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Rádio e Televisão de Portugal


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Global Economic Outlook: Disparities Between Nations


In the ever-fluctuating landscape of global economics, nations across the world showcase a spectrum of economic performances, from the pinnacle of prosperity to the depths of recession. A recent analysis, conducted by a consortium of leading economists and financial experts in conjunction with the esteemed University of Lisbon, has unveiled stark contrasts between countries, revealing the best and the worst performers in the current economic climate.

At the forefront of economic prowess stand nations such as Australia, United Kingdom, China, and the United States of America, where economic indicators point towards stability and growth. With robust fiscal policies and resilient markets, these countries have earned accolades for their stellar economic performance, earning them the coveted title of "Excellent" in the global economic outlook.

On the other end of the spectrum lie nations grappling with economic challenges, marked by low growth and financial instability. Countries like Israel and Italy find themselves in the throes of economic turmoil, with their economic outlook rated as "Recession". The economic woes plaguing these nations have prompted caution among investors and policymakers alike, as they navigate through uncertain terrain in search of stability.

However, amidst the spectrum of economic performance, Thailand and Turkey find themselfs facing the harsh realities of recession. Economic indicators paint a bleak picture, with growth stagnating and financial instability looming large. Both nation's economic downturn underscores the challenges faced by emerging markets in an increasingly interconnected global economy, highlighting the need for concerted efforts to revitalize growth and restore investor confidence.

As the global economic landscape continues to evolve, nations graple with the dual challenge of fostering growth while mitigating risks. While some countries bask in the glory of economic prosperity, others confront the harsh realities of economic downturns. As stakeholders navigate through these turbulent waters, the importance of prudent decision-making and strategic investments cannot be overstated, ensuring a path towards sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all.

CountryEconomic Outlook
Congo, Democratic Rep.​
Dominican Republic​
San Marino​
South Korea​
United Kingdom​
United States of America​
Vatican City​
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Diplomatic Blunders: Thailand's Global Faux Pas


By Luis Tavares, PhD in International Relations, MSc in Political Sciences, BA in Journalism

Thailand's recent diplomatic missteps have not gone unnoticed by the international community, as the once-promising Asian nation finds itself entangled in a series of diplomatic blunders that threaten its standing on the global stage as a global power. As a seasoned observer of international affairs, I must delve deeper into the intricate web of diplomatic challenges facing Thailand, while offering insights into potential avenues for diplomatic course correction. The roots of Thailand's diplomatic predicament lie in its ill-conceived military maneuvers near European borders, a move that not only strained relations but also raised eyebrows among key Western powers regarding Thailand's true intentions. The deployment of a substantial armada toward the Atlantic, last year, epitomized Thailand's misguided attempt to project power without due consideration for diplomatic repercussions from European nations.

One of the Central woes to Thailand's diplomatic overstep is its ill-fated foray into Gibraltar and the Mediterranean, where meddling in local affairs provoked Portugal, Spain, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom. Such brazen interference not only undermined regional stability but also eroded trust and credibility on the global stage, casting doubt on Thailand's diplomatic judgment. Compounding matters further, Thailand's clashes with Poland and Australia have magnified its diplomatic isolation, with disputes over economic prosperity escalating into diplomatic showdowns. These confrontations show Thailand's urgent need to recalibrate and refocus its diplomatic strategy and prioritize dialogue and cooperation over confrontation and provocation.

In light of these challenges, it is imperative for Thailand to explore alternative diplomatic approaches to salvage its reputation and regain lost ground on the international stage, or face solitude. One potential avenue for diplomatic redemption lies in fostering closer ties with regional neighbors and leveraging multilateral forums to address common challenges collaboratively. Moreover, Thailand can capitalize on its cultural heritage and soft power assets to enhance its diplomatic outreach and build bridges with key partners, while respecting their own cultural and regional policies. By promoting cultural exchange programs, educational initiatives, and people-to-people contacts, Thailand can foster mutual understanding and goodwill, laying the foundation for stronger diplomatic relations and also seek to repair strained ones.

