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[POR] Message to United States


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: US Department of Defence Odinson
Subject: Military Aquisitions

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of the United States Department of Defense to inquire about the possibility of purchasing Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and Boeing E-3 Sentry aircraft for our strategic defense needs. Given the strategic importance of aerial refueling and airborne early warning and control capabilities, we are keenly interested in acquiring approximately 4 units of the Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and 2 units of the Boeing E-3 Sentry. These aircraft will significantly enhance our ability to conduct operations, provide aerial refueling support to our forces, and bolster our airborne surveillance capabilities.

We believe that the Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and Boeing E-3 Sentry aircraft are ideally suited to meet our operational requirements and offer the reliability, performance, and technological advancements necessary for modern warfare scenarios. Furthermore, the longstanding partnership between Portugal and the United States ensures seamless integration and interoperability with our existing fleet of aircraft. We would appreciate your assistance in facilitating the procurement process and providing us with the necessary information regarding pricing, delivery timelines, and any associated terms and conditions. Additionally, we are open to discussing potential collaboration opportunities and exploring ways to strengthen our strategic partnership in the aerospace sector.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Secretary of Defence of the Portuguese Republic,
Rui Pena


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: Rui Pena, Secretary of Defence of the Portuguese Republic ( Bruno )
FROM: Charlie Price, Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America

Secretary Pena,

I have spoken with President Gore and with officials from the Pentagon. Your government may produce up to four KC-135 Stratankers and two Boeing E-3 Sentrys, provided that these aircraft are never sold, leased, or transferred to any other nation or organization. Also, your government will need to pay a sum of $130,000,000.00 to the United States government.

Once your government has transferred this money to the government, your government will need to produce these items as soon as possible as you will only have until June 1st of 2004 to produce these items. If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to my office.​

Best regards,

Charlie Price
Acting Secretary of State


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: US Department of Defence Odinson
Subject: Military Aquisitions

I am writing to you with a proposal that we believe will significantly strengthen the defense and industrial collaboration between Portugal and the United States.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our defense capabilities and foster closer ties with our strategic partners, we propose the establishment of a Lockheed manufacturing plant in Portugal, specifically near Coimbra. This initiative is aimed at not only bolstering our own defense infrastructure but also at creating a long-term partnership with the United States that benefits both nations.

Proposal Details:​

  1. Financial Commitment:
    • Portugal's Contribution: The Portuguese government is prepared to cover 80% of the costs associated with establishing the manufacturing plant.
    • United States' Contribution: We request that the United States, through Lockheed, cover the remaining 20% of the costs.
  2. Strategic Benefits:
    • Enhanced Industrial Capability: The establishment of this plant will significantly enhance Portugal's industrial capabilities, enabling us to support and maintain advanced defense hardware locally.
    • Economic Development: The manufacturing plant will contribute to local economic development in Coimbra, creating jobs and fostering technical expertise within the region.
    • Diplomatic Commitment: This initiative underscores our commitment to deepening diplomatic and defense relations with the United States, ensuring a robust partnership in the years to come.
  3. Ongoing Procurement:
    • Lower Cost Procurement: In return for the establishment of the manufacturing plant, Portugal commits to continuing the procurement of defense hardware from US defense companies at a lower cost. This ensures a steady and mutually beneficial commercial relationship between our nations.
We believe this proposal offers significant benefits for both Portugal and the United States. For Portugal, it ensures access to advanced defense technology and strengthens our industrial base. For the United States, it secures a committed partner in Europe, enhances regional stability, and provides economic opportunities through the expansion of Lockheed's manufacturing footprint, it will also provide Lockheed with more high qualified workers to use in their business.

We are keen to discuss this proposal further and explore the feasibility of this initiative with your esteemed office and representatives from Lockheed. Please let us know your availability for a meeting or teleconference to delve into the details and address any questions you may have.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to the possibility of forging a deeper, more integrated partnership with the United States.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Secretary of Defence of the Portuguese Republic,
Rui Pena

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