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[PRT] Water Under the Bridge


GA Member
Mar 6, 2025
When it came to historic rivalries few went as far and deep as the hatred between the Turks and Greeks. For almost 1000 years the Turkic and Greek people had been fighting and for significant lengths of time the entire modern nation of Greece had been under Turkish control with even now some parts of Turkey claimed by the Greek people. While the rivalry could easily continue, President Aslan and her administration were tired of continuing a fight started by their ancestors with no bearing on the modern states. As such now that there were active administrations in both Ankara and Athens, a major effort would be made to normalize relations and if not establishing a friendship to at least establish an end to hostilities.



Encrypted: Yes
Classified: Yes
From: Aysa Aslan, President of the People's Republic of Turkey
To: Dimitrios Kallistratos, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic Exultris

Subject: Greco-Turkish Summit on the Establishment of a New Era of Relations

Your Excellency,

For too long have our peoples been at each other's throats, whether it was the wars between our respective predecessors in the Eastern Roman and Ottoman Empires, our ancestors in your own war of independence, World War 1 or even while nominally allies during the Cold War, too much Greek and Turkish blood has been shed.

It is because of this that the People's Republic of Turkey and my administration in particular has set itself the goal of achieving a reset in relations between our two countries. I hope you too share our wish to end our cycle of violence and hatred with the current generation.

Should you agree to this desire, I would like to propose a high level summit to be held in Istanbul to be attended by ourselves as well as relevant other government officials and civil society actors. The goals of such a summit would first be to achieve a reset in our relationship and from there on discuss any outstanding conflicts that may remain, from there we would then hopefully be able to discuss topics such as cultural exchanges, security coordination in the Aegean Sea and our economic ties. We intend to go into this process without any taboos and are willing to discuss any topic. In particular I would also like to apologize to the Greek people on behalf of the Turkish people for the genocide of Greek peoples following World War 1.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that we for once and for all may be able to create a lasting peace and even friendship between our two peoples.

Aysa Aslan

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