Amidst these diplomatic setbacks, a new player has emerged on the global stage – democratic China. With its alignment with Western ideals and efforts to bridge Asia with Europe and America, democratic China is gaining traction as a significant diplomatic force. Its approach contrasts sharply with Thailand's, emphasizing diplomacy over military posturing and fostering mutual understanding among nations, and is set to become the dominant power in Asia.

Furthermore, Thailand can pursue a more proactive role in regional diplomacy, spearheading initiatives that promote peace, stability, and economic development in Southeast Asia and beyond. By championing regional cooperation and integration, Thailand can position itself as a responsible stakeholder and indispensable partner in the global community. Ultimately, the path to diplomatic redemption for Thailand hinges on its ability to embrace humility, learn from past mistakes, and chart a new course guided by diplomacy, dialogue, and cooperation. With strategic foresight and concerted effort, Thailand can overcome its diplomatic blunders and emerge as a respected and influential player on the world stage once more.​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Portugal Celebrates 30th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution: A Triumph of Freedom and Democracy


As Portugal commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, the nation reflects on a pivotal moment in its history that ushered in a new era of freedom, democracy, and social progress. On this day, April 25, 1974, the people of Portugal rose up against the authoritarian Estado Novo regime in a peaceful revolution marked by the symbolic gesture of placing carnations in the barrels of soldiers' rifles and playing "Grandola Vila Morena" song in all radios, a song that detailed that it is the people that commands a nation, the song that was censored by the Regime. The Carnation Revolution, also known as the April Revolution, brought an end to nearly five decades of dictatorship and colonial rule, paving the way for democratic reforms, human rights advancements, and national reconciliation. Led by the Armed Forces Movement (Movimento das Forças Armadas), the revolution sparked a wave of euphoria and hope as Portugal embarked on a journey of democratic renewal and political transformation. Across the country, Portuguese citizens gathered in towns and cities to commemorate the anniversary of the Carnation Revolution with solemn ceremonies, cultural events, and expressions of solidarity. From Lisbon's iconic Praça do Comércio to the historic streets of Porto and Coimbra, the spirit of April 25th reverberated through the nation, reminding all the enduring legacy of courage, resilience, and unity. In his address to the nation, President Guterres hailed the Carnation Revolution as a defining moment in Portugal's history and a testament to the power of peaceful resistance and collective action. He underscored the importance of preserving the values of democracy, tolerance, and social justice that were forged during the revolution, urging all Portuguese citizens to remain vigilant guardians of freedom and democracy.

"Today, as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, let us honor the sacrifices of those who fought for our liberty and democracy," President Guterres declared. "Let us reaffirm our commitment to the principles of equality, justice, and solidarity that define our nation. And let us rededicate ourselves to building a future where every Portuguese citizen can live in dignity, freedom, and peace." The nation remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding the ideals of liberty, democracy, and human rights that have defined its journey since that historic day in 1974.

As the sun sets over Lisbon's iconic Tagus River, illuminating the city's skyline with hues of orange and crimson, the spirit of April 25th lives on in the hearts and minds of all who cherish the legacy of the Carnation Revolution and the promise of a brighter future for Portugal and its people.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Portugal Launches Foreign Investment Promotion Act

In a move aimed at bolstering economic ties and advancing Portugal's strategic interests on the global stage, President António Guterres has signed into effect the executive order, Foreign Investment Promotion Act (FIPA). The executive order, which comes amidst growing international competition for investment opportunities, shows Portugal's commitment to fostering outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) and expanding its footprint in key markets.

The newly established FIPA is designed to facilitate and promote investment by Portuguese entities and departments in foreign jurisdictions, with a focus on strategic sectors such as infrastructure, energy, telecommunications, and technology. Under the provisions of the Act, the Department of State and the Department of Trade and Commerce have been tasked with implementing and administering its directives, ensuring alignment with national economic objectives and priorities.

Key components of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act include the identification of strategic investment opportunities, the promotion of technology transfer and innovation, and the support of impact investment initiatives aimed at addressing social and environmental challenges. The Act also emphasizes the export of Portuguese expertise and the establishment of technology transfer centers and innovation hubs in collaboration with partner countries.

