- May 22, 2020
- 1,919
To: Stewart C. Hall; Deputy Secretary of Defense Odinson |
Subject: Acquisitions |
CC: N/A |
Security: Secured and Encrypted by POSP |
Secretary Hall, We appreciate the candor and were not expecting promises for a delivery. Just that you would look over the proposal and judge fairly as we did for your request for a military presence within the Kingdom of Poland. Which we may have some leeway for allowing American use of Poland's overseas bases. For the Amphibious Assault Ship, we are currently interested in looking into purchasing a single Wasp-class Landing Helicopter Dock Amphibious Assault Ship to act as the Flagship for the 1st Ships Flotilla, which was created to host the Celestial-class Frigates purchased from the United States last year. This would allow us to be able to protect Polish interests overseas more effectively than ever utilizing the cutting-edge American technology. For the jet engine, Poland is interested in utilizing the F-100-220 engine for it's domestically designed fighter to replace Poland's reliance on foreign aircraft. With improvements to existing factories, it would also increase jobs within Poland and allow us to move to a more self-reliant aspect to our Royal Armed Forces. Regardless of the United States' decision on either matter, Poland wishes to continue furthering our relationship with our American friends. |
Sincerely, Alfons Dwarok Polish Defense Acquisition |