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Private Letter to Russia


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Russian Prime Minister would quickly write a response, writing the address of the Russian embassy in Switzerland rather than his address in Moscow. He would then privately fax the letter to the Russian embassy where it would then be properly enclosed in an envelope. A trusted member of the Russian embassy would then hand deliver the letter to the King's current residence.​




Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Upon receiving the letter from the King of Thailand, Ambassador Afon Grigorev would grab a private car and make his wait to the Lausanne Palace hotel. He was dressed casually, a two-piece suit with a simple tie. Considering the situation, the Ambassador was told to remain as casual as he could, including when he interacted with the King. Upon entering the hotel he would look around the lobby for the Thai monarch. Laying his eye on him, he would approach and offer him a handshake. "Ambassador Grigorev," he would introduce himself before whispering, "I apologize if I don't bow, Your Majesty, I was told you would prefer things to remain somewhat secretive. Shall we discuss further in your suite?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Thai King is wearing his casual grey suit while waiting for the Russian ambassador. When the Russian ambassador approaches him with a handshake, he accepts it. He would speak in an American English accent. "Nice to meet you, Ambassador Grigorev. You can call me Lek or Bhumibol. It's okay. Being casual isn't that bad since there is no rule like being king." He nods and guides the Russian ambassador to his Presidential Suite on the 5th floor. During their way, he chats to Ambassador Grigorev. "It was hard when my family tried to negotiate with the hotel owner to let us rent a room for living. I used to live in Lausanne from 1933 to 1951. Lausanne is my rememberable childhood memory. My brother Ananda Mahidol used to plan to change the country from a constitutional monarchy to a republic. He told me that I could run for president after finishing his term. Sadly he died from a gunshot." They would arrive at his room.

They would sit on a sofa in the room. "Tea or coffee? Or maybe water?" Bhumibol will serve whatever the Russian ambassador would like. "So, let's start the talk. From the letter I sent to the prime minister of Russia, I would like to know if there is any support that the Russian government can provide? I was aware a year ago that many people still support me as the head of state. When time flew by, they sent a message to me that they wanted to start the uprising and bring me back. And now I am their leader. So I decided that if they wanted to be a rebel, they had to be a good rebels. They have to do their duty as rebels of the country. So, I planned the insurgency plot. I sent several letters to each potential people in each province. I trusted the leader in Pattani, so I gave him the authority to raid the 46th military district. They succeed in agitating the government. It is hard to track down any one of the leaders. I had cracked the communication cipher of armed force. I have 50,000 people that are potential enough to fight the armed forces. A lot is happening, and there is one thing that I didn't expect. A few weeks ago, the organization in Pattani informed me that the Congolese emperor had a direct order to support the uprising with forces. I am not telling you how much I gain support, but it is my worry. At first, I planned was to decline the trust in the government and receive a weapon from the foreign. The situation escalates rapidly. But that won't stop me from asking for support from Russia. I plan to start the insurgency fast and spread around the country. Will Russia support my cause with equipment? I will answer anything."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I'll take some coffee, thank you." As the Ambassador sipped away he would listen carefully to the Thai royal.

"I see, very interesting indeed... so you do not plan to re-instate yourself as the King of Thailand under a constitutional monarchy, Sir? You and your supporters plan on keeping Thailand as a republic? If that is the case, sir, may I ask what is the point of fighting? Is Thailand not already a democratic republic?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"No! You are getting it wrong. The republic is my brother's plan, and I obeyed him when I was a teenager. It was ice-breaking. I was worried about too much bloodshed that could happen. I was muddling the situation explanation, sorry." Bhumibol pause for a second before continuing. "The rebel contacted me a year ago that many people were supporting my legitimate. They have been keeping in touch with me since then. We had discussed the possibility of making me king again. I somehow agreed with them to fund the organizations, and the rebel developed into the paramilitary organization that served me. A month ago, I decided to launch my plan to assault the 46th military district. It is now the first step of my strategy before spreading the revolt. That's a brief story.