President Guterres in a statement highlighted the importance of proactive engagement in the global economy, stating, "With the implementation of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act, Portugal aims to strengthen its economic presence and contribute to sustainable development goals worldwide, we will seek close partnerships with Europe, US and South America, however we are also looking to create relationships with the Asia-pacific region." The Act is expected to provide a framework for enhancing international partnerships, driving economic growth, and fostering innovation and social development.

The launch of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act shows Portugal's commitment to leveraging its economic strengths and promoting responsible investment practices on the international stage. With the Department of State and the Department of Trade and Commerce leading the implementation efforts, Portugal is poised to explore new opportunities for collaboration and economic advancement in target markets across the globe.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

New Executive Order Sets Stricter Immigration Regulations and Visa Policies

In a move aimed at enhancing national security and strengthening border control measures, President António Guterres has signed a new Executive Order outlining stricter immigration regulations and visa policies for entry into Portugal. The Executive Order, announced today, empowers the Department of Home Affairs to establish and enforce visa requirements for individuals seeking entry into the country. Visa applicants will be required to submit comprehensive applications, undergo interviews, and provide supporting documents, with consular officers exercising discretion in processing times for urgent cases.

Under the new regulations, the Department reserves the right to deny visa applications or revoke existing visas if there are reasonable grounds to suspect a threat to national security, public health, or public order. Foreign nationals seeking entry into Portugal will be subject to inspection by immigration officers at ports of entry, especially airports, with the authority to deny entry to those who fail to meet entry requirements or pose a potential risk.

President Guterres told the importance of cooperation with international partners in combating illegal migration, human trafficking, and transnational crimes, especially within the European area. The Executive Order, effective immediately, marks a significant step in bolstering immigration regulation and visa policy in Portugal, aligning with the government's efforts to maintain effective border controls and protect national security.

This Executive Order marks a significant milestone in President Guterres's tenure, breaking the record for the highest number of executive orders issued by any Portuguese head of state. It surpassed both monarchic and democratic predecessors in terms of executive and legislative actions taken.
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Pope Hadrian Leads Unprecedented March to Reclaim the Vatican: World Watches in Awe

In an extraordinary and dramatic turn of events, Pope Hadrian, previously believed to be deceased, emerged at the head of a diverse column of troops to reclaim the Vatican. Marching down the Via della Conciliazione, he united American veterans, Italian forces, and former Mafia members under the Banner of Heaven, aiming to restore the Church's power and unity, which had been in decline since 1963.

As the Pope's forces approached Saint Peter’s Square, they encountered a heavily fortified barricade manned by Swiss Guards and mercenaries loyal to a rival claimant, Pope John-Paul III. Despite the formidable defense, Pope Hadrian stepped forward and addressed the Swiss Guards in Latin, urging them to lay down their arms and be forgiven. His words were understood by each soldier in their native dialect. However, the Swiss Guard's commander responded with violence, and a fierce battle ensued.

Under Hadrian's command, his allies executed a strategic plan to secure Vatican Hill. Colonel Woods, representing the American veterans, King Alessio, and Don Tomasso, a reformed Mafia boss, led their respective forces to take key positions. Hadrian himself charged forward, demonstrating both spiritual and military leadership. The battle raged for hours, with the Swiss Guard valiantly defending every inch of sacred ground. As Pope Hadrian’s forces gained ground, John-Paul III and his loyalists retreated into the Basilica. We have no reports of what happen inside, however in an unexpected and tragic culmination, Saint Peter’s Basilica was rocked by a series of explosions. The iconic dome collapsed, raining debris upon those inside and outside the structure.

In the aftermath of the explosions, Pope Hadrian emerged from the wreckage, carrying the wounded Colonel Woods in his arms. This image, broadcast live to millions around the globe.

