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[Project] Kingdom of Poland - BezpiecznaWiadość: Polish Encrypted Messaging Service


GA Member
May 22, 2020
CLIENTKingdom of Poland
PROJECTBezpiecznaWiadość: Polish Encrypted Messaging Service
PROJECT COST10,000,000.00
PROJECT INFORMATIONBezpiecznaWiadość: Polish Encrypted Messaging Service
1. Core Features:
End-to-End Encryption (E2EE): Ensures that messages are encrypted on the sender’s device and decrypted only on the recipient’s device.
Cross-Platform Support: Available on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
User Authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) and optional biometric authentication (fingerprint, facial recognition).
Group Chats: Secure group messaging with end-to-end encryption.
Voice and Video Calls: Encrypted voice and video communication.
File Sharing: Secure sharing of files, images, and videos with encryption.
Self-Destructing Messages: Messages that self-destruct after a specified period.

2. Security Architecture:
Encryption Algorithms: Use of AES-256 for message encryption, RSA-4096 for key exchange, and SHA-256 for hashing.
Key Management: Keys are generated and stored securely on user devices. Private keys never leave the device.
Forward Secrecy: Use of ephemeral keys for each session to ensure past communications remain secure even if keys are compromised.
Zero-Knowledge Proof: Server cannot read the messages; only the sender and recipient can decrypt the messages.

3. Privacy and Compliance:
GDPR Compliance: Adherence to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for handling user data.
Data Minimization: Only essential user data is collected, and metadata is minimized.
Transparency Reports: Regular transparency reports on government requests for data.
Open Source: The codebase is open source to allow for community audits and transparency.

4. User Interface and Experience:
Intuitive Design: Clean and user-friendly interface with a focus on ease of use.
Customization: Options for themes, notification settings, and chat backgrounds.
Accessibility: Features to support users with disabilities, including voice commands and screen reader compatibility.

5. Additional Features:
Integration with National ID: Optional integration with Poland’s national ID system for verified accounts.
Emergency SOS Feature: Quick access to emergency services with location sharing.
Secure Payments: Integration with secure payment gateways for peer-to-peer payments.

6. Technical Infrastructure:
Servers: Secure servers located in Poland to ensure compliance with local data protection laws.
Load Balancing: Distributed server architecture for high availability and reliability.
DDoS Protection: Robust protection against distributed denial-of-service attacks.
Regular Security Audits: Frequent security audits and penetration testing by third-party experts.

7. Development and Maintenance:
Agile Development: Continuous improvement through agile methodologies.
Community Involvement: Active engagement with the user community for feedback and feature requests.
Customer Support: 24/7 customer support with multilingual capabilities.
Implementation Steps:
Planning and Research: Define requirements, conduct market research, and gather user feedback.
Design and Prototyping: Create wireframes, UI/UX design, and develop prototypes.
Development: Implement core features, encryption protocols, and security measures.
Testing: Conduct extensive testing, including security testing, usability testing, and beta testing with real users.
Launch: Deploy the service, monitor performance, and gather user feedback for improvements.
Maintenance and Updates: Regular updates for security patches, new features, and performance enhancements.

BezpiecznaWiadość aims to provide a highly secure and user-friendly encrypted messaging service tailored to the needs of Polish users. By focusing on strong encryption, privacy, and compliance with local regulations, it offers a reliable and trustworthy communication platform. It is designed and developed by the Institute for Research and Development and released under a NDA by Orange Polska telecommunications company.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
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