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[POR] Investigation "Celtic"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Investigation Celtic

The document concerns the investigation of the Department of Justice, alongside cooperation with the Portuguese Criminal Police and the Information System of the Portuguese Republic. The focus of the investigation is to evaluate, investigate and survey the Nation for any suspicious activity which as a direct connection to the Assassination of the Portuguese Royal Family. Interrogations, Monitorisation and searches will be made, within the law, across the nation for any suspicious activity. Background check will be made towards people which had a indirect or direct connection to the Royal Family.

The Portuguese Criminal Police would investigate the crash site, along side the remainer of the SUVs, interrogate mechanics and staff trying to piece together a possible lead, meanwhile the ISPR would monitor communications throughout the nation piece together a Black List of possible suspects for the Criminal Police to interrogate and either discard or follow up with more evidence.

Meanwhile the DoJ would continue to monitor this situation in accordance to the Portuguese law, always with a hands on the situation. It would also ask the Department of Internal Affairs for cooperation on the investigation.

It would be a arduous investigation with almost no possible lead, appart from the break system being tampered with which would be the first to be sent to analysis. The Criminal Police would discovered that it was sabotaged previously to the roadtrip of the Family.​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Investigation Celtic

After a few weeks had passed, the ISPR would have found a few interesting leads, after of course it had discarded those with no connections, a group inside Portugal named "Leões" it was a terrorist group intending to bring down the Portuguese Monarchy since its start in 1996, they were far-right extremist group. They also had plans to disrupt the many monarchies springing up in Europe, especially in the UK and France. Regardin the operations in Portugal, it had suceeded, they managed to enter the mechanics section and alter the break of the car of the King before leaving the next day, it was precisely done than in high speeds it wouldn't work.

The ISPR harnesses cutting-edge surveillance techniques, including Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), to intercept and scrutinize electronic communications. Expert teams within the organization are tasked with monitoring phone calls, emails, and online messages of their leads. By analyzing digital communications, the ISPR aims to identify any suspicious activities or connections that may lead to the perpetrators location. Leveraging advanced data analytics tools, the ISPR will conduct ananalysis of vast datas to identify patterns. Various algorithms are employed to sift through the amounts of information. By discerning patterns of behavior.

The Criminal Police would conduct vairious interviews with witnesses present at or near the scene of the assassination. This includes individuals who may have seen the incident unfold, as well as those who noticed any suspicious activities in the vicinity leading up to the event. It would also aid the ISPR to create a psychological profile of potential suspects, narowwing down the list for the ISPR to swift through their communcations.​
Last edited:


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Investigation Celtic

A few more weeks would have passed, the investigation had some rough dead ends during this time, however one fruitful day on of the ISPRs got a new ping in his system. Finally the hard work of the Inteligence Community would pay off, and exact ping on one of the high ranking members of the Terrorist Group. After going through the data it was determined that this group had well over 100 members all across the Portugal, using this members phone they would track all other members through the network of contacts, managing to get the address of all their residences, especially the main headquarters which was situated in Évora. After a good few hours they woukd have complied all this data and would sent it to the Criminal Police, the DoJ would issue capture warrants on all these members, with charges of treason and conspiracy.

A date would be set to begin the raids on all these members residences, at the same time to avoid any of them escaping or contacting other members to flee. The Raids would be done during the night to maxime their efficiency. Various police group would be created alongside many assets.

Once the day of the massive nationwide raid had arrived the first members to prioritize were the high ranking members and its leadership, then they would move by ranking down to the last member. The ISPR would immidiatly jam the communication networks near their residences, which meant some civilian would notice, during a few moments that their phones were not working or TVs not tunning. Once that was done, immidiatly dozens of homes were raided at the same hour, around 04:00 am, by the Criminal Police and local Police Departments, one by one the members of the terrorist group were taken by suprise, some would not go without fight however, luckly the police officers were highly trained and such would gain no losses. After a couple of hours of raids throught the nation would start to stop, with many criminals being arrested, it was recorded at least 13 were killed on the spot, included two members of the leadership. The main leader however was captured alive. Wounded, but alive non the less.

All captured members would be brought to their respective jails to await trail. This was done with maximum secrecy, however small news would start to spread about the raids however their main reason would still remain a secret.

However internally, the operation was demeed a sucess.​

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