In response to the crisis, the Portuguese government announced that it will be scrambling political, military, and economic support to the Vatican. Portugal's President as expressed deep solidarity with the Vatican, pledging to assist in the rebuilding efforts and to support the Vatican people in restoring stability and order in any way possible. As the world reacts to these historic events, the full impact of Pope Hadrian's return and the Vatican's reclamation is yet to be realized. One thing is clear: the legacy of this day will resonate throughout Christendom and beyond, symbolizing a profound chapter in the history of the Papacy.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

New Caledonian Resistance Issues Defiant Statement Amid Escalating Conflict

The New Caledonian Resistance has released a powerful and defiant video statement, addressing both the people of New Caledonia and the international community. The statement, delivered with a fervent call for independence and justice, underscores the ongoing struggle against what the resistance describes as oppressive foreign occupation. The resistance has labeled their recent attacks not as as legitimate expressions of their right to resist occupation and fight for self-determination. In a sweeping condemnation of Thailand and Poland, as well as the overarching influence of France, the statement calls for an end to what they term as colonial domination and exploitation of New Caledonia.

"Today, we stand at a pivotal moment in our struggle for freedom, our quest for justice, and our unyielding desire for independence," the statement begins. The resistance emphasizes that their actions are a response to decades of occupation and suppression, asserting their right to decolonization and self-governance. The statement further addresses the harm inflicted upon innocent civilians, placing the responsibility squarely on the occupying forces of Poland and France. The resistance announced a seven-hour ceasefire to allow these forces to collect their dead and prepare for withdrawal, urging them to recognize the futility of their occupation.

"We deeply regret any harm inflicted upon innocent civilians during these operations. However, the responsibility for these tragic casualties lies squarely with the occupying forces of Poland and France," the statement continues, emphasizing that their continued presence has turned communities into battlegrounds. The resistance warns of swift and decisive retaliation should the occupying forces attempt to regroup or launch further attacks. They call upon the international community to support their cause and demand the complete withdrawal of all foreign forces from New Caledonia.

"The time for decolonization is now. The time for independence is now. We urge the international community to stand with us, to support our cause, and to demand the complete and unconditional withdrawal of all foreign forces from New Caledonia," the statement concludes. This declaration marks a significant moment in the ongoing conflict, highlighting the resistance's unwavering resolve to achieve independence and their call for global support in their struggle.

In response to this video statement, the President of Portugal has issued a stern condemnation of the New Caledonian Resistance's actions. The President emphasized Portugal's commitment to international law and the protection of its citizens.

"The recent actions by the New Caledonian Resistance are deeply concerning and have resulted in unnecessary harm and loss of life. Portugal condemns these acts of violence and reaffirms its support for peaceful and diplomatic resolutions to conflicts. We urge all parties involved to cease hostilities immediately and engage in constructive dialogue," the President stated.

Furthermore, the President highlighted the presence of Portuguese citizens in New Caledonia, both residents and tourists, and announced that Portugal is prepared to take necessary measures to ensure their safety and well-being.

"There are currently 400 Portuguese nationals in New Caledonia, including residents and tourists. Portugal is committed to their safety and will deploy the necessary means to facilitate their rescue and ensure their safe return home," the President added, with no further comments if his statement meant that the Portuguese Armed Forces would be deploying or not.

As the situation develops, RTP will continue to provide updates on this critical issue.
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Still regarding the issue of events around New Caledonia, President Guterres as adressed the nation from the House of Belem.

"Fellow Citizens,

Today, our nation faces a grave challenge, one that calls upon our courage, resilience, and unwavering determination. The recent events in New Caledonia have shaken us to our core, as our fellow countrymen and women find themselves in harm's way amidst conflict and chaos. But let me be unequivocally clear: Portugal will not stand idly by while our citizens are in peril. We will not waver in our commitment to their safety and security. Our duty as a nation is to protect our people, no matter the distance, the danger or the cost. A Nation must pride itself for the safety of its people, and Portugal will never turn a blind eye to its citizens.

The decision to launch a daring rescue operation to save our citizens stranded in New Caledonia was not taken lightly. It was born out of a solemn obligation, a duty that transcends borders and politics, a duty to our own. Our brave sailors, soldiers, and airmen stand ready to embark on this noble mission. They are the embodiment of our nation's strength, resolve, and compassion. They will navigate treacherous waters, traverse distant lands, and overcome any obstacle in their path.

