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Rise of Poland


GA Member
May 22, 2020
March, 2000 - Warsaw, Poland - Royal Palace

"Prime Minster Burzek, I understand your hesitation about the decision but you have to realize that the people must feel like they have a say in the formation of their government. Our power comes from them. They are the ones who allowed us to reform the monarchy. This has allowed Poland to prosper since. Allow them to have the chance to vote for the Prime Minister position. The people love you as much as they love the Royal Family. You will likely be reelected."

Stanislaus Grabowski had been elected as king by the people. He holds absolute power over the other forms of government but he did not wish to force that power over his ministers or his people. He was chosen to run this nation because he was giving the people a voice and he would continue to do so. The king gazed out of the window as his Ministers who sat at the table argued amongst themselves over the new plan. A small snow flurry blew outside the window blanketing the grass, concrete, and asphalt in the powdery whiteness. The cacophony of the voices were growing heated. Several of the Ministers were not willing to give up their seats that gave them power. Grabowski felt the heat of anger rise up in his chest as insults were hurled from one side of the table to another. Hardliners from both sides were not pleased with what the others were saying. Those in favor were appalled at those who wished to stay in power and those who were against were angry at the chance of losing their positions of power.

The curled fist of the king slammed onto the table with a loud bang, to silence the voices in the room.

"Enough. I have spoken and what I have said will happen. I did not expect to have you go at each other's throats for something as simple as an election but I feel I was wrong. I will be making the announcement later today. Dismissed."

With their heads held like small children who had been chastised, the Ministers rose from the seats and left the sparsely furnished room, leaving the King to sit in silence for the first time in hours since the who debacle started.


"Thank you all for coming to this press conference at such short notice. I have just one announcement to issue tonight. Since the formation of the Monarchy we have relied on the Ministerial cabinet appointed by myself but now I feel as if the people of Poland need to have a say in who runs their country. It is with this belief that I am happy to announce the Prime Minister Election and a reformation of the Council of Ministers. Everything from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration to the Ministry of Media and Digital Affairs will be restructured to better help the Polish People. Questions?"
Sep 28, 2021
A reporter would stand up then say,

"Amanda Wagner, DW news, what will happen to the politicians who will stand to lose their position? these are not just regular people but people who have significant hold and resources in the government, by doing this, aren't you worried of a potential civil strife internally? I'm assuming the natural response of these politicians is to object this sudden change of ministers and other top government officials, whether they'll be elected again or not."



GA Member
May 22, 2020
“First off, thank you for coming today for the press conference, Ms. Wagner. You pose a very significant question and one I am happy to answer but disagree with your statement however. Politicians are no different than your average citizen. The only difference with these politicians is that they have served for many years within the previous administration, where they were elected.”

“While you are correct that there were a few hot heads over the decision to host the election now, there were many more who understood the necessity for this change. I was given my position after a period of civil strife to root out the corruption of the previous administration. How could I do that if I did not allow the people to elect their Ministers?”

“Next question.”



Apr 5, 2020
"Mykhailo Tkach with Ukrayinska Pravda," said a young man. Fresh out of university, he was ready to start rolling with the punches as a foreign correspondent. "Do you have a list of candidates for these positions? I'm sure Europe is particularily interested in the short list for Minister of Justice. It has been so long since we received any sort of update on the Brodnowski Cemetery Massacre--such a high profile case, and yet the Polish government has failed to make a statement. One might surmise your current administration is attempting to sweep this crime under the rug. If this is due to an internal conflict of intrest, how will Poland insure the transfer power goes smoothly? As you said, there are a few hot heads.'"



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"Thank you for such pertinent questions, Mr Tkach. Ukrayinska Pravda is always welcome here at the Royal Palace." He nodded in the direction of the young man.

"We do have a short list for several candidates. We are still finalizing the details on potential candidates who have opted to run in this election. The short list for these positions, including the Minister of Justice, will be released in the next week or so once all of the details have been finalized. Since we are making such a historic moment for Poland here, and there are hot heads, we want to make sure everyone who is willing to, can run freely, fairly, and safely." At the mention of the Brodnowski Cemetery Massacre, the Press Secretary took a pause to take a drink from the glass of water in front of him. He had not expected that such a high profile case being questioned in front of the world.

"As for the Brodnowski Cemetery Massacre, I am not able to comment on that matter as it is an active investigation. What I can tell you, is that the Palace has taken a keen interest in solving of this heinous crime. And that the Polish Office for State Protection has taken over the investigation from local authorities. If you are unaware, POSP acts as Poland's version of the FBI or British Home Office. It was founded by the King in an effort to combat crime after the Brodnowski Massacre and it was then they took over the case."

"Next question, please."
