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Power to the People


GA Member
Mar 6, 2025

It had finished almost as quickly as it started, after years of living under a false Sultan who had made enemies of the world, with an even worse tyrant only a few years prior that had invited destruction to the Turkish lands, the people were done. While led by the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions, the protest that erupted was shared nationwide. Workers refused to go to their jobs, bureaucrats abandoned their government departments, and even the lower ranks in the Turkish military laid down their arms. Protests erupted in all major cities, and uniquely crossed ethnic divides with Turks and Kurds marching side by side. Especially important in this context was the role of women., a group traditionally excluded from Turkish decision making had taken a key role in defeating the government. In particular there was Aysa Aslan who had risen up through the trade unions and become the symbolic leader of the revolution, defying both police batons and teargas as they fought their way to power.

Despite the best attempts of the loyalist government and the military and police who were paid enough to remain loyal, the complete shutdown of the Turkish economy proved fatal. After formally surrendering in early 2006 now was the time for the revolution to show wht it could deliver as an alternative to the tyrants. In the end a council was formed consisting of the leaders of all major organizations that had taken part in the actions. Under the leadership of Aysa Aslan and with the help of legal scholars and leftist philosophers a new constitution was written for a new state. The People's Republic of Turkey. A country by the people for the people, where all peoples could live in peace. The constitution provided for autonomy for the Kurdish parts of Turkey and limited self-governance while nationwide elections were held to choose who would lead the new People's Republic. While the elections were very much fair and open, the results didn't surprise anyone. The Turkish Workers Party that had formed out of the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions secured a landslide 70% of the 600-seat Grand National Assembly with parties out of the other groups securing another 15%. Of the remaining 15 % there were 10% of seats going to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and 5% to a variety of centrist and right-wing parties.

More contested were the Presidential elections, but even there Aysa Aslan with the support from the Turkish Workers Party easily secured a majority, eliminating the need for a second round. The role of the President in the new Turkey had been modeled heavily after the United States to grant significant power to the office and eliminate the role of Prime Minister.
With the elections completed, following a relatively bloodless revolution, now it was time for Turkey to show to its people and the world it was a country that could be worked with. Especially in light of past atrocities. Addressing the Grand National Assembly in its first session, to be broadcast around the world, President Aysa Aslan walked up to the platform following the invitation by the Speaker. Being half Kurdish herself she was the perfect reflection of the new Turkey


"Mister Speaker, Assemblypersons, people of Turkey, my thanks for allowing me to stand here before you today. We have fought long and hard to get where we are now. In the spirit of our founder Atatürk we have successfully defied the reactionary forces of Ottoman monarchism and returned to a Republic, but going beyond the ideals of our founder we have advanced to the next stage and created a republic by the people and for the people. A state that can withstand pressure from counter-revolutionary forces and provide the people what they want most. Stability, security and prosperity. No longer will we allow for corruption, nepotism or oligarchies. In this state the means of production are owned by the workers, the state works first and foremost for the people and all government action must have a proper cause.

In this upcoming presidential term domestically we shall work to improve our infrastructure to repair the damage done by decades of lax enforcement of building codes and the disappearance of taxes intended for maintenance into the pockets of mayors and other officials. This also brings me to the next plan for this administration. I have instructed the Minister of the Interior to arrange for the arrest of known corrupt officials from the past government by the Turkish People's Police. These criminals will face justice for their actions that have caused the deaths of tens of thousands in preventable accidents.

While we are an Islamic nation and Islam will always play a major role in our society, like Atatürk intended it will be banned from all areas of government. Under Turkish law you shall be equal regardless of your faith. Likewise the era of Turkish rights being elevated above all others and the forced assimilation of ethnic minorities will end. The People's Republic is a state for Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Jews and all other groups within it. Reforms will be made to ensure that the rights of all affected groups are reflected in each governmental action.

Internationally we will work to repair our relations. Throughout history we have been the bridge between Europe and Asia. This position has brought us great prosperity but it has also caused many problems. We must work with Europe and Asia both to bring prosperity and cooperation. While my preference would go to ideologically like-minded states such as Ukraine and Thailand, we must go into the international stage with an open mind. Relations with Russia, Poland, France, China, and the United States should stand as priorities to secure the stability and safety you were promised by me.

We must also look in our immediate area, to our south our neighbor Syria is facing its own revolution by and for the people. We share many ethnic ties with them and any instability will always result in refugee flows. Already our country is overwhelmed with Syrian refugees. While we will do our duty to our brothers and sisters by sheltering them from the violence in their own country, we cannot allow this forever.

In conclusion, for the coming four years I will work to bring you the promises of our revolution and re-asset the People's Republic of Turkey as a reliable and free partner in the international community while always considering your needs and interests first.

Thank you very much."

Followed by loud applause from all but the most far-right elements in the GNA, Aysa stepped down again and left the chamber to let the Assemblypersons begin their jobs. She had plenty to do herself to fulfill her promises.