But let us also recognize the sacrifices of those who will remain behind, the families who will wait anxiously for news, the communities who will rally in solidarity, and the nation that will stand united in support of our brave men and women in uniform today. For the Nation Calls!

As your President, I stand before you today with a solemn promise: We will spare no effort, we will hesitate no longer, until every last Portuguese citizen is safely returned to our shores. We will not rest until our mission is accomplished, and our people are reunited with their loved ones.

In this hour of trial, let us draw strength from our shared values of solidarity, compassion, and unity. Let us show the world the true spirit of Portugal, a nation that stands tall, even in the face of adversity.

May God bless our brave servicemen and women, may He watch over our citizens in peril, and may He guide us safely through this challenging journey.

Thank you, and may Portugal prevail."​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Portugal's Transition to Republic Nearing Completion: Elections Set for November

The historic transition of Portugal from a monarchy to a republic is approaching its final stages, with the completion of the two-year transition period. The government has officially announced that the State Elections, Presidential Elections, and Congress Elections will be held this November, marking a significant milestone in the nation's political evolution.

The elections scheduled for November will be pivotal in shaping the future of Portugal's new republic. Citizens will have the opportunity to vote in three crucial elections:​
  • State Elections: Voters will choose governors for the newly structured state governments.
  • Presidential Elections: The first presidential election in the republic will determine the head of state and government.
  • Congress Elections: These elections will establish the members of Congress, responsible for legislative functions in the new republic.

Emergence of Super Parties

In response to the shifting political landscape, major political forces have consolidated into two primary super parties, redefining the political spectrum in Portugal.

Progressistas (Progressive Party):
  • Comprising all left-leaning parties except the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP).
  • Formed through the merger of the Center and Center-Left Block, the Progressistas represent a broad coalition of center and center-left ideologies.
  • This new party aims to present a unified front to advocate for progressive policies and reforms, however its current main ideology is that of a Social Liberalism.

Republicanos (Republican Party):​
  • Encompassing all right-leaning parties, the Republicanos have emerged as a formidable political force.
  • This super party unites various factions on the right, from conservatives to right-wing nationalists, aiming to provide a cohesive alternative to the Progressistas.
  • The Republicanos seek to champion national security, and traditional values, and its current main ideology is that of Conservatism.
To note, the PCP as choosen to not join either super party, and chose to continue as a third-way party, however many of its members have joined the Progressive Party, which some flipping to the Republican Party.

Political Landscape and Public Sentiment

The formation of these super parties has significantly altered the political dynamics in Portugal, creating a clear dichotomy between the left and right. Analysts suggest that this polarization could lead to a highly competitive and engaging election season, with both parties striving to win the confidence and support of the Portuguese electorate. Public sentiment is mixed, with anticipation and cautious optimism as the nation prepares to embrace its new republican identity. The government has emphasized the importance of a smooth and transparent electoral process to ensure the legitimacy and stability of the new political system.

As Portugal stands on the cusp of this momentous transition, the upcoming elections will be a defining moment in the country's history. The newly formed Progressistas and Republicanos will play critical roles in shaping the policies and direction of the republic. Citizens are encouraged to participate actively in the electoral process, exercising their democratic rights to shape the future of Portugal. It is still uncertain if President Guterres will want to start a full tenure and be the nominee of the Progressive Party or give way to the new cadre of politicians.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Nominees Announced for Portugal's First Presidential Elections in the New Republic

As the historic transition to a republic nears completion, Portugal's major political parties have announced their nominees for the upcoming Presidential Elections. The nominees will compete for their party's support during the party debates in August, culminating in a final presidential debates. Here are the key figures vying for the top position in the new republic.

Progressive Party (Progressistas)

The Progressive Party, representing a broad coalition of center and center-left ideologies, has two prominent figures vying for the nomination:

António Guterres:

Current President and respected international statesman.
Known for his extensive experience in politics and diplomacy.
Guterres has yet to confirm his candidacy, leaving supporters eagerly awaiting his decision.

