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[POR] Message to UK


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Classified and Secret Document

Dear Jason Green, Jamie
Secretary of State for Defence

I am writing to propose a joint humanitarian operation in Sierra Leone, with the aim of delivering much-needed aid to the affected regions.

As you are aware, Sierra Leone is facing significant challenges, including food shortages, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and limited access to clean water. In light of these pressing issues, I believe that our respective nations have a responsibility to offer assistance and support to the people of Sierra Leone. I propose that our two countries collaborate on a coordinated deployment to deliver humanitarian aid to Sierra Leone. This operation would involve the mobilization of resources, including medical supplies, food provisions, and personnel, to provide immediate relief to those in need.

By working together, we can maximize the impact of our efforts and ensure that the aid reaches those who need it most in a timely and efficient manner. Furthermore, a joint operation would demonstrate the solidarity and compassion of our nations in the face of adversity. I am confident that our combined expertise and resources will enable us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the people of Sierra Leone. I look forward to discussing this proposal further and exploring the possibilities for collaboration between our countries.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I am optimistic about the positive impact that our joint efforts can have on the humanitarian situation in Sierra Leone.

Best regards,
Rui Pena,
Secretary of Defence