternal gratitude and friendship, in the event that this terrible conflict resolves itself in my favour, I guarantee that you will have a steadfast ally in me and Turkey.
May God shower blessings upon you,