Pedro da Gama:

An extremely competent economist with a reputation for innovative economic policies.
Pedro da Gama is known for his pragmatic approach to economic reform and social justice.
His expertise and fresh perspective make him a strong contender within the Progressive Party.

Maria João Rodrigues:

Renowned academic and former Minister of Employment.
Known for her work on labor market reforms and social policies.
Rodrigues brings a strong focus on social justice and equality.

Carlos César:

Former President of the Azores Regional Government.
Known for his leadership in regional development and autonomy.
César is a strong advocate for decentralization and regional empowerment.

Ana Catarina Mendes:

Known for her dedication to state rights and civic engagement.
Mendes is a rising star within the Progressive Party with a focus on democratic reforms.

Rui Tavares:

MEP and founder of the Livre party, now part of the Progressistas coalition.
Known for his environmental activism and human rights advocacy.
Tavares brings a progressive and green perspective to the race.

Republican Party (Republicanos)

The Republican Party, uniting various right-leaning factions, has two prominent candidates:

Aníbal Cavaco da Silva:

Politican with a long-standing political career within the party.
Known for his conservative stance and focus on economic stability.
Da Silva's experience and leadership skills are highly regarded within the party.

Paulo Portas:

Seasoned politician.
Known for his strong communication skills and strategic thinking.
Portas is a dynamic figure with a focus on national security and defence.

Luís Montenegro:

Known for his strong oratory skills and political acumen.
Montenegro is focused on economic reforms and reducing government spending.

Assunção Cristas:

Former Minister of Agriculture.
Known for her expertise in agricultural policy and rural development.
Cristas advocates for sustainable development and family values.

Rui Rio:

Former Governor of Porto.
Known for his pragmatic approach to governance and urban development.
Rio focuses on public administration reforms and improving urban infrastructure.

Miguel Pinto Luz:

Current Deputy Mayor of Cascais.
Known for his innovative policies in local governance and technology integration.
Pinto Luz emphasizes digital transformation and modernizing public services.

Portuguese Communist Party (PCP)

The PCP, maintaining its distinct ideological stance, has put forward a single candidate:

Jerónimo de Sousa:

Long-time leader of the PCP and prominent figure in Portuguese politics.
Known for his dedication to workers' rights and social equality.
De Sousa's unwavering commitment to communist principles resonates strongly with the party's base.

Upcoming Debates and Election Timeline

The party debates in August will be a critical stage for each candidate to garner support within their respective parties. These debates will allow the nominees to present their platforms and visions for Portugal's future.

Following the party debates, each party will officially nominate their candidate for the Presidential Elections with a internal voting. The final nominees will then participate in a series of national debates, allowing the Portuguese electorate to assess their policies and leadership qualities.

The announcement of these nominees has generated significant public interest and anticipation. The upcoming debates are expected to be highly engaging, with each candidate bringing a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table. As Portugal prepares for its first Presidential Elections in the new republic, citizens are encouraged to stay informed and actively participate in the democratic process. RTP will provide comprehensive coverage of the debates and election developments, ensuring that the public remains engaged and informed.

This election represents a defining moment in Portugal's history, and the candidates' visions will shape the future of the republic. Stay tuned to RTP for the latest updates and in-depth analysis as the election season progresses.
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Speech by President Guterres


"Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Portuguese,

As I stand before you today, my heart is filled with profound gratitude and deep emotion. It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve our beloved Portugal, especially during some of the darkest times in our recent history. Together, we have weathered storms that tested the very fabric of our nation, and together, we have emerged stronger, more resilient, and more united than ever before. I am forever grateful for the unwavering support and trust that you, the people of Portugal, have placed in me. Your faith in our collective strength, your courage in the face of adversity, and your commitment to the values that define us as a nation have been the guiding lights that steered our ship through turbulent waters. It is because of you that we have reached this good port, a place of hope and opportunity.

However, today I stand before you not just as a servant of the past, but as a witness to the dawn of a new era. An era that requires fresh faces, new ideas, and a renewed spirit of innovation. As I reflect on our journey, I am acutely aware that my presence, my voice, may now represent the past. And while the past has its place, it is the future that beckons us with the promise of even greater achievements.