I will explain to you about the Congo too." He takes another pause and continues. "In late November, numerous reports have Congo involvement in it. My supporter in Pattani called to me. They told me. The Congolese emperor had the direct order to support the revolution in Thailand. They are willing to give us six hundred million dollars and many professional soldiers and tanks. That is the Congo story. Anything still not clears?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Ah, I apologize, slight confusion.

The Imperial Throne of Russia would be very interested in aiding you, Your Majesty. In fact, Russia has already shipped infantry fighting vehicles to your supporters and soon, we'll be sending some armored personnel carriers. However, before further support can be given to your rule, there are a few things that the Kremlin and the Tsarina are concerned with. Primarily, it is our understanding that Thailand and Sweden are somewhat close, specifically in the South African region. Russia sees the annexation of South Africa by the Swedish as an illegal, Apartheid invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation.

If we help you, we must have assurances that your government will either remain completely neutral on the matter or support Russia and the United States' stance on the matter. Could we have such a promise?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I have heard about the shipping of BMP-3. You screwed up the Thai army by not delivering their weapons. I believe the Russians and rebels fighting for me would have enraged the army. They even bombarded the BMP-3 with explosives. From my personal habit of listening to the news about my homeland, I can tell how close they are. They aren't best friends, but friends that should have. I don't usually comment on politics, but I think Sweden should have left South Africa since the war ended. I can assure you that we will support Russia and the United States." A phone would begin ringing. "Sorry, let me answer the phone. Look like it is from Congo." King Bhumibol would accept the phone call and speak in American English. "Hello?"

Alex Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Hello? Hello, hello, this is Muhammed Onwudiwe. I am the chief of the army and have been in close communications with your militia forces for a while and have been aiding in their fight against the Republican government. As we have not met, and the situation escalates, I feel it necessary to call a meeting with you in person at your place of occupancy. And, with the way things are going, I would also ask you to phone the Russians and see if they would be willing to meet us there as well." His English, while flawed, would be clear enough understandable.

Bossza007 Alex


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Oh, chief Muhammed Onwudiwe. I didn't expect someone to call me. I thank you for helping my forces in Thailand. If you want to meet me, you can come to my place. I am with the Russian ambassador to Swedish. Or do you want Russian and I to go to you? Give me a moment." King Bhumibol would ask the Russian ambassador. "I am sorry, ambassador Grigorev. Congolese chief of the army called me if we could go meet him. Will you agree?"

Alex Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"I think it would be preferable for the two of you to fly out to the Congo to oversee our intervention alongside me, though of course if this is not an option I am willing to meet you where you are at the moment."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Then I'd better go find you there. It would be easy to take care of the situation. May I know the address? I will go to the Congo as soon as possible. I heard that the Congolese submarine almost arrived in Thailand. Please make sure not to hit the civilian."

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"We are headquartered in Kinshasa, I would suggest flying out to the international airport where we can escort you to the command post. There you can meet me, as well as my navy, airforce, and defense counterparts. We will cover the costs."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I uh..." He would pause. "I'm the ambassador for Switzerland, Your Majesty, I cannot leave the country. However, I will have the Russian Ambassador for the Congo meet with both of you over there. Where shall he meet you?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Congolese army headquarters will do. So, we have finished our discussion here. It's my pleasure to speak to you. You are free now, ambassador, Grigorev. Thank you for your time." King Bhumibol would take the Russian ambassador outside before coming back inside. He would pack his thing. He would use his telephone to call back to the chief of the army of Congo."Hello, I will get out of my residence soon. The Russian ambassador to Congo will meet you there. Will it be possible if you book a luxury room for me? Sorry for my greedy, but I will tell you why. See you there." he hangs up. The phone call and say goodbye to his family before going to the airport.

Kelly the Mad Alex

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