GA Member
- May 24, 2024
- 852
TYPE | Infrastructure |
CLIENT | Gandhi Empire |
PROJECT | Pollution Production Reduction Program Phase 1 (PPRP P1) |
PROJECT COST | 750,000,000.00 |
COMPLETION DATE | 1/5/2025 |
PROJECT INFORMATION | In an effort to reduce pollution within India, the Emperor would order that the production of all single-use, non-biodegradable plastic items be stopped within 24 months. To offset any economic impact, he would order 250 million USD be invested into biodegradable plastic research and another 500 million USD into job sustainment and pension, to allow for the transfer of manufacturing skills from non-biodegradable plastics to other, more sustainable manufacturing. The 500 million would also allow for metal water bottle production instead of plastic, to allow less-well-off Indians to enjoy easily purchasable and cool water. The cost of the water would not be increased. The new design of the water bottles would allow for them to be easily disassembled and put to other uses if discarded, and found at a later date. These could include new water bottles and slum constructions. |