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[Portugal] Message to UK


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Portuguese Republic

This message is private & encrypted
Prime Minister
Andrew Evans Jamie

I hope this email find you well.
Portugal and Britain have always had a excellent relationship, dating from the 14th century, were both our nations pledged to aid each other on all military conflicts. Every since then did Britain and Portugal stood side by side on various conflicts that could have dictated the end of our nations. Even when the easier path was to abandon the other, we always choose the hardest path. Be it in the 7th Years war, Napoleonic wars or World War I.

We wish to rekindle that relationship, which is why I would like to ask you if it would be possible to visit the United Kingdom, in order to set the ground work for another relationship that could last a thousand years. What date would be most prudent to meet with you?

Kind regards,

Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic
The Honorable Mr. Antonio Guterres


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic Bruno
Subject: Re: Portugese Republic

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for contacting the office of the Prime Minister, due to other engagements, Prime Minister Evans would be unable to host you at this time.

However, we would like to extend the invitation to visit the United Kingdom nonetheless where you would be able to open initial dialogue with our Chancellor, Edward Murray.

If this is acceptable, I invite you to visit at your earliest convenience.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kindest Regards,

Lawrence Adams | Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs | King Charles Street, London, SW1 |



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Portuguese Republic

This message is private & encrypted
To Lawrence Adams | Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs | Jamie

I hope this email find you well.
I would be most honored to meet the Chancellor, Edward Murray first! It would serve as a great stepping stone for our relationship, at the moment my agenda is also filled, would it be possible for the Chancellor to meet with my Minister of foreign affairs today in the United Kingdom? Or at your earliest available time?

Kind regards,

Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic
The Honorable Mr. Antonio Guterres


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic Bruno
Subject: Re: Portugese Republic

Good Afternoon,

I can confirm the Chancellor will be available to meet at your convenience and you will be able to depart for the United Kingdom as soon as available.

Kindest Regards,

Lawrence Adams | Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs | King Charles Street, London, SW1 |



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Minister of Foreign Affairs would depart from Portugal via VIP airplane towards the United Kingdom, upon arriving to London we would wait for the British Foreign Dignitary escort to bring him to the Chancellors office, with him he would have a single briefcase with various documents bearing the symbol of the Portuguese Kingdom on it. He would wear a navy blue suit with a pin with the Portuguese Royal Seal. He would make some small talk while he would wait for his convoy.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Sat at the arrival point for the Portugese guests waited a small convoy of black SUVs which had been instructed to collect the delegates. Upon their arrival, a security briefing took place before taking them to the Chancellors office; an uneventful journey. Arriving at 11 Downing Street and passing through the security checkpoint to the awaiting Chancellor, Edward Murray.
The doors of the SUV opened and Mr Murray extended his hand "It's a pleasure to meet you, Welcome to London." he spoke softly, before inviting his guests inside to a private suite.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"It is a honor to be here! Truly." He would follow Mr. Murray to the private suite admiring the walk to there. He would exchange small talk with him, especially about the restauration of the monarchy and how it changed the Portuguese institutions. Giving him the inspiration for the constitution was the British one.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Please, take a seat" Edward indicated to the seat in his private quarters, participating in the small talk and eager to understand the Ministers role within the Portuguese government throughout their journey. "From what I recall, it has been some time since the last meeting between the UK and Portugal. I hope that this is the start of many that'll see relations develop and become more prominent then what we've seen over the last few years. I'm not sure if there's any specific topic you'd like to start with but I'm eager to hear about your countries current foreign policies?" he smiled.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well at the moment we are doing internal policy making due to our recent change of political alignment, in terms of international policies, we are trying to growing closer with European nations first, which we will then follow up with North American and South American. We would also like to work together with the GA, in humanitarian missions and disaster relief, with the ocasional peacekeeping force and international trade and policies."

"How about Britain?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Understandable, it's great to hear the direction of international affairs your government is approaching. Since the conflict in Turkey, our government has retained a back seat to recover. It's opened a lot of discussions in relation to defence, especially for our oversea territories and it's something I know my government are prioritizing.
Otherwise, minus the international efforts, we're seeking to have more involvement in European affairs and support our neighbors more.
What are your opinions on the current state of the Global Assembly?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Tell me more about the conflict with Turkey and how it affect your internal and external policies, alongside how it could affect Europe at large. Currently we view the Global Assembly as a tool for democracy and peace. Nations should always try first to walk the path of peaceful resolution, and not immediate war. I'm not, the Kingdom is not opposed to all wars, there are justifiable wars against evil or to defend oneself against an agressor. I am however opposed to stupid wars, which serve nothing in the grander schemes of the world."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"The situation with Turkey really identified how European security is sensitive. We've not seen conflict like that in decades and it highlights severe security risks that everyone in Europe ought to be considering. After all, anything that happens in Europe, affects everyone in Europe.
Internal policies have secured more funding for our armed forces, the conflict showed some major defects from our part and has allowed us to prepare more for the future.
Externally, it's shown that we can work more on the Global Assembly to make it more productive and relevant to prevent it getting to the situation it did.
We're now seeing deterioration in France which just shows how quickly the situation in Europe can alter."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"And it does alter almost from day to night. The situation in Turkey really showed that Europe needs to always have a backchannel for communications to flow. Especially now that France is almost breaking apart. At the moment we have no reports that it's affecting the Portuguese immigrants in France, or our embassy. But if it does we are more than capable to start repatriation flights from Fance. However its also easier for our immigrants to return by land since they are used to it during vacations." He would smile. "These are the perks of being a small nation in a world of big players. There are many downsides to it, but some upsides. What is the UK planning to do about France?".



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Very little. The situation that France has seen is a domestic affair, we'll support evacuations and be involved in the evacuation of diplomatic staff but that is to the extent of our involvement. It's a matter for France to deal with, and is based on their internal policies.
Other than evacuations from those displaced, I don't think there is or should be a need for other countries to have any involvement.
I figure that this is the stance for most countries, what is your opinion on the situation?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Would it be possible to know more about this situation with France? Along with the growing issue with Spain and the US. We are not pleased to have these two powers in conflict right next to our doorstep, especially considering we are right in the middle of these two nations. Literally. " he would pause. " I'm sure that Britain and the US do have good relations with each other, so if it would be possible for Britain to use its diplomatic pressure on both to seek a better understanding"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Fortunately the scenario with the US and Spain has seen a positive conclusion with tensions easing off, and hopefully puts the issue to bed. Eyes seemed to have turned to Thailand as they announced a 22-frigate strong fleet to move to act as Peacekeeping between the US and Spain but it hasn't met a good reception. There's not much more to say on the matter other than what has been said on news outlets but as you said, Portugal isn't in the best situation geographically as a result. I judge it's something you're watching very closely yourselves?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"No, we did not know. However, it is very concerning that a nation on the other side of the planet should concern itself with the actions of nations such as Spain and the US, and deployment such a large force and not seek a more diplomatic method. As you know, Portugal must at all costs prevent such incursions from happening. A peaceforce with 22 ships is not a peaceforce; it's a war deployment. Our EEZ spans almost 3,877,408 km2. We must protect our interests in this area, especially to make sure local and national trading operations, nature protection operations, and economic development go unarmed."


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