It is with this understanding that I have made a difficult, yet necessary decision. I will not contend in the upcoming election for the Presidency of our republic. This decision has not come lightly, but it comes from a place of deep reflection and a sincere desire for Portugal to continue moving forward, unencumbered by the shadows of what has been. It is inspired by the light of what can be. I believe it is time for a new cadre of politicians to step forward, to take up the mantle of leadership, and to guide our nation into this promising future. It is time for the younger generation, the visionaries, and the innovators, to build upon the foundations we have laid and to create a Portugal that is more just, more inclusive, and more prosperous for all.

Like a seasoned sailor who has navigated through tempestuous seas, I recognize the moment when it is time to hand over the helm. Our ship is on a steady course, but it needs fresh hands and new eyes to navigate the uncharted waters that lie ahead. It requires leaders who are not only attuned to the challenges of today, but are also adept at anticipating the opportunities of tomorrow. To those who will step forward in this election, I offer my unwavering support and my deepest respect. You carry the hopes and dreams of a nation that is ready to soar to new heights. Lead with courage, lead with integrity, and always keep the well-being of our people at the forefront of your hearts and minds.

And to the people of Portugal, I say this: our journey is far from over. We have laid the groundwork, but the path ahead is filled with boundless potential. Continue to believe in the strength of our unity, continue to strive for justice and equality, and continue to hold your leaders accountable. Your voice is the compass that will guide us to our true north.

As I step back, I do so with a heart full of hope and optimism. I see a Portugal that is ready to embrace the future with open arms, a Portugal that is ready to lead and inspire on the global stage. Let us move forward together, ever forward, towards the bright horizon that awaits us.

Thank you, my fellow citizens, for your trust, your support, and your unwavering dedication to our beloved Portugal. May our journey continue to be one of courage, of hope, and of boundless possibility.

Viva Portugal!"

In a heartfelt and emotional speech delivered earlier today, António Guterres, a towering figure in Portuguese politics and a leader during some of the country's most challenging times, announced his decision not to run in the upcoming Presidential elections. After his tenure as the President of the transition. Addressing the nation, Guterres expressed deep gratitude for the support and trust he has received from the Portuguese people throughout his tenure.

Reflecting on his years of service, Guterres acknowledged the collective strength and resilience that have guided Portugal through its darkest periods. However, he emphasized that the time has come for new leadership to take the helm, asserting that Portugal must look forward and embrace the future with fresh ideas and renewed spirit.

During his tenure, Guterres achieved monumental successes that have shaped the course of modern Portugal. He played a crucial role in the peaceful integration of Cape Verde, stabilizing the nation following the assassination of the monarchy. His administration was instrumental in the capture of a notorious terrorist group, ensuring national security and stability. Guterres also spearheaded massive economic measures, resulting in an unprecedented economic boom which saw the Portuguese economy reaching the 6th place in the world, and the construction of significant infrastructure projects. His social and anti-corruption reforms brought about greater transparency and justice, while his diplomatic outreach bolstered Portugal's international standing. These achievements have not only secured Portugal's present but have also laid a strong foundation for its future.

One notable area of struggle however was the housing crisis, which persisted despite various measures to address it. The shortage of affordable housing in urban centers remained a critical issue, with many families still waiting for relief. Guterres admitted that while significant progress was made, more needs to be done to ensure every Portuguese citizen has access to safe and affordable housing. The administration also saw struggles in the realm of education. Despite various reforms and increased funding, the education system continued to struggle with issues such as overcrowded classrooms, outdated curricula, and insufficient teacher training. The efforts to modernize and improve the quality of education did not fully meet the expectations of many, leaving a gap that still needs to be addressed.

Guterres expressed his support for the upcoming leaders and encouraged the Portuguese people to continue striving for justice, unity, and progress. As the nation stands on the brink of a new era, Guterres' departure marks the end of a significant chapter in Portuguese history. His call for fresh leadership sets the stage for the upcoming elections, promising a dynamic and transformative period for Portugal.

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